虔信者 被称作小乘佛教僧侣,日本的
地主 则被称为缙绅会议。
注: 利益集团的意识形态可能因国家或法律而异。例如, 如果该国允许奴隶制,
贵族 的政治力量是一个贫穷的
劳工 的成百上千倍。
One of: Pop is not discriminated Pop's profession is Aristocrats, Officers, or Servicemen
Pop follows the state's religion
Country must be centralized
Pop's 识字率 is over 25% Country must be centralized
Pop has primary culture Pop is employed in Manufacturing, Service, Urban Facilities, or Government
Pop is employed in Agriculture, Ranching, or Plantations
Pop is not employed in Agriculture, Ranching, or Plantations Country must be centralized
Base Weight
Other Weight Effects
+25 if not discriminated
−2 per 10% Literacy over 50% except Clergymen
+10 if Literacy ≥ 50% +2 per 10% Literacy over 50%
Final weight multiplied by:
保障自由, it can
bolster or
suppress interest groups, increasing or decreasing that groups attraction by some amount, as determined by its Free Speech law.
一个利益集团内所有人群的政治力量之为这个利益集团提供势力——这决定了利益集团在国内和政府中的clout – the amount of political weight it can assert on the country and the government. 利益集团的势力等于集团内政治力量与全国政治力量的百分比。例如,如果全国人群的政治力量为100k而
实业家 的政治力量为30k,他们的势力即为30%。
Clout determines the interest group's classification within their country – whether they are considered powerful, influential, or marginalized.
An interest group becomes marginalized if their clout drops below 4%, unless they are in government. They become influential again if it increases above 5%.
Similarly, a interest group becomes powerful if their clout rises above 20%, and influential again if it drops below 18%.
Summary of Approval Sources
Source |
Law Stances
Strongly Approves |
Approves |
Disapproves |
Strongly Disapproves |
Law Changes
One step |
Two steps |
Three or more steps |
Pop political strength
Each ~6% loyalist |
Each ~6% radical |
Interest groups have a level of approval, which has two main sources: stances on
laws, and pop
loyalists and
radicals. Other factors may affect approval as well, such as the player's choices in certain events. Total approval is capped between −20 and +20.
Each interest group and its leader's ideologies set its stance towards various laws from on a five-point scale, from
Strongly Disapprove (−2) to
Strongly Approve (+2). Approval from laws is the sum of all stances, capped at ±5.
In addition to the stance on enacted laws, proposed and recent law changes have an increased effect on an interest group's approval. A change which moves one step along their stance scale adds ±5, two steps adds ±10, and three or more steps adds ±20. This effect is added throughout the proposed change, and when a law is fully enacted, it remains and decays over five years. Cancelling the proposed law change immediately removes this effect. The effect of law changes on approval is not directly capped and can stack when changing several laws in a short time.
The percentage of pops supporting an interest group which are loyalists or radicals also affects approval, up to ±15 if all of the pops are loyalists or radicals. The actual approval effect is determined by the percentage of pop political strength, if more political strength comes from loyalist pops, it is positive; otherwise if more comes from radicals, it is negative. This scaled by the relative amount, for example if two-thirds (66%) is loyalist and one-third (33%) radicals, the approval effect is +5 as the loyalists provide +10 which is offset by the radicals' −5.
Government and military wages affect certain interest groups by ±1 for each step above or below normal wages. Government wages affect
Intelligentsia and
Petite Bourgeoisie approval, and military wages affect
Armed Forces approval.
If a group is powerful and
in opposition, their approval drops by −1.
Finally, there are many events, especially surrounding law changes, that add temporary approval modifiers to various interest groups.
If an interest group's approval is −10 or less, they are Angry. They cannot be added to the government, but do not leave it if they're already in it. They also contribute their clout to the radicalization of any movement they support, possibly starting a revolution.
From −9 to −5, a group is Unhappy, activating their negative trait.
From −4 to +4, a group is Neutral, providing no special effect.
From +5 to +9, a group is Happy, activating their first positive trait. They also stop backing any movements.
At +10 or above, a group is Loyal, activating their second positive trait.
