

This template creates the effect of displaying an advanced tooltip when hovering over a text or icon/image -- it is achieved by applying the tooltip and tooltiptext classes to container classes such as <span>XYZ</span> or <div>XYZ</div>.

The user can customize the tooltip's appearance by defining its layout, used images, and text styles. This can be defined in-page, called via another template, or called after being enveloped within transclusion tags.


Parameter Description Default Status
1 Dotted underlined text required
2 The tooltip appearing after a hovering action required
class tooltip "class": 2 or 3
For tooltip-in-a-tooltip functionality
none optional
tag HTML tag type: span or div
Use span for simple, inline tooltips
div optional
style CSS styling of tooltip background:white optional



For a usage example, see the table on the right. It has been defined as a template and also enveloped within transclusion tags. This allows the table to be called in one of the below ways:

  • <span>Hover {{Tooltip|here|{{Template:Tooltip/Example}}}} to see the tooltip</span>
  • <span>Hover {{Tooltip|here|{{#lst:Template:Tooltip/Example|example_table}}}} to see the tooltip</span>

Both of which will result in:

Hover to see the tooltip.


  1. For a simpler, plaintext-only tooltip on hover effect, please refer to the existing {{Hover box}} template.
  2. The "wikitable" class has by default 1em margin added to the top and the bottom of the table causing tables of this class to appear a tad below its template. For best effect it is advised to set the margin style to 0px.
  3. To allow for objects like tables to appear inline, the whole sentence/paragraph should be enveloped within an external <span>XYZ</span> or <div>XYZ</div>.
  4. Simple tooltips (no tables or lists) can also be used inline by setting the tag parameter to "span".