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Cotton Gin The cotton gin is a machine which quickly separates the cotton from its seeds, enabling a much faster processing time than doing it by hand.
Distillation Distillation is the ability to separate components of a liquid using different boiling temperatures, allowing for all sorts of further uses.
Enclosure The merger of subsistence plots into enclosed, privately owned fields permits for more organized agriculture and the use of arable land for growing cash crops rather than food.
Lathe The lathe is a machine for rotating a piece of material, be it metal or wood, so that it can be easily be machined into the desired shape.
Manufacturies The guilds controlled the methods and hiring practices a business could use, limiting entry into the labor force and demanding that only highly skilled and certified (by the guild, naturally) craftsmen perform certain tasks. Increasingly, industrialists left the cities and founded new sites of innovation, free from the exacting standards and high wages of the guild masters.
Prospecting Mining gold requires first finding gold. From individuals panning for riches to industrial-scale searches, prospecting is what makes fortunes real.
Sericulture The ancient and closely guarded technique of cultivating silkworms for the production of silk.
Shaft Mining By mining straight down to the desired depth before branching it off, and then using a lift system to raise materials up and down it is possible to make a much more efficient mine.
Steelworking The hardy qualities of steel have been widely prized for millennia, but large-scale production of this invaluable iron alloy has proven difficult to master until recently.
Atmospheric Engine The Atmospheric Engine is the first steam engine that has an actual practical application.
Baking Powder Baked goods have been around since the dawn of civilization, but only with the advent of baking powder has baking at an industrial scale become truly possible.
Bessemer Process The Bessemer process is a technique for the mass production of steel from pig iron.
Canneries Canneries are machines made specifically to seal food in an airtight container, so that it can be preserved for longer.
Chemical Bleaching Through the addition of certain salts, minerals, or chemicals to the raw materials, the visual qualities of manufactured goods can be greatly increased.
Crystal Glass By adding lead to glass it is possible to create glass with the appearance of crystal, which is sought after due to its value.
Fractional Distillation Repeated vaporizing and condensing allows the liquids to be separated into purer components. The practical applications of this process are endless.
Intensive Agriculture By integrating food production into the industrial supply chain it is possible to realize much higher yields.
Mechanical Tools Handcrafted goods can be of exceptional quality, but for consistency and rapidity in production, mechanical aids are needed.
Mechanized Workshops A Mechanized Workshop is the replacement of various physical tasks in a workshop with mechanical solutions, allowing a greater amount of work to be completed at a faster rate.
Nitroglycerin This was the technique of producing reliable explosives out of nitrates. This often meant using fertilizers as base material.
- +25.0% Resource Discovery Chance
Railways The first steam locomotive railways were built to transport passengers, only later being used for industrial purposes. The efficient and rapid method of travel quickly rendered canal systems obsolete, sometimes just years after the canals had been completed at great expense.
Public Trams for Urban Center
Rail Transportation for
- Banana Plantations
- Coal Mines
- Coffee Plantations
- Cotton Plantations
- Dye Plantations
- Gold Mines
- Iron Mines
- Lead Mines
- Logging Camps
- Oil Rigs
- Opium Plantations
- Rubber Plantations
- Silk Plantations
- Sugar Plantations
- Sulfur Mines
- Tea Plantations
- Tobacco Plantations
Water-tube Boiler The Water-tube Boiler is an improvement on the original boiler, by splitting up the water into smaller tubes they would heat up faster and thus improve efficiency.
Water-tube Boiler for
- Furniture Manufacturies
- Motor Industries
- Paper Mills
- Steel Mills
- Tooling Workshops
Aniline Aniline makes certain dye colors trivial to produce.
Dynamite By applying a stabilizing agent to nitroglycerin it is possible to make a much safer and more reliable explosive.
- +25.0% Resource Discovery Chance
Dynamite for
- Coal Mines
- Gold Mines
- Iron Mines
- Lead Mines
- Sulfur Mines
Electrical Capacitors Electrical Capacitors allow for the increased usage of electricity without the necessity of having a directly connected generator.
Electrical Generation It is possible to capture the very essence of lightning and use to to power all sorts of different types of machinery.
Improved Fertilizer By experimenting with different chemicals it is possible to make even more effective fertilizers.
Fertilizers for
- Maize Farms
- Millet Farms
- Rice Farms
- Rye Farms
- Wheat Farms
Open Hearth Process This is a special process to burn out the impurities from pig iron and thus allow it to turn into steel.