Each group has three traits associated with it, one negative, and two positive. If group's approval is −5 or less, their negative trait is active. Approval of at least +5 activates their first positive trait, and +10 or more activates both of their positive traits.
Traits of a powerful group are twice as powerful, while marginalized groups cannot activate their traits at all.
愤怒特质(支持度≤5) |
满意特质(支持度≥5) |
贵族特权 那个贵族履行责任且不用被税吏纠缠的时代哪儿去了?是时候重回旧日荣光了。 −10% Agriculture, ranching, plantations tax
亲族纽带 即使身处变革的年代,我们仍然明白一段美好婚姻的价值。人脉关系比他们跨过的国境线还古老,甚至比联盟和政府都存续更久。 +10% Influence
贵族义务 我们比普通人更优渥,这意味着我们有责任照顾他们。如果他们试图亲自张罗什么,那也是自取灭亡,注定要失败。 +10% Aristocrat investment pool contribution
虔信小说 如今的价值观如此被毒害,文学如此腐败,以至于教育本身对道德产生了侵蚀作用。比起教人们当前体制认为“正确”的东西,更好的方法是教他们什么应该是正确的。 −10% State education access
君权神授 我们相信,我们的生活蕴含着内在的秩序;而社会对于这种秩序的映照,可以是更为良善的,也可以是更为堕落的。倘若统治者道德高尚、法令公平公正,我们的人民就必能知晓其中的道理。 +10% Authority
多子多孙 禁欲主义对于少数献身于精神追求的人来说是好的,但对于普通人来说,最重要的价值观是建立家庭和照顾孩子。 +2.5% Birth rate
物资浪费 对国家的忠诚不等于对政府的忠诚。如果我们不能信任当权者,我们不妨按我们认为合适的方式使用给到我们的东西。 +25% Military goods cost
老兵咨询 技术进步正在改变战争的面貌,但我们只有对其充分了解,才能运用其精妙。幸运的是,我们这里有第一手经验的人,对此应该有所见解。 −10% Military technology cost
爱国热情 无论战略多么高明,武器多么先进,有些战斗只有靠努力和勇气才能打赢。那些真正相信自己国家所代表信念的士兵将不顾一切地勇敢战斗。 +15% Unit defense +15% Unit offense
排外 我们都知道谁应该为我们国家的现状负责,人们只是害怕说出来。与此同时,他们还在背后嘲笑我们让他们逍遥法外。需要有人采取行动。 −10% Influence +100% Radicals from discrimination
中层管理者 我们不能让每个人都照本宣科,但至少可以把做过的事情都记在书本上。总有人需要记住在这里做事的正确方式。 +10% Bureaucracy
国债 只要政府可以被信任会偿还债务,把我们辛苦赚来的积蓄用于资助这个伟大的国家不仅是爱国的,还是一项很好的投资。 −10% Loan interest rate
传统 这些管理国家的人似乎对未来应该是怎样有各种各样的想法。但既然是他们导致了现状,我们为什么还要相信他们呢? −10% Tech spread
诚实工作 我们靠诚实的工作和汗水谋生。如果这意味着我们生产的比我们需要的更多,那就太好了。 +10% Agriculture, ranching, logging throughput
农民市场 如何将我们生产的产品分发给需要的人,现今似乎成了一个大问题。要是大环境允许,我们完全有能力亲自把产品送到所需的人手中。 +10% Infrastructure
避税 谁最清楚我们的钱应该花在哪里?不是政府,当然更不是现任政府。幸运的是,他们的无能留下了可以好好利用的征税漏洞。 −10% Manufacturing tax
进步的引擎 看看现代的奇迹吧!没有时间犹豫了。只要一个东西能被构思、设计并获得专利,它就应该被建造、测试并立即投入使用。 −10% Production technology cost
就业创造者 人首先得会花钱才能赚钱。只要政府能够承诺不干预我们的投资,我们就没道理不把利润投入经济增长。 +10% Capitalist investment pool contribution
社会批评 当权者往往认为自己无可非议,但权威并不能让某人的想法变得有趣。我们有很多有趣的事情要说,并且我们确切地知道该对谁说。 −10%威望
先锋派 别人连想都不敢想的,我们就已经大声说出来了。我们的艺术和思想将直接切入人心,迫使人们睁开眼睛,如果不是惊讶,那就是惊愕! −10% Society technology cost
宣传者 在我们的诗词、信件和政治宣言中,我们首先必须坚持把祖国取得的进步作为一个榜样,一个在这个新时代我们能够带给世界上不幸地区的榜样。 +25% State migration pull
合法怠工 负责人似乎希望我们闭嘴,只照吩咐去做,毫无自主思想。让我们看看,如果我们真的把这种哲学贯彻到我们“无需技能”的劳动中,他们会怎么看。 −15% Construction Efficiency
产业骨干 不管是谁来负责,是工人们的合作方式最终对工厂的运作状况产生了更大的影响,而不是高层制定的任何规则。 +10% Manufacturing throughput
团结 所有想要工作的人都应该有工作!任何人都不应被排除在外。我们必须相互支持,保障每个人的权利,才能获得和付出劳动对等的报酬。 +10% Workforce ratio
Interest groups which are not
marginalized are either
in government or
in opposition.
