

巴西的国旗 巴西 has the following special Journal Entries and Decisions:


Event bicorne hat.png 破衫汉战争




Event monarchy.png 宽宏大量的君主


佩德罗·德·布拉干萨皇帝,巴西的国旗 巴西帝国的第二任统治者,在他很小时就因父亲退位被推上了这个位置。佩德罗二世渴望维持民主统治,保护宪法赋予的公民自由,并最终结束损害巴西的奴隶制——尽管反对他自由主义事业的保守势力实力强大。

Event presidential republic.png 共和派的提议



Event monarchy.png 巴西的继承




Event bicorne hat.png 巴西海军力量




Event map.png 整合巴西民族




Event rubber.png Exploiting the Amazon

While rubber and its properties have long been known to us, traditionally its uses have been limited, and consequently commercial demands have been low. However, with the Industrial Revolution in full swing and new uses for rubber found by the week, calls for increased production have soared.

Steps must be taken to transform the Amazon from an inhospitable jungle into an intensively developed land capable of meeting the demands of commerce.


Event map.png Taming Amazonia

Currently in our possession are vast tracts of pristine, undeveloped Amazonian lands. While some laud its wild beauty, others see naught but an untamed frontier overflowing with rubber — longing for the gentle touch of progress and capital.


Event portrait.png Manaus, Heart of the Amazon

Fuelled by profits from the developing rubber industry, the city of Manaus in Amazonas has emerged as a major commercial center, sporting facilities and amenities yet unheard of in the rainforest.


Event portrait.png An Outpost of Progress

Nested within the rainforests of [State], the erstwhile sleepy village of [City Hub] has grown into a major hub of rubber extraction and transportation.


Event portrait.png Manaus, Paris of the Tropics

Teeming with fabulously wealthy rubber barons, the city of Manaus, in the heart of the once inhospitable jungle, has become as grand and gaudy as any European city. New prestige works emerge by the week.


Event newspaper.png Pearls in the Rough

Like pearls on a string, cities and rubber entrepots now line [State]'s rail and riverine networks, bringing the blazing torch of civilization to the jungle in exchange for its rich bounties.


Event map.png Treaty of Ayacucho

After intense deliberations, an agreement has been reached between the Brazilian and the Bolivian delegations, delineating the border between our two nations in Amazonas and resulting in large tracts of lands being ceded to Brazil.


Event map.png Sign the Treaty of Bogotá

After intense deliberations, an agreement has been reached between the Brazilian and the Colombian delegations, delineating the border between our two nations in Amazonas and resulting in large tracts of lands being ceded to Brazil.


Event military.png The Acre Dispute

The region of Acre has become heavily disputed. Opportunistic Brazilian settlers seek to claim the land for themselves, and demand action - we must strike while the iron is hot.

Event military.png The Acre Dispute

While formally under the administration of [Acre's owner], the region of Acre has become heavily disputed. Opportunistic Brazilian settlers seek to claim the land for themselves, and demand action against [Acre's owner].


Event military.png The Ten Thousand Acre Wood

Brazil has emerged victorious in the dispute over Acre. Brazilian settlers are ready to make the state their own.


Event military.png An Unfavorable Resolution

Our efforts to seize the state of Acre have failed, and the opportunity has passed. Brazil can no longer claim sovereignty over the state."




Event nationalism.png Populist Unrest

The domination of Brazilian politics by the Landowners has sparked discontent across the nation. Populist figures supported by the Petite Bourgeoisie agitate against the current government in the streets, and liberal military organizations look to the example of the Tenentes that stood against the agrarian oligarchy in the past. If this unrest is not successfully navigated, the ailing [Government] faces a violent reorientation of power.
Populist unrest is expected to progress by [amount] next month


Event protest.png Freedom Without Distinction

A growing populist and pro-modernization trend amongst the Petite Bourgeoisie have led them to challenge the hold of the Landowners over the Brazilian political system.


Event portrait.png Fallen Hopes

Through the efforts of our institutions, the rising populist movement has dissolved into nothing. The reign of the Landowners will continue over Brazil for the foreseeable future.


Event protest.png The New Republic

After a swift seizure of power by elements of the military sympathetic to the reformist cause, [Getulio Vargas] has been declared President of Brazil. His agenda calls for modernization and a swift restoration of order to the nation.


Event central planning.png The New Republic

President Getúlio Vargas and his supporters have overthrown the previous government of Brazil, and established a new regime founded on nationalism and modernization of the state.

Event scales.png The Estado Novo

With a series of crackdowns against the left wing, and numerous decrees reinforcing the power of the state, President [Getulio Vargas] has fully solidified his rule over Brazil.


Event scales.png Revolution's End

The removal of [Getulio Vargas] from power has promised a new era for Brazil. Whether this new era is one of liberty or continued dictatorship under another name remains to be seen.




Event portrait.png Christ the Redeemer

Affiliates of the Catholic Church, seeking to demonstrate their faith and oppose perceived 'godlessness' in Brazilian society, have raised funds for the creation of a statue of Jesus Christ atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro.

Event newspaper.png Monument Week

The Catholic Circle of Rio de Janeiro has issued a proposal to construct a statue of Jesus Christ atop Mount Corcovado. The group has collected a significant sum of money to be used in its construction."


Event newspaper.png The Consecration

The statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado has been completed, and consecrated by representatives of the Catholic Church. The completed thirty-meter tall statue now stands proudly above Rio de Janeiro.

