
(建立内容为“{{Version|pre-release}} {{see also|Laws}} File:UI politics laws.png|thumb|600px|The numbers in green refer to the number of alternative laws currently available…”的新页面)
(Katty von Keksburg移动页面Power structure laws权力结构法律

2022年10月27日 (四) 21:04的版本

The numbers in green refer to the number of alternative laws currently available to be enacted in that sub-category.

Power structure laws determine who is in control of different aspects of the country.

It includes fundamental Governance Principles such as monarchy and parliamentary republic, which determine who will be the nation's head of state is and what kind of powers they wield.

Distribution of Power ranges from autocracy and oligarchy through various extensions of the voting franchise all the way to universal suffrage.

Citizenship and Church and State laws govern which pops suffer legal discrimination in the country due to their culture or religion.

The principles on which Bureaucracy is run -- such as hereditary or elected positions for bureaucrats -- determine how expensive it is to keep track of each citizen and how much institutions cost to run, but also directly benefit some groups over others.

Conscription lets the player raise a part of the civilian workforce as soldiers in times of war, and Internal Security governs how the home affairs anti-insurgent institution works.

Army Model

How your army is organized and regulated.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
Mass Conscription icon
Mass Conscription
Large numbers of infantry conscripts can be activated as needed to supplement the professional army.
Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • +25% Conscription rate
  • +100% Training rate
Not limited AAA
National Militia icon
National Militia
The standing army is small, but local militias can be activated to defend their homes.
Invention mandatory service.png Mandatory Service
  • +10% Conscription rate
  • IG armed forces.png −10% Armed forces political strength
Not limited AAA
Peasant Levies icon
Peasant Levies
The army's main force comes from conscripted infantry with zero to basic training.
  • +7.5% Conscription rate
  • IG landowners.png +10% Landowners political strength
  • Pop officers.png Most officers qualifications will originate from aristocrats
Not limited AAA
Professional Army icon
Professional Army
The army consists of well-trained, professional regulars.
  • +5% Conscription rate
  • IG armed forces.png +25% Armed forces political strength
Not limited AAA


How your country is administered.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
Appointed Bureaucrats icon
Appointed Bureaucrats
Bureacrats are appointed by rulers to serve the country's best interests in exchange for high wages.
IG intelligensia.png +25% Intelligentsia political strength
  • Law elected bureaucrats.png Elected Bureaucrats
  • Law hereditary bureaucrats.png Hereditary Bureaucrats
Elected Bureaucrats icon
Elected Bureaucrats
Local governors are elected by their constitutents, decentralizing power while making citizens easier to manage.
  • NoLaw autocracy.png Autocracy
  • NoLaw elder council.png Elder Council
  • NoLaw oligarchy.png Oligarchy
  • Bureaucracy −15% Institution cost multiplier
  • Bureaucracy +25% Population cost multiplier
  • IG landowners.png +25% Landowners political strength
Law appointed bureaucrats.png Appointed Bureaucrats AAA
Hereditary Bureaucrats icon
Hereditary Bureaucrats
Bureacrats hold their position through traditional inheritance, passing on the responsiblities to their children.
  • Bureaucracy +15% Institution cost multiplier
  • Bureaucracy −25% Population cost multiplier
  • IG landowners.png +25% Landowners political strength
Law appointed bureaucrats.png Appointed Bureaucrats AAA

Church and State

The relationship between physical and spiritual governors.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
Freedom of Conscience icon
Freedom of Conscience
The state has an official state religion but the people may choose what to believe. Only particularly exotic religions are discriminated against.
  • Invention rationalism.png Rationalism
  • NoLaw theocracy.png Theocracy
  • Hud authority.png Gain +100 authority
  • IG devout.png +15% Devout political strength
  • Yes Any religion sharing a trait with a state religion is accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
  • Law state religion.png State Religion
  • Law total separation.png Total Separation
State Religion icon
State Religion
The church is an official organ of the state. All minority religions are discriminated against.
  • Hud authority.png Gain +200 authority
  • IG devout.png +30% Devout political strength
  • Yes Only a state religion is accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
Law freedom of conscience.png Freedom of Conscience AAA
Total Separation icon
Total Separation
No church or faith may interfere in government functions. No religion may be discriminated against.
  • Invention empiricism.png Empiricism
  • NoLaw theocracy.png Theocracy
  • Yes All religions are accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
Law freedom of conscience.png Freedom of Conscience AAA