An interest group in government contributes its clout to the success chance of passing the laws they support, and to the stall chance of the laws they oppose. Proposing law changes usually requires an interest group in government which supports that law as well. Interest groups in opposition don't contribute their clout directly; however, unless they are happy or loyal, they may start a movement opposing a law change or demanding that a law be passed. By adding their clout to movement support, they can still affect the chance of success or stall.
Legitimacy represents how well a government can function based on popular support for the ruling interest groups and how well those groups can work together. Legitimacy is strongly affected by Governance Principles and Distribution of Power laws. Legitimacy is increased by including high clout interest groups and high vote parties in government and decreased by having too many interest groups or parties, or groups which are too ideologically opposed in government. More autocratic forms of government also gain legitimacy by including the ruler's preferred interest group in government.
Government can be reformed at any time by adding or removing interest groups. Any group in opposition can be added freely, but removing a group in government radicalizes 25% of its members. In countries with voting, elections provide an opportunity to reform the government without angering interest groups' members – the first reform within six months of a finished election does not radicalize members of groups removed from government.
There is a quick reform option which presents the three highest legitimacy options available, but note that this does not include the current government nor does it take radicalization from removing interest groups into account.
Countries with voting and elections also have political parties, alliances of interest groups with similar concerns. Parties count as a single group for the purposes of legitimacy, and so allow more interest groups to be added to the government without penalty. However, in order to add or remove a party from government, all of its member interest groups must be added or removed together. There is no penalty for leaving an interest group out when it wants to join a party, except that it is impossible to reform government while a party is "split" this way, without unifying the party in government or in opposition.
Parties gain additional strength from votes of the last election. Pops do not vote for interest groups directly but rather for political parties, therefore interest groups that do not join a party miss out on a large amount of potential political strength.
Interest groups update their party affiliations at the beginning of each election campaign and join the party they have the highest attraction towards, discounting parties that do not meet the requirements to exist or that the interest group is otherwise prohibited from joining. All Interest Groups have a base attraction of −5 towards all political parties and must have a final attraction of at least +1 in order to join a party. If an interest group does not have positive attraction towards any valid party, then it does not join any party or participate in the current election.
Below is a partial list of each interest group's attraction factors towards political parties as well as which other interest groups share those same factors. These tables only take typical core ideologies into account; leader ideologies in particular can greatly affect an interest group's party attraction. See Political party for a full list of all possible attraction factors.