Pumpjacks The trick with crude oil is getting it out of the ground in a regular, consistent flow. The pumpjack, a straightforward pump, fits the bill perfectly.
Oil Rigs
Automatic Irrigation for
- Banana Plantations
- Coffee Plantations
- Cotton Plantations
- Dye Plantations
- Opium Plantations
- Silk Plantations
- Sugar Plantations
- Tea Plantations
- Tobacco Plantations
Reinforced Concrete By adding steel reinforcing bars, or rebar, to concrete, structures can take advantage of steel's greater strength with only a modest increase in cost and weight.
Rotary Valve Engine A rotary valve engine is a steam engine with various additions, such as variable valve timing. These additions make it much more heat efficient than the standard steam engine.
Rotary Valve Engine for
- Furniture Manufacturies
- Motor Industries
- Paper Mills
- Steel Mills
- Tooling Workshops
Rubber Mastication Natural rubber is a strange, viscous thing that needs heavy working in order to create a suitable material for industrial use.
Shift Work Rotating teams of laborers in and out of a workplace is a sound way to maintain a steady flow of production over the course of a day for much longer than could be expected from one team working extended hours.
Steam Donkey By applying steam power to a winch system it is possible to achieve similar levels of power without the same amount of labor.
Steam Donkey for
- Coal Mines
- Gold Mines
- Iron Mines
- Lead Mines
- Logging Camps
- Sulfur Mines
Steel Railway Cars Steel Railway Cars allow trains to be much sturdier and in turn to carry much more weight.
Threshing Machines By removing the physical labor aspect of threshing the grain, the Steam Powered Threshing Machine makes farming much more efficient.
Vacuum Canning Vacuum Canning is a method of sealing cans using a vacuum to keep the contents preserved for longer.
Vulcanization Rubber used in the clothing industry provides many advantages such as waterproofing and elasticity, but it becomes brittle in cold weather and sticky in hot weather. Vulcanization is the process of combining the rubber with sulpher and heat to make it more durable and preserve its shape after manufacturing.
Art Silk By using materials collected from plants, it is possible to create a relative approximation of silk, for much cheaper.
Rayon for Synthetics Plants
Automatic Bottle Blowers By automating the process of blowing the glass into a bottle shape, it is possible to make many more bottles a day.
Combustion Engine A combustion engine allows fuel to be turned directly into mechanical power, based on combustions taking place inside the engine constantly.
Conveyors By applying motors to belts it is possible to create platforms that move goods along them without the use of human labor.
Assembly Lines for
- Furniture Manufacturies
- Motor Industries
- Tooling Workshops
Electric Arc Process By putting an electric arc through metal it is possible to smelt it more quickly and efficiently.
Electric Railways By using electricity to power the trains rather than steam, it is possible to have a much more reliable rail system.
Mechanized Farming By replacing various aspect of physical farm labor with machine power, it is possible to increase the efficiency of farming greatly.
Nitrogen Fixation By combining various chemicals at a high temperature, it is possible to create ammonia in large quantities.
Pasteurization Briefly heating milk and juices eliminates disease-carrying bacteria and enzymes, making the products safer to drink and prolonging their shelf-life.
Plastics There's a great future in plastics. They're moldable, malleable, able to be shaped and kept in any form anyone wants. Soon, it will be a plastic world.
Pneumatic Tools One of the greatest forces man can harness is the air itself. Pressurized air, applied correctly in pipes and pistons, can provide an astounding amount of force for industrial use.
- +15.0% Construction Sector building Throughput
- +25.0% Resource Discovery Chance
Radio By using invisible 'waves' it is possible to pass information over a great distance wirelessly.
Steam Turbine Using the power of steam to drive large rotors, turbines create tremendous amounts of energy that serve equally well as stationary machines in a plant and as the driving engines of seagoing vessels.
Telephone Telephones make long distance communication viable allowing a much faster spread of information across the globe.
Arc Welding By generating a large amount of electricity, it is possible to create enough heat to melt two pieces of metal together.
Compression Ignition A compression ignition engine ignites the fuel by compressing air and has the the highest thermal efficiency of any engine.
Dough Rollers To produce all the food demanded by a rapidly-growing population, traditional bakers won't suffice any longer.
Flash Freezing By subjecting food to a very low temperature, it can be quickly frozen, allowing it to be preserved for longer.
Oil Turbine The power of a turbine can be amplified with the use of oil, a far more energy-rich fuel than coal.