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== References ==
== References ==

[[en:Power bloc]]
[[en:Power bloc]]

2024年7月5日 (五) 11:57的版本

Power blocs represent international organizations, associations, and empires. Each power bloc has a central identity and a number of principles. It costs 500 Hud influence.png to be the leader of a power bloc.

Central identities

Each power bloc can have one of five central identities. These represent the type of power bloc. Without the DLC Sphere of Influence.png DLC, only the Trade League identity can be chosen for a new power bloc.

Identity Leader effects Member effects Non-leader effects Bloc effects
Power bloc trade league.png 36px +10% Trade route volume +20% Military convoys.png contribution to market owner Yes Is a customs union
Power bloc sovereign empire.png 36px
  • −5% Weekly liberty desire from subjects
  • Yes Can subjugate bloc members
Power bloc ideological union.png 36px
  • −10% Law enactment time
  • Yes Can impose Governance Principles law on bloc members
  • Yes Can impose Distribution of Power law on bloc members
  • Yes Can force regime change on bloc members
+30% Enactment success chance for laws the bloc leader has enacted
Power bloc military treaty.png 36px
  • +10% Prestige.png Prestige from army and navy power projection
  • Yes May add a free wargoal when supporting another bloc member
+20% Training rate
Power bloc religious convocation.png 36px
  • +25% Pop clergymen.png investment pool contribution efficiency
  • Yes Can impose state religion on bloc members
  • +33% Conversion.png Conversion
  • +25% IG devout.png political strength


Principle slot conditions
Slot Prestige.png Rank Members DLC Sphere of Influence.png
2 Yes
3 5th or better 5 or more Yes
4 3rd or better 10 or more Yes

Principles represent lesser aspects of a power bloc. Each central identity has two primary principles, with one primary principle restricted to that identity. A power bloc that does not have at least one primary principle for its central identity selected suffers a cohesion penalty.

If the DLC Sphere of Influence.png DLC is enabled, up to four principles can be selected, with the third and fourth slots requiring both a high power bloc rank and certain number of members. Without the DLC, only one principle can be used. Once a slot is filled, it can continue to be used even if the unlocking conditions are later false.

Each principle has three tiers and enacting a principle requires a number of Power bloc mandate.png mandates equal to the principle tier; upgrading a principle costs the difference in tiers. Up to three mandates can be stored for use, so it is possible to enact a tier three mandate immediately, or to upgrade it tier by tier. Principles can be changed out at any time, as long as the mandate cost can be paid.

Mandate progress

Non-leader member rank 0 
Great power.png Great power +10
Major power.png Major power +5
Unrecognized major power.png Unrecognized major power +2
Minor power.png Minor power +2
Unrecognized regional power.png Unrecognized regional power +1

Power bloc mandate.png Mandate progress is gained weekly based on the number and rank of non-leader members in a power bloc. Higher rank members give more mandate; 0 insignificant power insignificant and unrecognized powers do not give any mandate progress. The total is also multiplied by the current Power bloc cohesion.png cohesion level. Reaching 2000 progress grants the power bloc leader a new mandate to select, upgrade, or change a principle.

List of principles

Principle effects are cumulative, such that a tier 3 principle has the effects of tier 1 and tier 2 as well. The effects apply to all members unless otherwise specified. Without DLC Sphere of Influence.png, only Internal Trade and External Trade can be selected or upgraded.

Tier 2 and 3 primary principles also give +10 and +20 Power bloc cohesion.png cohesion, but only for a single principle; enacting both primary principles for a central identity does not provide additional cohesion benefit.