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Conservative, +4 Fascist |
Petite Bourgeoisie
Is Powerful |
+10 Military |
Country has Peasant Levies |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Anarchist |
Rural Folk
Country does not have Per-Capita Taxation, Proportional Taxation or Graduated Taxation |
+3 Communist, +3 Fascist, +3 Social Democrat |
Country has Guaranteed Liberties |
+2 Conservative |
Petite Bourgeoisie
Researched Law Enforcement and country has No Police |
+3 Conservative, +3 Fascist, +3 Military |
Petite Bourgeoisie, Landowners
Country does not have Per-Capita Taxation, Proportional Taxation or Graduated Taxation |
+3 Military |
Trade Unions
Country has Consumption-Based Taxation |
+3 Social Democrat |
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Conservative |
Is Powerful |
+10 Religious |
Country has Public Schools |
+2 Conservative |
Country has Total Separation |
+5 Conservative |
Country has Freedom of Conscience |
+3 Conservative |
Country has Women's Suffrage |
+3 Conservative, +3 Religious |
Country has Women in the Workplace |
+2 Conservative |
Researched Law Enforcement, Country has Right of Assembly or Protected Speech |
+3 Conservative |
Country does not have Monarchy or Theocracy |
+3 Conservative |
Country has Theocracy |
+5 Religious |
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Free Trade |
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Liberal |
Is Powerful |
+10 Free Trade |
Country has Serfdom |
+10 Agrarian, +5 Anarchist, +5 Communist, +5 Liberal, +3 Radical, +5 Social Democrat |
Intelligentsia, Rural Folk, Trade Unions
Country has Universal Suffrage |
+5 Conservative |
Country has Graduated Taxation |
+2 Conservative |
Country has Public Health Insurance |
+2 Conservative |
Country has Public Schools |
+2 Conservative |
Country has Regulatory Bodies or Worker's Protections |
+5 Conservative, +5 Free Trade |
Country has Wage Subsidies or Old Age Pension |
+5 Conservative, +5 Free Trade |
Country does not have Child Labor Allowed |
+3 Free Trade |
Country does not have Free Trade |
+3 Free Trade |
Country does not have Oligarchy or Wealth Voting |
+3 Free Trade |
Researched Currency Standards, country does not have Per-Capita Taxation or Consumption-Based Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Petite Bourgeoisie
Country has Graduated Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Landowners, Petite Bourgeoisie
Researched Central Planning, country has Command Economy |
+3 Free Trade |
Landowners, Rural Folk
Researched Academia, country has No Schools or Religious Schools |
+3 Free Trade |
Country has No Schools or Religious Schools |
+3 Liberal, +3 Social Democrat |
Trade Unions
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Liberal, -15 Religious |
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Liberal |
Country primary culture has Scandinavian Heritage |
+10 Agrarian |
Rural Folk
Country has Local Police Force or Militarized Police Force |
+6 Agrarian |
Rural Folk
Country has Serfdom |
+10 Agrarian, +5 Anarchist, +5 Communist, +5 Liberal, +3 Radical, +5 Social Democrat |
Industrialists, Rural Folk, Trade Unions
Country has Debt Slavery |
+10 Agrarian |
Country has Outlawed Dissent |
+3 Anarchist, +3 Liberal, +6 Radical, +3 Social Democrat |
Trade Unions
Country has State Religion |
+3 Anarchist, +3 Communist, +3 Liberal |
Country has Slave Trade or Legacy Slavaery |
+5 Anarchist, +5 Communist, +3 Radical |
Country has Monarchy or Theocracy |
+3 Anarchist, +3 Communist, +3 Liberal, +10 Radical, +3 Social Democrat |
Trade Unions
Country has Autocracy |
+3 Free Trade |
Researched Academia, country has No Schools or Religious Schools |
+3 Free Trade |
Country has Hereditary Bureaucrats |
+3 Liberal |
Petite Bourgeoisie
Country has Legal Guardianship |
+3 Liberal |
Trade Unions
Country has Ethnostate, National Supremacy or Racial Segregation |
+3 Liberal |
Country has Local Police Force or Militarized Police Force |
+3 Liberal |
Rural Folk
Country does not have Universal Suffrage |
+10 Radical |
Trade Unions
Country has National Guard or Secret Police |
+6 Radical |
Country has Legacy Slavery or Debt Slavery |
+5 Social Democrat |
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Conservative |
Is not marginalized |
-5 Religious |
Clout ≥ 15% |
+5 Conservative |
Country has Free Trade |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Rural Folk, Trade Unions
Country has Universal Suffrage |
+5 Conservative |
Country has Universal Suffrage |
