
(天津风不是天津的风移动页面Patch 1.71.7版本
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'''Patch 1.7.X''' are all patches beginning with 1.7.
'''Patch 1.7''', aka "Kahwah", was released on 2024-06-24<ref>Forum: [[forum:1691162|Victoria 3: Update 1.7 "Kahwah" is now LIVE! - Checksum [5ebb] ]], 2024-06-24.</ref> with the checksum ''5ebb''. It was released alongside the [[Sphere of Influence]] expansion pack.

== Features of Sphere of Influence ==
{{Main|Patch 1.7}}

=== Power Blocs ===
Patch 1.7.1 was released on 2024-06-27<ref>Forum, [[Forum:1691816|Victoria 3: Hotfix 1.7.1 is now LIVE!]], 2024-06-27.</ref> with checksum ''b087''.

* As a Great Power or a powerful Major Power, you can form your own Power Bloc centered around one of five central Identity pillars: Trade League, Sovereign Empire, Military Treaty, Ideological Union, or Religious Convocation.
=== Improvements ===
* Each of these provide different opportunities and benefits to its leader with respect to its member countries, and can be developed further with up to 4 of 20 different Principle groups, resulting in over twenty thousand different combinations affecting your strategy for global domination!
* Added mandate generation from Unrecognized countries to all Identities
* As a Power Bloc leader you can expand your global reach by extending your Leverage over other countries where you have declared an Interest. A large number of factors that can cause you to gain (or lose) Leverage over a country, such as maintaining Diplomatic Pacts, maintaining favorable Lobbies, helping them in their wars, being accepting or discriminatory against their cultures, or making them economically dependent on you through foreign expansion or trade.
* Earning Recognition Journal Entry is now unlocked by Colonization rather than Civilizing Mission and only requires 50 relations with a Great Power to complete
* Power Blocs can be expanded peacefully through diplomatic invitation into your Bloc or, if the invite fizzles, through a Diplomatic Demand the country may or may not yield to without an armed conflict.
* It is now possible to 'upgrade' an Investment Rights pact to a Mutual Investment Agreement, if the other part agrees to it
* The leader of a Power Bloc must maintain its Cohesion by enforcing its shared values across the bloc. Failure to properly manage Cohesion across your bloc may result in internal strife.
* Conquering a split state now applies the 'Recently Liberated' rather than 'Recently Conquered' modifier, as the latter ended up giving tax penalties to a state you already owned, which could be devastating for tiny nations
* All members of Power Blocs may construct expensive statues to represent its glory, providing a number of benefits to the state it's built in. The leader of a Power Bloc can customize both the appearance of the statue, the Power Bloc emblem, and its name to better represent its ideas and visions for its bright global future.
* Ranches no longer consume grain as a default good, but only if more advanced PMs are activated
* Available with Update 1.7: the Trade League Identity and its two Primary Principle groups, Internal and External Trade, are available even without Sphere of Influence and replaces the Customs Union diplomatic pact by enforcing a shared market across the Power Bloc.
* Regime Change Diplomatic Play can no longer be used against your own subjects since Law Imposition can be used for it instead
* Available with Update 1.7: it is also possible to play as Great Britain, Russia, or the Ottoman Empire who starts with the Sovereign Empire Identity, permitting them to subjugate weaker Power Bloc members, or as Austria whose Power Bloc Identity of Ideological Union permits them to Enforce Regime Change in countries that start flirting with the concept of Republicanism and suffrage. Players without Sphere of Influence may also play a member of the Zollverein, an established Trade League at game start.
* Collectivized building levels, or buildings with levels that are undergoing collectivization, can no longer be nationalized
* Cuirassiers no longer consume iron, but use more small arms instead
* Sovereign Empire statues now provides a 25% Decree Cost discount to the state it is constructed in instead of applying it to the whole country
* The Boer States now start with National Militia and with their independence guaranteed by Britain
=== AI ===
* The autonomous investment AI now keeps track of how much investment has gone into foreign/domestic states and biases future investment towards domestic states if an excessive amount has gone towards foreign investment, to ensure investment isn't all going overseas
* Fixed an issue where civil war countries and native uprisings would not recruit commanders for their armies due to incorrectly set AI tags for their formations
* Rebellious and Defiant subjects will no longer actively aid their overlord in diplomatic plays outside of what they consider necessary to defend their own territory
* Loyal subjects now mobilize a higher fraction of their troops to aid their overlords in diplomatic plays
* The AI is now able to reassign armies/navies that are traveling, preventing suboptimal naval invasions due to the best fleets not being 'available'
* The AI is now able to launch simultaneous naval invasions, but will generally avoid using all of its armies/fleets at once for this
=== Balance ===
* Manor Houses no longer require infrastructure, as this caused major issues for highly populous countries with a lot of subsistence agriculture
* Reduced investment weights for Manor Houses on all non-agricultural buildings, as their tendency to invest into factories in countries like Japan would lead to an odd aristocrat-led industrialization
* Reduced the rate at which generic random events appear to compensate for increased overall event spawn rate due to prior bug fixes
* Reduced effect of Asceticism (Devout) trait from -50%/-100% to -15%/-30% reduction on radicals from changes to standard of living (sorry)
* Reduced effect of Secular Shrine Theory (Devout) trait from +20%/+40% to +15%/+30% conversion
* Reduced effect of Da Wat (Devout) trait from +50%/+100% to +20%/+40% conversion
* Reduced effect of Propagandists (Intelligentsia) trait from +25%/+50% to +15%/+30% migration attraction
* Decrees now have a minimum cost of 10% of its base cost, to prevent modifier stacking for free Decrees
* Imperious now provides a 20% rather than 25% Decree Cost discount
* Cruel trait now provides a 5% Authority boost rather than a Decree Cost discount
=== Interface ===
* Map markers will now indicate where your foreign construction is happening
* Demand Force Nationalization wargoal will now display how many building levels and what fraction of GDP would be nationalized
* Fixed some issues with the 'failing to hire' tooltip for buildings where it would sometimes lack a reason for failing to hire and/or contain unnecessary whitespaces
* Added Bloc Leader interaction icon to differentiate it from Bloc Member actions
* Cursor will no longer flicker between the game cursor and operating system cursor while moving the mouse in the loading screen
* Removed duplicated Leverage Resistance description in tooltip
* Fixed long overlapping texts to not overlap anymore in the Trade States Diplomatic Action popup
* Max number of setbacks modifier will now be displayed as a whole value instead of a confusing percentage value
=== Modding ===
* Fixed a bug where modders using a create_country effect in global history files would lead to blocs being disbanded during initialization
* Added mandate generation by rank modifiers for unrecognized major, unrecognized regional, unrecognized and insignificant powers
* Added new generic Power Bloc invite acceptance modifier
* Made Power Bloc invite acceptance by rank modifiers support arbitrary ranks defined in script
* Cost calculation for Decrees is now done on a per-state rather than per-country basis, permitting for differing costs dependent on the state the Decree is applied in
* decree_cost link now operates in state scope rather than country scope
=== Bugfixes ===
* Fixed a crash related to CollectOwnAndAlliedLandHQs
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to make a diplomatic demand against a country you were already at war with
* The "Land of the Rising Sun" event for Persia now gives a claim on the correct Georgia (hint: not the one north of Florida)
* Fixed inverted values in Earning Recognition Journal Entry causing you to gain progress for low GDP/SoL and vice versa
* Fixed a bug where leaders of Military Treaty Power Blocs would not pay maneuvers for adding wargoals in diplomatic plays where they were a main participant
* Fixed a bug where formations with no commanders could not be mobilized due to incorrect 'all commanders are busy' error
* Fixed bug where cohesion for ideological union was inexplicably trending towards 0
* "Enemy of my Enemy" lobby event can no longer target your own country as the enemy in question, however amusing that might sound
* The Pamir Delimitation will no longer carry over script variables from previous attempts
* It is no longer possible to capture a state in less than 2 battles, as this could result in issues such naval invasions that were impossible to consolidate due to creating multiple fronts
* Fixed bug that made Pacifists only spawn in the Armed Forces rather than the other way around
* Fixed a bug where the -30 relations penalty with Power Bloc leaders for creating a Power Bloc was applied during history initialization, causing the Great Powers to have erroneously low relations with each other at game start
* Political Lobbies will no longer form targeting Revolutionary countries until they actually win the revolution, to avoid highly temporary lobbies forming and then disbanding
* Replaced the Power Bloc Statue throughput with a level scaling effect under the "Prestige Only" game rule to prevent it from granting the prestige while they are still in the construction queue
* Fixed an AI issue that could lead to incorrectly removing conscript units, leading to negative amount of conscripts in an army
* Fixed a bug when manor house levels weren't removed when subsistence farms were removed
* Fixed a bug where the "Add to Primary" button would show up on an Overlord's Wargoals for the Subject
* Resolved issue where Communism and Populism progress bars didn't properly retreat due to laws
* Fixed an issue when 100% worker-owned buildings can still be nationalized if the building is level 1
* Fixed an issue where exiling/inviting agitators would never create lobbies in their home countries
* Fixed a bug where a victorious revolution could end up with a political lobby targeting itself
* The East Indies' End event can no longer fire multiple times per game
* The Tibet Expedition will now properly cancel if at war with Tibet
* The "Can't Touch This" achievement can now be gained even if a country has (non-nationalizable) gold fields or subsistence farms
* Fixed an out-of-sync related to markets
* Fixed the amount of compensation in the notification when nationalizing foreign assets
* Replaced the University and Art Academy's "Increased Exchange" (unlocked by the Freedom of Movement Principle) Production Method's country modifier with a state modifier as originally intended. The former led to way higher migration attraction as it was stacking all states' effects where it was active.
* General Brusilov no longer requires owning the American state of Georgia to spawn
* Fixed a bug where accept/decline effects of reverse pact actions such as Request Knowledge Sharing and Request Support Regime were not correctly shown in tooltips
* The emergency hunger relief modifier from the Famine event chain is now applied only to states affected by famine
* Pink faces will no longer be submitted alongside several Diplomatic Action proposals
* Pink face and NULL_STATE will no longer briefly appear briefly after a building has finished construction in Foreign Queues
* Fixed Power Bloc formation tutorial to prevent player moving forward despite not having completed a necessary step
* The British aid button for Persia will no longer state that it adds the "Russian Military Mission" modifier
* Fixed some instances of missing loc in Tibet Expedition tooltips (English only, other languages will be translated for 1.7.2)
* Fixed missing localization for key catalyst_revolution_successful
* Moved Saint Basil's Cathedral back to Moscow (from Mazovia)
* Added missing text for Building Relationships map mode (English only, will be translated for 1.7.2)
* Fixed a description error in the Dominion concept that stated that they wouldn't need to join their overlords (English only, will be translated for 1.7.2)
* Fixed error spam in the "Britain Demands Withdrawal from Herat" event
* Event ig_revolutions.8 will no longer display [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetTitle] instead of the ruler's actual title
Patch 1.7.2 was released on 2024-07-03<ref>Forum, [[Forum:1693479|Victoria 3: Hotfix 1.7.2 is now LIVE!]], 2024-07-03.</ref> with checksum ''0942''.
=== Improvements ===
* Added an event for Persia or Afghanistan winning the Great Game
* Britain and France no longer start with a rivalry, as this doesn't really accurately reflect their relations in 1836
* Austria, Prussia and Russia now start the game with friendly attitudes towards each other, to represent the historical Holy Alliance
* Added a rivalry between Brazil and Argentina at the game start
* Added a rivalry between Britain and Russia at the game start
* The initial Meiji Restoration Journal Entry is now a lot easier to complete and simply requires keeping the Shogunate out of power while maintaining at least middling legitimacy for 10 years, but is failed if the Shogunate gets back into government
* The Impose State Religion bloc action now also converts 2% of the population in non-capital states
* Advanced Research, Colonial Offices and Police Coordination principles now allow bloc leader to impose their law in the education system, colonization and policing law groups respectively
* Advanced Research, Colonial Offices and Police Coordination principles now disallow members from having the base laws in their respective groups (no schools, etc)
* Added dynamic boolean modifiers for disallowing specific laws
* Advanced Research, Colonial Offices and Police Coordination now all reduce their respective institution costs by -10/25/50% and increase speed for changing institution levels by 25/40/50%
* Advanced Research 1 now has +5% Tech spread as a Schools institution modifier instead of the flat value
* Advanced Research 3 now has -5% Ahead of Time Research Penalty as a Schools institution modifier instead of the flat value
* Advanced Research 3 now has an increase of 15 to the weekly innovation cap as a Schools institution modifier instead of the flat value
* Police Coordination 2 now reduces political movement radicalism on the police institution instead of giving authority
* Colonial Offices 3 now adds a decrease of 7% to infamy generation against unrecognized countries to the colonization institution
* Choosing to leave a Power Bloc now results in a relations hit and negative catalyst with the other members
* Liberty desire levels now display what war goals they unlock.
* Unrecognized Major Powers can now form Power Blocs, but will suffer a greater Relations hit with Recognized Power Bloc leaders when doing so, and will only gain Leverage over Recognized countries at 10% the normal rate
* Added a check for establishing Trade Agreement Pacts that their market can actually be reached by your country. This will also prevent Lobbies from requesting the signature of a Trade Agreement which you could not fulfill.
* Added a port to Shaozhou so that Hong Kong starts with a port when taken as a Treaty Port
* Changed Hokkaido to have subsistence pastures instead of rice farms, to more accurately reflect its initial Ainu majority
* Added missing localisation for power bloc identity requirements for production methods
* Restored Asceticism as one of the Chinese Devout IG Traits
* Added the concept_unrecognized_major_power in all languages
=== AI ===
* Added and tweaked many starting attitudes and relations of AI countries to better reflect the diplomatic situation in 1836 and/or encourage more historically plausible outcomes
* Increased AI tendency to build gold mines.
* AI recognized powers are now more aggressive against unrecognized powers when they have the Civilizing Mission technology and/or Colonial Officers principle
* Unrecognized powers are now generally more aggressive against each other, particularly in Africa
* Ethiopian princes and Chinese warlord states now make more concerted efforts to unify
* Greece now more aggressively pursues the Greek Nationalism JE where it has claims
* East India Company is now less gung-go about conquering Tibet, but more inclined to target its neighbors in India and Burma
* AI now has a stronger tendency to abolish slavery after Human Rights is researched
* The Great Powers now have a greater tendency to get involved in early Ottomans vs Egypt disputes
* USA and Britain now tend to seek to befriend each other when trying to resolve the Oregon Border Dispute
* France now sometimes chooses to not pursue the Natural Borders JE when given the option
* Fixed a bug where the AI was way too eager to grab treaty ports in places where they had no actual interest in a treaty port
* The US now more aggressively targets the states held by Mexico border it directly at the start, such as Colorado
* Fixed some issues with new attitude changing system that caused the AI to not open up Japan
* The AI now focuses more on befriending Great Powers when on track to complete Earning Recognition
* Added a bespoke strategy and more AI weights for Japan to try to complete the Meiji Restoration
* Fixed an issue where AIs would adopt a Domineering attitude but not actually act on it due to the strategy score calculation not resulting in them wanting any wargoals
* Made the AI more restrictive about mixing generally incompatible wargoals, such as investment rights and subjugation
* The AI no longer has an increased neutrality score in civil wars where they have a truce with the country having a civil war
* The AI is now less inclined to get involved in the German Leadership War so long as neither side starts demanding territory, in which case they will have increased support for the non-expansionist party
* The AI will now be more restrained with what additional wargoals they add in a Unification or Unification Leadership play if they are a primary participant
* Added catalysts for gaining and losing land borders with a country, used to make AI more belligerent when gaining borders with unrecognized powers
* The AI now scales its minimum mobilization level by the number of small conflicts it's involved in, so that it's better at dealing with simultaneous revolts in subjects
* Added a +50 AI acceptance bonus to investment rights proposals if the target country has recently declared bankruptcy. This also means that AI countries who had to declare bankruptcy will be more likely to offer other countries to invest in their country.
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not properly build up its military forces due to incorrect logic when validating its spending
* Subjects with a Defiant or Rebellious attitude towards their overlord now get an appropriate acceptance bonus when asked to support the independence of a fellow subject
* Fixed a bug where some larger countries such as Occitania would become independent when released as a subject
* Fixed a bug where the AI of newly released countries was not properly initialized, causing issues such as no autonomous investment happening
=== Performance ===

