第60行: |
第60行: |
| ! width=20% | 是否存在改变限制 | | ! width=20% | 是否存在改变限制 |
| |
| |- id="Agrarianism" | | |- id=" 农本主义" |
| | {{Iconbox|农本主义|强调农业发展和社区的农村经济。|image=Law agrarianism.png}} | | | {{Iconbox|农本主义|强调农业发展和社区的农村经济。|image=Law agrarianism.png}} |
| | [[File: Invention romanticism.png|link=Romanticism|24px]] 浪漫主义 | | | [[File: Invention romanticism.png|link=Romanticism|24px]] 浪漫主义 |
第74行: |
第74行: |
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| |
| |- id="Command Economy" | | |- id=" 计划经济" |
| | {{Iconbox|计划经济|政府直接管理生产的大部分方面的内向型干预经济。|image=Law command_economy.png}} | | | {{Iconbox|计划经济|政府直接管理生产的大部分方面的内向型干预经济。|image=Law command_economy.png}} |
| | | | |[[File: Invention central_planning.png|link=Central Planning|24px]] 中央计划 |
| * [[File: Invention central_planning.png|link=Central Planning|24px]] 中央计划
| | {{icon|no}}[[File: Law serfdom.png|24px]] 农奴制 |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law serfdom.png|24px]] 农奴制
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| | | | | |
| * {{icon|authority}} {{green|+25%}} 权威力 | | * {{icon|authority}} {{green|+25%}} 权威力 |
第86行: |
第85行: |
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| |- id="Interventionism" | | |- id=" 经济干预" |
| | {{Iconbox|经济干预|为了确保我国的稳定,政府必须制止私营经济的恶劣过剩。|image=Law interventionism.png}} | | | {{Iconbox|经济干预|为了确保我国的稳定,政府必须制止私营经济的恶劣过剩。|image=Law interventionism.png}} |
| | | | |[[File: Invention manufacturies.png|link=Manufacturies tech|24px]] 制造厂 |
| * [[File: Invention manufacturies.png|link=Manufacturies tech|24px]] 制造厂
| | {{icon|no}}[[File: Law serfdom.png|24px]] 农奴制 |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law serfdom.png|24px]] 农奴制
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| | | | | |
| * {{icon|Aristocrats}} {{green|+5%}} 贵族投资池贡献 | | * {{icon|Aristocrats}} {{green|+5%}} 贵族投资池贡献 |
第98行: |
第96行: |
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| |- id="Laissez-Faire" | | |- id=" 自由放任" |
| | {{Iconbox|自由放任|自由经济建立在比较优势的原则之上,并且更少的政府干预意味着更大的增长。|image=Law laissez_faire.png}} | | | {{Iconbox|自由放任|自由经济建立在比较优势的原则之上,并且更少的政府干预意味着更大的增长。|image=Law laissez_faire.png}} |
| | | | |[[File: Invention international_trade.png|link=International Trade|24px]] 国际贸易 |
| * [[File: Invention international_trade.png|link=International Trade|24px]] 国际贸易
| | {{icon|no}}[[File: Law isolationism.png|24px]] 孤立主义 |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law isolationism.png|24px]] 孤立主义
| | |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law serfdom.png|24px]] 农奴制
| | {{icon|no}}[[File: Law serfdom.png|24px]] 农奴制 |
| | | | | |
| * {{icon|Capitalists}} {{green|+50%}} 资本家投资池贡 | | * {{icon|Capitalists}} {{green|+50%}} 资本家投资池贡 |
第113行: |
第111行: |
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| |- id="Traditionalism" | | |- id=" 传统主义" |
| | {{Iconbox|传统主义|前工业时代的自给自足经济,几乎没有中央控制。|image=Law traditionalism.png}} | | | {{Iconbox|传统主义|前工业时代的自给自足经济,几乎没有中央控制。|image=Law traditionalism.png}} |
| | | | |{{icon|no}}[[File: Law graduated_taxation.png|24px]] 累进税制 |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law graduated_taxation.png|24px]] 累进税制
| | {{icon|no}}[[File: Law per_capita_based_taxation.png|24px]] 人均税制 |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law per_capita_based_taxation.png|24px]] 人均税制
| | |
| * {{icon|no}}[[File: Law proportional_taxation.png|24px]] 比例税制
| | {{icon|no}}[[File: Law proportional_taxation.png|24px]] 比例税制 |
| | | | | |
| * {{icon|bureaucracy}} {{green|−25%}} 人口行政力花费乘数 | | * {{icon|bureaucracy}} {{green|−25%}} 人口行政力花费乘数 |
所得税决定了应该对哪些人口群(Pop)征税以及税负范围。完全不征收所得税当然是一种选择,这样的立法将使一些人口群既富有又快乐!人头税是另一种主要用于工业化程度较低的社会的选择。 (还有其他税收途径,但这些都是由立法驱动的。)
殖民剥削 建立殖民地就是为了剥削该地区的自然资源和廉价劳工。
- −25% 未整合地区的自给产出
