{{Version|pre-release}} '''维姬百科'''是游戏内置百科工具,如词汇表一般给每个游戏概念以简短概览。 <section begin=autogenerated_vickypedia/> <!-- Everything in this section is generated with PyHelpersForPDXWikis and automatically uploaded with PyHelpersForPDXWikis Please suggest changes on the talk page, because all manual changes will be overwritten by the next update! --> {{Version|pre-release}} {| class="toccolours" style="width:100%" ! 游戏概念 |-valign=top | {{MultiColumn| :[[#已接纳文化|已接纳文化]] :[[#已接纳宗教|已接纳宗教]] :[[#生效利益|生效利益]] :[[#海军将领|海军将领]] :[[#推进系数|推进系数]] :[[#进军进度|进军进度]] :[[#进军速度|进军速度]] :[[#战略|战略]] :[[#同盟|同盟]] :[[#支持度|支持度]] :[[#可耕土地|可耕土地]] :[[#同化|同化]] :[[#态度|态度]] :[[#损耗|损耗]] :[[#权威力|权威力]] :[[#可用营队|可用营队]] :[[#平均年工资|平均年工资]] :[[#资助|资助]] :[[#破产|破产]] :[[#基础价格|基础价格]] :[[#基础成功率|基础成功率]] :[[#营队|营队]] :[[#战斗|战斗]] :[[#战斗状况|战斗状况]] :[[#扶植|扶植]] :[[#额外支出|额外支出]] :[[#额外收入|额外收入]] :[[#建造商品|建造商品]] :[[#消费税|消费税]] :[[#外交条约|外交条约]] :[[#红利税|红利税]] :[[#政府奴隶|政府奴隶]] :[[#政府工资|政府工资]] :[[#不信者税|不信者税]] :[[#所得税|所得税]] :[[#利息|利息]] :[[#投资池划转|投资池划转]] :[[#土地税|土地税]] :[[#军用奴隶|军用奴隶]] :[[#铸币收入|铸币收入]] :[[#人均税|人均税]] :[[#人头税|人头税]] :[[#工资|工资]] :[[#建筑|建筑]] :[[#结余|结余]] :[[#建筑等级|建筑等级]] :[[#工资|工资]] :[[#行政力|行政力]] :[[#购买订单|购买订单]] :[[#运河|运河]] :[[#能力|能力]] :[[#首都地区|首都地区]] :[[#现金储备|现金储备]] :[[#伤亡|伤亡]] :[[#角色|角色]] :[[#职责|职责]] :[[#角色特质|角色特质]] :[[#内战|内战]] :[[#宣称|宣称]] :[[#势力|势力]] :[[#殖民地增长|殖民地增长]] :[[#殖民地|殖民地]] :[[#战线宽度|战线宽度]] :[[#指挥上限|指挥上限]] :[[#指挥官|指挥官]] :[[#指挥官军衔|指挥官军衔]] :[[#自信|自信]] :[[#应征营队|应征营队]] :[[#征兵中心|征兵中心]] :[[#建造力|建造力]] :[[#建造队列|建造队列]] :[[#消费税|消费税]] :[[#皈依|皈依]] :[[#商船|商船]] :[[#战争倒计时|战争倒计时]] :[[#国家|国家]] :[[#国家位阶|国家位阶]] :[[#信贷额|信贷额]] :[[#传承文化特质|传承文化特质]] :[[#文化特质|文化特质]] :[[#文化动乱|文化动乱]] :[[#文化|文化]] :[[#关税同盟|关税同盟]] :[[#死亡|死亡]] :[[#衰减|衰减]] :[[#松散部族|松散部族]] :[[#已宣布利益|已宣布利益]] :[[#法令|法令]] :[[#债务违约|债务违约]] :[[#防御|防御]] :[[#共同防御条约|共同防御条约]] :[[#受扶养人口收入|受扶养人口收入]] :[[#受扶养人口|受扶养人口]] :[[#荒废度|荒废度]] :[[#外交行动|外交行动]] :[[#外交事件|外交事件]] :[[#外交视图|外交视图]] :[[#外交操作|外交操作]] :[[#外交条约|外交条约]] :[[#外交博弈|外交博弈]] :[[#抑制消费|抑制消费]] :[[#歧视|歧视]] :[[#无参政权|无参政权]] :[[#分红|分红]] :[[#自治领|自治领]] :[[#经济健康|经济健康]] :[[#规模经济|规模经济]] :[[#受教育机会|受教育机会]] :[[#选举|选举]] :[[#禁运|禁运]] :[[#立法推进|立法推进]] :[[#立法辩论|立法辩论]] :[[#法律制定|法律制定]] :[[#立法停滞|立法停滞]] :[[#立法成功|立法成功]] :[[#讨论终结系数|讨论终结系数]] :[[#支持及反对法律|支持及反对法律]] :[[#激化度|激化度]] :[[#护卫商船|护卫商船]] :[[#最低预期生活水平|最低预期生活水平]] :[[#舰队|舰队]] :[[#前线|前线]] :[[#充分动员的营队|充分动员的营队]] :[[#驻防部队|驻防部队]] :[[#国内生产总值|国内生产总值]] :[[#陆军将领|陆军将领]] :[[#黄金储备|黄金储备]] :[[#商品|商品]] :[[#消费值|消费值]] :[[#生产值|生产值]] :[[#商品替代|商品替代]] :[[#政府|政府]] :[[#政府建筑|政府建筑]] :[[#政府支出|政府支出]] :[[#政府商品|政府商品]] :[[#政府改革|政府改革]] :[[#政体|政体]] :[[#政府工资|政府工资]] :[[#列强|列强]] :[[#国家元首|国家元首]] :[[#继任者|继任者]] :[[#本土|本土]] :[[#总部|总部]] :[[#羞辱|羞辱]] :[[#意识形态|意识形态]] :[[#执政|执政]] :[[#在野|在野]] :[[#预备役|预备役]] :[[#未生效利益|未生效利益]] :[[#已整合地区|已整合地区]] :[[#个体|个体]] :[[#恶名|恶名]] :[[#影响力|影响力]] :[[#略具影响|略具影响]] :[[#基础设施|基础设施]] :[[#基础设施使用量|基础设施使用量]] :[[#发起者|发起者]] :[[#创新力|创新力]] :[[#投入品短缺|投入品短缺]] :[[#商品投入|商品投入]] :[[#弱小政权|弱小政权]] :[[#瞬时外交行动|瞬时外交行动]] :[[#机构|机构]] :[[#利益|利益]] :[[#利益集团|利益集团]] :[[#利益集团吸引力|利益集团吸引力]] :[[#利益集团特质|利益集团特质]] :[[#投入等级|投入等级]] :[[#投资池|投资池]] :[[#孤立地域|孤立地域]] :[[#日志条目|日志条目]] :[[#低级成员|低级成员]] :[[#击杀率|击杀率]] :[[#法律|法律]] :[[#法律组|法律组]] :[[#领袖|领袖]] :[[#合法性|合法性]] :[[#人生经验|人生经验]] :[[#识字率|识字率]] :[[#贷款|贷款]] :[[#本地价格|本地价格]] :[[#下等阶层|下等阶层]] :[[#效忠派|效忠派]] :[[#主要政权|主要政权]] :[[#博弈行动力|博弈行动力]] :[[#人力|人力]] :[[#边缘|边缘]] :[[#市场|市场]] :[[#市场接入度|市场接入度]] :[[#市场中心|市场中心]] :[[#市场商品政策|市场商品政策]] :[[#市场作用度|市场作用度]] :[[#市场所有者|市场所有者]] :[[#市场价格|市场价格]] :[[#市场份额|市场份额]] :[[#中等阶层|中等阶层]] :[[#移民|移民]] :[[#移民吸引力|移民吸引力]] :[[#移民目的地|移民目的地]] :[[#军事建筑|军事建筑]] :[[#军用商品|军用商品]] :[[#军事视图|军事视图]] :[[#军队工资|军队工资]] :[[#军队工资|军队工资]] :[[#次要政权|次要政权]] :[[#动员营队|动员营队]] :[[#动员陆军将领|动员陆军将领]] :[[#修正|修正]] :[[#声势|声势]] :[[#金钱|金钱]] :[[#奇观|奇观]] :[[#士气|士气]] :[[#成立国家|成立国家]] :[[#原住民暴动|原住民暴动]] :[[#邻国|邻国]] :[[#中立|中立]] :[[#正常工资|正常工资]] :[[#义务|义务]] :[[#观察者模式|观察者模式]] :[[#痴迷|痴迷]] :[[#满编率|满编率]] :[[#占领|占领]] :[[#进攻|进攻]] :[[#持续外交行动|持续外交行动]] :[[#市场开放|市场开放]] :[[#开场行动|开场行动]] :[[#命令|命令]] :[[#宗主国|宗主国]] :[[#所有权份额|所有权份额]] :[[#党派|党派]] :[[#党派领袖|党派领袖]] :[[#和平协议|和平协议]] :[[#共主邦联|共主邦联]] :[[#政治视图|政治视图]] :[[#政治运动|政治运动]] :[[#安抚|安抚]] :[[#政治运动激进度|政治运动激进度]] :[[#政治运动支持度|政治运动支持度]] :[[#政治力量|政治力量]] :[[#政治冷漠/参与|政治冷漠/参与]] :[[#政治家|政治家]] :[[#人群|人群]] :[[#人口增长率|人口增长率]] :[[#人群收入|人群收入]] :[[#人群需求|人群需求]] :[[#资质|资质]] :[[#人气|人气]] :[[#港口连接|港口连接]] :[[#潜在营队|潜在营队]] :[[#力量投射|力量投射]] :[[#举足轻重|举足轻重]] :[[#威望|威望]] :[[#主流文化|主流文化]] :[[#本金|本金]] :[[#生产视图|生产视图]] :[[#生产方式|生产方式]] :[[#人均年产值|人均年产值]] :[[#职业|职业]] :[[#受保护国|受保护国]] :[[#地块|地块]] :[[#傀儡国|傀儡国]] :[[#激进派|激进派]] :[[#袭击商船|袭击商船]] :[[#国际地位|国际地位]] :[[#受认可国家|受认可国家]] :[[#康复率|康复率]] :[[#关系|关系]] :[[#宗教|宗教]] :[[#宗教特质|宗教特质]] :[[#资源潜力|资源潜力]] :[[#收入|收入]] :[[#革命|革命]] :[[#革命进展速度|革命进展速度]] :[[#宿敌|宿敌]] :[[#统治者|统治者]] :[[#海洋节点|海洋节点]] :[[#分离|分离]] :[[#销售订单|销售订单]] :[[#高级成员|高级成员]] :[[#船运线路|船运线路]] :[[#船运线路效率|船运线路效率]] :[[#奴隶制|奴隶制]] :[[#生活水平|生活水平]] :[[#主权|主权]] :[[#分属地区|分属地区]] :[[#地区|地区]] :[[#地域|地域]] :[[#国教|国教]] :[[#战略渴求|战略渴求]] :[[#战略区域|战略区域]] :[[#附属|附属]] :[[#补贴|补贴]] :[[#受补贴工资|受补贴工资]] :[[#自给建筑|自给建筑]] :[[#自给产出|自给产出]] :[[#补给|补给]] :[[#补给网络|补给网络]] :[[#补给线|补给线]] :[[#打压|打压]] :[[#拉拢|拉拢]] :[[#同情|同情]] :[[#禁忌|禁忌]] :[[#目标|目标]] :[[#关税|关税]] :[[#征税能力|征税能力]] :[[#税收浪费|税收浪费]] :[[#赋税|赋税]] :[[#科技|科技]] :[[#科技时代|科技时代]] :[[#科技扩散|科技扩散]] :[[#紧张度|紧张度]] :[[#地形|地形]] :[[#战区|战区]] :[[#吞吐量|吞吐量]] :[[#有时限的修正|有时限的修正]] :[[#贸易协议|贸易协议]] :[[#贸易视图|贸易视图]] :[[#贸易收入|贸易收入]] :[[#贸易路线|贸易路线]] :[[#贸易路线竞争力|贸易路线竞争力]] :[[#国库|国库]] :[[#条约港|条约港]] :[[#朝贡国|朝贡国]] :[[#动乱|动乱]] :[[#建造中|建造中]] :[[#失业|失业]] :[[#国家统一|国家统一]] :[[#统一候选者|统一候选者]] :[[#统一支持者|统一支持者]] :[[#未整合地区|未整合地区]] :[[#军事单位|军事单位]] :[[#未受认可国家|未受认可国家]] :[[#上等阶层|上等阶层]] :[[#城镇化|城镇化]] :[[#附庸|附庸]] :[[#选票|选票]] :[[#战争|战争]] :[[#厌战度|厌战度]] :[[#战争目标|战争目标]] :[[#战争领袖|战争领袖]] :[[#战争赔款|战争赔款]] :[[#战争支持度|战争支持度]] :[[#财富|财富]] :[[#福利金|福利金]] :[[#劳动力|劳动力]] :[[#在职劳力|在职劳力]] :[[#负伤|负伤]] |6}} |} == List of Vickypedia entries == ===已接纳文化=== A [[#Country|Country's]] Accepted Cultures consists of its [[#Primary Cultures|Primary Cultures]], plus any other [[#Culture|Cultures]] considered Accepted due to the Country's current Citizenship [[#Law|Law]]. ===Accepted Religion=== A [[#Country|Country's]] Accepted Religions consists of its [[#State Religion|State Religion]], plus any other [[#Religion|Religions]] considered Accepted due to the Country's current Church and State [[#Law|Law]]. ===Active Interest=== A fully functional [[#Interest|Interest]]. Interests you gain from own at least one non-colonial [[#State|State]] in the [[#State Region|State Region]] are always considered Active, while [[#Declared Interest|Declared Interests]] are [[#Inactive Interest|Inactive]] when first Declared. ===Additional Expenses=== Expenses that don't fit into another category, often incurred due to the outcome of special events. ===Additional Income=== Income that doesn't fit into another category, often gained from the outcome of special events. ===Admiral=== A naval [[#Commander|Commander]] [[#Character|Character]] who leads a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Flotilla|Flotillas]]. Effects from an Admiral's [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] are conferred onto Flotillas under their command. ===Advance Factor=== Advance Factor is a static factor used to determine [[#Enactment Advance|Enactment Advance]] by scaling the [[#Base Success chance|Base Success chance]]. ===Advancement Progress=== [[#General|Generals]] [[#Order|Ordered]] to advance a [[#Front|Front]] accumulates Advancement Progress daily depending on their [[#Advancement Speed|Advancement Speed]]. Once the Advancement Progress of the Front has reached 100 a [[#Battle|Battle]] will start. While a Battle is ongoing on the Front, Advancement Progress on that Front will be paused. ===Advancement Speed=== How rapidly a [[#General|General]] can advance their [[#Front|Front]] by accumulating [[#Advancement Progress|Advancement Progress]].<br />A General with no [[#Mobilize Battalion|Mobilized]] [[#Battalion|Battalions]] has an effective Advancement Speed of zero. ===Alliance=== A [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] between two [[#Country|Countries]]. Countries engaged in an Alliance may always side with each other in [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] regardless of if the other side maintains an [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]] in the affected [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]]. This applies no matter if the other Country is the initiator or target of the Play. ===Approval=== An [[#Interest Group|Interest Group's]] Approval depends on two main factors: how much of their [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] comes from [[#Radical|Radicals]] compared to [[#Loyalist|Loyalists]], and how well the [[#Country|Country's]] current [[#Law|Laws]] match with the Interest Group's [[#Ideology|Ideologies]]. In addition, if a new Law is currently being [[#Enactment of Laws|Enacted]], Approval will be affected by a larger temporary adjustment which will linger while [[#Decay|Decaying]] for up to 60 months after it has passed. An Interest Group's Approval impacts which [[#Interest Group Trait|Interest Group Traits]] they activate. [GetApprovalRatingFromValue(GetDefine('NPolitics','APPROVAL_THRESHOLD_ANGRY'))] Interest Groups contribute to the [[#Political Movement Radicalism|Radicalism]] of [[#Political Movement|Political Movements]], while Interest Groups that are at least [GetApprovalRatingFromValue(GetDefine('NPolitics','APPROVAL_THRESHOLD_HAPPY'))] will refrain from joining Movements in the first place. ===Arable Land=== The amount of land in a [[#State|State]] that can be used for cultivating crops or raising cattle. Unlike [[#Building|Buildings]] that require certain [[#Resource Potential|Resource Potentials]] to be constructed, Arable Land must be shared between the Building types that require it. The amount of Arable Land that stands unused by other Buildings may be used for [[#Subsistence Building|Subsistence Building]], letting [[#Pop|Pops]] eke out a meager living even if not gainfully employed. ===Assimilation=== Foreign [[#Pop|Pops]] whose [[#Culture|Culture]] is [[#Accepted Culture|Accepted]] in the [[#Country|Country]] they live, and who do not live in one of their [[#Homeland|Homelands]], may Assimilating into one of the Country's [[#Primary Cultures|Primary Cultures]]. ===Attitude=== An indication of how another [[#Country|Country]] feels about you, based on [[#Relations|Relations]], [[#Infamy|Infamy]], [[#Strategic Desire|Strategic Desire]], and factors such as how large your military is and which Countries you have [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pacts]] with. Attitude affects what sorts of actions a Country is likely to take towards you and what role you play in their plans. ===Attrition=== [[#Casualties|Casualties]] inflicted on [[#Manpower|Manpower]] outside of [[#Battle|Battle]] is referred to as Attrition. It is frequently experienced when [[#Battalion|Battalions]] are [[#Mobilize Battalion|Mobilized]] and can be the result of disease, accidents, exposure, or even desertion. Attrition can be counteracted with using military Medical Aid [[#Production Method|Production Methods]]. ===Authority=== {{icon|authority}} Authority is a [[#Capacity|Capacity]] used to effect internal change to your [[#Country|Country]], like issuing [[#Decree|Decrees]] or managing [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]]. You gain {{icon|authority}} Authority from [[#Law|Laws]]. ===Available Battalions=== A [[#Country|Country's]] available [[#Battalion|Battalions]] include all Battalions currently raised by Barracks and/or [[#Conscription Center|Conscription Centers]]. ===Average Annual Wage=== The average [[#Wage|Wages]] a single [[#Individual|Individual]] in the [[#Workforce|Workforce]] would earn annually while working at this [[#Building|Building]]. ===Balance=== A [[#Building|Building's]] Balance is the amount of [[#Money|Money]] that remains of its [[#Revenue|Revenue]] after paying [[#Wage|Wages]] and purchasing required [[#Good|Input Goods]]. The Balance is divided between [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Share]] and the Building's [[#Cash Reserves|Cash Reserves]]. A Building's Balance can be improved either by making its Input Goods cheaper, or by making its Output Goods more expensive. This can be done by increasing or decreasing [[#Sell Orders|Supply]] and [[#Buy Orders|Demand]] on the [[#Market|Market]] it belongs to. ===Bankroll=== An [[#Ongoing Diplomatic Action|Ongoing Diplomatic Action]] where one [[#Country|Country]] pays part of its income to another, based on the weekly tax revenue of the recipient. This action has a chance each month to generate an [[#Obligation|Obligation]] towards the bankrolling [[#Country|Country]]. ===Bankruptcy=== If a [[#Country|Country]] is in [[#Default|Default]] and unable to pay back its [[#Loans|Loans]], it may opt to declare Bankruptcy. This will clear the debt but wipe out all [[#Cash Reserves|Cash Reserves]] the Country had borrowed from, and will greatly anger any [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]].In addition, the following effects are applied for 10 years:<br />[GetStaticModifier('declared_bankruptcy').GetDesc] ===Base Price=== The price of a [[#Good|Good]] when its [[#Sell Orders|Supply]] exactly equal its [[#Buy Orders|Demand]]. ===Base Success chance=== Base Success chance is equal to the total [[#Clout|Clout]] of supporting [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] in [[#Government|Government]] plus or minus [[#Political Movement Support|Support]] gained from any relevant [[#Political Movement|Political Movements]]. ===Battalion=== An army [[#Military Unit|Military Unit]] in a [[#Country|Country's]] military. They are created and maintained by Barracks and are commanded by [[#General|Generals]]. ===Battle=== When two [[#Commander|Commanders]] encounter each other and come into conflict during a [[#War|War]], they and their [[#Military Unit|Military Units]] will clash in an attempt to inflict [[#Casualties|Casualties]] and damage each others' [[#Morale|Morale]]. The side whose [[#Manpower|Manpower]] has run out or become Demoralized first will withdraw, leaving the other side victorious. On land, Battles take place in [[#Province|Provinces]] adjacent to [[#Front|Fronts]] when one [[#General|General]] is advancing to take or regain Land. The winner will either conquer more Provinces or prevent the enemy from doing so.<br />At sea, Battles take place in Sea Nodes when one [[#Admiral|Admiral]] intercepts another due to conflicting [[#Order|Orders]]. The winner leaves their opponent damaged and forces them to return to port for repairs, leaving them unable to execute their Order for a time. ===Battle Condition=== During [[#Battle|Battles]] each side will be affected by a Battle Condition that influences the outcome. Which Condition applies depends on a number of factors, which often includes the [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] of the [[#Commander|Commanders]] in charge of that side. ===Bolster=== A Bolstered [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] is more attractive for [[#Pop|Pops]] to support. Your base Bolstering ability is determined by your Free Speech [[#Law|Law]]. Bolstering Interest Groups costs [[#Authority|Authority]]. ===Building=== Buildings drive your [[#Country|Country's]] economy via the [[#Production|Production]] (and [[#Consumption|Consumption]]) of [[#Good|Goods]]. They can also produce a number of other useful effects, such as [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]], [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]], and [[#Convoys|Convoys]]. To perform their functions they require a [[#Workforce|Workforce]] made up by [[#Pop|Pops]] of different [[#Profession|Professions]], who receive a [[#Wage|Wage]] in return for their labor. What functions a particular Building serves is determined by its active [[#Production Method|Production Methods]], and the magnitude of its impact is determined by its [[#Building Level|Level]]. You can [[#Construction|Construct]] new, or expand existing, Buildings in each of your [[#State|States]] using your Construction Sector. ===Building Level=== A [[#Building|Building's]] Level scales its current [[#Consumption|Consumption]], [[#Production|Production]], [[#Workforce|Workforce]] requirements, and may apply an [[#Economy of Scale|Economy of Scale]] bonus. The maximum Level a Building can be expanded to may depend on the [[#Resource Potential|Resource Potential]] or [[#Arable Land|Arable Land]] in the [[#State|State]]. Expanding a Building's Level usually requires [[#Construction|Construction]], though some Building's Level is automatically adjusted based on other factors such as [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]], [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]], [[#Conscription Center|Conscription]] rate, or unused Arable Land. ===Bureaucracy=== {{icon|bureaucracy}} Bureaucracy is a [[#Capacity|Capacity]] used to maintain your [[#Country|Country's]] administrative cohesion and day-to-day operations. The cost increases with the population across your [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated States]] and with every [[#Institution|Institution]] investment level, and is also used to administer [[#Commander|Commanders]] and [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]]. You gain {{icon|bureaucracy}} Bureaucracy from operating Government Administration [[#Building|Buildings]]. ===Buy Orders=== The number of orders to buy a [[#Good|Good]] on the central [[#Market|Market]] is used in combination with [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]] to determine its [[#Market Price|Market Price]]. Buy Orders are generated by the consumption of the Good in each of the Market's [[#State|States]]. The higher the [[#Market Access|Market Access]] a State has, the closer the number of Buy Orders generated will be to the total consumption. ===Canal=== A Canal is a [[#Building|Building]] that also includes the construction of an artificial connection between two sea nodes across a landmass. Canals can only be constructed in particular places and typically require the completion of some sort of survey or other expedition first. Canals can drastically shorten the distance [[#Convoys|Convoys]] need to travel when establishing [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lanes]], making trade with distant lands more affordable. ===Capacity=== A measure of your [[#Country|Country's]] capabilities in one of three areas: [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]], [[#Authority|Authority]], and [[#Influence|Influence]]. Capacities are not stored and used, but continuously generated from different sources and continually expended by the various projects you have going on. Your remaining balance in each area is displayed in the top bar. Having an excess of a Capacity will yield a minor bonus for your Country, while having a lack of a Capacity will inflict large penalties. ===Capital State=== The site of a [[#Country|Country's]] central [[#Government|Government]]. Controlling the Capital is of great importance during wartime, and [[#Pop|Pops]] who live there have a greater degree of [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] by which to influence politics.