巴西 has the following special Journal Entries and Decisions:
- 国家处于和平
皮拉蒂尼 不存在
- 没有结果 不存在
- 触发 胜利的破衫汉 事件
- 宽宏大量的君主日志条目的进度条减少 1
事件 共和派的提议
- 佩德罗·德·布拉干萨是当前统治者
- 佩德罗·德·布拉干萨是利益集团领袖
事件 巴西的继承
- 未制定
- 伊莎贝尔公主成为皇位继承人至少 10 年
- 触发 帝国继承人 事件
- 宽宏大量的君主日志条目的进度条增加 3
- 至少一项:
- 未拥有“宽宏大量的君主”日志条目
- 伊莎贝尔·德·布拉干萨 不是皇位继承人
- 是主要政权
- 拥有海军将领
- 已研究
钱袋权 或 螺旋桨蒸汽护卫舰
触发 巴西海军力量 事件
- 拥有海军将领
- 满足以下全部条件共计 40年 完成进度条
- 触发 海上主权 事件
- 宽宏大量的君主日志条目的进度条增加 1
过期于 70年后 并触发如下效果:
- 已研究
- 诺德斯蒂诺文化已被融入巴西文化
- 苏利斯塔文化已被融入巴西文化
- 保利斯塔文化已被融入巴西文化
- 亚马逊尼克文化已被融入巴西文化
- 触发 巴西利达德 事件
巴西 获得 “巴西,巴西人” 持续 10年
- +5% 威望
- +10% 同化
- +10% 移民吸引力
- 宽宏大量的君主日志条目的进度条增加 1
过期于 50 年后 并触发如下效果:
Exploiting the Amazon
While rubber and its properties have long been known to us, traditionally its uses have been limited, and consequently commercial demands have been low. However, with the Industrial Revolution in full swing and new uses for rubber found by the week, calls for increased production have soared.
Steps must be taken to transform the Amazon from an inhospitable jungle into an intensively developed land capable of meeting the demands of commerce.
- All rubber-producing Amazonian states must have their state trait upgraded to Exploited Amazon Rainforest
On monthly
- (100) Nothing
- (50) Devil's Railroad
- (10) Hell on Earth
- (10) Little by Little
Taming Amazonia
Currently in our possession are vast tracts of pristine, undeveloped Amazonian lands. While some laud its wild beauty, others see naught but an untamed frontier overflowing with rubber — longing for the gentle touch of progress and capital.
展开 趣味文本:
"Take this down: we stand upon the edge of what could be the very lungs of the planet itself. The terrible wonders that might be inside are ours to behold, to conquer, and to subjugate. As Darkest Africa has yielded to-"
"Eh, sir, I believe I forgot my pen. Perhaps I could dictate when we return to camp?"
"Imbecile. Bah, use mine. Now, from the top, and do not interrupt!"
- Is not at war
- Is not in default
- Has a state with the Amazon Rainforest trait with 15 open rubber plantation potential
- Has researched File:Invention rubber mastication.png Rubber Mastication
Fortune smiles on the brave...
... and spits on the coward.
- Adds Exploiting the Amazon to the Journal
Manaus, Heart of the Amazon
Fuelled by profits from the developing rubber industry, the city of Manaus in Amazonas has emerged as a major commercial center, sporting facilities and amenities yet unheard of in the rainforest.
展开 趣味文本:
Sap Makes Manaus' World Go Round
The burgeoning rubber trade, bled from the very trees of the Amazon Rainforest, have given Manaus a stable economic crutch. While coffee and milk are the center of other parts of Manaus, the utility of rubber has allowed other industries to flourish. Cobblers, toolmakers and hospitals alike are performing new miracles with this sticky new substance... (cont'd pp. 68-9)"
- Journal Entry: Exploiting the Amazon
It shall be the cornerstone of our rubber Empire...