=== Foreign Investment ===
* Improved frame rate when scrolling in the Building Registry

* With the Foreign Investment Rights or Mutual Foreign Investment Pacts, countries can gain the ability to directly build up another country's resource or manufacturing industries, or offer these rights to another country if they're incapable of rapid industrialization on their own. This right extends to both countries and its investor class, who may use their Investment Pool to construct private industry abroad and gain access to new resources, cheap(er) labor, or both.
=== Balance ===
* With the Foreign Investment Power Bloc Principles, these rights can also be extended across an entire Power Bloc by default without the need to establish and maintain potentially fragile pacts. With Power Bloc Leverage being informed in part by economic dependence, this can become a great way to maintain control over your Power Bloc members during the extent of the long Victorian century.
* Available with Update 1.7: Ownership is represented by two new buildings, Manor Houses (housing the Aristocracy) and Financial Sectors (housing Capitalists), who can own buildings outside their own states or even their country. These buildings extract the profits produced by building levels they own, leading to much greater variance between productive states and wealthy states.
* Available with Update 1.7: In addition to private ownership through Manor Houses and Financial Sectors, Cooperative Ownership is also possible through the right economic system laws. Cooperative Ownership gives pops working their buildings the fruit of their own labor.
* Available with Update 1.7: State-owned enterprises are also possible, which yield dividends directly to state coffers (or drain them, if unprofitable). Under most economic systems, buildings constructed by the state are put up for sale when completed, making them available for acquisition by private interests (or even other countries, if Foreign Investment Rights are in play). Under others, it's possible for the state to nationalize industries, with or without compensation to its owners - with sometimes grave repercussions, domestic or international.
* Available with Update 1.7: Overlords are always able to construct industries in their Subjects, even without Pacts or Power Blocs enabling it.
* With the Sphere of Influence expansion, it is also possible to nationalize all your country's foreign-owned industries with a Diplomatic Demand - but be prepared to defend your economic self-determination!

=== Lobbies, Catalysts, and Opportunities ===
* The Ottomans now get an increase to Intelligentsia approval & clout while pursuing the Tanzimat Reforms
* Reduced the required army size to complete Tanzimat Army Reforms from 150 to 100
* Reduced minting and output of gold mines by about a third
* Declining to pursue the Opium Wars now angers the British East India Company
* Literate Pops now tend to more strongly support movements to abolish slavery after Human Rights is researched
* Reduced military and war exhaustion bonuses given to Taiping as they currently tend to always defeat Qing
* Reduced the infamy generation against unrecognized reduction from Colonial Offices 3 from 50% to 25%
* Added infamy generation against unrecognized reductions to Colonization and Civilizing Mission techs
* Extended time you have to complete Tanzimat Reforms from 20 to 30 years, due to some of the JEs requiring several steps of law reform
* Tweaked army setup and military bonuses granted to Texas to give them a better chance to survive the Texan War of Independence
* Chartered Companies can no longer switch Government Principles
* Slavery laws no longer directly increase the clout of landowners, as they also do so in a very significant way indirectly
* Unification Leadership wargoal is now considered to be contested if any incorporated state is occupied by the enemy
* War Goals that previously required any state to be occupied to be contested (such as War Reparations) now requires any Incorporated state to be contested
* Increased aggression of Afghan countries towards Chitral
* Afghan minors can now request more aid from Great Powers twenty years after last receiving it
* Gave Maimana Tajik as a primary culture, enabling them to form Afghanistan.
* Non-Pashtun Afghan countries will now be more aggressive towards each other.
* Great Game passive drift now relies on the extent of a country's direct or indirect control over Central Asian and Persian states
* Declaring Bankruptcy now applies a decaying reduction in welfare payments, starting at 100%
* Declaring Bankruptcy now immediately resets all institution levels to 1
* Removed Poor Laws (and the government admins supporting it) from China, as it's no longer needed to 'balance' their budget and tends to result in chain bankruptcy
* Changed the requirements of Pacification of the Steppes to make the journal entry more feasible
* Subjects now require to have diplomatic autonomy in order to sign foreign investment rights and agreement pacts
* You now must be non-Isolationist in order to form a Power Bloc, and Power Bloc members cannot enact Isolationist trade policy
* Sovereign Empires now only half the Cohesion loss from having subjects with high Liberty Desire, and only from the Liberty Desire of the leader's own subjects, not subjects of other members
* Tweaked subsistence income and building throughput for decentralized nations so they don't end up with the highest SoL in the world in certain edge case scenarios
* Significantly reduced the Ericsson company's education access bonus.
* Reduced Leverage Resistance from Population by 50%, as it was too difficult to overcome in some cases even with a variety of leverage sources
* Having the Armed Forces or an Authoritarian leader in government is no longer sufficient to initiate the Natural Borders of France
* Reduced AI aggression from Natural Borders

* A Lobby consists of one or more Interest Groups in a country that have a stance on another country in the world. This stance can either be positive, where they wish to form closer relations or imitate its laws and reforms, or negative where the emphasis lies on distancing yourself, forming rivalries, or even crushing them in armed conflict.
=== Interface ===
* Lobbies have a chance to form in response to a Diplomatic Catalyst, which can trigger for a variety of reasons such as establishing or breaking a Pact, choosing a particular event option, having a revolution, joining or being kicked out of a Power Bloc, inviting or exiling an Agitator, and so on. Whenever something happens as a result of a Catalyst, such as a lobby forming or an AI strategy changing, you will be told exactly the reason why it happened.
* Lobbies will benefit or hinder you in a number of ways, such as increasing a country's AI Acceptance for Diplomatic Pacts due to your close ties, or increasing your War Support when fighting a hated foe. The impact your Lobby has relates directly to its Interest Group membership's Clout, so you have a vested interest in supporting those groups that align with your own foreign policy and opposing those who support your geopolitical enemies.
* Adhering to your Lobbies' wishes will increase their Appeasement, which is another source of Interest Group Approval and leads to political stability at home. Opposing them will of course do the opposite, so think carefully if you can afford to break that pact they like!
* With the Sphere of Influence expansion, Lobbies will occasionally grant opportunities or make demands. These are Journal Entries that incentivize you to go after specific foreign policy goals, or which you ignore at your peril!
* Also with the Sphere of Influence expansion, you have access to a new Diplomatic Action that lets you fund lobbies in other countries by bribing providing much-deserved financial support to the country's elite, increasing the chance that lobbies favoring you (or lobbies that oppose your enemies) will emerge there. If a suitable lobby already exists, the financial support you provide will increase its power and improve the Leverage you gain there.
* Subjugated countries can also be home to two other types of Lobbies - those for or against the country's Overlord, supporting integration or independence respectively. Nurturing or suppressing these Lobbies can provide the necessary political impact you need to nudge Liberty Desire in the direction you want and inform one of four new AI Strategies for subject countries.

=== Subject Interactions ===
* Added a separate tooltip description for when a building loses employees due to emigration instead of just saying they were fired
* When inviting a prospective member to a Power Bloc you are now given a prediction of what that will do to your Cohesion
* There is now a confirmation box when pressing 'Leave Power Bloc'
* There is now a notification for other Power Bloc members when a non-leader country leaves the bloc
* Made the sortable column header buttons sticky at the top of the Market panel (Goods tab) when you scroll.
* Building Registry filters are now rows of buttons of icons instead of fold out menus

* Sphere of Influence comes with a number of brand-new ways you can interact with your Subjects, or if you are a subject, ways you can engage with your Overlord. Several new categories of Diplomatic Actions have been added which apply only to countries with special relationships: Overlord/Subject, Subject/Overlord, Power Bloc Leader/Member, and Power Bloc Member/Member.
=== Modding ===
* For example, an Overlord can use actions on their Subject to increase or reduce the weekly payments they must submit, distribute conquered territory between their subjects, share their technological knowledge with them, permit them to control their own market, and more!
* Similarly, Subjects can petition their Overlord to grant them relief in various ways. This often costs them Liberty Desire, a new metric in Update 1.7 that tracks how much the country's elite is in favor of independence. Like Leverage, this metric is informed by a variety of factors, such as Opinion - but also by many Pacts maintained between the countries, their Economic Dependence on the Overlord, relative Prestige, and so on. If a Subject's Liberty Desire gets very high they will start generating more Radicals, prompting them to request increased autonomy from their Overlord; if not granted, it could well result in a Diplomatic Demand for full independence instead. On the other hand, a Subject with very low Liberty Desire can be persuaded to have their autonomy reduced, potentially leading them down the road to full annexation if they aren't careful.
* With the Sphere of Influence expansion, in addition to the many new Diplomatic Actions, it is also possible to support a Subject's independence, causing their Liberty Desire to increase and automatically including you as a supporter in any Diplomatic Play for Independence they launch. Subjects may even support each other, and will rebel as a group if a war for independence is imminent! On the flip side you can also Guarantee Independence for a country that is not yet subjugated, ensuring none of your rival Great Powers can make such a demand unquestioned!

=== The Great Game ===
* Added new trigger called army_power_projection
* Building groups can now be flagged as always_self_owning, which makes them always worker-owned

* Throughout the nineteenth century, Russia and Britain competed with one another for influence in Asia. This period of rivalry was known colloquially as the Great Game, beginning in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and expanding over time to include struggles for influence in areas as far away as Korea and China. In Sphere of Influence you can play out this crucial "cold war" between these two dominant but very different Great Powers from several perspectives: Russia, Britain, Persia, or one of three countries - Kabul, Herat, and Kandahar - that will form the country of Afghanistan during the era.
=== Bugfixes ===
* The Great Game can be experienced by playing one of the six countries in question in any regular game, or through the new Great Game objective which provides a quickstart into all the new features of Sphere of Influence. You will naturally also experience the conflict from the sidelines while playing as any country in the world, and can get involved to help or hinder any of its participants. Many regions adjacent to the Great Game also have their own unique narrative content relating to it, such as the Caucasian War, the Donghak Rebellion in Joseon/Korea, and the expedition to Tibet.
* The Great Game is designed to make full use of all new features in Sphere of Influence, and you can be sure that your skills in maintaining your Power Bloc, expanding your Leverage, supporting your foreign Lobbies, expanding your economic reach through Foreign Investments, and interacting with your Subjects will be tested in the process!
* To increase the historical accuracy of the Great Game, the map of Central Asia has been greatly improved, with several new countries and cultures added as well as regional Interest Groups, twelve new Companies, and more.