<br />The following effects apply:<br />[GetStaticModifier('market_capital_state').GetDesc] ===Cash Reserves=== The assets of a [[#Building|Building]] is stored in its Cash Reserves. If the Building runs a positive weekly [[#Balance|Balance]], some of the [[#Money|Money]] is deposited into the Cash Reserves while the rest is paid out to [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]] as [[#Dividends|Dividends]]. Cash Reserves are considered to be owned by the Pops with Ownership Shares, who will be angry if their Cash Reserves are destroyed due to downsizing or [[#Bankruptcy|Bankruptcy]]. The sum of all Cash Reserves in your [[#Country|Country]] determines your [[#Credit|Credit]]. ===Casualties=== [[#Manpower|Manpower]] who fall in battle or through [[#Attrition|Attrition]] are considered Casualties. A proportion of Casualties are killed outright while the remainder are [[#Wounded|Wounded]]. This ratio is dependent on the [[#Military Unit|Military Unit's]] [[#Recovery Rate|Recovery Rate]] compared to their enemy's [[#Kill Rate|Kill Rate]]. ===Character=== Characters fulfill different [[#Role|Roles]] in your [[#Country|Country]]. Their ability to perform these duties depends on their [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]]. They always support an [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]], and may have an [[#Ideology|Ideology]] that shapes their aspirations and outlook. ===Character Trait=== Personality Traits, Skill Traits, or Conditions that impact a [[#Character|Character's]] ability to carry out their current [[#Role|Role]]. More or different Character Traits may develop as the Character gains [[#Life Experience|Life Experience]]. ===Civil War=== A War where a [[#Country|Country]] has split into two opposing sides. [[#Revolution|Revolutions]] and [[#Secession|Secessions]] are examples of Civil Wars. ===Claim=== A territorial Claim that a [[#Country|Country]] has on a [[#State Region|State Region]], usually because it once belonged to them. Having a Claim permits use of the Return State [[#War Goal|War Goal]] which does not generate as much [[#Infamy|Infamy]] as the Conquer State War Goal does. Conquering an [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated State]] will give the previous owner a Claim on the State Region. ===Clout=== An [[#Interest Group|Interest Group's]] share of the total [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] that [[#Pop|Pops]] across their [[#Country|Country]] generate. Clout is the final word on how influential an Interest Group is, and affects everything from [[#Legitimacy|Legitimacy]] and [[#Enactment of Laws|Enactment of Laws]] if the Interest Group is [[#In Government|In Government]], to [[#Political Movement Support|Political Movement Support]] and [[#Political Movement Radicalism|Radicalism]] if it is [[#In Opposition|In Opposition]]. It also affects whether the Interest Group is considered [[#Powerful|Powerful]], [[#Influential|Influential]], or [[#Marginalized|Marginalized]]. ===Colonial Growth=== A measure of how rapidly a [[#Country|Country]] can push the [[#Colony|Colonial]] frontier forward. Colonial Growth is generated by the Colonial Affairs [[#Institution|Institution]] in combination with the total [[#Pop|Population]] across [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated States]]. The total amount of Colonial Growth generated is split up across all Colonies a Country is actively growing, up to a maximum. ===Colony=== Settlement efforts initiated by a colonizing [[#Country|Country]] in the lands of a [[#Decentralized Nation|Decentralized Nation]]. A would-be colonizer must have the Colonial Affairs [[#Institution|Institution]] and an [[#Interest|Interest]] in the [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]]. At first, a single [[#Province|Province]] will be taken. Adjacent Provinces will be Colonized at a rate depending on the Country's [[#Colonial Growth|Colonial Growth]], generating [[#Tension|Tension]] as they do. ===Combat Width=== The Combat Width of a particular [[#Terrain|Terrain]] type determines the potential numeric advantage the larger side can have over the smaller side in [[#Battle|Battle]]. A smaller force can hold out for longer against a larger force if Combat Width is relatively low, and vice versa. ===Command Limit=== Command Limit determines how many [[#Battalion|Battalions]] or [[#Flotilla|Flotillas]] a [[#Commander|Commander]] can command. You can increase a Commander's Command Limit by giving them a promotion to the next [[#Commander Rank|Commander Rank]]. ===Commander=== A [[#Character|Character]] in command of a part of a [[#Country|Country's]] military forces. Their [[#Commander Rank|Commander Rank]] determines how many forces they are allotted from the Country's available reserves. ===Commander Rank=== A [[#Commander|Commander's]] Rank determines their [[#Command Limit|Command Limit]], as well as how much [[#Clout|Clout]] they confer to their [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]]. Retiring a Commander will cause their Interest Group's [[#Approval|Approval]] to fall by a factor depending on their Rank. ===Confidence=== An AI-controlled [[#Country|Countries]] that is one of the main participants in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] has a level of of Confidence based on their internal conditions and how likely they believe it is that they will be able to win any ensuing war. The chance that the AI [[#Country|Country]] will decide to back down is directly determined by their confidence, though this is not guaranteed even at low Confidence levels, especially if backing down would lead to their annexation. ===Conscript Battalion=== Conscript Battalions are temporary [[#Battalion|Battalions]] recruited and maintained from the civilian [[#Pop|Population]] by [[#Conscription Center|Conscription Centers]] activated during [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] or [[#War|Wars]]. ===Conscription Center=== When a [[#State|State]] is Conscripted during a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] or [[#War|War]], a Conscription Center appears with a [[#Building Level|Building Level]] depending on its Conscription Rate and State [[#Pop|Population]] size. This [[#Military Building|Military Building]] will recruit civilian [[#Workforce|Workforce]] into [[#Conscript Battalion|Conscript Battalions]] that will be automatically assigned to [[#General|Generals]] in their [[#HQ|HQ]] as they are raised. After the War, all Conscription Centers will deactivate and the Conscript Battalions will disband. Pops who return to civilian life are not guaranteed to return to their old [[#Profession|Profession]] but must seek new employment opportunities. ===Construction=== {{icon|construction}} Construction is produced by the Construction Sector and is used to construct [[#Building|Buildings]]. ===Construction Goods=== [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Consumption|Consumed]] by Construction Sector [[#Building|Buildings]] in order to [[#Construction|Construct]] new Buildings. ===Construction Queue=== Any [[#Building|Buildings]] that have been set to be expanded, but are currently not using any [[#Construction|Construction]], are placed in the Construction Queue. Whenever any Construction becomes available, the first Building in the Construction Queue will start using that Construction and then switch to being [[#Under Construction|Under Construction]]. ===Consumption=== The amount of a [[#Good|Good]] consumed by a [[#Building|Building]] or [[#Pop|Pop]] in the process of maintaining its [[#Throughput|Throughput]] or [[#Wealth|Wealth]]. ===Consumption Tax=== A [[#Taxes|Tax]] collected on specific [[#Good|Goods]] purchased by [[#Pop|Pop]] to meet their [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]]. Each Good subject to Consumption Taxes costs a certain amount of [[#Authority|Authority]]. When applied to a Good, its [[#Market Price|Market Price]] increases by the Consumption Tax rate at point of sale to Pops only, with all [[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] generated in this manner resulting in the surcharge being collected by the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. Since the surcharge is applied on the [[#Market|Market]] level, the Tax is ineffective in [[#State|States]] with low [[#Market Access|Market Access]]. ===Consumption Taxes=== A [[#Taxes|Tax]] collected on the [[#Consumption|Consumption]] of [[#Good|Goods]]. Goods subject to Consumption Taxes will have its [[#Market Price|Market Price]] increased by the Consumption Tax Rate, and whenever [[#Pop|Pops]] buy it this increase will be collected by the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. [[#Building|Buildings]] are exempt from paying Consumption Taxes. ===Conversion=== [[#Pop|Pops]] whose [[#Religion|Religion]] is [[#Discrimination|Discriminated Against]] in the [[#Country|Country]] they live may instead Convert to an [[#Accepted Religion|Accepted Religion]]. ===Convoy Cost=== The Convoy Cost of a [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lane]] is determined by how many [[#Good|Goods]] a [[#Trade Route|Trade Route]] moves, how many [[#Battalion|Battalions]] a [[#Supply Route|Supply Route]] provides for, or how much [[#Infrastructure Usage|Infrastructure Usage]] a [[#Port Connection|Port Connection]] facilitates [[#Market Access|Market Access]] for. This more [[#Sea Node|Sea Nodes]] Shipping Lane must pass through on its way to the destination, the higher the total Convoy Cost. The total Convoy Cost of all Shipping Lanes is compared to the total number of [[#Convoys|Convoys]] provided by Port Buildings to determine the strength of your [[#Supply Network|Supply Network]]. ===Convoys=== Convoys are produced by Port Buildings and are required to operate [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lanes]]. ===Countdown to War=== The Countdown to War phase is the third and last phase of a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. [[#War|War]] might now be inevitable, with both sides frantically making preparations or considering any last-minute options to back down. {{icon|info}} Typical preparations for War includes: [[#Mobilize General|Mobilization]] of [[#General|Generals]], giving them [[#Order|Orders]]to advance or defend the [[#Front|Fronts]], Drafting [[#Conscript Battalion|Conscript Battalions]], and promoting your Generals to increase their [[#Command Limit|Command Limit]] where necessary. ===Country=== A Country consists of one or several parcels of [[#Province|Land]] organized into [[#State|States]], in which a [[#Pop|Population]] resides under the rule of a [[#Government|Government]] and its [[#Head of State|Head of State]]. In Victoria 3, both human and AI players each control a Country. Aside from the nature of their Pops, which States they own, and how they been developed, a Country is defined also by their [[#Country Tier|Country Tier]], [[#Primary Cultures|Primary Cultures]], and [[#State Religion|State Religion]], and whether they are [[#Recognized Power|Recognized]] or [[#Unrecognized Power|Unrecognized]]. Countries also have different [[#Law|Laws]] and access to different [[#Technology|Technologies]]. ===Country Tier=== A [[#Country|Country's]] Tier is the inherent status and [[#Prestige|Prestige]] it is granted based on its history and significance. Forming a new Country is only possible if its Tier is higher than the Country's current one. ===Country Unification=== The act of unifying and forming a new [[#Country|Country]] out of several Countries is called Unification. A Country can be formed by controlling a specific number of [[#State|States]] in the new Country's region. A '''Major Unification''' allows Countries to become [[#Unification Candidate|Unification Candidates]] which gives them access to the Unification [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. This Diplomatic Play sets the [[#War Goal|War Goals]] to annex all the required States and Countries. While a '''Minor Unification''' do not allow any [[#Unification Candidate|Unification Candidates]] and can only form a Country if the number of required States are controlled. ===Credit=== The national Credit is the amount of [[#Money|Money]] the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] can borrow from its economy, equal to the sum of all domestic [[#Cash Reserves|Cash Reserves]] plus a base value determined by [[#Gross Domestic Product|Gross Domestic Product]]. If the [[#Principal|Principal]] exceeds the Credit Limit the [[#Country|Country]] goes into [[#Default|Default]]. ===Cultural Trait=== Aspects of a [[#Culture|Culture]] such as its dominant language and from which part of the world it originates. The similarity between the Cultural Traits of a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Primary Cultures|Primary Culture]] and the Culture of a [[#Pop|Pop]], combined with the Country's current Citizenship [[#Law|Law]], determines whether the Pop is [[#Discrimination|Discriminated Against]] or not. ===Cultural Turmoil=== The [[#Turmoil|Turmoil]] generated by [[#Pop|Pops]] of a specific [[#Culture|Culture]]. If its global value is high enough, a [[#Migration Target|Migration Target]] may be created to facilitate mass [[#Migration|Migration]] for Pops of that Culture. One Migration Target may be created for every 0.2 Turmoil in a Culture. If its value is high enough in a particular country, those Pops may instead attempt to separate their [[#Homeland|Homelands]] in a [[#Secession|Secession]]. ===Culture=== All [[#Pop|Pops]] have a Culture, which can only change through [[#Assimilation|Assimilation]]. Their Culture determines which [[#State Region|State Regions]] they consider their [[#Homeland|Homelands]] and whether they are [[#Discrimination|Discriminated Against]] in their [[#Country|Country]] or not. ===Customs Union=== A [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] between a [[#Senior Partner|Senior Partner]] and one or several [[#Junior Partner|Junior Partners]] to share a single [[#Market|Market]], under the leadership of the Senior Partner. All [[#Subject|Subject]] Pacts also act as a Customs Union Pact. ===Dead=== [[#Casualties|Casualties]] that end up Dead due to [[#Battle|Battle]] or [[#Attrition|Attrition]]. ===Decay=== A Decaying effect will gradually decrease in intensity, starting from its initial value and decreasing linearly down to 0 over the stated decay duration. ===Decentralized Nation=== A [[#Country|Nation]] that share most properties of Countries - [[#Pop|Pops]], a [[#Ruler|Ruler]], [[#Building|Buildings]], [[#Law|Laws]] and so on - but with a lack of centralized power (and/or will) to enforce borders. This makes them prone to [[#Colony|Colonization]] by Countries who do not see them as equals to be properly [[#Diplomatic Play|Negotiated]] with for land rights. Decentralized Nations are AI controlled and are not playable by humans. ===Declared Interest=== If you do not own at least one non-colonial [[#State|State]] in a [[#State Region|State Region]], but wish to maintain an [[#Interest|Interest]] there anyway, you may choose to Declare an Interest there. The number of Interests you can Declare in such State Regions depends on your [[#Rank|Rank]]. ===Decree=== Decrees are demands made by a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Ruler|Ruler]] to effect changes in a [[#State|State]] under their control. Decrees cost [[#Authority|Authority]] for as long as they are active. Once issued, the Decree will provide a certain bonus to the State until it is removed. ===Default=== Once the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] accumulates [[#Loans|Loans]] large enough that they exceed the [[#Country|Country's]] total [[#Credit|Credit]], the Country is considered to be in Default. This will pause all ongoing [[#Construction|Construction]] and will have a negative impact on the [[#Throughput|Throughput]] of [[#Building|Buildings]], growing more severe as time passes. Penalties are removed as soon as the Country's weekly balance becomes positive again, or if [[#Bankruptcy|Bankruptcy]] is declared. ===Defense=== A [[#Military Unit|Military Unit's]] fighting ability in [[#Battle|Battle]] while defending from enemy incursions. ===Defensive Pact=== A [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] between two [[#Country|Countries]]. Countries engaged in a Defensive Pact may always side with each other in [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] in which they are the primary target, regardless of if the other side maintains an active [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]] in the affected [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]]. This does not extend to Diplomatic Plays where the other party is the initiator, or where they are backing a third Country as a primary target. ===Dependent Income=== At the end of each week, [[#Pop|Pops]] receive a Dependent Income based on their number of [[#Dependents|Dependents]] and the amount of income they qualify for. Most Dependents receive a base amount from odd jobs depending on the Pop's [[#Profession|Profession]], which can be supplemented by the Social Security [[#Institution|Institution]]. ===Dependents=== The part of a [[#Pop|Pop]] not considered part of the [[#Workforce|Workforce]]. They represent the families of the [[#Working Adults|Working Adults]] and normally constitute the majority of the population. Dependents usually generate [[#Dependent Income|Dependent Income]] that is typically smaller than the [[#Wage|Wages]] collected by Working Adults, but they also have lower [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]]. While they are able to support [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] their [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] typically count for less. They are only granted [[#Votes|Voting Rights]] under very specific [[#Law|Laws]]. Enacting different Laws or maintaining certain [[#Institution|Institutions]] may convert Dependents into Working Adults over time, increase their [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]], or supplement their Dependent Income. ===Devastation=== Devastation is the damage done to a [[#State Region|State Region]] as a result of war or natural disasters. It