- Amazonas gains Rubber Port of Manaus for 10 years
- +20% rubber plantation throughput
- Amazonas gains Rubber Baron Palaces
- +1 standard of living for upper strata pops
- +1 expected standard of living for upper strata pops
- +5 prestige
... and a tropical metropolis, sans pareil.
- Amazonas gains Amazon Migration for 5 years
- +100% Migration Attraction
- Amazonas gains Mercado Adolpho Lisboa
- +1 standard of living for middle strata pops
- +1 expected standard of living for middle strata pops
An Outpost of Progress
Nested within the rainforests of [State], the erstwhile sleepy village of [City Hub] has grown into a major hub of rubber extraction and transportation.
展开 趣味文本:
"To sleep, now. The sun is going down. You and your father will need strength to hunt tomorrow."
"But I am Señor Ramirez, and I am still ordering his-"
"Do not speak that name, boy. Never again. Do not bring those men to us... whoever's left."
- Journal Entry Exploiting the Amazon
...and the rubber 'barons' require more labor.
- [State] gains Amazon Migration for 5 years
- +100% Migration Attraction
Their business acumen shall see [City Hub] thrive.
- [State] gets Rubber Entrepot for 10 years
- +10% rubber plantation throughput
- For both options
gain Rubber Barons
- +5% Interest Group political strength
- +5% Interest Group population attraction
Manaus, Paris of the Tropics
Teeming with fabulously wealthy rubber barons, the city of Manaus, in the heart of the once inhospitable jungle, has become as grand and gaudy as any European city. New prestige works emerge by the week.
展开 趣味文本:
In Manaus every luxury is present. The rubber barons are a competitive sort and any new fancy or fashion becomes an arms race of excess. When walking the streets one could almost imagine that they are in Paris, save for the heat.
- Journal Entry: Exploiting the Amazon
"I have one dream: the opera. The Great Opera in the Jungle!"
- If Amazonas has an Arts Academy building
- Amazonas gains Amazon Theatre
- Otherwise,
- Amazonas gains a level 2 Arts Academy
- Amazonas gains Amazon Theatre for 10 years
Has Electrical Generation
What would a tropical Paris be without lights?
- Amazonas gains Tropical City of Lights
- −20% decree cost
- +10 prestige
- For both options
- Amazonas gains Amazon Migration for 5 years
- +100% Migration Attraction
Pearls in the Rough
Like pearls on a string, cities and rubber entrepots now line [State]'s rail and riverine networks, bringing the blazing torch of civilization to the jungle in exchange for its rich bounties.
展开 趣味文本:
"You've remembered your pen this time? Yes, take everything down. Ahem. The Amazon, as I have predicted, has yielded like Darkest Africa before it. No thing of bark or magma borne will halt the wheels of progress. In this mighty- My God, man, did you note me asking about your pen? No, don't take that down! Stop!"
- Journal Entry Exploiting the Amazon
We are the harbingers of order...
- [State] gains Harbingers of Order for 10 years
- +1 standard of living for upper class pops
- +1 expected standard of living for upper class pops
- −10% mortality
... and the heralds of progress.
- [State] gains Heralds of Progress for 10 years
- +1 standard of living for middle class pops
- +1 expected standard of living for middle class pops
- +10% Rubber plantation throughput
- For both options
- [State] gains Amazon Migration for 5 years
- +100% Migration Attraction
Treaty of Ayacucho
After intense deliberations, an agreement has been reached between the Brazilian and the Bolivian delegations, delineating the border between our two nations in Amazonas and resulting in large tracts of lands being ceded to Brazil.
展开 趣味文本:
And with the final flourish, the treaty now stood binding and resolute. New maps were commissioned as fast as the Brazilian and Bolivian governments could bark the orders. A fresh border erected along the lines of the Amazon Basin.
Of course, while they agreed in theory, nobody quite knew where the Amazon Basin began. That would be for the municipalities to decide. Surely common sense would prevail in their disputes.
