
第6行: 第6行:
|位阶 = 帝国
|位阶 = 帝国
|类型 = 受认可
|类型 = 受认可
}}{{rewrite}} “Great Britain has roared into the 19th Century, rapidly becoming the first industrial nation. The massive empire is kept afloat by the labor across the globe. However William IV is close to death and who knows what sort of era the new monarch will usher in
}}{{rewrite}} “大不列颠在高歌猛进中走入19世纪,快速成为世界第一个工业化国家。全球殖民地的劳工支撑这一庞大的帝国良好运行。不过,威廉四世国王行将就木,无人知晓下一位君主会开启怎样的时代。

Great Britain starts as the #1 Great Power, with most of the Indian subcontinent in its market, through the {{flag|East India Company|British East India Company}} and the Princely States, though the {{flag|punjab|Sikh Empire}}, {{flag|Kalat}}, {{flag|Makran}}, and {{flag|Sindh}} are free from Britain at the game’s start. In Africa, {{flag|Sierra Leone}} and the {{flag|South Africa|Cape Colony}} are colonies of Britain. Canada and Australia are split among different colonies of Britain in 1836. However, they will federalize as the game goes by. In Germany, {{flag|Hanover}} starts as a British puppet in a personal union with Britain, however this personal union will break with the crowning of Queen Victoria. The rest of North-West Germany, including {{flag|Hamburg}} and {{flag|Bremen}}, are inside of Britain’s market. Britain also owns Malta, much of the Caribbean, Belize, Guyana, Newfoundland and all of Ireland.
大不列颠初始时为世界第一列强,印度次大陆的绝大部分地区都在他的市场中,包括{{flag|East India Company|British East India Company}} 以及众多的土邦,尽管{{flag|punjab|Sikh Empire}} {{flag|Kalat}} {{flag|Makran}} ,以及{{flag|Sindh}} 在游戏开始时并未落入大不列颠的掌控。在非洲,{{flag|Sierra Leone}} {{flag|South Africa|Cape Colony}} 是大不列颠的殖民地。1836年,加拿大和澳大利亚被分割为英国的不同殖民地。然而, 他们将随着游戏的进行逐渐联邦化。在德意志地区,{{flag|Hanover}} 开始时以共主邦联的身份作为大不列颠的傀儡,但是这一关系将随着维多利亚女王的登基而瓦解。剩下的西北德意志地区,包括{{flag|Hamburg}} {{flag|Bremen}} 处于大不列颠的市场中。不列颠同时也拥有马耳他,许多加勒比岛屿,伯利兹,圭亚那,纽芬兰,以及全部的爱尔兰。

Near the start of the game, The Hanoverian Succession and the Opium Wars will be issues for Britain.

== Culture and Religion ==
== Culture and Religion ==

2023年2月19日 (日) 14:26的版本

London, Home Counties






大不列颠初始时为世界第一列强,印度次大陆的绝大部分地区都在他的市场中,包括东印度公司的国旗 东印度公司以及众多的土邦,尽管旁遮普的国旗 旁遮普卡拉特的国旗 卡拉特莫克兰的国旗 莫克兰,以及信德的国旗 信德在游戏开始时并未落入大不列颠的掌控。在非洲,塞拉利昂的国旗 塞拉利昂南非的国旗 南非是大不列颠的殖民地。1836年,加拿大和澳大利亚被分割为英国的不同殖民地。然而, 他们将随着游戏的进行逐渐联邦化。在德意志地区,汉诺威的国旗 汉诺威 开始时以共主邦联的身份作为大不列颠的傀儡,但是这一关系将随着维多利亚女王的登基而瓦解。剩下的西北德意志地区,包括汉堡的国旗 汉堡不来梅的国旗 不来梅处于大不列颠的市场中。不列颠同时也拥有马耳他,许多加勒比岛屿,伯利兹,圭亚那,纽芬兰,以及全部的爱尔兰。


Culture and Religion


Under the starting Citizenship law, National Supremacy, the accepted cultures in Britain are English, Scottish, Welsh, and Anglo-Canadian, with the English having the most political power at 91.4% and 53.9% of population.

Culture Percent of population Political Power Status
English 53.9% 91.4% Primary
Scottish 10.9% 5.76% Primary
Welsh 2.98% 2.73% Accepted
Anglo-Canadian 0.15% 0.07% Accepted
Irish 26.7% 0.01% Discriminated
Afro-Caribbean 3.11% 0% Discriminated
Maltese 0.44% 0% Discriminated
Afro-Antillean 0.36% 0% Discriminated
Mande 0.35% 0% Discriminated
Spanish 0.18% 0% Discriminated
Akan 0.15% 0% Discriminated
Malay 0.15% 0% Discriminated
Fulbe 0.14% 0% Discriminated


The state religion of Britain is Protestant; with the starting Church and State law, Freedom of Conscience, all Christian religions are accepted.

Religion Percent of population Political Power Status
Protestant 70.5% 99.6% State religion
Catholic 28.2% 0.38% Accepted
Sunni 0.73% 0% Discriminated
Animist 0.26% 0% Discriminated
Jewish 0.08% 0% Discriminated
Mahayana 0.05% 0% Discriminated