increases from [[#Battle|Battles]] and when under hostile [[#Occupation|Occupation]]. It will decrease over time if no part of the State Region is at war. Devastation has a negative impact on [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]], [[#Pop Growth|Mortality]], [[#Throughput|Throughput]], and [[#Migration Attraction|Migration Attraction]]. ===Diplomatic Action=== A broad term for interactions between two [[#Country|Countries]] that includes [[#Instant Diplomatic Action|Instant Diplomatic Actions]], [[#Ongoing Diplomatic Action|Ongoing Diplomatic Actions]], and [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pacts]]. They differ from [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] in that no third party is allowed to have a say in its outcome, and there is no risk the action on its own might escalate into [[#War|War]]. ===Diplomatic Incident=== A Diplomatic Incident is typically the result of a [[#Country|Country]] starting a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. Diplomatic Incidents generate [[#Infamy|Infamy]] for the Country who started it, and will cause [[#Relations|Relations]] to fall with all Countries with an [[#Interest|Interest]] in the [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]], particularly the target of the Play. Diplomatic Incidents can also be the result of other actions, for example decisions made during special events. ===Diplomatic Lens=== View the [[#Attitude|Attitude]] of other [[#Country|Countries]] and monitor your [[#Interest|Interests]] and their [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Regions]], establish [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pacts]] and take [[#Diplomatic Action|Actions]], and start [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]]. ===Diplomatic Maneuvers=== The Diplomatic Maneuvers phase is the second phase of a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. In this phase, the [[#Initiator|Initiator]] and [[#Target|Target]] can attempt to [[#Sway|Sway]] other [[#Country|Countries]] to their side or claim additional [[#War Goal|War Goals]] for themselves, at the cost of [[#Maneuver|Maneuvers]]. ===Diplomatic Pact=== Unilateral or bilateral understandings between two [[#Country|Countries]]. They may have a maintenance cost in [[#Influence|Influence]] for one or both parties, and can have a wide range of effects including [[#Subject|Subject]] relationships. Pacts can break for a number of different reasons, including [[#Relations|Relations]] deviating too far in either direction, one side or another explicitly breaking it, or a time limit running out. ===Diplomatic Pacts=== [[#Money|Money]] collected from or remitted to the other party in a [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]]. ===Diplomatic Play=== A Diplomatic Play is a period of hostile diplomatic negotiations between two or more [[#Country|Countries]] that follows after one Country makes a demand for a concession by another. To start a Diplomatic Play you must have an [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]] in the relevant [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]], which also entitles you to participate in Plays as a third party in that Strategic Region. The Diplomatic Play will [[#Escalation|Escalate]] through three phases: [[#Opening Moves|Opening Moves]], [[#Diplomatic Maneuvers|Diplomatic Maneuvers]], and [[#Countdown to War|Countdown to War]]. These phases set the terms for a possible [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]] should the Diplomatic Play Escalate into a [[#War|War]]. A War can be averted if either the [[#Initiator|Initiator]] or [[#Target|Target]] of the Play backs down and grants the other their primary [[#War Goal|War Goal]]. ===Discrimination=== [[#Pop|Pops]] can be Discriminated Against if their [[#Culture|Culture]] and/or [[#Religion|Religion]] are not accepted in their [[#Country|Country]]. Discriminated Pops:<br />- get paid less than their peers<br />- have less [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]]<br />- are less likely to develop [[#Qualifications|Qualifications]] for certain [[#Profession|Profession]]<br />- naturally become [[#Radical|Radical]] over time<br />- and are more likely to [[#Migration|Emigrate]]. In addition, certain [[#Law|Laws]] limit or expand national acceptance of Culture and Religions. ===Disenfranchised=== A Disenfranchised [[#Pop|Pop]] is prohibited from participating in the [[#Country|Country's]] politics. As a result they cannot support any [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]]. The most common reason for a Pop to be Disenfranchised is [[#Discrimination|Discrimination]]. ===Dividends=== While [[#Building|Buildings]] have a positive balance, some of these profits are paid out to [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]] as Dividends. This source of [[#Pop Income|Pop Income]] is subject to [[#Dividends Taxes|Dividends Taxes]]. Depending on the [[#Country|Country's]] current Economic System [[#Law|Law]] some part of these Dividends may be allocated to the [[#Investment Pool|Investment Pool]] while the remainder goes towards [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]] and [[#Wealth|Wealth]]. ===Dividends Taxes=== A [[#Taxes|Tax]] applied to the [[#Dividends|Dividends]] earned by [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]]. ===Dominion=== [[#Recognized Power|Recognized Powers]] may turn a weaker [[#Country|Country]] into their Dominion. A Dominion is a more autonomous [[#Subject|Subject]] type that are able to start their own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] and are not forced to join their [[#Overlord|Overlord's]] [[#War|Wars]]. They must pay 10% of their [[#Treasury|Treasury]] income to their Overlord each week. ===Economy Health=== A [[#Country|Country's]] economy is considered Healthy if ''either'':<br /> {{icon|yes}} its fixed incomes exceed its fixed expenses<br /> {{icon|yes}} its [[#Principal|Principal]] is less than half their total [[#Credit|Credit]] ===Economy of Scale=== Many [[#Building|Buildings]] become more efficient the larger they get. Such Buildings gain the following effects for every [[#Building Level|Building Level]] beyond the first:<br />[GetStaticModifier('economy_of_scale').GetDesc] ===Education Access=== The degree by which a [[#Pop|Pop]] is able to access education for their children. As new generations are born and raised, the Pop's [[#Literacy|Literacy]] will move towards its level of Education Access. ===Election=== [[#Country|Countries]] with a Voting Franchise will hold Elections every 4 years. An Election campaign period will commence 6 months prior to the date, during which [[#Party|Parties]] will vie for [[#Momentum|Momentum]] and [[#Votes|Votes]]. On Election day the final Votes will be tallied, which will affect the [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] of the member [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] of each Party. Under certain [[#Government Type|Government Types]] a new [[#Head of State|Head of State]] may also be selected as a result of the Election's outcome. Finally, a single [[#Government Reform|Government Reform]] may be performed where any Interest Groups may be removed from [[#Government|Government]] without generating any new [[#Radical|Radicals]]. ===Embargo=== An [[#Ongoing Diplomatic Action|Ongoing Diplomatic Action]] established by one [[#Country|Country]] targeting another, which completely blocks the target [[#Country|Country]] from importing or exporting [[#Good|Goods]] in the [[#Market|Market]] belonging to the country enforcing the embargo. Countries that are at [[#War|War]] will automatically Embargo each other. ===Enactment Advance=== Enactment Advance indicates the percentage chance that the enactment process of a [[#Law|Law]] will advance somehow at the next checkpoint, even if it will not meet with a full [[#Enactment Success|Success]] yet. It is derived from the enactment's [[#Base Success chance|Base Success chance]]. ===Enactment Debate=== Enactment Debate indicates the percentage chance that the enactment process of a [[#Law|Law]] will meet with some kind of complication at the next checkpoint. The lower the total chances of [[#Enactment Success|Success]], [[#Enactment Advance|Advance]], and [[#Stalled Enactment|Stall]] the greater the chance of Debate. ===Enactment Success=== Enactment Success indicates the percentage chance that a [[#Law|Law]] will be enacted at the next checkpoint. It is equal to the [[#Base Success chance|Base Success chance]] plus any effects accumulated during the enactment process. ===Enactment of Laws=== The act of attempting to push a new [[#Law|Law]] through the [[#Country|Country's]] legislature. At regular intervals the Law's [[#Enactment Success|Enactment Success]] chance will be tested. The time between tests is dependent on the [[#Government|Government's]] [[#Legitimacy|Legitimacy]]. If the Law does not pass, it will either [[#Enactment Advance|Advance]], be [[#Enactment Debate|Debated]], or [[#Stalled Enactment|Stall]] which affects its chances to pass the next test or introduce other consequences to your Country. ===End-of-Discussion Factor=== The presence of a End-of-Discussion Factor represents that [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] in [[#Government|Government]] consider further discussion of the merits of the [[#Law|Law]] currently being enacted no longer useful. The lower this factor gets, the more negative pressure it puts on the possibility that the enactment may Advance or Stall. ===Endorsement and Opposition to Laws=== An [[#Interest Group|Interest Group's]] Endorsement or Opposition of a [[#Law|Law]] is determined by their [[#Ideology|Ideologies]]. For a Law to be able to be [[#Enactment of Laws|Enacted]] it must be Endorsed by '''at least one''' Interest Group [[#In Government|In Government]], or supported by a current [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]]. ===Escalation=== Once a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] has been initiated, it steadily Escalates through three distinct phases: [[#Opening Moves|Opening Moves]], [[#Diplomatic Maneuvers|Diplomatic Maneuvers]], and [[#Countdown to War|Countdown to War]]. The phase limits which actions are available to participants. If the Play does not resolve prior to Escalation progressing all the way through the Countdown to War, [[#War|War]] will break out. ===Escort Convoys=== Escort Convoys through their [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lanes]] safely, engaging enemy vessels as needed. ===Flotilla=== A naval [[#Military Unit|Military Unit]] in a [[#Country|Country's]] military. They are created and maintained by Naval Bases and are commanded by [[#Admiral|Admirals]]. ===Front=== A collection of [[#Province|Provinces]] on the border of [[#Theater|Theaters]] between two [[#Country|Countries]] at [[#War|War]] with each other. [[#General|Generals]] can be [[#Order|Ordered]] to advance or defend Fronts, which can result in [[#Battle|Battles]] that change the size of the Theaters and the location of the Front. ===Fully Mobilized Battalions=== A [[#Country|Country's]] fully mobilized [[#Battalion|Battalions]] include all Battalions that have already undergone [[#Mobilize Battalion|Mobilization]] and are fully prepared to follow their [[#General|General]] into [[#Battle|Battle]]. ===Garrison=== The Garrison of an [[#HQ|HQ]] consists of all [[#Battalion|Battalions]] that are not yet [[#Mobilize Battalion|Mobilized]]. During [[#War|War]], an HQ's Garrison will be distributed across any [[#Front|Fronts]] present there, where they are temporarily and automatically assigned to defending Generals for the duration of a given [[#Battle|Battle]] or even able to defend independently should no General be available. Garrison forces have lower [[#Consumption|Consumption]] of [[#Military Good|Military Goods]] on account of not being Mobilized, but do not derive the benefit of General's [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] and are less likely to become available in defensive Battles. Garrison forces cannot join advances. ===General=== An army [[#Commander|Commander]] [[#Character|Character]] who leads a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Battalion|Battalions]]. To issue an [[#Order|Order]] to a General, it must be [[#Mobilize General|Mobilized]]. Effects from a General's [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] are conferred onto Battalions under their direct command. ===Gold Reserves=== A [[#Country|Country's]] weekly budget surplus is accumulated in its Gold Reserves. If the budget balance becomes negative, any [[#Money|Money]] in the Gold Reserves will be depleted first before the Country starts taking [[#Loans|Loans]]. The Gold Reserves can only accumulate up to a fraction of your [[#Gross Domestic Product|Gross Domestic Product]] before diminishing returns set in. Stockpiling gold will eventually lead to depleting your economic engine. ===Good=== Goods are [[#Production|Produced]] in [[#Building|Buildings]] by Buildings and [[#Pop|Pops]]. Goods have both a [[#Local Price|Local Price]] and a [[#Market Price|Market Price]]. ===Goods Input=== An adjustment to the amount of [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Consumption|Consumed]] by a [[#Building|Building]]. ===Goods Substitution=== [[#Good|Goods]] that are part of the same [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]] category are mutually substitutable to [[#Pop|Pops]] based on availability. For example, the Basic Food group contains both Grain and Meat, and Pops will consume more Grain and less Meat, increasing their Meat consumption (and thus reducing Grain consumption) if Meat becomes more available in the market at a later point. In some cases, a Good may be substituted entirely if there are no [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]] for that Good in the [[#Market|Market]]. How much of a Good a Pop will buy compared to other Goods in the same category will change substantially if the Good is an [[#Obsession|Obsession]] of their [[#Culture|Culture]] or a [[#Taboo|Taboo]] in their [[#Religion|Religion]]. Goods that have a higher [[#Base Price|Base Price]] count more towards fulfilling a Pop's Pop Needs within a particular Pop Needs category, so a single unit of Groceries is equivalent to several units of Grain. ===Goods for Government Buildings=== [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Consumption|Consumed]] by a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]]. ===Goods for Military Buildings=== [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Consumption|Consumed]] by a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]]. ===Government=== A [[#Country|Country's]] Government consists of one or several [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]]. If the Country has [[#Votes|Voting Rights]] these Interest Groups may be organized into [[#Party|Parties]]. Depending on the Country's [[#Law|Laws]], this mix of Interest Groups will result in higher or lower Government [[#Legitimacy|Legitimacy]]. Any new Law you wish to [[#Enactment of Laws|Enact]] must have some support among Interest Groups that make up the Government, unless it is supported by an active [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]]. The ability to quickly and painlessly push the Law through the legislature depends on how unified the Government's support of it is. ===Government Building=== A [[#Building|Building]] owned and operated by the [[#Government|Government]] using funds from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. Government Buildings have no [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Production|Production]] and therefore no [[#Revenue|Revenue]], but produce a number of other resources crucial to running a [[#Country|Country]] such as [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]], [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]], [[#Convoys|Convoys]], and [[#Military Unit|Military Units]]. The [[#Workforce|Workforce]] of non-military Government Buildings get paid according to the [[#Government Wage|Government Wage]], while [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]] get paid according to the [[#Military Wage|Military Wage]]. ===Government Expenses=== The total weekly Expenses accrued by the [[#Government|Government]], balanced against all its weekly revenues such as [[#Taxes|Taxes]], with the balance added to or removed from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. ===Government Good=== [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Consumption|Consumed]] by [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]] using funds from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. ===Government Reform=== During a Government Reform you may alter the composition of your [[#Government|Government]] freely by granting or removing [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] and/or [[#Party|Parties]] from power. Interest Groups removed from power during such a Reform will gain [[#Radical|Radicals]], unless the Reform is performed shortly after a concluded Election. ===Government Slaves=== The upkeep of [[#Slavery|Slaves]] laboring directly for a [[#Country|Country's]] government. ===Government Type=== A [[#Country|Country's]] Government Type is determined by its [[#Law|Laws]] and determines its Transfer of Power, meaning who serves as its [[#Head of State|Head of State]]. ===Government Wage=== All [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]] except [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]] pay their [[#Workforce|Workforce]] according to the same standardized Government Wage rate. This rate is based on the [[#Normal Wage|Normal Wage]] in the [[#Country|Country]], with any adjustments set in the Budget panel. ===Government Wages=== [[#Wage|Wages]] paid to [[#Pop|Pops]] by [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]]. The rate is based on the [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Normal Wage|Normal Wage]]. You can adjust it up and down in the '''Budget''' panel. ===Great Power=== Those few [[#Country|Countries]] that run the world through global empires or absolute local dominance are considered to be Great Power [[#Rank|Rank]]. They are in a constant standoff with other Great Powers for an edge, and always wary of plucky [[#Major Power|Major Powers]] trying to ascend to greatness at their expense. Great Powers gain the following benefits:<br />[GetRankModifier('great_power').GetDesc] ===Gross Domestic Product=== Each unit of [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Production|produced]] in