There are also a wealth of new art features available with the Sphere of Influence expansion:
* Fixed an issue with foreign investment that could cause invalid elements to appear and stay around in the Construction Queue permanently, however this will only prevent the issue from appearing in new saves. We are planning to introduce a save-game validation fix for old saves in 1.7.3.
* The Pamir Delimitation JE tooltips no longer lags the game. A tooltip for the JE activation has been added for clarity.
* Tibet Expedition JE now ends when subjugation demand is refused by other countries.
* Fixed an issue that would cause Formations to sometimes travel towards a Front they cannot join.
* Fixed an issue in the code that handles the relationship between interest groups and political lobbies, which caused misleading error messages to be logged.
* Fixed a bug where using a create_country effect in global history files would lead to blocs being disbanded during initialization
* Unrecognized powers no longer get any benefit from infamy reduction against unrecognized modifier
* Fixed a bug where a number of AI countries (such as Greece) did not pursue their Journal Entries because the catalyst for Journal Entry was incorrectly firing on JE creation instead of JE activation
* Fixed a bug where Journal Entries that were created in an inactive state before the start of the game did not notify the player about their activation due to a rather bizarre (and entirely unnecessary) boolean set on creation
* Fixed column header broken loc in map list panel for inviting countries to your bloc
* Fixed a bug where half of the screen sometimes turned orange during the start of diplomatic plays.
* Fixed a crash that occurred when collecting unit distribution data
* Resolved an issue which caused null objects to occasionally appear in exiles events.
* Power bloc statues are now prevented from being transferred when states change hands to countries that shouldn't have them.
* Fixed a bug where employees would switch jobs without taking potential dividends into account
* Fixed a bug causing government owned buildings to have a hard time filling their employment
* Fixed a bug where the country religion link was referencing the country definition's religion instead of the country's state religion, resulting in the Impose State Religion bloc action being repeatable on the same country
* Remove the duplicated Overlord Actions button for Subjects that appeared when you are not a Power Bloc leader.
* Fixed a bug where cohesion for ideological unions was inexplicably trending towards 0
* Removed the placeholder Manul culture from the game.
* Fixed an issue where the relief option in the STATE Crop Failure event would apply the wrong modifiers.
* Conquering a split state now applies the 'State Liberated' rather than 'State Conquered' modifier, as the latter ended up giving tax penalties to a state you already owned, which could be devastating for tiny nations
* Amended the description for the I'm the Captain now achievement.
* Reduce the freeze during annexation caused by diplomatic catalysts
* Gold Fields are now always worker owned
* Fixed fleets being stuck in ally HQs after losing military access to them
* Fixed invalid travel destination options for formations after switching between interactions
* Fixed an issue that caused the game to try to localize the null country when showing the peace treaty popup when one of the displayed wargoals is a wargoal to conquer a split state and the winner is a country that has a different split state in the same region
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to accept a diplomatic proposal that had become invalid in the time between it was proposed and when it was accepted
* Removed Clergymen from Cotton Plantations' default Production Method and replaced them with Farmers.
* Blocs led by a major power which turns into a great power will now lose the weak bloc modifier as intended
* The Cohesion prediction when kicking a member out of your Power Bloc now takes the per-member modifier impact into account correctly
* Fixed a bug where the reinvestment fraction of Government Dividends was not correctly calculated for buildings unless they had 100% government ownership
* Persia and Afghanistan will now properly get the "Great Game, no re" achievement for winning the Great Game
* Fixed autonomous investment constructing too many levels of the same building
* Fixed a bug where the Commander Order tooltip was not showing requirements to activate orders
* Fixed a bug where the wrong production method for Power Bloc statues was shown in the UI
* Homesteading law now also affects the ranching category buildings in addition to agriculture buildings.
* Fixed a bug where the expedition cost in Tibet was still active after the journal entry ended.
* Fixed a construction queue tooltip to indicate that the constructing country is paying the cost
* Added a missing collectivization modifier to collectivized agriculture.
* Fixed a bug for Tibet Expedition Events so it doesn't result in the possibility of Tibet's diplomatic play against itself.
* Fixed a bug where sometimes Treaty Port status would get 'dropped' by markets, resulting in the Treaty Port having no effect despite showing up properly in the state
* Most hills in Japan, North China and Manchuria no longer display as jungle hills in the state panel
* Fixed an issue where Russia would start the game with three landlocked naval bases.
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not use certain actions such as grant own market due to a missing evaluation_chance value
* Fixed an issue with an unlocalized, dynamic name for Azerbaijan.
* Diplomatic Plays can no longer start if the initiator or the target country has no passable provinces
* Fixed an issue where throughput was not correctly updated during building initialization
* Academic caps and glasses are now restricted to characters with relevant traits, even within power blocs with the level III Advanced Research principle.
* Cuirasses are now restricted to characters with either a royal or military affiliation.
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to oppose the subjects of your allies in plays where it would not be possible to object the ally themselves
* Fixed the missing text for the currently enacting Law under the specific Law Group.
* Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes not construct ports to connect isolated states to its market
* Fixed an issue in how some principle groups were displayed in the principle groups chooser window
* The indicators for what production method is selected in each category for buildings in your country no longer takes foreign buildings into account, so if all your domestic buildings use the same PM it will show that rather than the "mixed" indicator if some of your overseas buildings are using a different PM
* Fixed a rare crash when hosting in Multiplayer
* Fixed a major issue that would prevent upgrading power bloc principles under some circumstances

* 'Great Empires' papermap theme
* New main menu
Patch 1.7.3 was released on 2024-07-04<ref>Forum, [[Forum:1693700|Victoria 3: Hotfix 1.7.3 is now LIVE!]], 2024-07-04.</ref> with checksum ''8769''.
* 2 new loading screens
=== Bugfixes ===
* 10 new event illustrations
* Fixed an issue where privatization was not correctly checked sometimes, resulting in money being spent to privatize building levels that were already privatized
* Late-game European military uniform character outfit as well as late-game female military outfits
* Fixed a rare Out of Sync caused by unsorted collecting from unordered map
* Added Necklaces, Capes, and Sashes for different Power Bloc identities, to be worn by Heads-of-States in those Power Blocs
* Fixed a major issue that would prevent upgrading power bloc principles under some circumstances
* Persian military outfits, Landowner clothes, and royal character outfit and jewelry
* Cossack and Cuirass character outfit
Patch 1.7.4 was released on 2024-07-10<ref>Forum, [[Forum:1694727|Victoria 3: Hotfix 1.7.4 is now LIVE!]], 2024-07-10.</ref> with checksum ''5775''.
* Greatcoat character outfit for some characters to wear during winter
* Zulu character outfits
* Cigars and Smoking Pipes
* Distinct appearances for many British historical figures, such as Joseph Chamberlain, John Maynard Keynes, Provo Wallis, David Lloyd George, Douglas Haig, Arthur Balfour, Friedrich Engels, Lord Palmerston, and Rotha Lintorn-Orman
* Distinct appearance and new character assets for Empress Myeongseong, Klemens von Metternich, George Curzon, Reza Shah Pahlavi, Naser al-Din Shah Qajar, Amir Kabir, Sattar Khan, and Abdul Hamid II
* Distinct appearances for certain Interest Group leaders
* Updated appearance for Tsar Alexander III
* Sphere of Influence Coin 3D asset for papermap object
* Cutty Sark Trading Ship 3D vehicle for Trade Leagues
* Royal Carriage 3D vehicle for Sovereign Empires
* Hot Air Balloon 3D frontline asset for Military Treaties
* Rolls Royce Silver Ghost 3D vehicle for Ideological Unions
* Ornate Carriage 3D vehicle for Religious Convocations
* Voice of the People, with Sphere of Influence: Added a late game uniform for France
* Voice of the People, etc.: Updated the Divided Monarchist journal entry and several other complex journal entries to use the new progressbar system
* Colossus of the South: Implemented an additional South American clothing set

== Improvements ==
=== Content ===

* Removed the Directly Controlled Investment Game Rule from the game, as it is incompatible with the new Building Ownership Rework/Foreign Investment mechanics
* Added a journal entry for the reunification of China
* Added fifteen new events that fire as a result of having an active, non-revolutionary political movement
* Added a universal Journal Entry for unrecognized countries permitting them to peacefully achieve recognition over time, and a diplomatic action to speed it up
* Removed the Force Recognition wargoal and diplomatic play, as it has been replaced by the new Journal Entry
* Added an Afghan Reunification journal entry for Afghan contenders
* Added scripted Journal Entry progress bars, allowing Journal Entries to track more than one progression value and display them on separate progress bars that can be visualized in a number of different ways
* Overlord can now join a revolutionary country against their subject
* Reworked the map of Persia, Central Asia, and Afghanistan, with new state regions, countries, and cultures
* Truces can now be unidirectional (preventing a country from attacking another without restricting the target country in a similar way) as well as bidirectional
* Investors now have a chance of finding resources in countries they invest into, even if that country doesn't have technology to do so on their own
* Removed Ownership PMs from most buildings, since the new ownership model introduced in 1.7 is used where applicable instead
* A huge number of Diplomatic Catalysts have been added to facilitate Lobby creation, AI Strategies and "memory", cooldowns, and other functions
* Added Grant and Take State Overlord Actions
* China, Korea, and Vietnam now all start as Confucian nations. Starting laws and pops have been updated to reflect this.
* Serfdom law now blocks both Internal and Mass Migration for Peasants
* Land Reform law now blocks Internal Migration for Peasants (but does not impact Mass Migration)
* Reworked Russian state regions and populations
* China, Korea, and Vietnam now all start as Confucian nations. Starting laws and pops have been updated to reflect this.
* Declining a call to arms will now break off any alliance, defensive pact or guarantee you have against the country calling you in
* Society techs now give more maneuvers for plays with each era
* It is now possible for countries that join a play due to a call to arms to add a war goal themselves, so long as that war goal would cost 25 maneuvers or less to add under normal circumstances (does not actually cost maneuvers for the primary participant)
* Added decaying modifiers that massively nationalization cost & radicals generation from nationalization in newly conquered/liberated states. Recently conquered states also suffer decaying penalties to tax collection, pop political strength and conscription rate.
* Added new diplomatic action Guarantee Independence which functions like a one-sided defensive pact that doesn't require approval
* It is now only possible to impose laws on Puppet, Dominion, Vassal, and Personal Union subjects (Protectorates and Tributaries are too independent) unless you're in a Power Bloc that permits it
* The 'Cut Down to Size' wargoal now also removes all wargoals held by the target in other diplomatic plays/wars (but keeps any wargoals targeting them in those plays/wars)
* Demands for imposing a Law on another country are now handled with events and a journal entry, similar to Interest Group Petitions. Notifications are triggered when the other country takes action.
* It is now possible to make Diplomatic Demands even though you're already in a Diplomatic Play (or at war), as long as it's not against a country you're already targeting or a country on the same side as you in another Play / war. You also cannot make additional Diplomatic Demands while already dealing with a Diplomatic Play you initiated until that Play has escalated into war.
* Added Karelian, Mari, Buryat, Bashkir, Chechen, Mordvin, Chuvash, and Udmurt cultures
* Added numerous new releasables to Russia
* Added 6 new companies
* Commercialized agriculture law now makes Financial Districts more likely to invest in agriculture, ranching and plantations
* The Homesteading law now makes agriculture buildings convert themselves to 50% self-ownership over time
* Expanded the Monuments Effect game rule to include Power Bloc Statues
* Buildings with several unstaffed levels and that are at least 50% privately owned will now autonomously reduce their privately owned levels if they fail to hire for an extended period of time
* Economy of Scale now scales against the **employed** levels of a building, so empty building levels no longer grant throughput bonuses. Additionally, Economy of Scale now starts granting bonuses immediately at level 1, so a half-employed level 1 building will get +0.5% throughput, for example.
* Added a Seminole Wars Journal Entry to USA, present at game start
* Added a 'Give State' diplomatic action
* Added diplomatic actions for increasing and decreasing autonomy in subjects
* You can now impose a Law on another country even if they are currently trying to enact something else (they have an option to cancel the current law or defer enacting it until later) or do not have any support for this law (you will now see their chances before issuing the demand)
* Changed the time to respond on Diplomatic Proposals from 14 days to 30 days, the AI will still respond in the same amount of time
* A country can now only ever have one diplomatic proposal pending towards a given country
* Changed the required tech unlock for Steam Powered Fishing and Whaling Production Methods to Gantry Cranes instead of Ironclads, allowing a smoother distinction between civil and military usage of steam powered ships (thanks to "WOWZA 'Mr. Rework' Scrooge" for the suggestion!)
* Increase Autonomy and Independence Diplomatic Plays now have Liberty Desire requirements
* Added an event referring to the Australian Emu War
* Added new Russian Republic and Russian Soviet Republic names to Russia
* Reworked the way we display pact influence costs to be more consistent and to always have breakdown tooltips
* Implemented more characters for Central Asia, East Asia, Britain, and Africa
* Added the Yat'siminoli, Salish, and Pannakwati to North America
* Added the Wati and Mirning peoples to Australia
* There is now a 1 year cooldown between attempts to impose a Law on another country if they outright reject your demand. Otherwise you will have to wait until they enact (or reject) the law you previously imposed on them.
* Servicemen now gain Officer qualifications faster while deployed in active wars
* Added additional state traits to Russia
* Added historical interest group leaders to Australian colonies
* Added starting pro- and anti-country lobbies to various nations in 1836
* Added silk as a potential resource in Lebanon, and a starting silk plantation to model the historical Lebanese silk industry
* Added the Mount Lebanon state trait to Lebanon, increasing the state's silk throughput
* Forming the Free States of America now requires you to have abolished slavery
* Made the South Bessarabian retrocession borders more historically accurate.
* Updated migration concepts for clarity
* Henry Temple is now referred to as Henry Palmerston
* Added a historical ruler for Indian Territory at game start
* Adjusted Tasmanian population to reflect the historical situation
* The Baltic strategic region has been renamed to Scandinavia, due to Finland becoming its own region

== AI ==
=== Improvements ===

* Major work done on the economic AI, both to allow it to use the new features in 1.7/Sphere of Influence and improve its overall ability to grow its economy
* It is once again possible to start Reduce Autonomy & Annex Subject diplomatic play against subjects, even if their Liberty Desire is high. However, doing so will result in taking on the full infamy cost of the wargoal rather than the usual reduction for targeting subjects.
* The AI now always has a concrete reason for changing its Strategic Desire (and Attitude) towards another country, based on the new system of Diplomatic Catalysts. For example, increasing relations with a country may result in the adoption of a more friendly attitude, while breaking a pact or triggering a diplomatic incident can result in the reverse. This is now shown to the player in a notification when a country changes their attitude, and you can tooltip the attitude of an AI country to see what caused them to adopt that attitude.
* Peasant Levies now simply prevents Conscripts from being raised as Cavalry or Artillery, as selective limits on which specific types of Infantry etc could be raised as conscripts do not work correctly
* The AI is now much less willing to accept reverse-sways if it has an overwhelming advantage in a play, even if there are undecided participants who can potentially be a challenge for them
* Russia/Britain now start with a neutral attitude towards Persia, ensuring they don't immediately go for the throat until Persia does something to earn their ire
* The AI is now much less willing to accept reverse-sways that involve giving something up (subjects, states etc) if they don't stand to lose much from the enemy wargoals
* Reduced the rate at which "The Russian-British Agreement" fires for player Afghanistan during the Pamir Delimitation
* Most Diplomatic Demands now have an upper bound on AI acceptance, ensuring a small-to-moderate chance you won't get your way
* Added Vilnius to the required states for Poland-Lithuania
* The AI is now willing to take on more infamy later in the game
* Renamed "Semireche" state to "Semiplatinsk"
* The AI is now generally more keen to add war goals rather than wasting maneuvers, so long as they don't take on excessive amounts of infamy
* Removed Uighur homeland from Semiplatinsk
* AI subject countries will now have a chance of accepting a Diplomatic Demand for full annexation when their Liberty Desire level is at Loyal
* Autonomous Investment is now able to execute multiple investments per tick for countries with extremely large (500k+ income) investment pools, so that even massive economies can continue to make full use of the investment pool
* USA will now want to take Colorado from Mexico
* Homesteading & Collectivized Agriculture now also impacts subsistence farms, causing them to be partially or fully self-owned and adding some Farmers to the Workforce
* Acceptance scores for Annexation and Loyal Subject have both been decreased in impact
* Military Treaty Power Bloc leaders can no longer enact National Militia, and Religious Convocation Power Bloc leaders can no longer enact Total Separation or State Atheism
* Call Ally now grants a +25 AI acceptance bonus when used as a sway
* The Cohesion in Military Treaty Power Blocs is now impacted for any member with the National Militia law, while the same goes (to a greater extent) for members of a Religious Convocation Power Bloc who has Total Separation or State Atheism
* Subjects now have access to four new AI strategies to placate or break free from their overlord
* Defensive Cooperation II now permits the Power Bloc leader to impose their Army Model law across the Bloc
* Overlords now consider Obligations owed to them by Subjects more important for purpose of AI diplomatic acceptance score calculations
* Treaty Ports are now only functional against a market if they are adjacent to an incorporated state from the market
* Fixed an issue that would make the US not care about Kansas when manifesting their destiny
* Moved or removed some military units from formations in the history setup so that they adhere to the law set in that country.
* The 'overlord compliance' AI strategy is now invalidated if the subject ends up opposing their overlord in a diplomatic play
* Power Bloc statues are now removed when leaving a Power Bloc
* The Autonomous Investment AI should now properly focus on Privatization when construction is blocked due to a lack of workforce or infrastructure
* Under Cooperative Ownership, buildings in foreign countries that are owned by local Manor Houses & Financial Districts will now be collectivized by the workforce in those countries over time

