- 地理环境。紧凑的沿海小国是很适合新手的国家选择, 除了因为游戏中的港口比较容易建设,同时还支持玩家之后进行贸易和殖民.
- 外交。邻近国家较多。
- 资源:建立你的工业需要木头和铁这两种关键资源,而煤炭是推动和稳固你的经济的重要资源。另外食物资源也很重要。
- 识字率和政治发展程度。
智利:Chile is an independent country in South America, with Europe, compact, close to colonization, religious dynamics
开普勒殖民地: 受到英国保护,接近殖民化,资源丰富。
兰芳: 兰芳是位于婆罗洲岛的一个未独立的省份,以总统共和制开局,拥有超过30%的识字率,还拥有一个金矿场。开局可以很轻易的征服在婆罗洲的临近国家,以获取铁矿、煤矿和硫磺矿以及多个有价值的农产品资源。在游戏开始阶段,由于它属于大清市场的一部分,因此可以很轻易的交易产出或稀缺的资源。欧洲殖民地也很好相处。对于想要玩亚洲国家的新玩家,它是一个很不错的选择。
- 在维多利亚3中,生产可贸易的商品是创造财富最主要的方式。财富并不仅仅意味着金钱数目,而是象征着一个为勤劳人民提供幸福和居所的发达国家。
- 游戏中通过建筑生产商品。
- 玩家可以在各个州分别建造建筑。建造它们需要消耗通过在全国建设的所有建筑部门产出的建筑点。当然,维护建筑也需要花费金钱。
- 生产同时需要原材料。(游戏内用不同类型的商品标识,如木材、硬木、铁、钢材、煤炭、工具等。)
- 建筑需要消耗基础设施(以维持高市场接入度)。
- 生产需要工人,甚至要求工人具备对应技能 (也就是需要接受教育)。
- 生产会创造岗位,也会发工资给就业者。人们会拿他们的收入去消费他们需要或想要的商品。
- 随着时间的推移,建筑物会调整其工资水平,以最小的工资成本达成充分的就业率。
- 提高工资只会在建筑盈利的情况下发生,因此产业的扩张应当控制在可盈利范围内。
- 扩大生产(使商品供应增加)将使其产出的商品的价格下跌,这种情况在小型经济体中表现的更加明显。这将导致建筑不再有利可图,为了重新回到盈利状态,建筑会解雇工人。因此,只有市场上有足够多的需求,才能使产业建筑充分招聘工人。
- 请使人民都能就业。不同于在自给产业工作的人口,失业人口不能够为经济做出贡献,并会造成社会动荡,还会消耗福利金补贴。但自给农庄的人口虽然也不怎么样,但他们往往能够养活自己,而不至于对社会造成过多问题。不过当你有机会时,将使用耕地以缩小小农经济的规模在各种方面都是很有好处的。
- 使你的各个省份专攻某一方面。维多利亚时代的经济增长依赖于规模经济来推动。少量的大型工厂产量是哪怕大量的小型工厂也赶不上的。
- 游戏中通过建筑生产商品。
Taxation capacity only affects pop taxes so it's not as useful for countries with consumption-based taxation laws. While it might be tempting to build more government administrations to fully tax your population, lack of qualifications, undeveloped paper industries and government wages will make it very inefficient. It can be helpful to build them to elimitate small shortages, but in cases of massive taxation capacity shortages it's advisable to focus on creation industry base, before unlocking more efficient production methods for your administration. Building government centers can be deferred to create goods producing buildings unless needed to maintain your institutions.
举个例子:1836年1月1日游戏开始时间的俄国, 教育系统 政策被设定为了“无学校”。尽管你想要尽可能快的将之切换成另外几种选项:教会学校、私立学校或是公立学校,但你却无法这样做。而这是因为你还没有满足提供这些政策的前提条件:你当前的 劳动者权益 政策(或法律)被设定为“农奴制”,这使“教会学校”和“公立学校”在政策选项中被排除,另外你目前的 教会和国家 政策选择是“国教”,这又排除了"私立学校"的选择。为了将 劳动者权益 政策从“农奴制”切换成“废除农奴制”,新政策还必须要得到政府的支持,越多越好。因此你需要改革你的政府,并将某个支持或强烈支持“废除农奴制”的利益集团加入进政府中去。你也许还想将某些支持“农奴制”的“利益集团”移出政府(或者说将他们移动到反对派中),但这个行动可能会使政府面临缺乏合法性的问题!
Diplomatic plays are access by clicking the diplomatic lens at the bottom of the screen. Under diplomatic plays are a variety of options such as conquer state, establish dominion, treaty port, etc.
When undergoing a diplomatic play, it will begin a countdown broken up into three stages (Opening Moves, Escalation, Preparation for War).
For nearly all diplomatic plays you will incur some infamy, it is key to check what you infamy level is in your country page before undergoing large diplomatic plays so you can stay under 100 infamy points. Going over may have some serious consequences in the international community!
Additionally, any country with an interest in the region of your diplomatic play can take a side. Notably, any rivals of your country in the area are highly likely to join the opposing side. There are multiple strategies to place yourself in the best chance for success in a diplomatic play:
- Engage in plays in regions your allies also have interests. Just like your enemies allies are likely to side with them, your allies are more likely to join and sway to your side during escalation phases.
- Engage in plays when your rival is already either in a play or at war. Both players and AI are much less likely to have the resources to intervene or even notice if they are currently tied up in more important affairs
- Be prepared to give in order to get. Any non swayed power can be offered a war goal to take your side. This is impacted both by how much they like you and how desirable the war goal is. Adding additional war goals also pauses the escalation timer. This gives time for the opposing side to respond, likely adding rivals of your new supporter!
Initial Steps
"Before you try building trains and guns, why not feed your pops." - Paul Depre, QA Manager at Paradox Games
The best place to start generating wealth for your nation is by focusing on the need of your own market.
Your pops will always be there through the game and always need to be fed, clothed, and entertained. As such meeting their demands and the demand of your local industry is key to having a solid foundation for which to expand your operations and trade to foreign markets.
- Balance Supply and Demand.
- Trade is the fastest way to balance; however, this might stunt the growth of your industries.
- Use your Political Capacities to Expand your Economy.
- Use bureaucracy to favor interest groups and activate their bonuses, create trade routes to balance resources, or
- Use authority to modify high producing states or to activate consumption taxes to expand your budget.
- Use your budget to expand your construction industry, create .
- Specialize your province at the start
- Identify provinces with good resource potentials and develop the province
- Automate expansion, and let the game do the balancing