your [[#Country|Country]] contributes to your [[#Gross Domestic Product|Gross Domestic Product]]. The quantity produced is multiplied by the Goods [[#Market Price|Market Price]], with the sum totalled across all Goods. GDP affects [[#Prestige|Prestige]] and [[#Minting|Minting]]. ===HQ=== An HQ (Headquarter) is the territory owned by a [[#Country|Country]] in a particular [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]]. All military [[#Military Unit|Military Units]] originating from an HQ are pooled and assigned to those [[#Commander|Commanders]] who hails from that HQ. Any Military Units not assigned or not [[#Mobilize Battalion|Mobilized]] during [[#War|War]] are considered to be in that HQ's [[#Garrison|Garrison]], where they will independently defend any [[#Front|Front]] in their HQ. ===Head of State=== A [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Ruler|Ruler]] or highest representative. The [[#Government Type|Government Type]] determines who serves as the Head of State and when they are replaced. ===Heathen Taxes=== A type of [[#Poll Taxes|Poll Tax]] collected from all [[#Pop|Pops]] whose [[#Religion|Religion]] is [[#Discrimination|Discriminated]] against by their [[#Country|Country]]. ===Heir=== The Heir of a [[#Country|Country]] is a [[#Character|Character]]. They will take over the [[#Role|Role]] of [[#Ruler|Ruler]] upon the current Ruler's death. ===Heritage Cultural Trait=== A type of [[#Cultural Trait|Cultural Trait]] that specifies the general region of the world where the [[#Culture|Culture]] originated. Certain Citizenship [[#Law|Laws]] consider Heritage Cultural Traits to be more important than other Cultural Traits when determining whether a [[#Pop|Pop]] should be [[#Discrimination|Discriminated Against]] or not. ===Homeland=== A [[#Culture|Culture's]] Homelands consist of those [[#State Region|State Regions]] that [[#Pop|Pops]] of that Culture feel are historically or naturally their territory. Pops are more prone to [[#Migration|Migrate]] to their Homelands than other [[#State|States]], and Pops who reside there will never consider [[#Assimilation|Assimilating]]. Launching a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] to conquer a State considered a Homeland of one of your [[#Primary Cultures|Primary Cultures]] is considered relatively legitimate, and will generate substantially less [[#Infamy|Infamy]] than usual. ===Humiliation=== A [[#War Goal|War Goal]] that can be claimed in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] or as part of a [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]]. A Humiliated [[#Country|Country]] is unable to launch any Diplomatic Plays of their own against the Country they were Humiliated by for a duration of 60 months. During this duration they are also subjected to the following effects:<br />[GetStaticModifier('country_humiliated').GetDesc] ===Ideology=== An [[#Interest Group|Interest Group's]] Ideology influences which [[#Law|Laws]] it [[#Endorsement and Opposition to Laws|Endorses and Opposes]]. Their stance on the Laws which are currently in effect in the [[#Country|Country]] have small, permanent effects on the Interest Group's Approval. While a Country is trying to [[#Enactment of Laws|Enact]] a new Law, a larger but temporary effect applies relative to which Law is being removed and which is coming into effect. This temporary effect will eventually [[#Decay|Decay]], leaving only the permanent, objective effect on Approval. ===In Government=== [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] included in the [[#Government|Government]] affects which [[#Law|Laws]] can be [[#Enactment of Laws|Enacted]] and sets the [[#Country|Country]] [[#Legitimacy|Legitimacy]]. They will never support [[#Political Movement|Political Movements]] unless their [[#Approval|Approval]] drops low enough that they leave to join the [[#In Opposition|Opposition]]. ===In Opposition=== [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] not part of the [[#Government|Government]] are considered In Opposition. Their only way to affect [[#Enactment of Laws|Enactment of Laws]] is through [[#Political Movement|Political Movements]], but their [[#Interest Group Trait|Interest Group Traits]] apply in full as usual. ===In Reserve=== [[#Military Unit|Military Units]] that currently have no [[#Commander|Commander]] are considered to be In Reserve. They cannot be given [[#Order|Orders]] but will defend their homeland as part of a [[#Garrison|Garrison]] as needed. ===Inactive Interest=== When a new [[#Interest|Interest]] is first [[#Declared Interest|Declared]], it remains Inactive for a period of 30 days before it becomes [[#Active Interest|Active]]. ===Income Taxes=== A [[#Taxes|Tax]] collected on the [[#Wage|Wages]] paid to the [[#Workforce|Workforce]]. ===Incorporated State=== [[#State|States]] that are fully integrated into a [[#Country|Country]]. [[#Pop|Pops]] in Incorporated States pay taxes, gain access to benefits from [[#Institution|Institutions]], and participate fully in the Country's political system. [[#Unincorporated State|Unincorporated States]] can be Incorporated through a sometimes lengthy process. ===Individual=== An individual is a single person within a [[#Pop|Pop]], who can be either a [[#Working Adults|Working Adult]] or a [[#Dependents|Dependent]]. All [[#Pop|Pops]] are made up of Individuals with the same [[#Culture|Culture]], [[#Religion|Religion]], [[#Profession|Profession]], and [[#Building|Workplace]]. ===Infamy=== Infamy reflects the degree by which the international community, particularly the reigning [[#Great Power|Great Powers]], see you as a threat to be contained in light of your past actions. It is accrued primarily from causing [[#Diplomatic Incident|Diplomatic Incidents]] and claiming [[#War Goal|War Goals]] in a [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]]. Your Infamy affects Countries' [[#Attitude|Attitude]] towards you and increases the [[#Influence|Influence]] cost of [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pacts]]. If it reaches the level of '''{{red|Pariah}}''', Great Powers will be able to start the Cut Down to Size [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] against you. ===Influence=== {{icon|influence}} Influence is a [[#Capacity|Capacity]] used for [[#Diplomatic Action|Diplomatic Actions]] and [[#Diplomatic Pact|Pacts]] targeting another [[#Country|Country]]. You gain {{icon|influence}} Influence based on your [[#Rank|Rank]]. ===Influential=== The amount of [[#Clout|Clout]] an [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] has decides whether it is [[#Powerful|Powerful]], Influential, or [[#Marginalized|Marginalized]]. An Influential Interest Group's [[#Interest Group Trait|Interest Group Traits]] will have a lesser effect than if they were Powerful. Interest Groups are considered Influential while their Clout is below 20.0%. ===Infrastructure=== Infrastructure is provided by [[#Building|Buildings]] like Railway and Port. It influences how well connected a [[#State|State]] is to its [[#Market|Market]], and how rapidly [[#Battalion|Battalions]] [[#Mobilize Battalion|Mobilize]]. ===Infrastructure Usage=== [[#Building|Buildings]] use a certain amount of [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]] depending on how technologically advanced or demanding they are. The total Infrastructure Usage in the [[#State|State]] is compared to the Infrastructure to determine the State's [[#Market Access|Market Access]]. Infrastructure Usage also increases the cost of [[#Port Connection|Port Connections]]. ===Initiator=== The [[#Country|Country]] that initiated a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. ===Innovation=== {{icon|innovation}}Innovation is produced by University Buildings and contributes to active research progress for [[#Technology|Technologies]]. Unspent {{icon|innovation}}Innovation will increase the [[#Technology Spread|Technology Spread]] you're currently benefiting from, if any. ===Input Goods Shortage=== [[#Building|Buildings]] that consume [[#Good|Goods]] will suffer an output penalty if less than 50.0% of the [[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] for those Goods are satisfied. This is usually caused by insufficient availability of the [[#Good|Good]] in the [[#Building|Building's]] [[#Market|Market]], but may also be a result of low [[#Market Access|Market Access]] in the Building's [[#State Region|State Region]]. ===Insignificant Power=== [[#Country|Countries]] with such low [[#Prestige|Prestige]] they don't even qualify to be considered [[#Minor Power|Minor Powers]] are of Insignificant [[#Rank|Rank]]. They struggle for their right to self-determination while trying not to appear too inconvenient to nearby [[#Major Power|Major]] and [[#Great Power|Great Powers]]. Insignificant Countries gain the following benefits:<br />[GetRankModifier('insignificant_power').GetDesc] ===Instant Diplomatic Action=== An action with an instant effect on the [[#Country|Countries]] involved. They typically require a certain condition to be true in order to be taken but do not cost any [[#Influence|Influence]]. ===Institution=== Institutions provide benefits to [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated States]] across your [[#Country|Country]]. They cost [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]] to maintain in proportion to the number of [[#Pop|Pops]] living in your Incorporated States and the Institution's investment level. Higher levels increase both the cost and the effect. Adjusting investment levels take a set amount of time. ===Interest=== A [[#Country|Country]] maintaining an Interest in a [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]] signals to the rest of the world that they might get involved in [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] taking place there. Having an [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]] in a Strategic Region is a requirement for many [[#Diplomatic Action|Diplomatic Actions]], and you cannot [[#Colony|Colonize]] [[#State Region|State Regions]] where you do not maintain an [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]]. You automatically gain Interests in all Strategic Regions where you own at least one non-colonial [[#State|State]]. Your ability to [[#Declared Interest|Declare]] more depends on your [[#Rank|Rank]]. ===Interest=== The Interest paid by a [[#Country|Country]] on its [[#Loans|Loans]]. It is calculated by multiplying the [[#Principal|Principal]] with the annual Interest Rate, and is paid out to lending [[#Pop|Pops]] weekly. The Interest Rate paid is affected primarily by [[#Technology|Technology]]. ===Interest Group=== A political faction within your [[#Country|Country]] that share a common interest. They are supported by [[#Pop|Pops]] in relation to their [[#Interest Group Attraction|Attraction]] to them, and the [[#Clout|Clout]] they enjoy is based directly on the supporting Pops' [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]]. Interest Groups have number of [[#Ideology|Ideologies]], causing them to endorse or oppose different [[#Law|Laws]]. They also have three [[#Interest Group Trait|Interest Group Traits]] that are activated on different [[#Approval|Approval]] levels. Their [[#Leader|Leader's]] personal Ideology also rubs off on the Interest Group. ===Interest Group Attraction=== How likely a [[#Pop|Pops]] are to support a particular [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]]. Influenced by the Pop's properties, such as [[#Profession|Profession]], [[#Wealth|Wealth]], and [[#Education Access|Education Access]], a high Attraction means the Pop feels it's likely this Interest Group represents their political interests. ===Interest Group Trait=== All [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] have three Traits that take effect on different levels of [[#Approval|Approval]] and have a considerable impact on the whole [[#Country|Country]].<br />A negative Trait will activate if Approval drops below '''{{red|Unhappy}}''' ({{red|-5}})<br />A positive Trait will activate if Approval exceeds '''{{绿字|Happy}}''' ({{绿字|+5}})<br />An additional positive Trait will activate if Approval exceeds '''{{绿字|Loyal}}''' ({{绿字|+10}}). The Traits of [[#Marginalized|Marginalized]] Interest Groups never activate, while the Traits of [[#Powerful|Powerful]] Interest Groups have increased effect. ===Investment Level=== The current level of an [[#Institution|Institution]]. Each level costs an amount of [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]] depending on the [[#Pop|Population]] size of your [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated States]], and its effects scale with the level. ===Investment Pool=== A portion of the [[#Dividends|Dividends]] collected by [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]] is deposited into the Investment Pool, where it becomes available to [[#Construction|Construct]] [[#Building|Buildings]] the [[#Country|Country's]] current Economic System [[#Law|Law]] permits to be built with these funds. As Construction of such Buildings take place, the funds required to build them are deducted from the Investment Pool and deposited in the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] as an [[#Investment Pool Transfer|Investment Pool Transfer]]. ===Investment Pool Transfer=== When [[#Money|Money]] from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] is used in the [[#Construction|Construction]] of [[#Building|Buildings]] that may be funded by the [[#Investment Pool|Investment Pool]] under the [[#Country|Country's]] current Economic System [[#Law|Law]], the Treasury is compensated by an equal transfer of funds from the Investment Pool. ===Isolated State Region=== A [[#State Region|State Region]] is considered Isolated from its [[#Market|Market]] if it is not connected by land to its [[#Market Capital|Market Capital]], and is not connected by land to a Port that can make a [[#Port Connection|Port Connection]] to its Market Capital. Isolated State Regions do not generate any [[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] and [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]], nor is the [[#Local Price|Local Price]] of [[#Good|Goods]] affected by their [[#Market Price|Market Price]]. ===Journal Entry=== Journal Entries track ongoing events in your country. They can present opportunities or challenges, remind you of promises you have made, or warn of potential crises that may occur. Journal Entries usually resolve and are removed from your Journal when they are considered '''Complete'''. Not all Journal Entries can be '''Completed''' - some can only '''Fail''', '''Time Out''', or will be removed under some condition. ===Junior Partner=== A Junior Partner in a [[#Customs Union|Customs Union]] yields control of their [[#Market|Market]] to the [[#Senior Partner|Senior Partner]]. While the Junior Partner may continue to [[#Trade Route|Trade]] with other Markets, they may not issue [[#Embargo|Embargoes]] or control [[#Tariffs|Tariff]] levels. In exchange they collect a minor portion of the Market's Tariff income and their [[#Building|Industries]] benefit from participating in a more powerful and mature Market. ===Kill Rate=== How effective a [[#Military Unit|Military Unit]] is at ensuring their opponent's [[#Casualties|Casualties]] end up unable to come back to fight another day. Increases the ratio of [[#Casualties|Casualties]] that end up killed (instead of [[#Wounded|Wounded]]). Typically increased by equipping the Military Unit with more destructive '''Artillery Support''' [[#Production Method|Production Method]] or certain '''Specialist Companies'''. Kill Rate is countered by the enemy Military Unit's [[#Recovery Rate|Recovery Rate]]. ===Land Taxes=== A type of [[#Poll Taxes|Poll Tax]] collected from {{icon|peasants}} Peasants only. ===Law=== Laws sets the ground rules for how your [[#Country|Country]] operates and is governed. Certain Laws enable [[#Institution|Institutions]] that provide further control. For a Law to be able to be [[#Enactment of Laws|Enacted]] it must be [[#Endorsement and Opposition to Laws|Endorsed]] by at least one [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] [[#In Government|In Government]], or supported by a current [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]]. ===Law Group=== A Law Group contains several [[#Law|Laws]] that affect aspects of the [[#Country|Country]] in different ways. Each Law Group can only have one Law active at a time. ===Leader=== The [[#Character|Character]] who leads an [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] has a set of [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] that affect it, and a personal [[#Ideology|Ideology]] that is added to the Interest Group's Ideologies for as long as that Leader is in charge. ===Legitimacy=== A [[#Government|Government's]] Legitimacy measures how well the composition of the [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] [[#In Government|In Government]] fits with the [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Law|Laws]]. The lower the Legitimacy, the longer the time between attempts to [[#Enactment of Laws|Enact]] new Laws. Raising or lowering [[#Taxes|Taxes]] also has an impact on Legitimacy. ===Life Experience=== [[#Character|Characters]] gain Life Experience over time and through special events. Life Experience influences the possibility of acquiring new [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]]. ===Literacy=== The percentage or absolute number of individuals in a [[#Pop|Pop]] who can read and write. Certain [[#Profession|Professions]] demand higher Literacy than others, limiting the [[#Qualifications|Qualifications]] for Pops in other Professions unless their Literacy is high enough. You can invest in your Education in order to develop higher Literacy in your Population over time. ===Loans=== Funds that the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] owes to the [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]], typically due to some type of government bond program. Whenever the Treasury is running a negative balance, it will add to its Loans unless it has sufficient [[#Gold Reserves|Gold Reserves]] to cover it. The maximum size of Loans a Country may take before going into [[#Default|Default]] is equal to the sum of its [[#Building|Buildings']] [[#Cash Reserves|Cash Reserves]]. [[#Interest|Interest]] is accrued on the [[#Principal|Principal]] weekly, and is collected by Pops with [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]] proportionate to the amount of [[#Credit|Credit]] their share of the Cash Reserves provides. ===Local Price=== The price of a [[#Good|Good]] in