== Balance ==
=== Interface ===

* Subjects now need at least 75 Liberty Desire to Expel Diplomats
* Added a new entry for "Your Leverage" to all country's details panel.
* Changed the required techs to research Gantry Cranes to include Screw Frigates
* Removed tooltips for some modifier values to reduce duplicated information
* Added employment of 200 Clerks and 50 Bureaucrats to base Trade Center PM
* Officers now take only half the brunt of casualties compared to Servicemen
* Added adjacencies to the southern Chilean Islands so that they are all connected
* British and Japanese Intelligentsia are now Constitutionalist by default, rather than Republican
* Removed Infrastructure cost from Gold Fields
* Increased farm sizes in some parts of Qing China to prevent immediate famines.
* Easier than the norm to impose laws on Puppets and Personal Unions
* Great Hunger Journal entry can no longer appear until at least 1837 and grain prices for the Journal Entry have been increase to 70%
* Increased the amount of academics and decreased the amount of clerks when bourgeoisie patronage production method is active on Art Academies
* You can no longer build Fishing Wharfs in the states Ob or Upper Yeniseysk
* Fixed the starting Military Formations for Greece, Serbia, Two Sicilies, Papal States, Tuscany, Spain, and Portugal so that they no longer start with unit types they can not recruit.
* Taking states from your subjects (even to give to other subjects) now create diplomatic incidents
* Reduced Police Institution reduction of Turmoil effects from 15% per level to 10%
* Vanguardism is now unlocked by Political Agitation rather than Socialism
* Reduced the Sick Man of Europe modifier's prestige malus from -33% to -25%
* Changed the progressiveness score of Theocracy law to -25 instead of -50
* Reduced the size of USA's navy slightly
* Lowered the amount of convoys needed to complete Improve Supply Network Tutorial

== Art ==
=== Performance ===

* New Manor House and Financial District building model for each of the different cultural styles
* Improved Construction Lens performance after having opened it once before. Note that the first time will still be slow.
* Added social button links on Main Menu (Youtube link, Victoria 3 Wiki link, Victoria 3 player resources link)
* Added 85 new distinct appearances for historical characters, including rulers and generals
* Implemented 56 historic character appearances for existing characters in the Americas (courtesy of Galactic Cactus)
* Added new clothes for power bloc members
* Adult characters with the hedonist, grifter, and/or expensive tastes traits can be smokers now
* Added distinct appearance and assets for Empress Dowager Cixi
* Added Financial District buildings 3D asset for Foreign Investment
* Adjusted 'Waving Flag' icon for Journal Entries to fit in the Journal Entry frame better
* Added icons for Prestige, Leverage and Cohesion
* Added background art for Pro and Anti Lobbies
* Adjusted Diplomatic Action "Personal Union" icons
* Added headgear for Catholic clergy
* Fixed some clipping issues on the infantry units map models
* Reworked factory smoke VFX
* Art Academy icon now shows the 'Fine Art' good
* Adjusted some provinces in Florida, Nevada, and Western Australia
* Improved Bundle of Flowers 3d asset for characters
* Improved Ottawa river shape improved on the map
* Improved Rio Uruguai river position and shape on the map
* Added Kolyma river on the map
* Improved Puget sound shore for the 3d map
* Buildings in the Caucasus region now use European graphics
* Fixed texture brightness for the African Academy

== Audio ==
=== Balance ===

* Fixed a voice stacking bug for the Naval Carrier that caused performance issues
* Restored the +clout modifiers to Landowners from slavery laws, as the Landowners ended up too weak in some countries after other related balance changes to subsistence farms
* Made weapon reload sounds less repetitive
* Reduced Advanced Research 3 principle's max innovation gain per institution level from 15 to 10
* Remixed all war sound effects
* Political Movements to get rid of Traditionalism and Serfdom now attract more supporters from literate pops once Empiricism is researched (loosely representing enlightenment thinking)
* Fixed sail transport ship oddity upon zooming out and back in
* Increased the lobby appeasement impact of Support Regime
* Fixed inconsistent sound filter effect upon entering a Map Mode
* Haiti now starts the game with debt instead of half-filled gold reserves
* Haitian independence payments now cost less each week but much more to pay off in increments
* Fix some setup issues in France that caused the July Monarchy to collapse too quickly due to unprofitable buildings and trade routes
* Improving Relations will now give leverage on yourself, and will not auto-break at 50 relations if the target is a Power Bloc leader
* When a civil war ends in victory for either side, a larger number of pops are now deradicalized to represent civil war fatigue and prevent a second civil war from immediately gaining steam
* Italian states with relations above 20 with Austria will no longer be able to spawn Italian radicals in it.
* Reduced Austrian radical gain from Italian minor powers.
* Divided Monarchists now requires 50% radicals in capital to fail (up from 25%)
* Reduced the number of radicals generated over time by Movements to Preserve
* Lowered the base and max weights for Wine in luxury drinks need, as adding it to Intoxicants made it overdemanded compared to other goods and hurt the demand for Tea/Coffee
* Take Treaty Port can no longer be added as a wargoal against a state without a port constructed, as this results in an inactive treaty port. However, demolishing the port after the wargoal is added will not invalidate the wargoal.

== Interface ==
=== AI ===

* Added a fullscreen Building Registry screen
* The AI is now more inclined to accept requests for Support Regime and Knowledge Sharing under favorable conditions
* Added functionality to create and add tables to tooltips
* The military power score increase for accepting reverse-sways is now properly capped at 50, preventing the AI from accepting reverse-sways that they should be utterly unwilling to accept
* Reordered things in the Country tooltip to more closely reflect the order of importance
* Rebalanced AI aggression. The base aggression (chance to start diplo plays) is lower, but the impact of the aggression game rule on it is higher. However, the impact of the AI aggression game rule on strategic desires was toned down, so that aggressive AIs still try to make strategic alliances etc.
* Added breakdown details for the Ahead of Time Research Penalty
* Fixed another bug causing the AI to take a bunch of Treaty Ports they should have no real interest in
* Added a new religion overview mapmode that displays the most prevalent religion in each state and additionally through color blending visualizes the second and potentially third most prevalent religions
* The AI is now significantly more likely to try to get rid of Traditionalism and Serfdom when not pursuing a conservative agenda or when there are movements present to change those laws
* Upgraded the culture overview mapmode to visualize the second and third most prevalent cultures through color blending
* Fixed the logic for when the AI carves up china to be more consistent in how and when it's applied to the AI's desire to take states there
* Added a new "Subjects" tab in the Diplomacy panel listing all your Subjects
* More tweaking of the AI for Egypt/Ottomans early conflicts to give the Ottomans a better chance of beating Egypt
* Reworked the Country & State right-click menu to be more compact and be less "scrolly"
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not correctly evaluate Placated political movements as able to start a revolution and would cancel laws that would result in a very powerful evolution to avoid a much weaker one
* Added notifications for subject interactions
* The AI is now generally less willing to cede territory when Demand State is used when that is territory is important to its owner, even if it's owned by one of their other subjects
* Added bar charts for a Pop's needs to their tooltip and info panel
* Fixed some issues with AI strategy logic for isolationist countries which was inadvertently applied to non isolationist countries, causing the AI to generally avoid befriending other countries
* Added easy access to the construction queue to the Building Registry
* The AI will now never accept having 'cut down to size' pressed on them as part of a peace deal, but will have to be capitulated
* Improved the layout and readability of the Peace Deal tab
* The AI will now try much harder to get rid of peasant levies unless they are very reactionary
* Added the option to have custom icons as divider on double-sided scripted progress bars
* The AI will now make use of Enforce Military Access on its subjects to create fronts when needed in wars
* Added alerts related to a subject's ability to increase its autonomy or have its autonomy decreased
* Fixed an issue where the AI was setting way too high targets for its army/navy size (partially caused by AI including investee countries in its population census)
* Moved Decisions from a second tab in the Journal Panel into the first tab, and Potential Journal Entries are now in the second tab
* The AI is now far less willing to give up wargoals in peace deals unless those wargoals are actually being contested
* Cleaned up the layout of the Journal Entry page
* The AI will now instantly capitulate in a war where they and all their allies are 100% occupied
* Added a new layout for Interest Group Tooltips
* The AI is now more likely to target their own domestic states and subjects with government-funded constructions, and less likely to target foreign states. This change does not impact autonomous investment, which has its own logic for domestic vs foreign
* Outliner is now sorting Interest Groups by clout
* Event options marked as show_as_unavailable will now print the trigger conditions that failed in order to make them unavailable
=== Modding ===
* Country diplomacy infopanel now shows relevant tooltip info for Pacts rather than just repeat their names
* Added explanation in war support tooltip when countries are unable to capitulate, for instance due to being a subject
* Added new trigger has_inactive_journal_entry
* The player list in the outliner has been changed to a dropdown
* Added scripted list war_participant (any_war_participant/every_war_participant etc)
* Ongoing Diplomatic Actions (bankroll, improve/damage relations) in the outliner are now found in the collapsible section
* Added console command ai_evaluate_mobilization to print AI mobilization data
* Show the AI Strategies in the Country tooltip
* Reworked all Outliner items to have more, and better, information
=== Bug Fixes ===
* It is now possible to pin Countries to the Outliner
* The amount of debt that is owed to buildings that you own is now shown in the debt tooltip
* Fixed a crash that occurred in the MP lobby while the game was unpaused
* Changed so Diplomatic ties/gained lost and declaring neutrality notifications are hidden by default
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to use Demand State against your overlord's homelands
* Changed the total time for your Construction Queue to be displayed in months, years, etc instead of only weeks
* Fixed a bug where if you saved the game on the exact tick when a country was annexed and then loaded that save, the country would never be properly removed causing diplomatic pacts with it etc to linger forever
* Convoy breakdown now lists contribution from market members first, with breakdown to see who contributes what, and the remainder of the convoy production breakdown in descending order
* Fixed a bug where it was possible for foreign investors to buy worker-owned buildings in countries with Cooperative Ownership enacted
* New map mode displaying the percentage of your GDP that is directly or indirectly controlled by another country
* Fixed the issue with invalid diplomatic pacts in the outliner
* gdp_ownership_ratio trigger lets you measure how much of a country's economy another country controls, directly or through investors
* Fixed a bug where Agitators who did not have a valid law from their ideology to support would almost always end up picking from just a tiny handful of laws to start a movement for (Homesteading and National Militia, for example)
* Changed the map list panel displayed for the Culture Overview mapmode to display more general state information
* Fixed some issues with the changes to Honorable Restoration that made it too difficult to complete when not going the traditional market opening route and ensured it's always completed when you defeat the Shogunate in a civil war
* Added "break" names like "Stop doing ActionName" for diplo actions to their tooltips, buttons and confirmation window headers
* Fixed sorting trade routes by owner in the trade routes panel
* Made the Improve/Damage relations effects description a bit more digestible
* Fixed an Out of Sync related to diplomatic catalysts
* Added imposable laws as a dropdown directly under each Subject in the Subjects tab
* Fixed trade routes being incorrectly moved to another market after a market split
* Added Overlord/Subject/Bloc actions to the Country panel - Interaction tab
* Fixed some production methods being incorrectly considered unavailable in the building panel
* Show the Employment Indicator icon in more places
* Fixed some issues with conscripts after states being transferred to another country
* Added a short "label" and a "status" for a Country, describing who they are to you and your relationship to them
* Fixed a crash that could happened when showing modifier breakdowns
* Show the Government Interest Groups in the Country tooltip
* Debts accrued just after declaring bankruptcy now count as debts rather than disappearing in a powerful bout of creative accounting
* Improved the Party tooltip to display member Interest Groups in a table
* Fixed some mobilization options not properly providing their benefits to combat units
* State Taxation Revenue text list now display its information as a table
* Fixed an issue causing predicted loyalist changes from successful enactment of political movement to not apply or apply incorrectly
* Implemented right-click menu for privatization and nationalization
* Savegames are now cleaned of broken construction queue items when loaded
* Moved the Party Icons on Interest Group entries in the Outliner so they would not interfere with the player moving the mouse into the Interest Group tooltip
* Fixed a bug where Pops that got all their income from dividends would not pay poll taxes (ie, Capitalists and Aristocrats now pay about 0.1% more taxes compared to before)
* Fixed diplomatic action influence cost to accurately display base cost when looking at a potential action, and actual cost when looking at an action with full target data
* Replaced the static english text for "Inactive Treaty Port" with a string that is translated into all languages
* Removed superfluous "Yes" statement from tooltips describing "boolean" modifiers, replaced with a symbol corresponding with if the modifier type is considered Good, Neutral, or Bad
* It is no longer possible to sway-transfer subjects that are opposing their overlord in a play or war
* Added State Traits to the State tooltip
* Fixed a bug where the 'Join Power Bloc' diplomatic play would not work correctly after a country declined an invite to a power bloc
* Fixed long overlapping texts to not overlap anymore in the Trade States Diplomatic Action popup
* Fixed a bug where downsized military buildings would not properly remove the units from their formations
* Sound effect improvements to some parts of the UI
* Tanzimat JEs are now pinned by default.
* On-Map Notifications can now play sounds and use alternate GUI widgets when displayed
* The Tibet Expedition decision will no longer spam errors when Tibet is annexed
* Tweaks to the map modes on the specific country details panels diplomacy tab
* Power Bloc emblems are now properly centered
* Show the influence maintenance cost of Diplomatic Actions more directly in the interface
* Adjusted inconsistent conditions of Grant and Request own market. You can now only do these actions if the junior partner is either a direct subject (compared to indirect before) or if they are independent and you are the Power Bloc leader in a shared market.
* Improved tooltip formatting for Diplomatic Actions
* Removed the Liberty Desire impact display from the Grant Market interaction if the target is not actually a subject.
* Added your Overlord to the Diplomacy panel Overview tab if you are a Subject
* The Disrupt the Russian Caucasus Great Game subgoal now fails properly if Circassia is defeated
* Show the Religion icon in the Religion tooltip
* Updated descriptions for migration laws to reflect that they only limit migration in and out of the country
* Show the current direction (up/down) of your Relations in Country tooltip
* Fixed a construction queue tooltip to indicate that the constructing country is paying the cost
* It is now possible to unpin Diplomatic Plays from the Outliner
* Rewrote the placeholder tooltips on the column headers when sending a Military Formation somewhere (Destination, Travel Time, Status).
* It is now possible to unpin Political Movements from the Outliner
* Fixed a bug that would lead to foreign investments in split states potentially leaving around NULL_OBJ constructions in the investor's queue; particularly visible when pursuing German unification.
* Split construction panel from the building panel, now it's opened by clicking on the construction button on the topbar and arrow from the buildings panel
* Fixed a bug where decreasing relations with your overlord would have a lesser impact on lobby appeasement than increasing it, making it possible to endlessly increase appeasement by alternating increasing and decreasing relations
* Set a minimum size on scrollbar handles so they do not get tiny in large lists such as the Census Data
* Resolved an edge case where the Strike: Labor Negotiations event could have no options.
* Added a game concept for "Busy" Characters to explain what it means
* Removed Liberty Desire impact from insufficient supply if a land connection exists between subject and overlord
* Updated the religion colors for Catholicism, Orthodox and Hinduism to better work with the new religion mapmode
* Added impact on Ranching building group to Collectivized Agriculture law
* Improved the responsiveness of the scrollarea for the game objectives on the new game screen
* Amended the India collapse script to account for the Princely States being transferred to Britain
* Added a Subject Types Visualization table to better visualize how Subject Types work on the Diplomacy panel
* Interface: Fixed a bug that was hiding lobby funding in the budget breakdowns
* Show a country's Subject Type in its tooltip
* It is now possible to add the Force Nationalization wargoal to an ongoing Diplomatic Play
* Expose the Ranking Number for the stats on the Country details panel
* The "Secure Influence Over Persia" Great Game subgoal may now progress by annexing Persia
* Removed misleading Total Occupation number in the Occupation breakdown tooltip for Battles
* Fixed a bug where the Weak Power Bloc penalty would not be applied after loading a save
* Hid axis labels on trend charts if there is no trend data
* Fixed several issues with Cohesion factors not being correctly displayed in the Cohesion tooltip
Patch 1.7.5 was released on 2024-07-12<ref>Forum, [[Forum:1694991|Victoria 3: Hotfix 1.7.5 is now LIVE!]], 2024-07-12.</ref> with checksum ''6fe3''.
=== Balance ===
* Reduced starting radicals for countries with historical radicals, such as Argentina and Central America
* Reduce the Infamy gained by Tibet's overlord if they refuse Tibet's subjugation in Tibet Expedition
=== AI ===
* Fixed incomplete logic for AI evaluation of granting states to unrecognized and autonomous subjects, allowing USA to grant states to Indian Territory when it shouldn't
=== Bug Fixes ===
* Fixed Private Investment Pool behaviour under cooperative ownership
* Aristocrats no longer starve due to Subsistence farms suddenly raising wages for peasants
* Infamy cost reduction for rebelling subjects is now properly applied to rebellious subjects not loyal subjects
Patch 1.7.6 was released on 2024-08-28<ref>Forum, [[Forum:1701215|Victoria 3: Hotfix 1.7.6 is now LIVE!]], 2024-08-28.</ref> with checksum ''4b8b''.