- Journal Entry Exploiting the Amazon
In the name of the Holy Trinity, sign.
- Brazil gains Ayacucho Treaty Indemnity Payment for 10 years
- Bolivia's state in Amazonas is ceded to Brazil
- If Bolivia has a state in Mato Grosso
- Bolivia gains Ayacucho Treaty Indemnity Payment for 10 years
Sign the Treaty of Bogotá
After intense deliberations, an agreement has been reached between the Brazilian and the Colombian delegations, delineating the border between our two nations in Amazonas and resulting in large tracts of lands being ceded to Brazil.
展开 趣味文本:
"South of Tabatinga and across the Javari. North of there, the confluence of rivers Apaporis and Japurá. You'll find it a fair deal, ambassador."
"And what about those bordering cities? Surely you don't claim to speak for two countries now, do you? A catastrophe nobody would need, I say."
"Well, of course! I would never dream of speaking for another. But perhaps that would be your next wisest move, no?"
- Journal Entry: Exploiting the Amazon
In the name of the Holy Trinity, sign.
- Brazil gains Bogotá Treaty Indemnity Payment for 10 years
- Colombia's state in Amazonas is ceded to Brazil
- Colombia gains Bogotá Treaty Indemnity Payment for 10 years
The Acre Dispute
The region of Acre has become heavily disputed. Opportunistic Brazilian settlers seek to claim the land for themselves, and demand action - we must strike while the iron is hot.
- Journal Entry: Exploiting the Amazon
Trigger Event The Ten Thousand Acre Wood
过期于 5 Years 并触发如下效果:
Trigger Event An Unfavorable Resolution
The Acre Dispute
While formally under the administration of [Acre's owner], the region of Acre has become heavily disputed. Opportunistic Brazilian settlers seek to claim the land for themselves, and demand action against [Acre's owner].
展开 趣味文本:
"This is the deal: you will take your family and a handful of retainers, and stake claims in the area. Squat on it if you must, but Acre is of paramount importance."
"And what I take is mine?"
"Yes, within reason."
- Journal Entry Exploiting the Amazon
Acre is rightfully Brazilian
- Gain a claim on Acre
- Lose −50 relations with Acre's owner
- Triggers event The Acre Dispute for Acre's owner
- Activate journal entry The Acre Dispute
The Ten Thousand Acre Wood
Brazil has emerged victorious in the dispute over Acre. Brazilian settlers are ready to make the state their own.
展开 趣味文本:
One pen swipe later, and it was done. Acre was now the mandated responsibility of Brazil. Rivals — hopeful claimants and the prior caretakers alike — seethed at the Brazilian delegates’ naked glee.
- Journal Entry The Acre Dispute
- Acre gains Acre Settlement for 10 years
- +25% Migration Attraction
An Unfavorable Resolution
Our efforts to seize the state of Acre have failed, and the opportunity has passed. Brazil can no longer claim sovereignty over the state."
展开 趣味文本:
The consul to Acre shoved open the doors to his office. Paintings rattled on the walls. A maid shrieked before scurrying out of the room. He made a note to apologize to her later; his ire was on another kind of miscreant. For now, his reprieve was a half-decanter of rum. Reporting this failure to the [Emperor/President] would take the second half.
- Journal Entry The Acre Dispute
- Loses the claim on Acre
- Gains Unfavorable Acre Dispute
Populist Unrest
The domination of Brazilian politics by the Landowners has sparked discontent across the nation. Populist figures supported by the Petite Bourgeoisie agitate against the current government in the streets, and liberal military organizations look to the example of the Tenentes that stood against the agrarian oligarchy in the past. If this unrest is not successfully navigated, the ailing [Government] faces a violent reorientation of power.