a [[#State|State]]. It is determined by the local [[#Consumption|Consumption]] and [[#Production|Production]], moderated by the [[#Market Price|Market Price]] depending on the [[#State|State's]] [[#Market Access|Market Access]]. All transactions except [[#Trade Route|Trade]] occur in the Local Price, with purchases and sales creating [[#Buy Orders|Buy]] and [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]] on the [[#Market|Market]]. ===Lower Strata=== The Lower Strata consist of [[#Pop|Pops]] in [[#Profession|Professions]] that work with their hands or do repetitive labor which require little to no [[#Qualifications|Qualifications]] and result in low [[#Wage|Wages]]. ===Loyalist=== Loyalist [[#Individual|Individuals]] within a [[#Pop|Pop]] are pleased with the state of their [[#Country|Country]] and are willing to defend it from dissident elements, both verbally and with violence if necessary. The [[#Approval|Approval]] of [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] supported by Loyalist Pops is improved. Loyalists are created whenever a Pop's [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] increases and due to decisions made during special events. The opposite of a Loyalist is a [[#Radical|Radical]]. Whenever a Radical would be created in a Pop that already has Loyalists, one Loyalist is removed instead. ===Major Power=== [[#Country|Countries]] of Major Powers [[#Rank|Rank]] have established themselves as notable through their regional presence. While they are not yet strong enough to establish a truly global empire they can be a major local force to be reckoned with, and the most powerful among them may aspire to ascend to [[#Great Power|Great Power]] status. Major Powers gain the following benefits:<br />[GetRankModifier('major_power').GetDesc] ===Maneuver=== Maneuvers can be spent on taking actions in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]], including claiming additional [[#War Goal|War Goals]] or [[#Sway|Swaying]] other [[#Country|Countries]] to your side. The amount of Maneuvers you have is limited by your [[#Rank|Rank]]. ===Manpower=== The amount of {{icon|servicemen}} Servicemen and {{icon|officers}} Officers in a [[#Military Unit|Military Unit]]. The greater the Manpower the more [[#Casualties|Casualties]] the Military Unit will be able to deal and take. ===Marginalized=== Marginalized [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] have too little [[#Clout|Clout]] to be politically noteworthy. They cannot join the [[#Government|Government]], [[#Political Movement|Political Movements]], or [[#Party|Parties]]. Their [[#Interest Group Trait|Interest Group Traits]] are permanently deactivated for as long as they remain Marginalized. Already Marginalized Interest Groups remain Marginalized for as long as their Clout is below 5.0%. Non-Marginalized Interest Groups will become Marginalized once their Clout drops below 4.0%, unless they are already [[#In Government|In Government]] in which case they do not become Marginalized until removed. ===Market=== All [[#State|States]] in the same Market will trade [[#Good|Goods]] with each other, unless they are [[#Isolated State Region|Isolated]]. How well connected these States are with each other is measured by their [[#Market Access|Market Access]]. Markets may also trade with each other through [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]]. Each [[#Country|Country]] either controls its own Market or participates in one other via a [[#Customs Union|Customs Union]] or [[#Subject|Subject]] relationship. ===Market Access=== A measure of how well-connected a [[#State|State]] is to the rest of its [[#Market|Market]]. It starts at 100% and is reduced proportionally whenever the State's [[#Infrastructure Usage|Infrastructure Usage]] exceeds its [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]]. It impacts both how many [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]] and [[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] are generated due to the State's [[#Production|Production]] and [[#Consumption|Consumption]], and also how much the [[#Market Price|Market Price]] affects the [[#Local Price|Local Price]] of [[#Good|Goods]]. ===Market Capital=== The [[#State|State]] that serves as the nexus of a [[#Market|Market]], to which all other States in the Market must connect lest they become [[#Isolated State Region|Isolated]]. [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]] are often, but not always, managed from the Market Capital. The Market Capital is often the same State as the [[#Market Owner|Market Owner's]] [[#Capital State|Capital State]], but it is possible to keep these separate.<br />The following effects apply:<br />[GetStaticModifier('market_capital_state').GetDesc] ===Market Good Policy=== The [[#Market Owner|Market Owner]] may set a Market Good Policy for each [[#Good|Good]] in their [[#Market|Market]]. The default Policy is '''No Priority''', which collects [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]] on both Imports and Exports at a Tariff Rate according to the [[#Country|Country's]] current Trade Policy [[#Law|Law]]. '''Protect Domestic Supply''' eliminates Import Tariffs to encourage others to [[#Sell Orders|sell]] to you, and to let your own Import [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]] flourish at the expense of your [[#Treasury|Treasury]], while Export Tariffs remain in effect to discourage those who might otherwise [[#Buy Orders|buy]] up your supply. '''Encourage Exports''' does the opposite: eliminates Export Tariffs to encourage others to [[#Buy Orders|buy]] from you, and to let your own Export [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]] grow, while Import Tariffs remain in effect to discourage other Countries to [[#Sell Orders|sell]] their Goods in your Market. ===Market Impact=== Market Impact is how much of an effect the current balance of a [[#Good|Good]] ([[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] - [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]]) has on a [[#Market|Market]]. It is not determined solely by [[#Market Price|Market Price]] of a Good (being either cheap or expensive), but also takes into consideration the volume of that Good which circulates through the Market, affecting [[#Pop|Pops]] and Industries. ===Market Opening=== A [[#War Goal|War Goal]] that can be claimed in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] or as part of a [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]]. A [[#Country|Country]] forced to Open its [[#Market|Market]] immediately changes its Trade Policy to Free Trade and may not change it again for 60 months.They are also subjected to the following effects for the duration:<br />[GetStaticModifier('forced_market_opening').GetDesc] ===Market Owner=== The [[#Country|Country]] that owns the market, either because it is the only participant or the [[#Senior Partner|Senior Partner]] in a [[#Customs Union|Customs Union]]. Only the Market Owner may set [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]], [[#Market Good Policy|Market Good Policies]], and issue [[#Embargo|Embargoes]]. ===Market Price=== The price of a [[#Good|Good]] in the [[#Market|Market]]. It is based on [[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] and [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]], and affect the [[#Local Price|Local Price]] of [[#Good|Goods]] in all participating [[#State|States]] depending on their [[#Market Access|Market Access]]. ===Market Share=== The Market Share of each [[#Country|Country]] in a [[#Market|Market]] is determined by its [[#Gross Domestic Product|Gross Domestic Product]], with a bonus if they are the [[#Market Owner|Market Owner]]. The higher a Country's Market Share the more [[#Consumption Tax|Consumption Taxes]] they collect in the [[#Market|Market]]. ===Middle Strata=== The Middle Strata consist of [[#Pop|Pops]] with specialized [[#Profession|Professions]] that are harder to gain [[#Qualifications|Qualifications]] for. This provides them with more leverage on the labor market and thereby higher [[#Wage|Wages]]. ===Migration=== The movement of [[#Pop|Pops]] between [[#State|States]] in the same [[#Market|Market]], or between [[#Country|Countries]] facilitated by [[#Migration Target|Migration Targets]]. Migration generally flows from States with lower to higher [[#Migration Attraction|Migration Attraction]]. Pops will only consider Emigrating if their [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] is lower than the average in their [[#Market|Market]] or if they are [[#Unemployed|Unemployed]]. Migration rate is affected by [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]] in the States. ===Migration Attraction=== Migration Attraction is a [[#State|State]]'s ability to attract migrants. It is based primarily on the average [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] among [[#Pop|Pops]] in the State but can be modified by a number of other factors. Any [[#Unemployed|Unemployment]] in the State will depress Migration Attraction. The value is compared against other States between which migration may occur to determine in which direction migrants tend to flow. ===Migration Target=== A [[#State|State]] selected as a suitable target for mass [[#Migration|Migration]] by a [[#Culture|Culture]] subject to considerable [[#Cultural Turmoil|Cultural Turmoil]]. One Migration Target may be created for every 0.2 Turmoil in a Culture. Surrounding States may also see some degree of Immigration from a Migration Target. ===Military Building=== [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]] used to train, maintain, and supply [[#Battalion|Battalions]] and [[#Flotilla|Flotillas]] for the [[#Country|Country's]] army and navy respectively. The [[#Workforce|Workforce]] of Military Buildings get paid according to the [[#Military Wage|Military Wage]]. ===Military Good=== [[#Good|Goods]] [[#Consumption|Consumed]] by [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]] using funds from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. ===Military Lens=== View the progress of ongoing [[#War|Wars]], construct [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]], and recruit [[#Commander|Commanders]]. ===Military Slaves=== The upkeep of [[#Slavery|Slaves]] in the service of a [[#Country|Country's]] military. ===Military Unit=== Military Units perform military operations under the guidance of [[#General|Generals]] and [[#Admiral|Admirals]]. They can be either land-based [[#Battalion|Battalions]] or naval [[#Flotilla|Flotillas]]. ===Military Wage=== All [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]] pay their [[#Workforce|Workforce]] according to the same standardized Military Wage rate. This rate is based on the [[#Normal Wage|Normal Wage]] in the [[#Country|Country]], with any adjustments set in the Budget panel. ===Military Wages=== [[#Wage|Wages]] paid to [[#Pop|Pops]] by [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]]. The rate is based on the [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Normal Wage|Normal Wage]]. You can adjust it up and down in the '''Budget''' panel. ===Minimum Expected Standard of Living=== Minimum Expected Standard of Living is the lowest [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] that a [[#Pop|Pop]] is willing to tolerate. This number is based on whether the Pop is [[#Lower Strata|Lower Strata]], [[#Middle Strata|Middle Strata]], or [[#Upper Strata|Upper Strata]] and adjusted by [[#Literacy|Literacy]], and can be modified by certain [[#Technology|Technologies]]. If a Pop has a lower Standard of Living than the Minimum Expected they will gradually become more [[#Radical|Radical]]. Pops with a Standard of Living above the Minimum Expected will still become more Radical each time their Standard of Living is reduced. ===Minor Power=== [[#Country|Countries]] of Minor Power [[#Rank|Rank]] are pawns in the imperialist games of [[#Major Power|Major]] and [[#Great Power|Great Powers]], who often use them as buffer Countries, [[#Puppet|Puppets]], or captive [[#Market|Markets]]. Minor Powers gain the following benefits:<br />[GetRankModifier('minor_power').GetDesc] ===Minting=== A form of income that all [[#Country|Countries]] generate through the printing or casting of new [[#Money|Money]]. The greater a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Gross Domestic Product|Gross Domestic Product]], the more Money can be Minted without compromising the economy. ===Mobilize Battalion=== [[#Battalion|Battalions]] assigned to a [[#Mobilize General|Mobilized]] [[#General|General]] immediately start Mobilizing at a rate based on the [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]] of their [[#State|State]]. Mobilized and Mobilizing [[#Battalion|Battalions]] consume more [[#Military Good|Military Goods]] but are fully prepared to follow their [[#General|General]] into [[#Battle|Battle]]. ===Mobilize General=== Mobilizing a [[#General|General]] will immediately begin the process of Mobilization for all [[#Battalion|Battalions]] assigned to them. Once Mobilized, a General cannot be demobilized manually but will automatically stand down once the [[#Country|Country]] is no longer at [[#War|War]]. ===Modifier=== Any adjustment of a value away from its norm is considered a Modifier. These can be permanent or [[#Timed Modifier|Timed]], and their origin can always be sourced back to something like a [[#Law|Law]], [[#Technology|Technology]], [[#Institution|Institution]], [[#Building|Building]], [[#Character Trait|Character Trait]], or even an option selected during a special event. Values adjusted by Modifiers all have tooltips that explain the full list of sources and their values. ===Momentum=== The success of a [[#Party|Party's]] [[#Election|Election]] campaign. Momentum increases the number of [[#Votes|Votes]] a Party gains on Election day, and is nullified thereafter. Momentum can be affected by random chance, special events, and the [[#Popularity|Popularity]] of its [[#Party Leader|Party Leader]]. ===Money=== Money makes the world go 'round. It is used to pay for [[#Government Wage|Government Wages]] and [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]] production, [[#Construction|Construction]] materials, industry [[#Subsidies|Subsidies]], [[#Convoys|Convoys]] for your [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]], and last but probably not least, your military. You gain Money by [[#Taxes|Taxing]] your [[#Pop|Pops]] and enforcing [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]]. Excess Money in your [[#Treasury|Treasury]] balance is used to pay off your [[#Loans|Loans]] or stockpile gold in your [[#Gold Reserves|Gold Reserves]]. Insufficient Money increases your Loans towards your [[#Credit|Credit Limit]], which is determined by how much Money is in your Buildings' [[#Cash Reserves|Cash Reserves]]. ===Monument=== [[#Building|Buildings]] unique to a certain [[#State|State]] that can perform a variety of functions, often conferring [[#Prestige|Prestige]]. ===Morale=== A [[#Military Unit|Military Unit's]] Morale measures how much of its remaining [[#Manpower|Manpower]] is ready for [[#Battle|Battle]]. As a result of Military Units taking and inflicting [[#Casualties|Casualties]] on each other in Battle, some of the remaining Manpower will become Demoralized for the remainder of the Battle and unable to take offensive action. As all Military Units reach a critical threshold of low Morale the [[#Commander|Commander]] will retreat, leaving the other side victorious. After a Battle, Military Units will regain their Morale at a steady rate up to their Commander's [[#Supply|Supply]] rating. ===Nation Formation=== If a [[#Country|Country]] meets certain requirements, such as owning land in specific [[#State Region|State Regions]] and/or having discovered a certain Society [[#Technology|Technology]], they may be able to form a new Country of a higher [[#Country Tier|Country Tier]]. The possible Countries are listed in the '''Nation Formation''' tab in the '''Culture''' panel. ===Native Uprising=== A type of [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] that can occur if the [[#Tension|Tension]] between a colonizer and a [[#Decentralized Nation|Decentralized Nation]] rises to '''{{red|Volatile}}''' level. In this Play, the Decentralized Nation will mobilize its warriors and attempt to seize the [[#Colony|Colony]] from the colonizer. ===Neighbors=== Two [[#Country|Countries]] are considered to be Neighbors if they share a land border or if they both own coastal [[#State|States]] that connect to the same [[#Sea Node|Sea Node]]. ===Neutrality=== All AI-controlled [[#Country|Countries]] involved in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] have a level of Neutrality based on their internal conditions and their general level of interest in the participants of the play. The higher their Neutrality, the more difficult it will be to convince that [[#Country|Country]] to get involved in the play. ===Normal Wage=== The baseline [[#Wage|Wage]] in a [[#Country|Country]] which many [[#Building|Buildings]] take into account. [[#Government Wage|Government Wages]] and [[#Military Wage|Military Wages]] are based on the Normal Wage. It is determined from the average Wages paid by [[#Building|Industries]] across [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated States]]. ===Obligation=== One [[#Country|Country]] can become Obligated to another as a result of agreements made during [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] or when one Country buys out another's [[#Loans|Loans]]. While Obligated to a Country you are unable to start Diplomatic Plays against them or even join a Play on the other side as them. The other Country may use an Obligation they hold over you to force you into a [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]], or may absolve it to [[#Sway|Sway]] you into supporting them in a Diplomatic Play or increase [[#Relations|Relations]] with you. ===Observer Mode=== An Observing player has full access to the user interface and insight into what is happening in the game, but cannot make any gameplay changes. ===Obsession=== A [[#Culture|Culture]] can be Obsessed with specific [[#Good|Goods]]. [[#Pop|Pops]] of that Culture will spend significantly more on Goods they are Obsessed with compared to other Goods in the same [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]] category. ===Occupancy=== How fully employed a [[#Building|Building]] is, which also determines how much of its maximum [[#Production|Productive]] capacity is utilized. If the Building has room to hire a larger [[#Workforce|Workforce]], it will always try to do