General principles
Principle Tier Effect
Principle advanced research.png Advanced Research I
  • +25% Institution size change speed for Institution schools.png
  • −10% Bureaucracy cost of Institution schools.png
  • +5% Innovation.png Tech spread per level of Institution schools.png
  • No Cannot enact Law no schools.png No Schools
  • Yes Bloc leader can impose Education System law on bloc members
  • +15% Institution size change speed for Institution schools.png (+40% total)
  • −15% Bureaucracy cost of Institution schools.png (+25% total)
  • −5% Ahead of time penalty per level of Institution schools.png
  • +10% Institution size change speed for Institution schools.png (+50% total)
  • −25% Bureaucracy cost of Institution schools.png (+50% total)
  • +15 Innovation.png Max innovation investment per level of Institution schools.png
Principle colonial offices.png Colonial Offices I
  • +25% Institution size change speed for Institution colonization.png
  • −10% Bureaucracy cost of Institution colonization.png
  • No Cannot enact Law no colonial affairs.png No Colonial Affairs
  • Yes Bloc leader can impose Colonization law on bloc members
  • +15% Institution size change speed for Institution colonization.png (+40% total)
  • −15% Bureaucracy cost of Institution colonization.png (+25% total)
  • +.05 Colonial growth generation per level of Institution colonization.png
  • +10% Institution size change speed for Institution colonization.png (+50% total)
  • −25% Bureaucracy cost of Institution colonization.png (+50% total)
  • −5% Infamy infamous.png Infamy generation against unrecognized powers per level of Institution colonization.png
Principle construction.png Construction I +10% State status construction.png State Construction Efficiency
II −75% State status infrastructure.png usage for Construction sectors
III Yes United Construction Conglomerate company unlocked
Principle food standardization.png Food Standardization I +10% Agriculture throughput
II −10% Mortality
  • +1 Standard of Living
  • Unlocks Method vacuum canning.png Efficient Canning Practices for Building food industries.png Food Industries
Principle foreign investment.png Foreign Investment I Yes Increased leverage from economic dependence
II −50% Costs for Nationalization
III Yes Foreign investment rights in power bloc member with lower rank
Principle freedom of movement.png Freedom of Movement I +25% Migration quota
II +50% Mass migration attraction
  • Yes Allow migration within power bloc
  • Unlocks Method government run.png Increased Exchange for Arts Academy and University
Principle market unification.png Market Unification
No Power bloc trade league.png Trade League
  • +10% Company throughput
  • No Bloc members cannot Diplomacy embargo.png embargo each other
  • +20% Import and export tariffs on non-bloc member trade routes
  • +10% State status infrastructure.png
  • +40% Military convoys.png contribution to market owner
  • Yes Power bloc becomes a Diplomacy customs union.png customs union
Principle militarized industry.png Militarized Industry I
  • +10% War Machine Industries throughput
  • +10% Arms Industries throughput
  • +10% Artillery Foundry throughput
  • +10% Military Shipyards throughput
II −15% Military Goods Cost
  • −33% Supply Route Cost
  • Unlocks Mobilization balloon reconnaissance.png Balloon Reconnaissance (mobilization option)
Principle police coordination.png Police Coordination I
  • +25% Institution size change speed for Institution police.png
  • −10% Bureaucracy cost of Institution police.png
  • No Cannot enact Law no police.png No Police
  • Yes Bloc leader can impose Policing law on bloc members
  • +15% Institution size change speed for Institution police.png (+40% total)
  • −15% Bureaucracy cost of Institution police.png (+25% total)
  • −5% Political movement radicalism per level of Institution police.png
  • +10% Institution size change speed for Institution police.png (+50% total)
  • −25% Bureaucracy cost of Institution police.png (+50% total)
  • +50 Hud authority.png per level of Institution police.png
Principle transportation infrastructure.png Transportation Infrastructure I
  • +33% State status infrastructure.png per 100k population
  • +33% Maximum infrastructure from population
II +20% Military convoys.png
  • +50 Land trade capacity
  • Unlocks Method steam trains.png Joint Steam Trains for Railway
  • Unlocks Method electric trains.png Joint Electric Trains for Railway
  • Unlocks Method diesel trains.png Joint Diesel Trains for Railway
Central identity primary principles
Principle Tier Effect
Principle creative legislature.png Creative Legislature
Power bloc ideological union.png Ideological Union primary