== Performance ==
=== Improvements ===
* Protectionism now has a +25% leverage resistance effect
=== AI ===
* The AI will now prefer to first cancel constructions of government buildings over demolishing existing ones when trying to save money
* Reduced AI naval spending targets from having a large overseas empire, to prevent excessive British overspending on the navy
=== Interface ===
* Added the prompt saying "CTRL + click to set the levels to a minimum/maximum" directly to the Nationalization popup for better visibility.
=== Bug Fixes ===

* Complete rewrite of the modifier system to improve performance (the caveat for modders mentioned in [[forum:1685347|DD #120]] no longer applies, scripted modifiers will propagate as intended!)
* Fixed the bug when guarantee independence wouldn't join if the diplomatic play that was started outside of the current interests
* Improved performance of several tick tasks
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to Enforce Military Access on a subject who is opposing their overlord in a play or a war
* Minimized unnecessary counter updates
* Fixed a bug where the AI would sometimes not merge back temporary formations into their parent formations, resulting in a large number of armies with few or no battalions in each
* Improved the performance of AI's journal entry interactions by reducing extraneous trigger checks
* Fixed a bug where the AI would not evaluate Investment Rights and Join Power Bloc wargoals correctly when calculating its desire to dominate another country, resulting in adopting a less aggressive attitude than intended
* Reduced memory consumption by Coat of Arms flag definitions
* Fixed CTD related to front distribution cache
* Optimized the calculation of the current flag definition for each country
* Fixed a bug where the AI would use 'Grant own Market' on subjects in cases where it did not make sense to do so, such as Austria granting Krakow their own market due to low supply network strength
* Optimized the frequency of Coat of Arms updates which led to less total execution time
* Fixed bug where Force Nationalization Wargoal would only take state-owned buildings from the target, ignoring private-owned ones
* Optimized scripts for some flag definitions
* Fixed the bug when government buildings couldn't promote employees
* Reworked the outliner system to improve performance
* (Mac CTD fix) Fix/potential stack overflow in cpdxguitextdata
* On-Map Notifications no longer spawn when off-screen
* Fixed the bug when fleets in non-home HQs wouldn't recover from being defeated
* Fixed a bug where Military Formations could establish a new basecamp somewhere else when they already had a valid one.
* Fixed a crash to desktop that could happen upon enacting cooperative ownership
* Now subjects subjugated through power bloc action will properly update ports and markets

== Modding ==
Patch 1.7.7 was released on 2024-10-31<ref>Steam, [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/529340/view/4478359995220492336?l=english Halloween Update 1.7.7 is now LIVE!], 2024-10-31.</ref> with checksum ''e2e5''.

* Enabled scripted_widget support for Victoria 3 (usage pattern same as in Crusader Kings III)
* AI will now consider taking actions defined in a scripted_gui based on its ai_is_valid (trigger) / ai_chance (1-100) / ai_frequency (months) parameters
* Diplomatic Pacts can now contain an actor_modifier and/or target_modifier that is applied to the country while pact is active
* The conditions under which a country may impose laws on another are now entirely moddable, including making special rules for each specific law
* Diplomatic Pacts can declare one or several auto_support_type diplomatic play types. It forces the initiator of the pact to join any diplomatic play of the auto_support_type that the target initiates.
* Individual Professions can now be blocked from Internal or Mass Migration based on state modifiers (see Serfdom and Land Reform laws for examples)
* Added new modifiers country_bolster/suppression_cost_mult to the cost of Interest Group bolstering and suppressing
* Split the create_truce effect into create_bidirectional_truce and create_unidirectional_truce
* end_truce effect no longer takes a months parameter
* Added new modifier country_leader_has_law_enactment_success_mult that increases the enactment success for laws the power bloc leader already has
* Added new trigger for power_bloc_rank
* Added scripted rules for unlocking power bloc principle slots
* Added new add_cohesion and set_cohesion console commands
* Added add_progress and set_progress effects for scripted progress bars
* Added modifier power_bloc_allow_foreign_invest_lower_rank to allow foreign investment in lower ranked members
* Added new trigger play_participant_has_war_goal_of_type_against
* Added new trigger play_side_has_war_goal_of_type_against
* Added new trigger war_participant_has_war_goal_of_type_against
* Added new trigger war_side_has_war_goal_of_type_against
* Added country_disable_privatization_bool, country_force_privatization_bool, and country_disable_nationalization_bool modifiers to regulate privatization
* Production Method property replacement_if_valid lets you replace a PM under given circumstances
* Added country_nationalization_cost_non_members_mult modifier that modifies the penalty for nationalizing buildings owned by foreign countries.
* Added country_legitimacy_min_add that set a lower limit on a governments legitimacy level
* Added political_movement_preserve_support_mult, political_movement_enact_support_mult and political_movement_restore_support_mult that multiplies the support of political movement by type
* economic_dependence compare trigger for determining a country's economic dependence on another
* Added new modifiers on country and country pact scope for adding leverage generation
* Added new modifier power_bloc_leverage_generation_mult for leverage generation
* Added new modifier power_bloc_mandate_progress_mult for mandate progress
* Added power_bloc_disallow_war_bool modifier to prevent wars within Power Blocs
* Added power_bloc_income_transfer_to_leader_factor modifier to make non-leader members of a power bloc pay a portion of their income to the power bloc leader
* Added power_bloc_allow_wider_migration_area_bool modifier which allows economic migration within a power bloc even without a unique shared market
* Added fraction_of_levels_owned_by_country and levels_owned_by_country building ownership compare trigger
* Added country_innovation compare trigger
* Added gdp_per_capita_ranking and sol_ranking triggers
* Added a scripted_bar_progress trigger that checks the progress
* Removed deprecated error_check trigger and replaced it with explicit visible triggers, where applicable
* New modifier state_migration_quota_mult allows for fine-tuning how much migration a state permits
* Added trigger can_break_diplomatic_pact
* Added trigger can_send_diplomatic_action
* Added trigger can_create_diplomatic_pact
* Added trigger would_accept_diplomatic_action
* Added a country_overlord_income_transfer_mult modifier type to modify the amount of money a subject has to pay their overlord each week
* Added an income_transfer compare trigger for diplomatic pact scopes
* enactment_chance_for_law complex compare trigger added to measure the chance a country would currently have to enact a certain law type
* New modifier country_port_connection_cost_mult, modifying the convoy cost of port connections
* New modifiers tariff_import/export_outside_power_bloc_mult, modifying countries' tariffs with non-power bloc members
* New modifiers country_join_power_bloc_member_in_(defensive_)plays_bool
* New modifier power_bloc_leader_can_add_wargoal_bool, lets the leader of a Power Bloc add a free wargoal in any play where a bloc member is a primary participant without issuing an Offer for Support
* Added new modifier country_subject_income_transfer_heathen_mult that changes how much income subjects that don't follow the same state religion as the overlord pay
* Added new modifier power_bloc_religion_trade_route_competitiveness_mult for trade routes targeting countries with the same state religion as the power bloc leader
* Added new triggers for checking ownership type fractions in a building: private_ownership_fraction, country_ownership_fraction, self_ownership_fraction
* Implemented Liberty Desire levels with modifiers that propagate to country
* create_building effect can now specify ownership assignments
* Added remove_principle effect for power blocs
* Added free_principle_slots compare trigger for power blocs
* Added modifier allow_trade_routes_without_interest_bool modifier, which allows a country to establish trade routes even where they don’t have interests
* New effect disband_political_lobby
* New scriptlist diplomatically_relevant_country
* Added effect create_diplomatic_catalyst
* Added effect create_political_lobby
* Added trigger num_political_lobbies
* Added type scope switch for lobbies/catalysts
* Added new compare trigger potential_diplomatic_play_power_ratio
* Convoy Contribution is now a country modifier (country_convoy_contribution_to_market_owner_add) that shares the country's convoys directly with the market owner, rather than tied specifically to subjects/overlords
* Regime Change can now be executed from script using the regime_change effect
* New modifier type country_leverage_generation_mult affecting how much Leverage a country generates as Power Bloc leader
* New modifier type country_leverage_lobby_generation_mult affecting how much positively inclined lobbies in another country contribute to the Leverage they impose on them as Power Bloc leader
* New modifier type country_pact_leverage_generation_mult affecting how much a pact influences the Leverage generated by the senior/initiator part in the pact on the junior/target part in the pact, when the senior is Power Bloc leader
* Added a current_cohesion_percentage compare trigger for Power Bloc scopes
* Added add_cohesion_percent and add_cohesion_number effects for Power Bloc scopes
* New trigger can_trigger_event that can check e.g. if an event is on cooldown for a country in scope
* New compare trigger liberty_desire_weekly_progress
* Renamed remaining uses of Interest Group promotion to bolstering to be coherent with the current name
* Added new trigger for used_principles_slots
* Added new trigger total_used_principle_levels
* Made sure all boolean modifier types have a _bool suffix
* Added allow_trade_routes_without_interest_bool modifier, which allows a country to establish trade routes towards countries that lie outside the range of their interests
* Added state_migration_quota_mult modifier that affects the amount of people that emigrate from or immigrate to a state
* Added num_power_bloc_members compare trigger. Returns the number of member countries in the scoped power bloc
* Added num_power_bloc_states compare trigger. Returns the total number of states of the scoped power bloc.
* Added neighbors_power_bloc compare trigger. Returns true if the scoped country neighbors the specified power bloc. Note
* Added neighbors_any_power_bloc compare trigger. Returns true if the scoped country neighbors any power bloc.
* Added neighbors_member_of_same_power_bloc trigger. Returns true if the scoped country neighbors any other member of their own power bloc.
* Added trigger is_member_of_lobby
* Added trigger is_member_of_any_lobby"
* New script list lobby_member
* Added new trigger can_add_wargoal_against
* New add_leverage effect added for power bloc scopes
* New country_leverage_resistance_add modifier type
* New progressiveness and law_progressiveness_difference compare triggers added, to compare the progressiveness of a law type or the difference in progressiveness between two law types
* Added country_law_enactment_imposition_success_add and country_cannot_be_target_for_law_imposition_bool modifier types
* Added cancel_imposition effect to cancel the imposition status of a country's law
* Adds imposed_law and imposer_of_law links to be used in country scope
* country_cannot_cancel_law_enactment_bool modifier type added to prevent a country from manually canceling enactment of laws
* journal_entry_age compare trigger added for measuring the duration since the Journal Entry was activated
* Added tenure_in_current_power_bloc_days/weeks/months/years compare triggers for Country scopes
* New compare triggers power_bloc_share_prestige and power_bloc_share_power_projection in Power Bloc scope
* New compare triggers power_bloc_worst_liberty_desire, power_bloc_worst_infamy, power_bloc_worst_leader_relations in Power Bloc scope
* New trigger is_forced_to_join_plays
* Added console command fastlobbies to make lobbies bypass its chance to spawn, letting them always spawn if possible
* New console command Logging.GameStateGenerators can be used to display a list of gamestate init functions in the order they are executed, to troubleshoot initialization issues
* Added new rank based power bloc invite acceptance modifiers power_bloc_invite_acceptance_{rank}_add (need to be accessed in script)
* Added new country_leverage_resistance_per_population_add modifier that scales with population size
* Added new country_leverage_resistance_mult modifier
* Added new market_number_goods_shortage that gives how many goods in a market have a shortage
* Added new power_bloc_worst_leader_religion_population_fraction which returns the lowest fraction of population that follows the religion of the bloc leader
* Added new power_bloc_worst_economic_dependence which returns the lowest economic dependence on the leader among the bloc's members
* Added new power_bloc_share_gdp trigger which returns the share of the total GDP in a bloc a country has
* Added new power_bloc_total_leading_goods_producer trigger which calculates a score for a power bloc based on how many goods its members are the leading producers of. The number 1 producer gives 3 points, number 2 gives 2 and number 3 gives 1
* Added GetParticipantWithLowestEconomicDependenceOnLeader data function
* Added GetParticipantWithLowestLeaderReligionPercentage data function
* Added GetLeaderReligionPercentage data function to retrieve the percentage of the population in a country that follows the religion of the bloc leader