so. If its hiring is limited by the [[#Wage|Wage]] it can offer, it will increase Wages for as long as its [[#Balance|Balance]] remains positive. ===Occupation=== Any [[#Province|Provinces]] the [[#Country|Country]] owns that is currently part of an enemy [[#Theater|Theater]] is considered Occupied. Occupation contributes to [[#War Exhaustion|War Exhaustion]]. Occupying a [[#War Goal|War Goal]] you hold on an enemy is usually required to bring their [[#War Support|War Support]] into the negatives. ===Offense=== A [[#Military Unit|Military Unit's]] fighting ability in [[#Battle|Battle]] while advancing into enemy territory. ===Ongoing Diplomatic Action=== A type of [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] that can be both initiated and ended at will, with no approval required nor costs incurred by the target [[#Country|Country]]. ===Opening Moves=== The Opening Moves phase is the first phase of a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. In this phase the [[#Target|Target]] gets to set their primary [[#War Goal|War Goal]], and both [[#Initiator|Initiator]] and Target can claim additional [[#War Goal|War Goals]] using [[#Maneuver|Maneuvers]]. ===Order=== [[#Commander|Commanders]] can be given Orders that cause them to pursue different military objectives. Some Orders have targets (such as [[#Front|Fronts]] or [[#HQ|HQs]]) while others do not. If an Order requires a Commander to travel they will do so automatically upon having been given it. ===Overlord=== The dominant [[#Country|Country]] in a [[#Subject|Subject]] relationship, who derive a number of benefits from the [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] while (usually) having to pay [[#Influence|Influence]] for it. ===Ownership Share=== [[#Pop|Pops]] with Ownership Shares in their [[#Building|Building]] gain a portion of its [[#Balance|Profit]] as [[#Pop Income|Pop Income]], in the form of [[#Dividends|Dividends]]. The amount they receive is based on their share of the Building's total Ownership Shares. The Pop is also considered to own that proportion of the Building's current [[#Cash Reserves|Cash Reserves]]. How Ownership Shares are apportioned across the Building's [[#Workforce|Workforce]] is determined by its Ownership [[#Production Method|Production Methods]], which are strictly limited by [[#Law|Laws]]. ===Party=== A Party is a political entity that participates in [[#Election|Election]]. They consist of one or more [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] whose [[#Ideology|Ideologies]] are at least somewhat compatible. These Interest Groups are empowered by the [[#Votes|Votes]] the Party has won proportional to their [[#Clout|Clout]]. Individual Interest Groups cannot be included in [[#Government|Government]] without the rest of their Party members. ===Party Leader=== The [[#Leader|Leader]] of the [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] in the [[#Party|Party]] with the most [[#Clout|Clout]] is considered the Party Leader. ===Peace Deal=== When a [[#War Leader|War Leader]] wish to end a [[#War|War]] they may offer a Peace Deal. The deal must be agreed to by all negotiating Countries remaining in the War to take effect. To increase the chance the Peace Deal will be agreed to, the War Leader is allowed to include or exclude proposed [[#War Goal|War Goals]] from both sides. ===Per Capita Taxes=== A type of [[#Poll Taxes|Poll Tax]] collected from all [[#Pop|Pops]] except {{icon|peasants}} Peasants. ===Personal Union=== Two [[#Country|Countries]] with the Monarchy [[#Law|Law]] may be joined together in a Personal Union, a [[#Subject|Subject]] relationship where the [[#Overlord|Overlord's]] [[#Ruler|Ruler]] is the [[#Head of State|Head of State]] in both Countries. The subject cannot start their own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]], yet are forced to join their Overlord's [[#War|Wars]]. The [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] will break if the Overlord abolishes the Monarchy. ===Placated=== A Placated [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]] is currently satisfied with the changes you are making to the Country, and will put their [[#Revolution|Revolution]] on hold for now. They will resume organizing in the event that you abandon that course. ===Political Lens=== View [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] and [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated States]], construct [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]], issue [[#Decree|Decrees]], and manage matters of domestic political importance to your [[#Country|Country]]. ===Political Movement=== A Political Movement champions a particular [[#Law|Law]], either to enact it, preserve it, or restore it. Both individual [[#Pop|Pops]] and [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] can join Political Movements, which provide it with both [[#Political Movement Support|Support]] and [[#Political Movement Radicalism|Radicalism]]. Pursuing the change a Political Movement desires will be easier as you have its Support. Failing to pursue the change could lead to a [[#Revolution|Revolution]]. ===Political Movement Radicalism=== The Radicalism of a [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]] is based on its number of [[#Radical|Radicals]] among its supporting [[#Pop|Pops]] and the [[#Clout|Clout]] of supporting [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] whose [[#Approval|Approval]] is [GetApprovalRatingFromValue(GetDefine('NPolitics','APPROVAL_THRESHOLD_ANGRY'))] or worse. A highly Radical Political Movement is less interested in solving issues via mundane politics, and will be able to start a [[#Revolution|Revolution]] sooner. ===Political Movement Support=== The Support of a [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]] is based on the [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] of its supporting [[#Pop|Pops]]. A Political Movement with a high degree of Support increases the [[#Enactment Success|Enactment Success]] chance if you pursue the [[#Law|Law]] they desire, or reduces it if they oppose it. Should the Political Movement lead to a [[#Revolution|Revolution]], Political Movement Support will determine how many [[#State|States]] it will start with. ===Political Strength=== The degree of power a [[#Pop|Pop]], and consequently the [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] it supports, have over the [[#Country|Country's]] politics. It is derived from its supporting Pops' [[#Wealth|Wealth]]. Pops who live in [[#Unincorporated State|Unincorporated States]] have much less Political Strength, while Pops in the [[#Capital State|Capital State]] have more. Pops distribute their Political Strength to the Interest Groups it supports proportionate to how many of its members support it. If an Interest Group is a member of a [[#Party|Party]], they also gain Political Strength from the [[#Votes|Votes]] that Party received in the last [[#Election|Election]]. An Interest Group's [[#Clout|Clout]] is equal to their share of the Country's total Political Strength. ===Politically Inactive/Involved=== The part of a [[#Pop|Pop]] that does not support an [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] is called '''Politically Inactive'''. This is often due to low [[#Literacy|Literacy]] or [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]]. Politically Inactive parts of Pops do not participate in the political process and any [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] they possess is wasted. The opposite of this is '''Politically Involved'''. Which means the Pop is part of one of your [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] and the Pop's Political Strength is attributed to that Interest Group. ===Politician=== A [[#Role|Role]] for those [[#Character|Characters]] whose influence is political rather than military. They can act as [[#Ruler|Ruler]], [[#Heir|Heir]], or [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] [[#Leader|Leader]]. ===Poll Taxes=== A flat [[#Taxes|Tax]] collected on every [[#Working Adults|Working Adult]] it applies to. Since Poll Taxes do not scale with the Pop's income it tends to impact the [[#Lower Strata|Lower Strata]] the most. ===Pop=== The world's population are organized into Pops, groups of individuals who work in the same [[#Building|Building]] as a certain [[#Profession|Profession]], and share the same [[#Culture|Culture]] and [[#Religion|Religion]]. They use the [[#Pop Income|Income]] they earn to buy [[#Good|Goods]] to satisfy their [[#Pop Needs|Needs]], which decides their [[#Wealth|Wealth]] and [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]]. They can support [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] and [[#Political Movement|Political Movements]], or be [[#Politically Inactive/Involved|Politically Inactive]]. A Pop has a number of [[#Working Adults|Working Adults]] and a number of [[#Dependents|Dependents]]. Some number of them are [[#Literacy|Literate]], and they might have a number of either [[#Loyalist|Loyalists]] or [[#Radical|Radicals]]. ===Pop Growth=== The net number of [[#Individual|Individuals]] a [[#Pop|Pop]] gains or loses over time is governed by its Birthrate and Mortality. Both metrics are governed by [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] and modified by factors such as disease, dangerous working conditions, beneficial [[#Institution|Institutions]], and available living space. {{icon|info}} External changes to a Pop's size due to e.g. [[#Migration|Migration]] or [[#Casualties|Casualties]] of [[#War|War]] are not considered Pop Growth. ===Pop Income=== At the end of each week, [[#Pop|Pops]] receive an Income based on the size of their [[#Workforce|Workforce]] and the current [[#Wage|Wage]] offered to them, plus the size of their [[#Dependents|Dependents]] and the amount of [[#Dependent Income|Dependent Income]] they collect. This Income is spent on [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]] which impact the Pop's [[#Wealth|Wealth]]. ===Pop Needs=== [[#Pop|Pops]] spend their income on [[#Good|Goods]] to fulfill their Needs. The higher their [[#Wealth|Wealth]] the more Goods it will purchase. Pops gain more diverse and luxurious Needs as their Wealth increases. A given Need can often be satisfied by a variety of Goods via [[#Goods Substitution|Goods Substitution]]. If the Pop has money left over after its Needs have been fulfilled their Wealth will increase. The inverse is also true: if the Pop cannot afford their Needs they will still purchase them, and the shortfall reduces their Wealth. ===Popularity=== The Popularity of a [[#Character|Character]] measures the willingness of [[#Pop|Pops]] to follow them. Popularity can have different effects depending on the Character's [[#Role|Role]]. ===Port Connection=== A [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lane]] connecting one or several [[#State|States]] otherwise unreachable overland to the [[#Market Capital|Market Capital]], ensuring [[#Market Access|Market Access]] to remote regions. Port Connections require a Port in both ends. The [[#Convoy Cost|Convoy Cost]] of a Port Connection is dependent on the total [[#Infrastructure Usage|Infrastructure Usage]] of the [[#State|States]] it's connecting. ===Potential Battalions=== A [[#Country|Country's]] maximum potential [[#Battalion|Battalions]] is the sum of the its Potential Regular Battalions and Potential [[#Conscript Battalion|Conscript Battalions]]. '''Potential Regular Battalions''': the number of Battalions the Country's currently constructed Barracks are able to support '''Potential Conscript Battalions''': the number of Conscript Battalions the Country's Conscription Centers would create if [[#Conscription Center|Conscription]] had been activated across all [[#State|States]] ===Power Projection=== How intimidating a [[#Country|Country's]] military forces appear to other [[#Country|Countries]]. It forms the basis for the amount of [[#Prestige|Prestige]] that a [[#Country|Country]] gains from its army and navy, and also affects how powerful other Countries perceive them to be when deciding to start or take sides in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. ===Powerful=== The amount of [[#Clout|Clout]] an [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] has decides whether it is [[#Powerful|Powerful]], Influential, or [[#Marginalized|Marginalized]]. A Powerful Interest Group's [[#Interest Group Trait|Interest Group Traits]] will have a {{绿字|+100%}} greater effect than if they were merely Influential. Interest Groups are considered Powerful while their Clout is above 20.0%. ===Prestige=== Your [[#Rank|Rank]] is determined by comparing your Prestige to all other [[#Country|Countries]] in the world. Prestige originates primarily from how impressive your economy is as measured by your [[#Gross Domestic Product|Gross Domestic Product]], how much [[#Power Projection|Power Projection]] your military forces generate, and your [[#Country Tier|Country Tier]]. It can also be affected by other factors such as your Arts Academy and [[#Monument|Monuments]], and if you are a world leader in the production of a certain [[#Good|Good]]. ===Primary Cultures=== The [[#Culture|Culture]] or Cultures a [[#Country|Nation-State]] is primarily associated with. If a Country [[#Nation Formation|forms a different]] Country its Primary Cultures may change, but will otherwise remain the same. ===Principal=== The total size of [[#Loans|Loans]] the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] has accrued, not including the [[#Interest|Interest]] it owes. If the [[#Principal|Principal]] exceeds your [[#Credit|Credit]] you will go into [[#Default|Default]]. ===Production=== The amount of a [[#Good|Good]] produced by a [[#Building|Building]] to be sold for [[#Revenue|Revenue]]. ===Production Lens=== View [[#State|States]] and construct [[#Production|Production]] [[#Building|Buildings]]. ===Production Method=== Production Methods determine how [[#Building|Buildings]] operate. They impact - The [[#Consumption|Input Goods]] the Building must purchase to operate<br />- The [[#Production|Output Goods]] the Building produces and sells<br />- The distribution of [[#Profession|Professions]] among its [[#Workforce|Workforce]] Production Methods can also have other effects, such as the generation of [[#Modifier|Modifiers]] or the distribution of [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]]. Production Methods are organized in groups, in which only one can be active at a time. You can switch which Production Method is active in each group as long as you meet the [[#Technology|Technology]] and/or [[#Law|Law]] requirement for it. ===Productivity=== Productivity is a relative measure of how much economic value a [[#Building|Building]] generates per employee per year. It is calculated by taking the current weekly [[#Revenue|Revenue]] generated from [[#Production|Production]], subtracting the expenses incurred from [[#Consumption|Consumption]], dividing by the total [[#Workforce|Workforce]], and multiplying by 52 (weeks / year). ( Revenue - Material Expenses ) / Total Employees The difference between Productivity and [[#Average Annual Wage|Average Annual Wage]] is the Building's weekly [[#Balance|Balance]], also known as Profit. ===Profession=== A [[#Pop|Pop's]] Profession determines which role they perform in their [[#Building|Building]], how large of a [[#Wage|Wage]] they collect from it, and whether or not they get [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]] in it. It also impacts which [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] they're likely to support, how likely they are to remain [[#Politically Inactive/Involved|Politically Inactive]], and whether they are considered [[#Lower Strata|Lower Strata]], [[#Middle Strata|Middle Strata]], or [[#Upper Strata|Upper Strata]]. To switch Professions, a Pop must have the appropriate [[#Qualifications|Qualifications]]. ===Protectorate=== A Protectorate is an autonomous [[#Subject|Subject]] type able to start their own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]]. A [[#Country|Country]] may ask, or be asked, to become a Protectorate under an [[#Overlord|Overlord]] without risk of [[#War|War]] if the offer is declined. ===Province=== Subdivisions of [[#State|States]], each with its own [[#Terrain|Terrain]]. Provinces are transferred between States during [[#Colony|Colonization]], and can be temporarily transferred between [[#Theater|Theaters]] during [[#War|War]] as the outcome of [[#Battle|Battles]]. ===Puppet=== [[#Recognized Power|Recognized Powers]] may turn a weaker [[#Country|Country]] into their Puppet. A Puppet is a [[#Subject|Subject]] type that cannot start their own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] yet are forced to join their [[#Overlord|Overlord's]] [[#War|Wars]], and must also pay 20% of their [[#Treasury|Treasury]] income to their Overlord each week. A Puppet's [[#Rank|Rank]] cannot increase to match or exceed their Overlord's, and their Overlord may target them with the '''Annexation''' Diplomatic Play. ===Qualifications=== [[#Pop|Pops]] develop the Qualifications necessary to change into another [[#Profession|Profession]] over time. If their current attributes match those of the Profession, or if they currently work in a related field, they will develop Qualifications for it sooner. [[#Literacy|Literacy]], [[#Wealth|Wealth]], and [[#Discrimination|Discrimination]] are common deciding factors. ===Radical=== Radical [[#Individual|Individuals]] within a [[#Pop|Pop]] are disillusioned with the state of their [[#Country|Country]]. The presence of Radicals in a [[#State|State]] contributes to [[#Turmoil|Turmoil]], and the Radicalism of Pops contribute to [[#Political Movement Radicalism|Political Movement Radicalism]]. The [[#Approval|Approval]] of [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] supported by Radical Pops will also be impacted. Radicals are created continuously while a Pop is subjected to [[#Discrimination|Discrimination]] or when their [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] falls below their [[#Minimum Expected Standard of Living|Minimum Expected Standard of Living]], whenever a Pop's [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] decreases, and due to decisions made during special events. Radicals are also created in Pops that support Political Movements whose demands go unfulfilled, and when Pops are fired from a [[#Building|Building's]] [[#Workforce|Workforce]] (particularly if they held [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]]). The opposite of a Radical is a [[#Loyalist|Loyalist]]. Whenever a Loyalist would be created