I −33% Law enactment stall chance
  • −33% Movement to Preserve support
  • −33% Movement to Restore support
III +1 Maximum law enactment setbacks
Principle ideological truth.png Ideological Truth
Power bloc ideological union.png Ideological Union only
  • −33 Popularity of Role agitator.png agitators in opposition
  • −25% IG suppress.png Suppression cost
  • −25% IG bolster.png Bolstering cost
II 20% Party whip impact on ideological incoherence
III +25 Minimum Legitimacy.png
Principle defensive cooperation.png Defensive Cooperation
Power bloc military treaty.png Military Treaty primary
I No Cannot start or join diplomatic plays against bloc members
II −50% Maneuvers.png Maneuvers cost to sway bloc members in a defensive play
III Yes Can use the Call Ally sway on bloc members in defensive plays
Principle aggressive coordination.png Aggressive Coordination
Power bloc military treaty.png Military Treaty only
I −30% Maneuvers.png Maneuvers cost for wargoals in offensive plays
II −15% War exhaustion from casualties
  • −10 0  Power bloc cohesion
  • Yes Can use the Call Ally sway on bloc members in all plays
  • +15% Infamy infamous.png Infamy generation
Principle sacred civics.png Sacred Civics
Power bloc religious convocation.png Religious Convocation primary
I Yes Higher diplomatic proposal acceptance for countries with same religion
II Yes Reduced liberty desire for same religion
III Yes Impose same Church and State law on bloc members
Principle divine economics.png Divine Economics
Power bloc religious convocation.png Religious Convocation only
  • +50% Devotee trade route competitiveness
  • +50% Income transfer from heathen subjects
II Unlocks Method privately owned.png Increased Clergy Oversight for Financial Districts and Manor Houses
  • −25% Political radical.pngs from SoL decreases in accepted religions
  • +25% Political loyalist.pngs from SoL in accepted religions
Principle vassalization.png Vassalization
Power bloc sovereign empire.png Sovereign Empire primary
I +25 Hud authority.png per subject
II +25% Income from subjects
III Yes Can use decrees in subjects' states
Principle exploitation of members.png Exploitation of Members
Power bloc sovereign empire.png Sovereign Empire only
  • −5 0  Power bloc cohesion
  • +20% Bloc leader Hud authority.png
  • −20% Non-leader bloc member Hud authority.png
  • −5 0  Power bloc cohesion (−10 total)
  • +20% Bloc leader Hud influence.png
  • −20% Non-leader bloc member Hud influence.png
  • −10 0  Power bloc cohesion (−20 total)
  • 5% Tax income transfer to power bloc leader
Principle external trade.png External Trade
Power bloc trade league.png Trade League primary
  • −25% Bureaucracy Trade route cost
  • −75% Bureaucracy Trade route cost with bloc members
  • +25% Trade route competitiveness
II Activates Method trade center.png Influential Trade Center PM for Building trade center.png Trade Centers
III Yes Can establish trade routes without an interest
Principle internal trade.png Internal Trade
Power bloc trade league.png Trade League only
  • +20% Military convoys.png contribution to market owner
  • +10% Company throughput
  • +10% Military convoys.png contribution to market owner (+30% total)
  • +20% Import and export tariffs on non-bloc member trade routes
  • +10% State status infrastructure.png
  • +10% Military convoys.png contribution to market owner (+40% total)
  • −25% Military convoys.png Cost of port connections


Power bloc cohesion.png Cohesion is a value between 0 and 100 that represents how well a power bloc functions and is generally reduced by including more members. Each central identity has different factors that impact cohesion gain or loss. Each cohesion level applies various effects to the power bloc and its members and certain bloc leader actions require a high enough level of cohesion to use.

Level Cohesion value Effect
Fractured 0-19
  • −50% Power bloc leverage.png Leverage generation
  • −60% Power bloc mandate.png Mandate progress
Divided 20-39
  • −20% Power bloc leverage.png Leverage generation
  • −30% Power bloc mandate.png Mandate progress
Stable 40-59 −10% Power bloc mandate.png Mandate progress
Controlled 60-79
  • +10% Power bloc leverage.png Leverage generation
  • +10% Power bloc mandate.png Mandate progress
Orchestrated 80-100
  • +20% Power bloc leverage.png Leverage generation
  • +25% Power bloc mandate.png Mandate progress


Power bloc leverage.png Leverage represents the amount of influence a bloc has over a given country. Each country has a pool of 1000 leverage that is divided between itself and all power blocs. A power bloc needs at least 200 more leverage than any other power bloc or the country in order to invite the country to the bloc.
