Decision can be used to display description, shown and useable conditions and effects of a decision in a compact infobox.
Parameter | Description | Default | Status |
version | To specify the major patch for which the event was written or updated. | empty | required |
header | Header level, for Table of Contents | h3 | optional |
decision_id | Event identification code as it appears in the file to serve as an anchor | empty | optional |
decision_name | Title of the event. | empty | required |
decision_text | In-game description text of the event. If multiple descriptions exist then use only the first one. | empty | optional, but desired |
shown | When is the decision visible |
optional |
usable | When can the decision be used |
optional |
effect | The effects of the decision. |
optional |
collapse | Whether to collapse the decision. If set to 『yes』 the content will start collapsed. (Please use collapsed content on country pages.) |
empty | optional |
{{decision |version = |decision_id = <!-- optional, but desired --> |decision_name = |decision_text = <!-- optional, but desired --> |shown = |usable = |effect = }}
{{decision |version = 永久 |decision_id = shinto_decision |decision_name = 采用国家神道 |decision_text = 随着皇室重新掌握政治权力,最好将地方信仰融入一个强调天皇神性的官方国教。 |shown = * 是 {{flag|Japan}} * 国教不是 {{iconify|Shinto|religion|神道教}} |usable = * 已完成 '''御一新''' 日志条目 * {{icon|Devout}} 佛教僧侣'''不是''' {{iconify|marginalized|political|边缘}}利益集团 * 已制定 {{概念|君主制}} * '''未'''制定 {{概念|国教}} |effect = * {{iconify|Shinto|religion}} 成为我国的国教 * {{icon|Devout}} 佛教僧侣更名为神道教徒 ** 失去 {{iconify|Buddhist Moralist|Ideology|佛教卫道士}}意识形态,替换为 {{iconify|Shinto Piousness|Ideology|神道教徒}} * {{iconify|capital|state status|首都}}地区{{green|40%}}的非神道教人群将皈依神道教 * 其他 {{iconify|incorporated|state status|已整合}}地区{{green|20%}}的非神道教人群将皈依神道教 }}
will display:
可用條件: |