in a Pop that already has Radicals, one Radical is removed instead. ===Raid Convoys=== An [[#Order|Order]] given to an [[#Admiral|Admiral]] to sink enemy [[#Convoys|Convoys]] passing through a sea region. Patrolling fleets passing through the same sea region will attempt to intercept and neutralize the raiders. ===Rank=== A [[#Country|Country's]] Rank is determined by measuring its [[#Prestige|Prestige]] relative to other Countries worldwide. It determines what sorts of international activities you are permitted to engage in, what your people and the world expects of you, and where you stand in the global pecking order. ===Recognized Power=== A Recognized Power is considered a valid nation-state capable of self-determination by consensus of the [[#Great Power|Great Powers]], which sets them apart from [[#Unrecognized Power|Unrecognized Powers]]. ===Recovery Rate=== The percentage of [[#Casualties|Casualties]] a [[#Military Unit|Military Unit]] takes that survive, in some cases by becoming [[#Dependents|Dependents]]. Can be increased with '''Medical Aid''' [[#Production Method|Production Method]] and [[#Technology|Technologies]]. Recovery Rate is countered by the enemy Military Unit's [[#Kill Rate|Kill Rate]]. ===Relations=== The current stance of diplomatic Relations between two [[#Country|Countries]]. Both sides can influence this mutual score using the Improve Relations, Damage Relations, and Expel Diplomats [[#Diplomatic Action|Diplomatic Actions]] by spending [[#Influence|Influence]]. Relations impact which Diplomatic Actions and [[#Diplomatic Pact|Pacts]] are valid interaction options for the Countries, and also impact the likelihood they will accept diplomatic overtures or take your side in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. ===Religion=== All [[#Pop|Pops]] have a Religion, which can only change through [[#Conversion|Conversion]]. Their Religion determines whether they are [[#Discrimination|Discriminated Against]] in their [[#Country|Country]] or not. ===Religious Trait=== Aspects of a [[#Religion|Religion]], such as its major religion group. The similarity between the Religious Traits of a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#State Religion|State Religion]] and the Religion adhered to by a [[#Pop|Pop]], combined with the Country's current Church and State [[#Law|Law]], determines whether the Pop is [[#Discrimination|Discriminated Against]] or not. ===Resource Potential=== A Resource Potential grants the ability to construct and expand a specific [[#Building|Building]] type in the state, usually a resource industry such as fisheries, mines, or plantations. The maximum [[#Building Level|Building Level]] you can expand the Building to is limited either to a fixed amount per resources, or by the State's amount of [[#Arable Land|Arable Land]]. ===Revenue=== After a [[#Building|Building]] has [[#Production|Produced]] [[#Good|Goods]], they are sold at the [[#Local Price|Local Price]]. The amount of [[#Money|Money]] made in the sale is the Building's Revenue, the positive factor of its [[#Balance|Balance]]. ===Revolution=== A Revolution is the result of a [[#Political Movement|Political Movement]] that has grown too [[#Political Movement Radicalism|Radical]]. If the Movement starts an uprising, [[#State|States]] in which its supporting [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] and [[#Pop|Pops]] are relatively strong will separate from the rest of the Country and start a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] to annex the loyalists. You can lower the Movement's [[#Political Movement Radicalism|Political Movement Radicalism]] by reducing the number of [[#Radical|Radicals]] in the supporting Pops and increasing the [[#Approval|Approval]] of supporting Interest Groups. You can also weaken and slow a Revolution down using the Home Affairs [[#Institution|Institution]]. ===Revolution Progression Speed=== The rate by which [[#Revolution|Revolutions]] progress. Might be affected by [[#Law|Laws]]. ===Rivalry=== A [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] established by one [[#Country|Country]] targeting another of similar [[#Rank|Rank]], and which generates {{icon|influence}} [[#Influence|Influence]] for the [[#Country|Country]] declaring the rivalry. The two Countries must have overlapping [[#Interest|Interests]] to be valid rivals. The Pact will also limit the range of [[#Relations|Relations]] that can be established between the two Countries for as long as the Pact is active. ===Role=== Roles determine what areas of your [[#Country|Country]] a particular [[#Character|Character]] has influence over. A Character can have one or several Roles. The list of Roles are:<br />[[#Ruler|Ruler]] (usually also a [[#Politician|Politician]])<br />[[#Heir|Heir]]<br />[[#Politician|Politician]]<br />[[#General|General]]<br />[[#Admiral|Admiral]] ===Ruler=== A Ruler is usually the [[#Head of State|Head of State]] who represents the [[#Country|Country's]] in domestic and world affairs. A Ruler's [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] affects the Country directly. When a Ruler dies a new one will take their place, either an [[#Heir|Heir]] if one exists or another Character depending on [[#Government Type|Government Type]]. ===Sea Node=== An intersection or point along a naval [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lane]] representing a part of the ocean. Shipping Lanes always take the route between two coastal [[#State|States]] that pass through the fewest number of Sea Nodes. Each additional Sea Node beyond the first adds {{red|+10.0%}} to the [[#Convoy Cost|Convoy Cost]]. ===Secession=== A Secession is the result of excessive [[#Cultural Turmoil|Cultural Turmoil]] in a [[#Country|Country]] that controls any of that [[#Culture|Culture's]] [[#Homeland|Homelands]]. If Cultural Turmoil in a Country exceeds 0.5, Secessionist [[#Pop|Pops]] may begin an uprising. Once complete, the Homelands will separate from the rest of the Country, which will automatically start a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] to return them to the fold. You can stop a Secessionist uprising by reducing [[#Turmoil|Turmoil]] among Pops of that Culture in your Country, and you can slow it down using the Home Affairs [[#Institution|Institution]]. ===Sell Orders=== The number of orders to sell a [[#Good|Good]] on the central [[#Market|Market]] is used in combination with [[#Buy Orders|Buy Orders]] to determine its [[#Market Price|Market Price]]. Sell Orders are generated by the production of the Good in each of the Market's [[#State|States]]. The higher the [[#Market Access|Market Access]] a State has, the closer the number of Sell Orders generated will be to the total production. ===Senior Partner=== A Senior Partner in a [[#Customs Union|Customs Union]] gains control of their [[#Junior Partner|Junior Partners']] [[#Market|Markets]]. While the Junior Partners may continue to [[#Trade Route|Trade]] with other Markets, only the Senior Partner may issue [[#Embargo|Embargoes]] and control [[#Tariffs|Tariff]] levels. In exchange the Senior Partner shares a minor portion of the Market's Tariff income, while both [[#Country|Countries']] [[#Building|Industries]] benefit from participating in a more powerful and mature Market. ===Shipping Lane=== A Shipping Lane is a naval connection of [[#Convoys|Convoys]] between two coastal [[#State|States]] to move [[#Good|Goods]] and [[#Pop|Pops]] from place to place. A Shipping Lane can be either a [[#Trade Route|Trade Route]], [[#Supply Route|Supply Route]], or a [[#Port Connection|Port Connection]]. ===Shipping Lane Effectiveness=== The Effectiveness of a [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lane]] is determined by the strength of a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Supply Network|Supply Network]], reduced by any damage it has sustained from [[#Raid Convoys|Raid Convoys]]. When Effectiveness is below 100%, the function of the Shipping Lane is reduced to match. ===Slavery=== A practice where one person is permitted legal ownership over another. {{icon|slaves}} Slaves will be substituted for other [[#Pop|Pops]] in different [[#Building|Building]] types based on the [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Law|Laws]]. Laws also determine how existing Pops become Enslaved and how Slaves are uprooted and transported to the Country. ===Sovereignty=== A [[#Country|Country's]] right to self-govern. When one Country violates the Sovereignty of another they openly disrespect this right. Should the other not respond in turn with an immediate military response enforcing the integrity of their borders, they submit to the violator and permit them military access through their territory. ===Split State=== A [[#State Region|State Region]] split into multiple smaller [[#State|States]] belonging to different [[#Country|Countries]]. When split, a portion of the [[#Resource Potential|Resource Potentials]], [[#Building|Buildings]], and [[#Pop|Pops]] are redistributed between the States. Should one Country take control of more than one part of the Split State, these will be combined into a single State. ===Stalled Enactment=== Stalled Enactment indicates the percentage chance that the enactment process of a [[#Law|Law]] will be substantially hindered at the next checkpoint. Its base chance is equal to the total [[#Clout|Clout]] of opposing [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]] in [[#Government|Government]]. ===Standard of Living=== Standard of Living measures a [[#Pop|Pop's]] living conditions, with their material [[#Wealth|Wealth]] as the baseline. It governs [[#Pop Growth|Birthrate and Mortality]], and every time it changes it can cause Pops to become more [[#Radical|Radical]] or [[#Loyalist|Loyal]]. The average Standard of Living in a [[#State|State]] affects its [[#Migration Attraction|Migration Attraction]]. ===State=== A geographic region controlled by a [[#Country|Country]]. [[#Pop|Pops]] live and work in the [[#Building|Buildings]] in the State. Unless it is a [[#Split State|Split State]] its territory is equivalent to a [[#State Region|State Region]]. Unless it is [[#Isolated State Region|Isolated]], it will trade any [[#Good|Goods]] locally [[#Consumption|Consumed]] and [[#Production|Produced]] with other States in the same [[#Market|Market]] in to a degree based on its [[#Market Access|Market Access]]. ===State Region=== A part of the world corresponding with a certain fixed set of [[#Province|Provinces]]. A State Region is usually equivalent to a [[#State|State]]. In certain cases a State Region can become a [[#Split State|Split State]], where two or more [[#Country|Countries]] each hold a State in the same State Region. ===State Religion=== The [[#Religion|Religion]] most associated with a [[#Country|Country]]. It is typically the dominant [[#Religion|Religion]] adhered to by most of its [[#Pop|Pops]], but can sometimes be legally declared or simply the Religion preferred by its [[#Ruler|Ruler]]. It does not typically change. ===Strategic Desire=== AI-controlled [[#Country|Countries]] may have a Strategic Desire towards Countries they deem geopolitically relevant. Their Strategic Desire influence their [[#Attitude|Attitude]]. ===Strategic Region=== A collection of [[#State Region|State Regions]] considered a region of strategic importance. [[#Country|Countries]] have an [[#Interest|Interest]] in all Regions where they own [[#Province|Land]], and may project additional [[#Interest|Interests]] in other Strategic Regions if their [[#Rank|Rank]] is high enough to do so. Maintaining an [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]] in a Strategic Region is a prerequisite to participate in [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] taking place there. ===Strategy=== AI-controlled [[#Country|Countries]] have a set of three Strategies in areas corresponding with the [[#Capacity|Capacities]] which govern their long- and short-term goals, and how they will proceed when making decisions in regards to other Countries. Which Strategies are selected is influenced by a number of factors such as the Country's size and [[#Rank|Rank]], as well as its current [[#Government|Government]]. ===Subject=== A [[#Country|Country]] whose autonomy and right to self-determination is limited to varying degree by an [[#Overlord|Overlord]]. Subject relationships are a type of [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] that Countries can be asked to join or forced into with a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. The precise effects depends on the type of Subject but tend to include being forced into their Overlord's [[#Market|Market]], having to give up a part of their [[#Treasury|Treasury's]] income, decreased [[#Prestige|Prestige]], the inability to start your own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] or freely decide which side to support in them, and inheriting the Overlord's [[#Ruler|Ruler]] as your [[#Head of State|Head of State]]. Subjects can be liberated with a Diplomatic Play started by themselves or a third party. Some Subject types can also be targeted by a Play by their Overlord to reduce their autonomy further, or even become fully '''Annexed''' by them. ===Subsidies=== A Subsidized [[#Building|Building]] is guaranteed by the [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Government|Government]] to be funded enough to always by able to pay at least the [[#Subsidized Wage|Subsidized Wage]]. If the building cannot pay its employees according to this rate or higher, and/or if its cost of buying [[#Consumption|Input Goods]] exceeds its [[#Revenue|Revenue]] from selling [[#Production|Output Goods]], the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] will cover the difference. This guarantees the Building can hire as many employees as it wants in order to maximize [[#Throughput|Throughput]] without concern for how financially viable that is. ===Subsidized Wage=== When a [[#Subsidies|Subsidized]] [[#Building|Building]] cannot pay their [[#Workforce|Workforce]] at least the [[#Normal Wage|Normal Wage]], the remainder is covered by government Subsidies through the [[#Treasury|Treasury]]. In return the Building will never fire its Workforce and aim to keep [[#Throughput|Throughput]] maximized at all times. ===Subsistence Building=== A set of [[#Building|Buildings]] that perform low-intensity, decentralized production of food and basic resource [[#Good|Goods]] suitable for mere survival. Their production is split between a small quantity of [[#Good|Goods]] to be sold on the [[#Market|Market]] and [[#Subsistence Output|Subsistence Output]] used to sustain the meager [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]] of the {{icon|peasants}} Peasants who work there. They are considerably less effective than most Buildings, but will operate on any unclaimed [[#Arable Land|Arable Land]] and does not require manual [[#Construction|Construction]]. ===Subsistence Output=== A form of in-kind income that {{icon|peasants}} Peasants generate from [[#Subsistence Building|Subsistence Farming]], which represents the work they perform producing [[#Good|Goods]] to cover their own [[#Pop Needs|Needs]]. Unlike [[#Wage|Wages]], Subsistence Output is not paid out from the Building's [[#Revenue|Revenue]] and is not subject to [[#Income Taxes|Income Taxes]]. ===Supply=== A [[#Commander|Commander's]] Supply sets the baseline [[#Supply|Supply]] for [[#Military Unit|Military Units]] under their command. Supply is usually 100%, but can be lower if a [[#General|General]] is overseas and supplied by a compromised [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lane]], and will be zero if the General is completely cut off from its [[#HQ|HQ]]. [[#Character Trait|Character Traits]] and [[#Modifier|Modifiers]] can also apply in some cases. ===Supply Network=== Every seafaring [[#Country|Country]] maintains a Supply Network of [[#Convoys|Convoys]] to maintain the transportation needs of their [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lanes]]. The total strength of your Supply Network is determined by comparing the amount of Convoys produced to the total [[#Convoy Cost|Convoy Cost]] across all your Shipping Lanes. This strength is the baseline [[#Shipping Lane Effectiveness|Effectiveness]] of all your Shipping Lanes. ===Supply Route=== A [[#Shipping Lane|Shipping Lane]] that supplies a [[#General|General]] [[#Order|Ordered]] to advance or defend a [[#Front|Front]] only accessible by sea. The General's [[#Supply|Supply]] level is equal to the Supply Route's [[#Shipping Lane Effectiveness|Effectiveness]]. ===Suppress=== A Suppressed [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] is less attractive for [[#Pop|Pops]] to support. Your base Suppression ability is determined by your Free Speech [[#Law|Law]]. Suppressing Interest Groups cost [[#Authority|Authority]]. ===Sway=== The [[#Initiator|Initiator]] or [[#Target|Target]] in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] can attempt to Sway any other [[#Country|Country]] with an [[#Active Interest|Active Interest]] in the [[#Strategic Region|Strategic Region]] to their side, by offering a [[#War Goal|War Goal]] or other promise such as an [[#Obligation|Obligation]]. Attempting to Sway a Country costs [[#Maneuver|Maneuvers]], and the chance an AI Country will accept the offer depends on your [[#Relations|Relations]] and their [[#Attitude|Attitude]] to you as well as your opponent. ===Sympathy=== All AI-controlled [[#Country|Countries]] involved in a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] begin the play with a level of Sympathy for each side, which influences how likely they are to support that side in the conflict. AI [[#Country|Countries]] tend to have higher Sympathy for the [[#Target|Target]], for countries they have [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pacts]] with, and for those are opposing a [[#Country|Country]] with high [[#Infamy|Infamy]]. Sympathy can also increase over the course of the [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]], as a side that gains powerful backers or accrues [[#Infamy|Infamy]] through adding [[#War Goal|War Goals]] tends to generate Sympathy for the opposing side. ===Taboo=== A [[#Religion|Religion]] can be have a Taboo against specific [[#Good|Goods]]. [[#Pop|Pops]] of that Religion will spend significantly less on Goods they consider Taboo compared to other Goods in the same [[#Pop Needs|Pop Needs]] category. ===Target=== The [[#Country|Country]] targeted by a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. ===Tariffs=== Tariffs are a type of [[#Taxes|Tax]] on [[#Trade Route|Trade]]. The Tariff Rate applied to a Trade Route depends on your [[#Country|Country's]] current Trade Policy [[#Law|Law]] and your [[#Market Good Policy|Market Good Policy]] for the [[#Good|Good]] being traded, while the actual income collected by your [[#Treasury|Treasury]] on the Trade Route depends on its volume and the Good's [[#Base Price|Base Price]]. Any Tariffs charged on the Trade Route is subtracted from the [[#Revenue|Revenue]] of the Trade Center managing it, which discourages increasing the volume traded. ===Tax Waste=== The amount of [[#Taxes|Taxes]] collected that are wasted, due to inefficiencies or corruption, prior to entering the government coffers. ===Taxation Capacity=== Each point of Taxation Capacity in a [[#State|State]] allows for the efficient taxation of 10.0K [[#Pop|Pops]]. If the population of a [[#State|State]] outgrows its Taxation Capacity, the efficiency of all forms of taxation will be reduced. Taxation Capacity can be increased through researching certain Society Technologies or constructing Government Administration [[#Building|Buildings]] in the [[#State|State]]. ===Taxes=== [[#Country|Countries]] can tap into their market economies in various ways. The most common is to tax its populace's private sector incomes, or charge duties on the sales, purchase, or trade of [[#Good|Goods]]. ===Technology=== Technology covers all innovation in the fields of Production, Military, and Society. Technologies have nation-wide effects, which can range from changing the [[#Country|Country's]] operating parameters via [[#Modifier|Modifiers]] to unlocking new [[#Production Method|Production Methods]], [[#Building|Buildings]], [[#Law|Laws]], [[#Decree|Decrees]], and [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pacts]]. Progress is made towards new Technologies through [[#Innovation|Innovation]], which is primarily produced by University Buildings. In addition to progress from Innovation, Technologies may propagate from Countries who already have them to those who do not via [[#Technology Spread|Technology Spread]]. The amount of progress required in a Technology to acquire it depends on its [[#Technology Era|Era]]. If you have not yet acquired all Technologies from previous Eras, the amount required will increase further. ===Technology Era=== [[#Technology|Technology]] Eras are a rough classification of which time period a certain idea was first discovered or developed. Era I inventions were well-known in many parts of the world prior to 1836.