== Bugfixes ==
* Added new game rule to enable or disable fantastical/supernatural content. If this game rule is enabled, there is now a [[罗马尼亚#万圣节彩蛋|new character with some new events]] that can make an appearance during the real life months of October and November.

* Wargoals targeting subjects not being contested now prevents overlord from dropping below 0 war support
''And as a bit of information: You can change game rules mid-game by clicking switch country then changing the game rules in the select screen!''
* Improved the stability of the multiplayer game by fixing several Out of Sync issues
* Fixed a bug where an Interest Group could pick the Ruler or Heir of a monarchy to be their next leader, if they were a general
* All straight apostrophes (') in city, state, hub name loc replaced with typographic/curly apostrophes (’) to address issue where tooltips broke or bloated error log
* Fixed a bug where the 'Revoke Claim' wargoal could only be used once for each country against each enemy per play
* Fixed a bug where battles that end inconclusively would display a placeholder text
* Fixed a bug where the cost of reverse pacts was incorrect in the interface
* Fixed a bug where reverse pacts could be activated several times and stacked.
* Fixed a bug that would cause Bismarck to be available as a Landowner leader for every single country in the game
* Fixed a bug where countries in a diplomatic play could simultaneously be on someone's side and undecided
* Fixed a bug where it was possible to join diplomatic plays against power bloc members when you should not be able to
* Reworked the way random events are fired, fixing an issue where certain events would almost never fire. As a result, it's now more common that several events fire simultaneously, this is not a bug.
* Fixed a crash related to finding a combat unit type's primary culture
* Fixed a bug that disallowed intra-country migration when inter-country migration was disallowed (i.e. people can now move from a state in a country to a different state in the same country even if the country has closed borders)
* Fixed a crash that could happen when countries that are part of the same customs union would end up on opposite sides of a war
* Officers no longer bear the burden of increased ratio of casualties due to rounding errors
* B.Grimm company now has 10% infrastructure from population instead of 0.1
* Fixed a bug when the main theme was not playing on startup
* Fixed the country formation panel to show the correct status for split states
* Updated conditions for granting and removing command from ruler to prevent strange situations
* Artillery commander traits are now correctly applied to artillery units
* Fixed a bug where the revolution map marker could spawn in an incorrect State, with an incorrect Interest Group icon
* Fixed broken localization in naval invasion stalled tooltip
* Fixed a bug when after colonizing a province with frontier colonization player could colonize states it didn't have access to
* It's no longer possible to exceed (if only visually) the commander limit of formations by using the "move all" and "move half" buttons in the formation transfer UI
* Diplomatic Victory achievement now properly requires the player be a Great Power
* Fixed a bug that would cause some lens options / map interactions to not be updated when they should have, leading to the displayed information being out of date compared to the actual economic or geopolitical situation
* Added missing info in the combat unit type tooltip about modifiers that units provide their formations with
* Diplomatic Plays against your indirect subjects are now disallowed
* Commanders who are on expeditions are now correctly blocked from doing most of their job as commander
* While in a Diplomatic Play or at war you can no longer form or expand Colonial Administrations in order to prevent wargoals from being invalidated
* Empresas Eléctricas Asociadas Company now gives 5% infrastructure from population instead of 0.05
* C.A. LA Electricidad de Caracas now gives 5 infrastructure per 100k pops instead of 0.05
* Improved the performance of the Red Scare Journal Entry
* Added horizontal scrollbars when elements goes off screen in the Census Data & Building Registry fullscreen windows
* Revolution events and Coups can no longer spawn in communists and council republics before socialism has been researched
* Should a Bonapartist, Orleanist, or Legitimist non-monarchical ruler die, they no longer automatically generate a same-dynasty heir
* Nicholas I of Russia dying or abdicating before 1843 will no longer result in the generation of an heir with a negative age
* Fixed error spam issue with Brazilian agitator clothing
* Trade States will now be unavailable to select when no valid state options exist
* Added missing Legitimacy label and value to country tooltip
* Fixed an issue where dead Interest Group leaders could be targeted by the Kingmaker Caudillo event
* Seek Royal Marriage can no longer target junior members of a personal union
* The Positive Stage Journal Entry now requires you to either be Catholic or have state atheism enacted
* Custom tooltip fixes "The country does not have the variable in question" in tooltip for Ban the Opium Trade button
* Fixed a bug where the National Self-Defense event may refer to a Politically Unaligned IG
* Horizontal Filing Cabinets Boost now uses the correct color for the modifier
* Fragile Unity Journal Entry fail requirements corrected in text and tooltips
* Fixed a lot of typos across the game
* Fix bug where sorting countries by AI Attitude wasn't working
* The Banana Republic achievement now requires the construction of fruit plantations specifically, not any plantations
* Fixed two more ways in which it was possible to exceed the commander limit in a formation
* Fixed null_obj appearing in notification for HRE formation
* The Cholera event will now fire properly
* Fragile Unity points being gained or lost will now fire the correct notifications
* The Republic of San Marco will no longer throw errors
* The agitator_legal_events.5 now displays their correct event image
* Remaned Farm hub on Åland from Eckerö to Strandgård
* The Opium Wars now invalidate if their target ceases to exist
* Fixed a couple of typos in Czech cities
* Fixed the birth date of Alexander II of Russia
* Fixed an unlocalized modifier in the event "Obstruction in [state]"
* Removed duplicate icons for Influence costs for certain Diplomatic Actions

== References ==
== References ==
<references />
[[en:Patch 1.7]]
[[en:Patch 1.7.X]]

2024年11月4日 (一) 18:44的版本

Dlc top curly.png
维多利亚 3
DLC Pivot of Empire.png 帝国之枢
DLC Sphere of Influence.png 势力范围
DLC Colossus of the South.png 南方巨像
DLC Voice of the People.png 人民之声
DLC Victoria 3.png 基础版本

Patch 1.7.X are all patches beginning with 1.7.


主条目:Patch 1.7


Patch 1.7.1 was released on 2024-06-27[1] with checksum b087.


  • Added mandate generation from Unrecognized countries to all Identities
  • Earning Recognition Journal Entry is now unlocked by Colonization rather than Civilizing Mission and only requires 50 relations with a Great Power to complete
  • It is now possible to 'upgrade' an Investment Rights pact to a Mutual Investment Agreement, if the other part agrees to it
  • Conquering a split state now applies the 'Recently Liberated' rather than 'Recently Conquered' modifier, as the latter ended up giving tax penalties to a state you already owned, which could be devastating for tiny nations
  • Ranches no longer consume grain as a default good, but only if more advanced PMs are activated
  • Regime Change Diplomatic Play can no longer be used against your own subjects since Law Imposition can be used for it instead
  • Collectivized building levels, or buildings with levels that are undergoing collectivization, can no longer be nationalized
  • Cuirassiers no longer consume iron, but use more small arms instead
  • Sovereign Empire statues now provides a 25% Decree Cost discount to the state it is constructed in instead of applying it to the whole country
  • The Boer States now start with National Militia and with their independence guaranteed by Britain


  • The autonomous investment AI now keeps track of how much investment has gone into foreign/domestic states and biases future investment towards domestic states if an excessive amount has gone towards foreign investment, to ensure investment isn't all going overseas
  • Fixed an issue where civil war countries and native uprisings would not recruit commanders for their armies due to incorrectly set AI tags for their formations
  • Rebellious and Defiant subjects will no longer actively aid their overlord in diplomatic plays outside of what they consider necessary to defend their own territory
  • Loyal subjects now mobilize a higher fraction of their troops to aid their overlords in diplomatic plays
  • The AI is now able to reassign armies/navies that are traveling, preventing suboptimal naval invasions due to the best fleets not being 'available'
  • The AI is now able to launch simultaneous naval invasions, but will generally avoid using all of its armies/fleets at once for this


  • Manor Houses no longer require infrastructure, as this caused major issues for highly populous countries with a lot of subsistence agriculture
  • Reduced investment weights for Manor Houses on all non-agricultural buildings, as their tendency to invest into factories in countries like Japan would lead to an odd aristocrat-led industrialization
  • Reduced the rate at which generic random events appear to compensate for increased overall event spawn rate due to prior bug fixes
  • Reduced effect of Asceticism (Devout) trait from -50%/-100% to -15%/-30% reduction on radicals from changes to standard of living (sorry)
  • Reduced effect of Secular Shrine Theory (Devout) trait from +20%/+40% to +15%/+30% conversion
  • Reduced effect of Da Wat (Devout) trait from +50%/+100% to +20%/+40% conversion
  • Reduced effect of Propagandists (Intelligentsia) trait from +25%/+50% to +15%/+30% migration attraction
  • Decrees now have a minimum cost of 10% of its base cost, to prevent modifier stacking for free Decrees
  • Imperious now provides a 20% rather than 25% Decree Cost discount
  • Cruel trait now provides a 5% Authority boost rather than a Decree Cost discount


  • Map markers will now indicate where your foreign construction is happening
  • Demand Force Nationalization wargoal will now display how many building levels and what fraction of GDP would be nationalized
  • Fixed some issues with the 'failing to hire' tooltip for buildings where it would sometimes lack a reason for failing to hire and/or contain unnecessary whitespaces
  • Added Bloc Leader interaction icon to differentiate it from Bloc Member actions
  • Cursor will no longer flicker between the game cursor and operating system cursor while moving the mouse in the loading screen
  • Removed duplicated Leverage Resistance description in tooltip
  • Fixed long overlapping texts to not overlap anymore in the Trade States Diplomatic Action popup
  • Max number of setbacks modifier will now be displayed as a whole value instead of a confusing percentage value


  • Fixed a bug where modders using a create_country effect in global history files would lead to blocs being disbanded during initialization
  • Added mandate generation by rank modifiers for unrecognized major, unrecognized regional, unrecognized and insignificant powers
  • Added new generic Power Bloc invite acceptance modifier
  • Made Power Bloc invite acceptance by rank modifiers support arbitrary ranks defined in script
  • Cost calculation for Decrees is now done on a per-state rather than per-country basis, permitting for differing costs dependent on the state the Decree is applied in
  • decree_cost link now operates in state scope rather than country scope


  • Fixed a crash related to CollectOwnAndAlliedLandHQs
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to make a diplomatic demand against a country you were already at war with
  • The "Land of the Rising Sun" event for Persia now gives a claim on the correct Georgia (hint: not the one north of Florida)
  • Fixed inverted values in Earning Recognition Journal Entry causing you to gain progress for low GDP/SoL and vice versa
  • Fixed a bug where leaders of Military Treaty Power Blocs would not pay maneuvers for adding wargoals in diplomatic plays where they were a main participant
  • Fixed a bug where formations with no commanders could not be mobilized due to incorrect 'all commanders are busy' error
  • Fixed bug where cohesion for ideological union was inexplicably trending towards 0
  • "Enemy of my Enemy" lobby event can no longer target your own country as the enemy in question, however amusing that might sound
  • The Pamir Delimitation will no longer carry over script variables from previous attempts
  • It is no longer possible to capture a state in less than 2 battles, as this could result in issues such naval invasions that were impossible to consolidate due to creating multiple fronts
  • Fixed bug that made Pacifists only spawn in the Armed Forces rather than the other way around
  • Fixed a bug where the -30 relations penalty with Power Bloc leaders for creating a Power Bloc was applied during history initialization, causing the Great Powers to have erroneously low relations with each other at game start
  • Political Lobbies will no longer form targeting Revolutionary countries until they actually win the revolution, to avoid highly temporary lobbies forming and then disbanding
  • Replaced the Power Bloc Statue throughput with a level scaling effect under the "Prestige Only" game rule to prevent it from granting the prestige while they are still in the construction queue
  • Fixed an AI issue that could lead to incorrectly removing conscript units, leading to negative amount of conscripts in an army
  • Fixed a bug when manor house levels weren't removed when subsistence farms were removed
  • Fixed a bug where the "Add to Primary" button would show up on an Overlord's Wargoals for the Subject
  • Resolved issue where Communism and Populism progress bars didn't properly retreat due to laws
  • Fixed an issue when 100% worker-owned buildings can still be nationalized if the building is level 1
  • Fixed an issue where exiling/inviting agitators would never create lobbies in their home countries
  • Fixed a bug where a victorious revolution could end up with a political lobby targeting itself
  • The East Indies' End event can no longer fire multiple times per game
  • The Tibet Expedition will now properly cancel if at war with Tibet
  • The "Can't Touch This" achievement can now be gained even if a country has (non-nationalizable) gold fields or subsistence farms
  • Fixed an out-of-sync related to markets
  • Fixed the amount of compensation in the notification when nationalizing foreign assets
  • Replaced the University and Art Academy's "Increased Exchange" (unlocked by the Freedom of Movement Principle) Production Method's country modifier with a state modifier as originally intended. The former led to way higher migration attraction as it was stacking all states' effects where it was active.
  • General Brusilov no longer requires owning the American state of Georgia to spawn
  • Fixed a bug where accept/decline effects of reverse pact actions such as Request Knowledge Sharing and Request Support Regime were not correctly shown in tooltips
  • The emergency hunger relief modifier from the Famine event chain is now applied only to states affected by famine
  • Pink faces will no longer be submitted alongside several Diplomatic Action proposals
  • Pink face and NULL_STATE will no longer briefly appear briefly after a building has finished construction in Foreign Queues
  • Fixed Power Bloc formation tutorial to prevent player moving forward despite not having completed a necessary step
  • The British aid button for Persia will no longer state that it adds the "Russian Military Mission" modifier
  • Fixed some instances of missing loc in Tibet Expedition tooltips (English only, other languages will be translated for 1.7.2)
  • Fixed missing localization for key catalyst_revolution_successful
  • Moved Saint Basil's Cathedral back to Moscow (from Mazovia)
  • Added missing text for Building Relationships map mode (English only, will be translated for 1.7.2)
  • Fixed a description error in the Dominion concept that stated that they wouldn't need to join their overlords (English only, will be translated for 1.7.2)
  • Fixed error spam in the "Britain Demands Withdrawal from Herat" event
  • Event ig_revolutions.8 will no longer display [ROOT.GetCountry.GetRuler.GetTitle] instead of the ruler's actual title


Patch 1.7.2 was released on 2024-07-03[2] with checksum 0942.