Extending the rights of citizenship.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
Cultural Exclusion icon
Cultural Exclusion
Foreign cultures with nothing in common with your primary cultures are discriminated against.
  • Law debt slavery.png Debt Slavery
  • Law slavery banned.png Slavery Banned
  • Hud authority.png Gain +50 authority
  • Yes Any culture sharing a cultural trait with a primary culture is accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
  • Law multicultural.png Multiculturalism
  • Law racial segregation.png Racial Segregation
Ethnostate icon
All foreign cultures are discriminated against.
Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • Hud authority.png Gain +200 authority
  • Yes Only a primary culture is accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
  • Law cultural exclusion.png Cultural Exclusion
  • Law racial segregation.png Racial Segregation
Multiculturalism icon
No cultures are discriminated against.
  • Invention egalitarianism.png Egalitarianism
  • Law slavery banned.png Slavery Banned
  • Yes All cultures are accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
Law cultural exclusion.png Cultural Exclusion AAA
National Supremacy icon
National Supremacy
Foreign cultures are discriminated against unless they share both heritage and language (or other customs).
  • Hud authority.png Gain +200 authority
  • Yes Any culture sharing a trait with a primary culture is accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
  • Law cultural exclusion.png Cultural Exclusion
  • Law racial segregation.png Racial Segregation
Racial Segregation icon
Racial Segregation
Foreign cultures of different heritage are discriminated against.
  • Hud authority.png Gain +100 authority
  • Yes Any culture sharing a heritage trait with a primary culture is accepted
  • Information Pops will recalculate their interest group support
  • Law cultural exclusion.png Cultural Exclusion
  • Law national supremacy.png National Supremacy

Distribution of Power

How political power is distributed. Determines who the Head of State is accountable to.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
Anarchy icon
Local communities govern their own affairs and send representatives to serve limited terms on larger cooperative councils. With no formal hierarchies central authority is difficult to exercise.
  • Invention anarchy.png Anarchy
  • Law council republic.png Council Republic
  • −50% authority
  • +1 Universal pop political strength
  • −75 Political strength from wealth
  • Information Political parties will disappear
Law universal suffrage.png Universal Suffrage AAA
Autocracy icon
The Head of State's power is absolute and they are held accountable to no earthly power.
  • Hud authority.png Gain +250 authority
  • Legitimacy.png +30 Legitimacy from including the head of state in government
  • Pop aristocrats.png +50% Aristocrats political strength
  • NoLaw elected bureaucrats.png Disable Elected Bureaucrats law
  • Information Political parties will disappear
  • Law elder council.png Elder Council
  • Law landed voting.png Landed Voting
  • Law oligarchy.png Oligarchy
Census Suffrage icon
Census Suffrage
Literate men of particular status is given a vote.
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • NoLaw chiefdom.png Chiefdom
  • Hud authority.png Gain +50 authority
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy
  • +30 Political strength from literate pops' votes
  • +10 Wealth threshold for voting
  • Information Political parties will emerge
  • Law landed voting.png Landed Voting
  • Law universal suffrage.png Universal Suffrage
  • Law wealth voting.png Wealth Voting
Elder Council icon
Elder Council
The most venerated men have a say in the nation's governance.
  • Yes Is a decentralized country
  • Law chiefdom.png Chiefdom
  • Hud authority.png Gain +200 authority
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy
  • Pop aristocrats.png +50% Aristocrats political strength
  • Pop clergymen.png +50% Clergymen political strength
  • Pop officers.png +50% Officers political strength
  • NoLaw elected bureaucrats.png Disable Elected Bureaucrats law
  • Information Political parties will disappear
  • Law autocracy.png Autocracy
  • Law oligarchy.png Oligarchy
Landed Voting icon
Landed Voting
Those who own land or capital property are given a vote.
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • NoLaw chiefdom.png Chiefdom
  • Hud authority.png Gain +150 authority
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy
  • Pop aristocrats.png +50% Aristocrats political strength
  • Pop capitalists.png +50% Capitalists political strength
  • Pop clergymen.png +50% Clergymen political strength
  • Pop officers.png +50% Officers political strength
  • Information Political parties will emerge
  • Law autocracy.png Autocracy
  • Law census voting.png Census Voting
  • Law oligarchy.png Oligarchy
  • Law wealth voting.png Wealth Voting
Oligarchy icon
The Head of State shares power and responsibility with a small group of powerful, unelected individuals.
  • Hud authority.png Gain +200 authority
  • Legitimacy.png +0.5 Legitimacy from government clout
  • Pop aristocrats.png +50% Aristocrats political strength
  • Pop capitalists.png +25% Capitalists political strength
  • NoLaw elected bureaucrats.png Disable Elected Bureaucrats law
  • Information Political parties will disappear
  • Law autocracy.png Autocracy
  • Law elder council.png Elder Council
  • Law landed voting.png Landed Voting
Universal Suffrage icon
Universal Suffrage
Every adult man is given an equal vote.
  • Invention egalitarianism.png Egalitarianism
  • NoLaw chiefdom.png Chiefdom
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy
  • +20 Political strength from votes
  • Information Political parties will emerge
  • Law anarchy.png Anarchy
  • Law census voting.png Census Voting
  • Law wealth voting.png Wealth Voting
Wealth Voting icon
Wealth Voting
Wealthy citizens are granted a vote. Men of more wealth are granted more votes.
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • NoLaw chiefdom.png Chiefdom
  • Hud authority.png Gain +100 authority
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy
  • +40 Political strength from votes
  • +20 Wealth threshold for voting
  • Information Political parties will emerge
  • Law census voting.png Census Voting
  • Law landed voting.png Landed Voting
  • Law universal suffrage.png Universal Suffrage