- −25% 未整合地区的最低工资
- −25% 紧张度衰减
- +10% 未整合地区的吞吐量
- 殖民事务机构:
殖民安置 建立殖民地是为了给来自该国已整合地区的定居者提供土地。
- +100% 未整合地区的移民吸引力
- 殖民事务机构:
无殖民事务 国家不会参与任何形式的殖民也无法建立殖民地。
- 禁用殖民机构
Education System
For when the children are done with chimney sweeping chores.
Health System
Laws about the government's involvement (or lack thereof) in providing healthcare for its citizens.
Charity Hospitals Charitable organizations — often religious ones — provide some help to anyone who's sick or dying, to the degree they are able.
- +3 Max health system institution investment
- Health system institution:
- −5% Mortality
- +10% Devout political strength
Not limited
No Health System The government does not fund any system of healthcare.
Not limited
Private Health Insurance Population health is managed through a system of privately owned hospitals paid through private health insurance programs, ensuring the well-being of those who can afford it with minimal impact on the government treasury.
Medical Degrees
- +5 Max health system institution investment
- Health system institution:
Not limited
Public Health Insurance The government provides a publicly funded health insurance program ensuring equal access to care for all.
Medical Degrees
- +5 Max health system institution investment
- Health system institution:
Not limited
The priorities of the national police force.
Dedicated Police Force This country has a dedicated police force with standardized training.
Law Enforcement
- +5 Max law enforcement institution investment
- Law enforcement institution:
- −5% Radicals from standard of living decreases
- −15% State penalties from turmoil
Not limited
Local Police Force This country has local police forces operating.
Law Enforcement
- +3 Max law enforcement institution investment
- Law enforcement institution:
- −20% State penalties from turmoil
- +10% Landowners political strength
Not limited
Militarized Police Force By giving your police force military equipment and military training, their effectiveness at carrying out your will increases.
Mass Surveillance
- +5 Max law enforcement institution investment
- Law enforcement institution:
- −5% Radicals from discrimination
- −15% State penalties from turmoil
- +10% Armed forces political strength
Not limited
No Police Any sort of structured police force does not exist in this country.
Disable law enforcement institution
Not limited
How the state raises revenue by taxing its citizens.
Trade Policy
Laws governing trade and the exchange of goods across borders.
Free Trade The free exchange of goods must not be impeded, as trade is for the benefit of all.
- International Trade
- Command Economy
- +50% Trade route competitiveness
- +50% Trade route volume
- −50% Trade route cost
- Remove opium from banned goods
- No tariffs for any goods
Not limited
Isolationism An economy focused on supplying the nation's needs internally, while keeping out of the affairs of others.
- Centralization
- Laissez-Faire
- +200 Authority
- Disable trade routes
- No tariffs for any goods
Not limited
Mercantilism An export-focused economy with an emphasis on keeping a positive current account and competing with other nations.
- Effects for "No priority" tariff setting:
- +15% Tariffs on imports
- +5% Tariffs on exports
- Effects for "Prioritize imports" tariff setting:
- Effects for "Prioritize exports" tariff setting:
Not limited
Protectionism Our industries must be protected from the depredations of foreign market actors.
International Trade
- Effects for "No priority" tariff setting:
- +10% Tariffs on imports
- +10% Tariffs on exports
- Effects for "Prioritize imports" tariff setting:
- Effects for "Prioritize exports" tariff setting:
Not limited