Populist unrest is expected to progress by [amount] next month
- Has Political Agitation
are in government
are the strongest Interest Group in government
are not Marginalised
- Either:
- All of the following
- Has
- Has the Coffee with Milk Journal Entry, or has completed the Coffee with Milk Journal Entry with a Landowner victory
- Is a
Presidential Republic or a Parliamentary Republic
- Either has
Wealth Voting or Landed Voting
- Trigger event Freedom Without Distinction
- The Populist Unrest progress bar has reached 100
- Trigger event The New Republic
- Activate
- If Brazil is not a
Presidential Republic
- Activate
Presidential Republic
- Begins journal entry The New Republic
- The Populist Unrest progress bar has reached 0
- Trigger event Fallen Hopes
On monthly:
- Add populism progress
- Chance of triggering events
- The Coluna Prestes
- An Ocean of Coffee
- The Liberal Classes
- Tenetist Revolt in [State]
- A War of Fraud
- The Liberal Alliance
- The Manaus Commune
- Medium Roast
Freedom Without Distinction
A growing populist and pro-modernization trend amongst the Petite Bourgeoisie have led them to challenge the hold of the Landowners over the Brazilian political system.
展开 趣味文本:
"And what are you all doing here? This is a shop stewards' meeting about the #italic coronels'#! stocks. Theaters are more fitting for you university-whelped layabouts."
"Well, a few birdies told us of your radical idea of, uh, exporting something other than coffee and milk. Perhaps a change in management with it?"
"Ah... very well then: a shop stewards and journalists' meeting."
- Journal Entry Populist Unrest
The Landowners have a new challenger.
- Brazil gains Modernizing Discontent
- +10% radicals from standard of living change
- +25% Petite Bourgeoisie political strength
- Petite Bourgeoisie replaces the Reactionary Ideology with the Modernizer ideology
- If the date is 1909 or later, Getulio Vargas appears in Brazil
- Otherwise An Authoritarian Petite Bourgeoisie leader will appear in Brazil
Fallen Hopes
Through the efforts of our institutions, the rising populist movement has dissolved into nothing. The reign of the Landowners will continue over Brazil for the foreseeable future.
展开 趣味文本:
"Coronel, the last reports have come through. Most policing and military efforts have put a stranglehold on every major hub. Any active dissidents won't be able to move without us knowing."
"Excellent, tenente Tell your men to single out the ringleaders. Don't harm the others. I'm sure there are coffee fields that could use their... ‘community service.'"
- Journal Entry Populist Unrest
There are still those who know who benefits them.
- A large amount of the Upper Strata becomes more Loyalist
There are still those who know who benefits them.
- Brazil gains Retained Landowner Hegemony
- +10% authority
- +3 Landowners Approval
- +20% Landowners political strength
The New Republic
After a swift seizure of power by elements of the military sympathetic to the reformist cause, [Getulio Vargas] has been declared President of Brazil. His agenda calls for modernization and a swift restoration of order to the nation.
展开 趣味文本:
It began in a small state, divested of a share in the oligarchy. Then, by clever words after an assassination, it blossomed. But only after the oligarchy itself was cheated by one of its halves did the revolt grow strong. Now, its actors were assembled: the First Republic was ready to fall. Only swift action would stop a bloody civil war.
The New Republic
President Getúlio Vargas and his supporters have overthrown the previous government of Brazil, and established a new regime founded on nationalism and modernization of the state.
The Estado Novo
With a series of crackdowns against the left wing, and numerous decrees reinforcing the power of the state, President [Getulio Vargas] has fully solidified his rule over Brazil.
展开 趣味文本:
Getulio Vargas: His Excellency for Life
The sun shines on a Brazil transformed: President Vargas has instituted a new constitution. In its wake, the dissolution of the National Cabinet and the expulsion of all ministers. First among his agendas were an expansion to his characteristic labor protection laws. (Cont'd pg. 3)
- Journal Entry The New Republic
Long live the Brazilian nation!
- [Getulio Vargas] gains The Estado Novo
Brazil has embraced Integralism
We must give credit to our Integralist partners.