Governance Principles

The foundational principles and authority by which your country is governed. Determines who the Head of State is.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
Chiefdom icon
A hierarchical pre-industrial political system based on kinship, with a warlord or elder of a prominent family at the head. It is incapable of efficient centralized control over entire states.
Yes Is a decentralized country Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy from including the head of state in government Only available to NPCs AAA
Monarchy icon
A form of governance where an aristocratic dynasty represents the country's national identity and yields executive powers to the royal head of the dynasty.
NoLaw anarchy.png Anarchy
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy from including the head of state in government
  • IG landowners.png +25% Landowners political strength
Not limited AAA
Presidential Republic icon
Presidential Republic
A political system where power is held by the people and their elected representatives. Republics have an elected or nominated President as Head of State.
Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • Legitimacy.png +15 Legitimacy from including the head of state in government
  • Legitimacy.png +0.25 Legitimacy from government clout
Not limited AAA
Parliamentary Republic icon
Parliamentary Republic
A political system where power is held by the people and their elected representatives. The leader of the legislature acts as the Head of State and is referred to as Chancellor.
Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • Legitimacy.png +0.2 Legitimacy from government clout
  • Legitimacy.png −0.3 Reduced legitimacy penalty from size of government
Not limited AAA
Theocracy icon
The government is ruled by a clergy and their interpretation of holy scripture. The Head of State is nominally the person of worship, though in practice a worldly representative selected by merit, status, or birth.
IG devout.png The devout are in government
  • Legitimacy.png +20 Legitimacy from including the head of state in government
  • IG devout.png +25% Devout political strength
Not limited AAA
Council Republic icon
Council Republic
A political system where workers elect delegates to local councils. Extends concepts of workplace organization to general governance.
Invention socialism.png Socialism
  • Legitimacy.png +0.5 Legitimacy from government clout
  • Pop farmers.png +25% Farmers political strength
  • Pop machinists.png +25% Machinists political strength
Not limited AAA

Internal Security

Keeping your own affairs in order.

Law Requirements Effects Change limitations? Stance
No Home Affairs icon
No Home Affairs
The state makes no special attemps to put a stop to unrest and uprisings.
Not limited AAA
National Guard icon
National Guard
The state may use military force to suppress domestic unrest.
Invention army reserves.png Army Reserves
  • Institution home affairs.png +3 Max home affairs institution investment
  • Institution home affairs.png Home affairs institution:
    • +1% Conscription rate
    • −5% Political movement radicalism
Not limited AAA
Secret Police icon
Secret Police
The secret police keep close track of radical elements and dissenters.
Invention central archives.png Central Archives
  • Institution home affairs.png +5 Max home affairs institution investment
  • Institution home affairs.png Home affairs institution:
    • −10% Political movement radicalism
    • −5% Suppression impact on interest group attraction
Not limited AAA
Guaranteed Liberties icon
Guaranteed Liberties
The state is prohibited by law to investigate or interfere with its own citizens.
  • Law protected speech.png Protected Speech
  • Law right of assembly.png Right of Assembly
  • Institution home affairs.png +5 Max home affairs investment
  • Institution home affairs.png Home affairs institution:
    • −10% Radicals from standard of living decreases
    • +10% Loyalists from standard of living increases
Not limited AAA