  • Added an event for Persia or Afghanistan winning the Great Game
  • Britain and France no longer start with a rivalry, as this doesn't really accurately reflect their relations in 1836
  • Austria, Prussia and Russia now start the game with friendly attitudes towards each other, to represent the historical Holy Alliance
  • Added a rivalry between Brazil and Argentina at the game start
  • Added a rivalry between Britain and Russia at the game start
  • The initial Meiji Restoration Journal Entry is now a lot easier to complete and simply requires keeping the Shogunate out of power while maintaining at least middling legitimacy for 10 years, but is failed if the Shogunate gets back into government
  • The Impose State Religion bloc action now also converts 2% of the population in non-capital states
  • Advanced Research, Colonial Offices and Police Coordination principles now allow bloc leader to impose their law in the education system, colonization and policing law groups respectively
  • Advanced Research, Colonial Offices and Police Coordination principles now disallow members from having the base laws in their respective groups (no schools, etc)
  • Added dynamic boolean modifiers for disallowing specific laws
  • Advanced Research, Colonial Offices and Police Coordination now all reduce their respective institution costs by -10/25/50% and increase speed for changing institution levels by 25/40/50%
  • Advanced Research 1 now has +5% Tech spread as a Schools institution modifier instead of the flat value
  • Advanced Research 3 now has -5% Ahead of Time Research Penalty as a Schools institution modifier instead of the flat value
  • Advanced Research 3 now has an increase of 15 to the weekly innovation cap as a Schools institution modifier instead of the flat value
  • Police Coordination 2 now reduces political movement radicalism on the police institution instead of giving authority
  • Colonial Offices 3 now adds a decrease of 7% to infamy generation against unrecognized countries to the colonization institution
  • Choosing to leave a Power Bloc now results in a relations hit and negative catalyst with the other members
  • Liberty desire levels now display what war goals they unlock.
  • Unrecognized Major Powers can now form Power Blocs, but will suffer a greater Relations hit with Recognized Power Bloc leaders when doing so, and will only gain Leverage over Recognized countries at 10% the normal rate
  • Added a check for establishing Trade Agreement Pacts that their market can actually be reached by your country. This will also prevent Lobbies from requesting the signature of a Trade Agreement which you could not fulfill.
  • Added a port to Shaozhou so that Hong Kong starts with a port when taken as a Treaty Port
  • Changed Hokkaido to have subsistence pastures instead of rice farms, to more accurately reflect its initial Ainu majority
  • Added missing localisation for power bloc identity requirements for production methods
  • Restored Asceticism as one of the Chinese Devout IG Traits
  • Added the concept_unrecognized_major_power in all languages


  • Added and tweaked many starting attitudes and relations of AI countries to better reflect the diplomatic situation in 1836 and/or encourage more historically plausible outcomes
  • Increased AI tendency to build gold mines.
  • AI recognized powers are now more aggressive against unrecognized powers when they have the Civilizing Mission technology and/or Colonial Officers principle
  • Unrecognized powers are now generally more aggressive against each other, particularly in Africa
  • Ethiopian princes and Chinese warlord states now make more concerted efforts to unify
  • Greece now more aggressively pursues the Greek Nationalism JE where it has claims
  • East India Company is now less gung-go about conquering Tibet, but more inclined to target its neighbors in India and Burma
  • AI now has a stronger tendency to abolish slavery after Human Rights is researched
  • The Great Powers now have a greater tendency to get involved in early Ottomans vs Egypt disputes
  • USA and Britain now tend to seek to befriend each other when trying to resolve the Oregon Border Dispute
  • France now sometimes chooses to not pursue the Natural Borders JE when given the option
  • Fixed a bug where the AI was way too eager to grab treaty ports in places where they had no actual interest in a treaty port
  • The US now more aggressively targets the states held by Mexico border it directly at the start, such as Colorado
  • Fixed some issues with new attitude changing system that caused the AI to not open up Japan
  • The AI now focuses more on befriending Great Powers when on track to complete Earning Recognition
  • Added a bespoke strategy and more AI weights for Japan to try to complete the Meiji Restoration
  • Fixed an issue where AIs would adopt a Domineering attitude but not actually act on it due to the strategy score calculation not resulting in them wanting any wargoals
  • Made the AI more restrictive about mixing generally incompatible wargoals, such as investment rights and subjugation
  • The AI no longer has an increased neutrality score in civil wars where they have a truce with the country having a civil war
  • The AI is now less inclined to get involved in the German Leadership War so long as neither side starts demanding territory, in which case they will have increased support for the non-expansionist party
  • The AI will now be more restrained with what additional wargoals they add in a Unification or Unification Leadership play if they are a primary participant
  • Added catalysts for gaining and losing land borders with a country, used to make AI more belligerent when gaining borders with unrecognized powers
  • The AI now scales its minimum mobilization level by the number of small conflicts it's involved in, so that it's better at dealing with simultaneous revolts in subjects
  • Added a +50 AI acceptance bonus to investment rights proposals if the target country has recently declared bankruptcy. This also means that AI countries who had to declare bankruptcy will be more likely to offer other countries to invest in their country.
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not properly build up its military forces due to incorrect logic when validating its spending
  • Subjects with a Defiant or Rebellious attitude towards their overlord now get an appropriate acceptance bonus when asked to support the independence of a fellow subject
  • Fixed a bug where some larger countries such as Occitania would become independent when released as a subject
  • Fixed a bug where the AI of newly released countries was not properly initialized, causing issues such as no autonomous investment happening


  • Improved frame rate when scrolling in the Building Registry


  • The Ottomans now get an increase to Intelligentsia approval & clout while pursuing the Tanzimat Reforms
  • Reduced the required army size to complete Tanzimat Army Reforms from 150 to 100
  • Reduced minting and output of gold mines by about a third
  • Declining to pursue the Opium Wars now angers the British East India Company
  • Literate Pops now tend to more strongly support movements to abolish slavery after Human Rights is researched
  • Reduced military and war exhaustion bonuses given to Taiping as they currently tend to always defeat Qing
  • Reduced the infamy generation against unrecognized reduction from Colonial Offices 3 from 50% to 25%
  • Added infamy generation against unrecognized reductions to Colonization and Civilizing Mission techs
  • Extended time you have to complete Tanzimat Reforms from 20 to 30 years, due to some of the JEs requiring several steps of law reform
  • Tweaked army setup and military bonuses granted to Texas to give them a better chance to survive the Texan War of Independence
  • Chartered Companies can no longer switch Government Principles
  • Slavery laws no longer directly increase the clout of landowners, as they also do so in a very significant way indirectly
  • Unification Leadership wargoal is now considered to be contested if any incorporated state is occupied by the enemy
  • War Goals that previously required any state to be occupied to be contested (such as War Reparations) now requires any Incorporated state to be contested
  • Increased aggression of Afghan countries towards Chitral
  • Afghan minors can now request more aid from Great Powers twenty years after last receiving it
  • Gave Maimana Tajik as a primary culture, enabling them to form Afghanistan.
  • Non-Pashtun Afghan countries will now be more aggressive towards each other.
  • Great Game passive drift now relies on the extent of a country's direct or indirect control over Central Asian and Persian states
  • Declaring Bankruptcy now applies a decaying reduction in welfare payments, starting at 100%
  • Declaring Bankruptcy now immediately resets all institution levels to 1
  • Removed Poor Laws (and the government admins supporting it) from China, as it's no longer needed to 'balance' their budget and tends to result in chain bankruptcy
  • Changed the requirements of Pacification of the Steppes to make the journal entry more feasible
  • Subjects now require to have diplomatic autonomy in order to sign foreign investment rights and agreement pacts
  • You now must be non-Isolationist in order to form a Power Bloc, and Power Bloc members cannot enact Isolationist trade policy
  • Sovereign Empires now only half the Cohesion loss from having subjects with high Liberty Desire, and only from the Liberty Desire of the leader's own subjects, not subjects of other members
  • Tweaked subsistence income and building throughput for decentralized nations so they don't end up with the highest SoL in the world in certain edge case scenarios
  • Significantly reduced the Ericsson company's education access bonus.
  • Reduced Leverage Resistance from Population by 50%, as it was too difficult to overcome in some cases even with a variety of leverage sources
  • Having the Armed Forces or an Authoritarian leader in government is no longer sufficient to initiate the Natural Borders of France
  • Reduced AI aggression from Natural Borders


  • Added a separate tooltip description for when a building loses employees due to emigration instead of just saying they were fired
  • When inviting a prospective member to a Power Bloc you are now given a prediction of what that will do to your Cohesion
  • There is now a confirmation box when pressing 'Leave Power Bloc'
  • There is now a notification for other Power Bloc members when a non-leader country leaves the bloc
  • Made the sortable column header buttons sticky at the top of the Market panel (Goods tab) when you scroll.
  • Building Registry filters are now rows of buttons of icons instead of fold out menus


  • Added new trigger called army_power_projection
  • Building groups can now be flagged as always_self_owning, which makes them always worker-owned


  • Fixed an issue with foreign investment that could cause invalid elements to appear and stay around in the Construction Queue permanently, however this will only prevent the issue from appearing in new saves. We are planning to introduce a save-game validation fix for old saves in 1.7.3.
  • The Pamir Delimitation JE tooltips no longer lags the game. A tooltip for the JE activation has been added for clarity.
  • Tibet Expedition JE now ends when subjugation demand is refused by other countries.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Formations to sometimes travel towards a Front they cannot join.
  • Fixed an issue in the code that handles the relationship between interest groups and political lobbies, which caused misleading error messages to be logged.
  • Fixed a bug where using a create_country effect in global history files would lead to blocs being disbanded during initialization
  • Unrecognized powers no longer get any benefit from infamy reduction against unrecognized modifier
  • Fixed a bug where a number of AI countries (such as Greece) did not pursue their Journal Entries because the catalyst for Journal Entry was incorrectly firing on JE creation instead of JE activation
  • Fixed a bug where Journal Entries that were created in an inactive state before the start of the game did not notify the player about their activation due to a rather bizarre (and entirely unnecessary) boolean set on creation
  • Fixed column header broken loc in map list panel for inviting countries to your bloc
  • Fixed a bug where half of the screen sometimes turned orange during the start of diplomatic plays.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when collecting unit distribution data
  • Resolved an issue which caused null objects to occasionally appear in exiles events.
  • Power bloc statues are now prevented from being transferred when states change hands to countries that shouldn't have them.
  • Fixed a bug where employees would switch jobs without taking potential dividends into account
  • Fixed a bug causing government owned buildings to have a hard time filling their employment
  • Fixed a bug where the country religion link was referencing the country definition's religion instead of the country's state religion, resulting in the Impose State Religion bloc action being repeatable on the same country
  • Remove the duplicated Overlord Actions button for Subjects that appeared when you are not a Power Bloc leader.
  • Fixed a bug where cohesion for ideological unions was inexplicably trending towards 0
  • Removed the placeholder Manul culture from the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the relief option in the STATE Crop Failure event would apply the wrong modifiers.
  • Conquering a split state now applies the 'State Liberated' rather than 'State Conquered' modifier, as the latter ended up giving tax penalties to a state you already owned, which could be devastating for tiny nations
  • Amended the description for the I'm the Captain now achievement.
  • Reduce the freeze during annexation caused by diplomatic catalysts
  • Gold Fields are now always worker owned
  • Fixed fleets being stuck in ally HQs after losing military access to them
  • Fixed invalid travel destination options for formations after switching between interactions
  • Fixed an issue that caused the game to try to localize the null country when showing the peace treaty popup when one of the displayed wargoals is a wargoal to conquer a split state and the winner is a country that has a different split state in the same region
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to accept a diplomatic proposal that had become invalid in the time between it was proposed and when it was accepted
  • Removed Clergymen from Cotton Plantations' default Production Method and replaced them with Farmers.
  • Blocs led by a major power which turns into a great power will now lose the weak bloc modifier as intended
  • The Cohesion prediction when kicking a member out of your Power Bloc now takes the per-member modifier impact into account correctly
  • Fixed a bug where the reinvestment fraction of Government Dividends was not correctly calculated for buildings unless they had 100% government ownership
  • Persia and Afghanistan will now properly get the "Great Game, no re" achievement for winning the Great Game
  • Fixed autonomous investment constructing too many levels of the same building
  • Fixed a bug where the Commander Order tooltip was not showing requirements to activate orders
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong production method for Power Bloc statues was shown in the UI
  • Homesteading law now also affects the ranching category buildings in addition to agriculture buildings.
  • Fixed a bug where the expedition cost in Tibet was still active after the journal entry ended.
  • Fixed a construction queue tooltip to indicate that the constructing country is paying the cost
  • Added a missing collectivization modifier to collectivized agriculture.
  • Fixed a bug for Tibet Expedition Events so it doesn't result in the possibility of Tibet's diplomatic play against itself.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes Treaty Port status would get 'dropped' by markets, resulting in the Treaty Port having no effect despite showing up properly in the state
  • Most hills in Japan, North China and Manchuria no longer display as jungle hills in the state panel
  • Fixed an issue where Russia would start the game with three landlocked naval bases.
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not use certain actions such as grant own market due to a missing evaluation_chance value
  • Fixed an issue with an unlocalized, dynamic name for Azerbaijan.
  • Diplomatic Plays can no longer start if the initiator or the target country has no passable provinces
  • Fixed an issue where throughput was not correctly updated during building initialization
  • Academic caps and glasses are now restricted to characters with relevant traits, even within power blocs with the level III Advanced Research principle.
  • Cuirasses are now restricted to characters with either a royal or military affiliation.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to oppose the subjects of your allies in plays where it would not be possible to object the ally themselves
  • Fixed the missing text for the currently enacting Law under the specific Law Group.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes not construct ports to connect isolated states to its market
  • Fixed an issue in how some principle groups were displayed in the principle groups chooser window
  • The indicators for what production method is selected in each category for buildings in your country no longer takes foreign buildings into account, so if all your domestic buildings use the same PM it will show that rather than the "mixed" indicator if some of your overseas buildings are using a different PM
  • Fixed a rare crash when hosting in Multiplayer
  • Fixed a major issue that would prevent upgrading power bloc principles under some circumstances


Patch 1.7.3 was released on 2024-07-04[3] with checksum 8769.