- [Getulio Vargas] becomes an Integralist
Revolution's End
The removal of [Getulio Vargas] from power has promised a new era for Brazil. Whether this new era is one of liberty or continued dictatorship under another name remains to be seen.
展开 趣味文本:
"So that is that, is it?"
"Yes, [Getulio]. Ironic, isn't it? You ever wonder what the old emperor was thinking when he was deposed? Any last orders? Regrets about his rule?"
"No. No wonders or regrets. I will be like the old emperor: I will stand aside. I will not run for presidency next election."
- Journal Entry The New Republic
We will strive towards a freer era.
- Brazil gains Desire for Democracy
- +10% loyalists from standard of living change
- +15% pop support for universal suffrage
- +15% pop support for census voting
- Poor strata loyalists
We must learn from his lessons.
- Brazil gains Difficult Lessons
- -25% effects from turmoil
- +10% authority
- +5% pop support for universal suffrage
- +5% pop support for census voting
- Medium strata loyalists
Christ the Redeemer
Affiliates of the Catholic Church, seeking to demonstrate their faith and oppose perceived 'godlessness' in Brazilian society, have raised funds for the creation of a statue of Jesus Christ atop Mount Corcovado in Rio de Janeiro.
- Has
Pneumatic Tools
- Has
Reinforced Concrete
- Has Brazilian primary culture
- Has a state in Rio de Janeiro
- Does not have
State Atheism
- Trigger event Monument Week
- Rio de Janeiro has building Cristo Redentor at 50% occupancy
- Trigger event The Consecration
- Does not own Rio de Janeiro
- Has
State Atheism
Monument Week
The Catholic Circle of Rio de Janeiro has issued a proposal to construct a statue of Jesus Christ atop Mount Corcovado. The group has collected a significant sum of money to be used in its construction."
展开 趣味文本:
"The world belongs to Christ and the Holy Father. We are of Creation, and the statue should reflect it. Surely it wouldn't be too difficult to have a globe in his hand."
"Silva, these projects always cost more time, manpower and money than you plan. Wouldn't it be simpler to have a sign of peace? Arms out, and welcoming? The construction crews will thank us for it."
"Yes, Carlos, but... ah, of course. A cruciform embrace. His message was of peace; this statue will be of peace too."
- Journal Entry Christ the Redeemer
Does not have Command Economy or an investment pool income less than 1000.
Their work will be a great symbol of the city.
- The Cristo Redentor may be constructed using the Political Lens in Rio de Janeiro
- The
gain Accepted Statue of Christ for 10 years
- +2 approval
- +10% political attraction
- Adds £150,000 to the treasury
The money is better served going to works of charity.
- The
gain Refused Statue of Christ for 10 years
- -3 approval
- -10% political attraction
- Rio de Janeiro gains Redirected Monument Week Funds for 5 years
- state_welfare_payments_add = 0.5
- +1 standard of living for poor strata
- Closes the Christ the Redeemer Journal Entry
The Consecration
The statue of Christ the Redeemer on Mount Corcovado has been completed, and consecrated by representatives of the Catholic Church. The completed thirty-meter tall statue now stands proudly above Rio de Janeiro.
展开 趣味文本:
Amidst the scattered fog in the mountains, the battery of floodlights revealed the final work. The Lamb of God, standing on a great plinth overlooking Rio de Janeiro, with arms outstretched and ready to welcome all. Whether of the faithful, or an admirer of crafts, all may now behold this triumph of engineering.
- Journal Entry Christ the Redeemer
The statue will serve as an enduring symbol of Brazil.
- Rio de Janeiro gains Christ the Redeemer
- +25% migration attraction
- +25% urban centre throughput
A grand display of the devotion of the Catholic Church
- Brazil gains Christ the Redeemer
- +25% Devout political attraction
- +10% conversion
- +5% prestige