
Aoh0讨论 | 贡献2023年2月23日 (四) 23:22的版本

贸易是商品通过商业贸易在两个市场中的流动。在Victoria 3中,贸易发生在两个国家市场之间(而不是企业或国家之间)。贸易有很多好处,比如允许一个国家获得一种商品,这种商品在自己的市场上很贵,但在另一个市场上又便宜又丰富。又或者,一个国家可能会寻求将一种商品出口到另一个市场,提高该商品在当地的价格,从而允许生产该商品的建筑提高盈利能力并雇佣更多的员工(该国可能会根据其法律对其征税)。贸易通过贸易中心进行,这些建筑以类似城镇中心的方式在各地区自动建立。玩家无法直接控制其市场,但可以通过多种方式影响市场,包括关税、禁运、贸易路线和贸易协定。



  • 商品作为贸易路线的主体,有购买价格销售价格
    • 购买价格是根据出口市场上的商品价格(如果没有出口货物的贸易路线)与包括所有贸易的价格之间的平均值计算的。
    • 在进口市场,销售价格的计算方法与此类似。
    • 然后通过添加关税的成本来修改这些价格,这些关税是根据商品的基础价格(而不是其市场价格)计算的。
  • 盈利能力是购买价格和销售价格之间的差额。








As a nation does not require permission to establish a trade route, to discourage trade (for example to protect a small, but growing local industry) a nation must use other methods, the most important being tariffs and embargoes. Embargoes are created by an ongoing diplomatic action that severely limits the amount of goods that may be bought or sold by another country. However, they are not absolute as smugglers and other groups may still seek to profit despite the wishes of the state.


Instead of outright banning trade, tariffs can be used to make trading in certain goods unprofitable, thereby reducing the amount of goods bought or sold. Tariffs are a tax levied on all goods being traded, adding funds to the nation’s treasury whilst also making that good less profitable to trade. Tariffs are set independently for each individual good, and can be set to No Priority, Prioritize Imports, or Prioritize Exports. For example, a nation may remove import tariffs and raise export tariffs on artillery and weapons to ensure prices are low and enough goods are available for your army, whilst raising import tariffs and removing export tariffs on furniture to keep prices higher, allowing those factories to remain profitable while remaining at full employment.

A country's ability to influence tariff levels depends on its Trade Policy law, which changes the effect of each tariff setting. With the No Priority setting, Law protectionism.png Protectionism has a 10% tariffs on both imports and exports, and Law mercantilism.png Mercantilism has 15% tariffs on imports and 5% tariffs on exports. Changing to Prioritize Imports or Prioritize Exports removes the tariff on that type of route and doubles the tariff on the other type. With the Law free trade.png Free Trade law, no tariffs are collected, and with Law isolationism.png Isolationism, no trade routes are allowed.

Treaty ports

Treaty ports are a method for a nation to bypass any embargoes or tariffs a nation may impose. Treaty ports are gained through diplomatic plays. A country who gains a treaty port in another nation may bypass any tariffs or embargoes in a market adjacent to the treaty port. This is an option for stronger nations to gain access to other markets.


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