+3 Fascist |
Country has Graduated Taxation |
+2 Conservative |
Country has Graduated Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Industrialists, Petite Bourgeoisie
Country has Women's Suffrage |
+3 Conservative, +3 Religious |
Country has Women in the Workplace |
+2 Conservative |
Researched Law Enforcement, Country has Right of Assembly or Protected Speech |
+3 Conservative |
Country does not have Monarchy or Theocracy |
+3 Conservative |
Country has Regulatory Bodies or Worker's Protections |
+5 Conservative, +5 Free Trade |
Country has Wage Subsidies or Old Age Pension |
+5 Conservative, +5 Free Trade |
Researched Law Enforcement, Country has No Police |
+3 Conservative, +3 Fascist, +3 Military |
Armed Forces, Petite Bourgeoisie
Country does not have Per-Capita Taxation or Consumption-Based Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Rural Folk
Researched Central Planning, Country has Command Economy |
+3 Free Trade |
Industrialists, Rural Folk
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to ideology |
−3 Communist, +5 Fascist |
Inherent to ideology |
+5 Conservative, +4 Fascist |
Armed Forces
Country has No Migration Controls |
+6 Agrarian |
Rural Folk, Trade Unions
Country has Land-Based Taxation |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Anarchist, +3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Rural Folk
Country has Multiculturalism |
+2 Conservative |
Country has Guaranteed Liberties |
+2 Conservative |
Armed Forces
Researched Law Enforcement, Country has No Police |
+3 Conservative, +3 Fascist, +3 Military |
Armed Forces
Country does not have Proportional Taxation or Per-Capita Taxation |
+3 Fascist, +3 Military |
Researched Currency Standards, Country does not have Per-Capita Taxation or Consumption-Based Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Country has Graduated Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Industrialists, Landowners
Country has Hereditary Bureaucrats |
+3 Liberal |
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Is powerful |
+10 Agrarian |
Country has primary culture with Scandinavian Heritage |
+10 Agrarian |
Country has No Migration Controls |
+6 Agrarian |
Trade Unions, Petite Bourgeoisie
Country has No Migration Controls |
+5 Fascist |
Country has Local Police Force or Militarized Police Force |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Liberal |
Country has Land-Based Taxation |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Anarchist, +3 Social Democrat |
Petite Bourgeoisie
Country has Free Trade |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Trade Unions, Landowners
Country has Lassiez-Faire |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Trade Unions
Country has Peasant Levies |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Anarchist, +3 Communist, +3 Fascist, +3 Military |
Armed Forces
Country has Serfdom |
+10 Agrarian, +5 Anarchist, +5 Communist, +5 Liberal, +3 Radical, +5 Social Democrat |
Trade Unions, Intelligentsia, Industrialists
Country does not have Per-Capita Taxation or Consumption-Based Taxation |
+3 Free Trade |
Country has Command Economy |
+3 Free Trade |
Landowners, Industrialists
Country has Debt Slavery |
+5 Liberal |
Country has Serfdom or Debt Slavery |
+3 Radical |
Condition |
Attraction |
Shared With
Inherent to Trade Unions |
+2 Communist, −2 Fascist |
Country has No Migration Controls |
+6 Agrarian |
Rural Folk, Petite Bourgeoisie
Country has Free Trade |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Rural Folk, Landowners
Country has Laissez-Faire |
+6 Agrarian, +3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Rural Folk
Country has Serfdom |
+10 Agrarian, +5 Anarchist, +5 Communist, +5 Liberal, +3 Radical, +5 Social Democrat |
Intelligentsia, Industrialists, Rural Folk
Country has Outlawed Dissent |
+3 Anarchist, +3 Liberal, +6 Radical, +3 Social Democrat |
Country has Monarchy or Theocracy |
+3 Anarchist, +3 Communist, +3 Liberal, +10 Radical, +3 Social Democrat |
Country does not have Graduated Taxation |
+3 Communist, +3 Social Democrat |
Country has Serfdom |
+10 Agrarian, +5 Anarchist, +5 Communist, +5 Liberal, +3 Radical, +5 Social Democrat |
Intelligentsia, Industrialists, Rural Folk
Country has No Schools or Religious Schools |
+3 Liberal, +3 Social Democrat |
Country has Legal Guardianship |
+3 Liberal |
Country does not have Per-Capita Taxation, Proportional Taxation or Graduated Taxation |
+3 Military |
Armed Forces
Country does not have Universal Suffrage |
+10 Radical |