Hawaii in 1836 is a small independent unrecognized nation in the centre of the Pacific Ocean. The starting ruler of Hawaii is Ali'i Nui Kamehameha III Kamehameha who has king of Hawaii from 1825 until 1854. He belongs to the Ali'i faction of Hawaii, which is the nobility of Hawaii. The other factions in Hawaii are the Christian Missionaries, the Democrats, the Armed Forces, and the Maka'ainana (Landowners), with Petite Bourgeoisie, Trade Unions, and Industrialists. In real life it would be annexed by the USA. The Government Type is called Ali'i ki'eki'e which is an Absolute Monarchy, and the GDP is 117K which is 166th Worldwide.
文化 | Percentage of Population | Political Power | Status |
夏威夷 | 73.2% (140K) | 96.1% | Primary Culture, Accepted |
汉(中华) | 26.0% (50.0K) | 2.99% | Accepted |
扬基(美利坚) | 0.28% (552) | 0.62% | Accepted |
英格兰 | 0.26% (500) | 0.13% | Accepted |
俄罗斯 | 0.13% (252) | 0.06% | Accepted |
Religion | Percentage of Population | Political Power | Status |
新教 | 69.4% (133K) | 94.6% | 国教,可接纳 |
大乘佛教(佛教) | 26.0% (50.0K) | 2.99% | 未受认可 |
天主教 | 4.42% (8.50K) | 2.27% | 接纳 |
东正教 | 0.13% (252) | 0.06% | 接纳 |
A common strategy for a hawaii player is that he should try to enact a healthcare system, after that he should attempt to gain either colonial resettlement or colonial exploitation as a law, so that further islands can be colonised to gain more pops. The best way to get a better economy as a hawaii is that he export tea or hardwood in to the British market. Due to the low population, a hawaii player needs to import clothes, liquor and furniture from the British market.
- Location Hawaii.png
Location of Hawaii
- Hawaii in game flag in 1836.png
Hawaii in game flag in 1836 with default Absolute Monarchy Ideology
- Kamehameha III.png
Kamehameha III, the ruler of Hawaii in 1836
As a single state nation with 19.3% starting literacy, Hawaii is ideally suited to a Reading Campaign run.