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File:Banner Colossus of the South.jpg
类型 Region pack
发行日期 / 补丁 2023-11-14 / 1.5
商店:Region pack Steam

Colossus of the South is the first region pack for Victoria 3. It was announced on 2023-10-25[1] and was released alongside patch 1.5 on 2023-11-14.[2]

Game features

Rich in people, culture and resources, South America enters the Victorian Age with a lot of advantages. But many challenges await those nations newly freed from European dominance. Stake your claim on the future of the Southern Hemisphere in Colossus of the South, a new Region Pack for Victoria 3.

  • Reign of Pedro II: Historical actions highlighting the reforms and ambitions of 巴西的国旗 巴西’s Emperor Pedro the Magnanimous, including the abolition of slavery and the modernization of Brazil’s economy.
  • The Old Republic: The power of Brazilian landowners and the emergence of the Positivist revolution against the monarchy.
  • Populism: Challenges to the agrarian oligarchy in Brazil from anti-government bandits and the populist Integralist movement.
  • National Awareness: Development of a unique and diverse Brazilian culture, as well as expansionist goals in 巴拉圭的国旗 巴拉圭, South American unification from Gran Colombia, and Pan-National movements of the Federation of the Andes and Rio de la Plata.
  • Amazonian Riches: Exploit the riches of the Amazon while avoiding international conflict and national disorder.
  • New Historical Characters: Coup leader and general Deodora da Fonseca, populist dictator Getulio Vargas, and more.
  • More content for South America: New events and journal entries and flavor for many countries in the region!


Cinematic trailers

Update 1.5 | Victoria 3 Official. The changes, content and more coming in the Update! Ranging from, warfare, economics, diplomacy and narrative content to politics!
Victoria 3 Anniversary - Update 1.5 Release Date - New Region Pack. Stake your claim on the future of the Southern Hemisphere in Colossus of the South, a new Region Pack for Victoria 3.

Dev diaries

主条目:Developer diaries

All developer diaries about the Colossus of the South region pack and patch 1.5 (aka Chimarrão).

Patch 1.5 (Chimarrão)
No. Title and Link Description Date
Hotfix 1.5.11 is now LIVE! Patch notes 2023-12-13
102 What's next after 1.5 Update to post-release plans following 1.5 2023-12-07
Hotfix 1.5.10 is now LIVE! Patch notes 2023-11-29
101 1.5 Post-release Update Changelog for hotfix 1.5.8 and preview of changes for patch 1.5.9 2023-11-16
100 Anniversary Update Changelog Changelog for patch 1.5 and Colossus of the South 2023-11-09
99 Colossus of the South Announcement of Colossus of the South, and preview of free and paid content coming in 1.5 2023-10-25
98 Open Beta hotfix, Update 1.5 Achievements and Additions Hotfix for 1.5 open beta and preview of new achievement and content changes coming with full 1.5 2023-10-19
97 Open Beta 1.5 Update 2 Changes coming in the second update for the 1.5 open beta 2023-10-05
96 Open Beta 1.5 Update 1 Changes coming in the first update for the 1.5 open beta 2023-09-13
95 Open Beta 1.5.0 changelog Changelog and known issues for 1.5 open beta 2023-08-31