<br />Era II inventions are associated with the First Industrial Revolution (1836 to mid-19th century).<br />Era III is a period of evolution, stabilization, and standardization that runs until late 19th century.<br />Era IV corresponds with the Second Industrial Revolution around the turn of the century.<br />Era V inventions are transformative, modern ideas. Technologies require more [[#Innovation|Innovation]] to discover the later Era it appears in. If you have not yet acquired all Technologies from previous Eras, the amount required will increase further. ===Technology Spread=== One [[#Technology|Technology]] that you have not yet acquired from each category (Production, Military, and Society) is always spreading to you from [[#Country|Countries]] that have acquired them. The progress you get in spreading Technologies is randomized each week around a base value depending on your Country's [[#Literacy|Literacy]]. If no Country has invented a certain Technology yet it cannot spread to you, so you are more likely to acquire early [[#Technology Era|Era]] Technologies from Technology Spread than later ones. ===Tension=== How strained the relationship is between a [[#Colony|Colonizing]] [[#Country|Country]] and nearby [[#Decentralized Nation|Decentralized Nations]]. Tensions rise with all nearby Decentralized Nations whenever a [[#Province|Province]] is taken over, and decreases over time as long as no new land is taken. If the tension level rises to '''{{red|Volatile}}''', continued colonization may trigger a [[#Native Uprising|Native Uprising]]. ===Terrain=== A [[#Province|Province's]] Terrain determines its [[#Combat Width|Combat Width]] and how volatile and unpredictable [[#Battle|Battles]] in that Province is. [[#General|Generals]] can also be more or less versed in fighting in different types of Terrain. The Terrain of a given Province can change as a result of the [[#Building|Buildings]] constructed in the [[#State|State]]. ===Theater=== A region of adjacent [[#Province|Provinces]] under the control of a single [[#Country|Country]]. [[#Front|Fronts]] are created on the border between two Theaters controlled by Countries hostile to each other in a [[#War|War]] or [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. ===Throughput=== How effectively the [[#Workforce|Workforce]] of a [[#Building|Building]] can turn [[#Consumption|Input Goods]] into [[#Production|Output Goods]] or other effects. Throughput can increase as a result of [[#Economy of Scale|Economy of Scale]], and might be adjusted up or down due to [[#Modifier|Modifiers]]. ===Timed Modifier=== A [[#Modifier|Modifier]] with an expiry date, after which it will disappear. Timed Modifiers can either maintain its full effect up until its expiry date, or [[#Decay|Decay]] gradually until the date has been reached. ===Trade Agreement=== A type of [[#Diplomatic Pact|Diplomatic Pact]] between two [[#Country|Countries]] that eliminates [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]] and [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]] cost of [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]] between them. ===Trade Lens=== View [[#Market|Markets]] and [[#Trade Route|Trade Routes]], construct [[#Infrastructure|Infrastructure]] [[#Building|Buildings]], and manage Trade-related aspects of your [[#Country|Country]]. ===Trade Revenue=== A [[#Trade Route|Trade Route]] generates revenue for the Trade Center managing it, depending on the [[#Market Price|Market Price]] difference and the volume traded. [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]] reduce the Trade Revenue generated, effectively decreasing the maximum volume a [[#Trade Route|Trade Route]] can move before it becomes unprofitable and stagnates. ===Trade Route=== Trade Routes Buy [[#Good|Goods]] on one [[#Market|Market]], transport it to another using [[#Convoys|Convoys]] (or overland, if the Markets are adjacent), and Sell the Goods there in order to make [[#Revenue|Revenue]] (from which [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]] are subtracted) for the Trade Center managing it. In the process it creates [[#Buy Orders|Buy]] and [[#Sell Orders|Sell Orders]] on the two Markets, making it more expensive in one and less in the other. The volume of Goods moved will independently scale up and down to meet the Market conditions in both, employing more or less [[#Workforce|Workforce]] to match. Each Trade Route costs a fixed amount of [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]] to maintain. ===Trade Route Competitiveness=== If a [[#Market|Market's]] pool of [[#Good|Goods]] available for [[#Trade Route|Trade]] is depleted due to too many Trade partners, the Competitiveness of each competing Trade Route determines how large a share they get access to. A Trade Route's Competitiveness increases over time. ===Treasury=== The Treasury keeps track of your [[#Country|Country's]] assets. Each week your budget balance will result in the Treasury taking out more [[#Loans|Loans]] to cover a [[#Money|Money]] deficit, or depositing Money into the [[#Gold Reserves|Gold Reserves]]. ===Treaty Port=== A coastal [[#State|State]] that consists of a single [[#Province|Province]] taken as a [[#War Goal|War Goal]] for purpose of opening [[#Trade Route|Trade]] with that [[#Country|Country]]. A Treaty Port permits its owner to bypass [[#Tariffs|Tariffs]] and [[#Embargo|Embargoes]] when trading with any [[#Market|Market]] in the same [[#State Region|State Region]]. Treaty Ports that come under hostile occupation will not confer any of their benefits while the occupation lasts. ===Tributary=== [[#Unrecognized Power|Unrecognized Powers]] may turn a weaker [[#Country|Country]] into their Tributary. A Tributary is a more autonomous [[#Subject|Subject]] type that are able to start their own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] and are not forced to join their [[#Overlord|Overlord's]] [[#War|Wars]]. They must pay 10% of their [[#Treasury|Treasury]] income to their Overlord each week. ===Turmoil=== [[#State|States]] and [[#Culture|Cultures]] with Turmoil contain [[#Radical|Radicals]] that are unhappy with their current circumstances. The amount of Turmoil is equal to the fraction of the State's or Culture's [[#Workforce|Workforce]] that are Radical. Turmoil can inflict a number of negative local status effects on a State if it gets high enough. [[#Cultural Turmoil|Cultural Turmoil]] can impact a whole [[#Country|Country]] in very disruptive ways. ===Under Construction=== When a [[#Building|Building]] is using [[#Construction|Construction]] it is considered being Under Construction. ===Unemployed=== An Unemployed [[#Pop|Pop]] does not work in any of its [[#State|State's]] [[#Building|Buildings]] and therefore does not collect a [[#Wage|Wage]]. They are likely to take the next best job that comes along, and will likely [[#Migration|Emigrate]] if nothing comes along. ===Unification Candidate=== A Unification Candidate is a [[#Country|Country]] considered a viable candidate for unification. The conditions for who qualifies as a Unification Candidate varies depending on which unified nation it is. ===Unification Supporter=== A Unification Supporter is a [[#Country|Country]] that favors a particular [[#Unification Candidate|Unification Candidate]]. Should the unification be successful, the Unification Supporter will become a part of the union. ===Unincorporated State=== A [[#State|State]] that is within a [[#Country|Country's]] domain, but considered a territorial holding or frontier beyond the reach of [[#Institution|Institutions]] and [[#Government|Government]]. [[#Pop|Pops]] who live in Unincorporated States are disenfranchised and do not contribute much [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] to their [[#Interest Group|Interest Groups]], nor can they [[#Votes|Vote]] in [[#Election|Elections]]. On the upside (for them) they are exempt from [[#Taxes|Taxation]]. Unincorporated States do not cost [[#Bureaucracy|Bureaucracy]] to maintain, as Taxes are not collected and Institutions do not provide any benefits there. Unincorporated States can be [[#Incorporated State|Incorporated]], which will put it under the direct management of the [[#Country|Country's]] central authority.<br />Unincorporated States are subject to the following effects:<br />[GetStaticModifier('unincorporated_state').GetDesc]#! ===Unrecognized Power=== Unrecognized Powers are [[#Country|Polities]] perceived as inferior and uncivilized by the reigning [[#Great Power|Great Powers]], who regard them as little more than potential future conquests. As a result their [[#Prestige|Prestige]] is penalized and they can be targeted with more severe [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]]. They are also restricted in what [[#Rank|Ranks]] they may reach, no matter how much Prestige they acquire. An Unrecognized Power that wish to remove these penalties must claim recognition from a [[#Great Power|Great Power]] through a Diplomatic Play. ===Upper Strata=== The Upper Strata consist of [[#Pop|Pops]] with [[#Profession|Professions]] they [[#Qualifications|Qualify]] for mostly on the basis of [[#Wealth|Wealth]]. These Professions are typically not available to Pops subject to [[#Discrimination|Discrimination]] either. They tend to hold [[#Ownership Share|Ownership Shares]] in their [[#Building|Buildings]] and draw [[#Dividends|Dividends]] and collect [[#Interest|Interest]] in addition to [[#Wage|Wages]]. ===Urbanization=== Urbanization is generated by most [[#Building|Buildings]] constructed in a [[#State|State]] to varying degrees. For every 100 Urbanization in a State, one Urban Center will also spring up. ===Vassal=== [[#Unrecognized Power|Unrecognized Powers]] may turn a weaker [[#Country|Country]] into their Vassal. A Vassal is a [[#Subject|Subject]] type that cannot start their own [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Plays]] yet are forced to join their [[#Overlord|Overlord's]] [[#War|Wars]], and must also pay 15% of their [[#Treasury|Treasury]] income to their Overlord each week. ===Votes=== Your [[#Law|Laws]] determine whether any given [[#Pop|Pop]] gets to cast a Vote, and if so, how much [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]] that vote will count for. Votes are cast for [[#Party|Parties]] during [[#Election|Election]] periods. Pops will tend to vote for the Party their [[#Interest Group|Interest Group]] belongs to, but may be won over by another Party with greater [[#Momentum|Momentum]]. After the Election date, the number of total Votes each Party received will be fixed until the next Election, and will increase the [[#Clout|Clout]] of any Interest Groups that are members of the Party. ===Wage=== Wages paid to [[#Pop|Pops]] by the [[#Building|Building]] they work in depends on several factors, the most prominent being the Pop's [[#Profession|Profession]] and the Building's financial situation. If a Building's [[#Balance|Balance]] allows for raising Wages at all, the Building will only do so if it needs to in order to attract more Pops to its [[#Workforce|Workforce]]. If a Building's Balance is negative, it will consider lowering Wages to return to profitability. You can guarantee that the Workforce is paid a competitive Wage by [[#Subsidies|Subsidizing]] the building. This will keep it afloat with funds from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] if necessary. ===Wages=== [[#Pop|Pops]] in the employ of a [[#Country|Country's]] [[#Government Building|Government Buildings]] and [[#Military Building|Military Buildings]] get paid Wages from the [[#Treasury|Treasury]] each week, according to the [[#Government Wage|Government Wage]] and [[#Military Wage|Military Wage]] respectively. ===War=== An active armed conflict between two sides of co-belligerent [[#Country|Countries]] as a result of the failure to peacefully resolve a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]]. During Wars, [[#Commander|Commanders]] on land and at sea will follow [[#Order|Orders]] to complete certain objectives, often resulting in [[#Battle|Battles]] between the two sides. ===War Exhaustion=== A [[#Pop|Population]] tends to suffer while their [[#Country|Country]] is at [[#War|War]]. The following factors contribute to War Exhaustion: * how much [[#Province|Land]] has been [[#Occupation|Occupied]]<br />* how many [[#War Goal|War Goals]] the enemy controls<br />* how many [[#Casualties|Casualties]] have been taken<br />* how much the Country is suffering from [[#Turmoil|Turmoil]] War Exhaustion reduces [[#War Support|War Support]] each week, bringing the Country closer to agreeing to a [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]]. ===War Goal=== War Goals are the objectives a [[#Country|Country]] is fighting a [[#War|War]] over. They are determined during the [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] and are fixed after the War has begun. Each War Goal claimed in a [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]] decreases the chance the opponent will accept it, and increases the degree by which their [[#War Support|War Support]] must be [[#War Exhaustion|Exhausted]] before they will agree. The first War Goal claimed as part of the Diplomatic Play is considered your Primary War Goal, and some Diplomatic Plays require it to be included in all Peace Deals. ===War Leader=== One [[#Country|Country]] on each side of a [[#War|War]] is considered the War Leader for that side, usually (but not always) corresponding to the [[#Initiator|Initiator]] and [[#Target|Target]] of the [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] that spawned it. They are the only ones who may propose [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deals]], though every Peace Deal must be ratified by all negotiating members of the War to be accepted. ===War Reparations=== A secondary [[#War Goal|War Goal]] that can be added onto a [[#Diplomatic Play|Diplomatic Play]] and claimed as part of a [[#Peace Deal|Peace Deal]]. If enforced, the targeted [[#Country|Country]] is forced to transfer [GetDiplomaticActionType('war_reparations').GetIncomeTransfer|v%] of their [[#Treasury|Treasury]] income to the other for a duration of 60 months. ===War Support=== A measure of how eager your [[#Country|Country's]] is to remain in a [[#War|War]]. Positive values indicates a desire to stay in the War while negative values indicate a general opposition to it. Once War Support reaches -100 the Country will immediately capitulate, allowing all [[#War Goal|War Goals]] to be pressed on them. ===Wealth=== A measure of a [[#Pop|Pop's]] material assets. To sustain a certain level of Wealth the Pop has a set of [[#Pop Needs|Needs]] it must satisfy each week. If their [[#Pop Income|Income]] does not cover the cost of these Needs, their Wealth will eventually decrease. If they have [[#Money|Money]] left over after purchasing the necessary Goods, Wealth will soon increase. Wealth is the main factor contributing to a Pop's [[#Standard of Living|Standard of Living]], and under certain [[#Law|Laws]] it may affect other aspects of their life such as [[#Literacy|Literacy]] and [[#Votes|Voting Rights]]. ===Welfare Payments=== Welfare Payments are a form of direct subsidy paid by by a [[#Country|Country]] to all Pops in the [[#Workforce|Workforce]] that receive wages lower than the defined fraction of the [[#Normal Wage|Normal Wage]]. ===Workforce=== The Workforce of a [[#Building|Building]] consists of [[#Pop|Pops]] of different [[#Profession|Professions]] depending on the currently active [[#Production Method|Production Methods]]. ===Working Adults=== The part of a [[#Pop|Pop]] that make up the [[#Workforce|Workforce]] that work in [[#Building|Buildings]] for [[#Wage|Wages]]. They are the main source of a Pop's [[#Pop Income|Income]] and [[#Political Strength|Political Strength]]. ===Wounded=== [[#Casualties|Casualties]] that are merely Wounded in [[#Battle|Battle]] or due to [[#Attrition|Attrition]]. Some Wounded Casualties recover and return to active service after some time, while others end up as [[#Dependents|Dependents]] of other [[#Pop|Pops]] in your [[#Country|Country]]. <section end=autogenerated_vickypedia/> [[分类:待定]] [[en:Vickypedia]]
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