  • Fixed an issue where privatization was not correctly checked sometimes, resulting in money being spent to privatize building levels that were already privatized
  • Fixed a rare Out of Sync caused by unsorted collecting from unordered map
  • Fixed a major issue that would prevent upgrading power bloc principles under some circumstances


Patch 1.7.4 was released on 2024-07-10[4] with checksum 5775.


  • Added a journal entry for the reunification of China


  • It is once again possible to start Reduce Autonomy & Annex Subject diplomatic play against subjects, even if their Liberty Desire is high. However, doing so will result in taking on the full infamy cost of the wargoal rather than the usual reduction for targeting subjects.
  • Peasant Levies now simply prevents Conscripts from being raised as Cavalry or Artillery, as selective limits on which specific types of Infantry etc could be raised as conscripts do not work correctly
  • Russia/Britain now start with a neutral attitude towards Persia, ensuring they don't immediately go for the throat until Persia does something to earn their ire
  • Reduced the rate at which "The Russian-British Agreement" fires for player Afghanistan during the Pamir Delimitation
  • Added Vilnius to the required states for Poland-Lithuania
  • Renamed "Semireche" state to "Semiplatinsk"
  • Removed Uighur homeland from Semiplatinsk
  • Autonomous Investment is now able to execute multiple investments per tick for countries with extremely large (500k+ income) investment pools, so that even massive economies can continue to make full use of the investment pool
  • Homesteading & Collectivized Agriculture now also impacts subsistence farms, causing them to be partially or fully self-owned and adding some Farmers to the Workforce
  • Military Treaty Power Bloc leaders can no longer enact National Militia, and Religious Convocation Power Bloc leaders can no longer enact Total Separation or State Atheism
  • The Cohesion in Military Treaty Power Blocs is now impacted for any member with the National Militia law, while the same goes (to a greater extent) for members of a Religious Convocation Power Bloc who has Total Separation or State Atheism
  • Defensive Cooperation II now permits the Power Bloc leader to impose their Army Model law across the Bloc
  • Treaty Ports are now only functional against a market if they are adjacent to an incorporated state from the market
  • Moved or removed some military units from formations in the history setup so that they adhere to the law set in that country.
  • The 'overlord compliance' AI strategy is now invalidated if the subject ends up opposing their overlord in a diplomatic play
  • Power Bloc statues are now removed when leaving a Power Bloc
  • The Autonomous Investment AI should now properly focus on Privatization when construction is blocked due to a lack of workforce or infrastructure
  • Under Cooperative Ownership, buildings in foreign countries that are owned by local Manor Houses & Financial Districts will now be collectivized by the workforce in those countries over time


  • Added a new entry for "Your Leverage" to all country's details panel.
  • Removed tooltips for some modifier values to reduce duplicated information


  • Improved Construction Lens performance after having opened it once before. Note that the first time will still be slow.


  • Restored the +clout modifiers to Landowners from slavery laws, as the Landowners ended up too weak in some countries after other related balance changes to subsistence farms
  • Reduced Advanced Research 3 principle's max innovation gain per institution level from 15 to 10
  • Political Movements to get rid of Traditionalism and Serfdom now attract more supporters from literate pops once Empiricism is researched (loosely representing enlightenment thinking)
  • Increased the lobby appeasement impact of Support Regime
  • Haiti now starts the game with debt instead of half-filled gold reserves
  • Haitian independence payments now cost less each week but much more to pay off in increments
  • Fix some setup issues in France that caused the July Monarchy to collapse too quickly due to unprofitable buildings and trade routes
  • Improving Relations will now give leverage on yourself, and will not auto-break at 50 relations if the target is a Power Bloc leader
  • When a civil war ends in victory for either side, a larger number of pops are now deradicalized to represent civil war fatigue and prevent a second civil war from immediately gaining steam
  • Italian states with relations above 20 with Austria will no longer be able to spawn Italian radicals in it.
  • Reduced Austrian radical gain from Italian minor powers.
  • Divided Monarchists now requires 50% radicals in capital to fail (up from 25%)
  • Reduced the number of radicals generated over time by Movements to Preserve
  • Lowered the base and max weights for Wine in luxury drinks need, as adding it to Intoxicants made it overdemanded compared to other goods and hurt the demand for Tea/Coffee
  • Take Treaty Port can no longer be added as a wargoal against a state without a port constructed, as this results in an inactive treaty port. However, demolishing the port after the wargoal is added will not invalidate the wargoal.


  • The AI is now more inclined to accept requests for Support Regime and Knowledge Sharing under favorable conditions
  • The military power score increase for accepting reverse-sways is now properly capped at 50, preventing the AI from accepting reverse-sways that they should be utterly unwilling to accept
  • Rebalanced AI aggression. The base aggression (chance to start diplo plays) is lower, but the impact of the aggression game rule on it is higher. However, the impact of the AI aggression game rule on strategic desires was toned down, so that aggressive AIs still try to make strategic alliances etc.
  • Fixed another bug causing the AI to take a bunch of Treaty Ports they should have no real interest in
  • The AI is now significantly more likely to try to get rid of Traditionalism and Serfdom when not pursuing a conservative agenda or when there are movements present to change those laws
  • Fixed the logic for when the AI carves up china to be more consistent in how and when it's applied to the AI's desire to take states there
  • More tweaking of the AI for Egypt/Ottomans early conflicts to give the Ottomans a better chance of beating Egypt
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not correctly evaluate Placated political movements as able to start a revolution and would cancel laws that would result in a very powerful evolution to avoid a much weaker one
  • The AI is now generally less willing to cede territory when Demand State is used when that is territory is important to its owner, even if it's owned by one of their other subjects
  • Fixed some issues with AI strategy logic for isolationist countries which was inadvertently applied to non isolationist countries, causing the AI to generally avoid befriending other countries
  • The AI will now never accept having 'cut down to size' pressed on them as part of a peace deal, but will have to be capitulated
  • The AI will now try much harder to get rid of peasant levies unless they are very reactionary
  • The AI will now make use of Enforce Military Access on its subjects to create fronts when needed in wars
  • Fixed an issue where the AI was setting way too high targets for its army/navy size (partially caused by AI including investee countries in its population census)
  • The AI is now far less willing to give up wargoals in peace deals unless those wargoals are actually being contested
  • The AI will now instantly capitulate in a war where they and all their allies are 100% occupied
  • The AI is now more likely to target their own domestic states and subjects with government-funded constructions, and less likely to target foreign states. This change does not impact autonomous investment, which has its own logic for domestic vs foreign


  • Added new trigger has_inactive_journal_entry
  • Added scripted list war_participant (any_war_participant/every_war_participant etc)
  • Added console command ai_evaluate_mobilization to print AI mobilization data

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the MP lobby while the game was unpaused
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to use Demand State against your overlord's homelands
  • Fixed a bug where if you saved the game on the exact tick when a country was annexed and then loaded that save, the country would never be properly removed causing diplomatic pacts with it etc to linger forever
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible for foreign investors to buy worker-owned buildings in countries with Cooperative Ownership enacted
  • Fixed the issue with invalid diplomatic pacts in the outliner
  • Fixed a bug where Agitators who did not have a valid law from their ideology to support would almost always end up picking from just a tiny handful of laws to start a movement for (Homesteading and National Militia, for example)
  • Fixed some issues with the changes to Honorable Restoration that made it too difficult to complete when not going the traditional market opening route and ensured it's always completed when you defeat the Shogunate in a civil war
  • Fixed sorting trade routes by owner in the trade routes panel
  • Fixed an Out of Sync related to diplomatic catalysts
  • Fixed trade routes being incorrectly moved to another market after a market split
  • Fixed some production methods being incorrectly considered unavailable in the building panel
  • Fixed some issues with conscripts after states being transferred to another country
  • Fixed a crash that could happened when showing modifier breakdowns
  • Debts accrued just after declaring bankruptcy now count as debts rather than disappearing in a powerful bout of creative accounting
  • Fixed some mobilization options not properly providing their benefits to combat units
  • Fixed an issue causing predicted loyalist changes from successful enactment of political movement to not apply or apply incorrectly
  • Savegames are now cleaned of broken construction queue items when loaded
  • Fixed a bug where Pops that got all their income from dividends would not pay poll taxes (ie, Capitalists and Aristocrats now pay about 0.1% more taxes compared to before)
  • Replaced the static english text for "Inactive Treaty Port" with a string that is translated into all languages
  • It is no longer possible to sway-transfer subjects that are opposing their overlord in a play or war
  • Fixed a bug where the 'Join Power Bloc' diplomatic play would not work correctly after a country declined an invite to a power bloc
  • Fixed a bug where downsized military buildings would not properly remove the units from their formations
  • Tanzimat JEs are now pinned by default.
  • The Tibet Expedition decision will no longer spam errors when Tibet is annexed
  • Power Bloc emblems are now properly centered
  • Adjusted inconsistent conditions of Grant and Request own market. You can now only do these actions if the junior partner is either a direct subject (compared to indirect before) or if they are independent and you are the Power Bloc leader in a shared market.
  • Removed the Liberty Desire impact display from the Grant Market interaction if the target is not actually a subject.
  • The Disrupt the Russian Caucasus Great Game subgoal now fails properly if Circassia is defeated
  • Updated descriptions for migration laws to reflect that they only limit migration in and out of the country
  • Fixed a construction queue tooltip to indicate that the constructing country is paying the cost
  • Rewrote the placeholder tooltips on the column headers when sending a Military Formation somewhere (Destination, Travel Time, Status).
  • Fixed a bug that would lead to foreign investments in split states potentially leaving around NULL_OBJ constructions in the investor's queue; particularly visible when pursuing German unification.
  • Fixed a bug where decreasing relations with your overlord would have a lesser impact on lobby appeasement than increasing it, making it possible to endlessly increase appeasement by alternating increasing and decreasing relations
  • Resolved an edge case where the Strike: Labor Negotiations event could have no options.
  • Removed Liberty Desire impact from insufficient supply if a land connection exists between subject and overlord
  • Added impact on Ranching building group to Collectivized Agriculture law
  • Amended the India collapse script to account for the Princely States being transferred to Britain
  • Interface: Fixed a bug that was hiding lobby funding in the budget breakdowns
  • It is now possible to add the Force Nationalization wargoal to an ongoing Diplomatic Play
  • The "Secure Influence Over Persia" Great Game subgoal may now progress by annexing Persia
  • Fixed a bug where the Weak Power Bloc penalty would not be applied after loading a save
  • Fixed several issues with Cohesion factors not being correctly displayed in the Cohesion tooltip


Patch 1.7.5 was released on 2024-07-12[5] with checksum 6fe3.


  • Reduced starting radicals for countries with historical radicals, such as Argentina and Central America
  • Reduce the Infamy gained by Tibet's overlord if they refuse Tibet's subjugation in Tibet Expedition


  • Fixed incomplete logic for AI evaluation of granting states to unrecognized and autonomous subjects, allowing USA to grant states to Indian Territory when it shouldn't

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed Private Investment Pool behaviour under cooperative ownership
  • Aristocrats no longer starve due to Subsistence farms suddenly raising wages for peasants
  • Infamy cost reduction for rebelling subjects is now properly applied to rebellious subjects not loyal subjects


Patch 1.7.6 was released on 2024-08-28[6] with checksum 4b8b.


  • Protectionism now has a +25% leverage resistance effect


  • The AI will now prefer to first cancel constructions of government buildings over demolishing existing ones when trying to save money
  • Reduced AI naval spending targets from having a large overseas empire, to prevent excessive British overspending on the navy


  • Added the prompt saying "CTRL + click to set the levels to a minimum/maximum" directly to the Nationalization popup for better visibility.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed the bug when guarantee independence wouldn't join if the diplomatic play that was started outside of the current interests
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to Enforce Military Access on a subject who is opposing their overlord in a play or a war
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would sometimes not merge back temporary formations into their parent formations, resulting in a large number of armies with few or no battalions in each
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would not evaluate Investment Rights and Join Power Bloc wargoals correctly when calculating its desire to dominate another country, resulting in adopting a less aggressive attitude than intended
  • Fixed CTD related to front distribution cache
  • Fixed a bug where the AI would use 'Grant own Market' on subjects in cases where it did not make sense to do so, such as Austria granting Krakow their own market due to low supply network strength
  • Fixed bug where Force Nationalization Wargoal would only take state-owned buildings from the target, ignoring private-owned ones
  • Fixed the bug when government buildings couldn't promote employees
  • (Mac CTD fix) Fix/potential stack overflow in cpdxguitextdata
  • Fixed the bug when fleets in non-home HQs wouldn't recover from being defeated
  • Fixed a bug where Military Formations could establish a new basecamp somewhere else when they already had a valid one.
  • Fixed a crash to desktop that could happen upon enacting cooperative ownership
  • Now subjects subjugated through power bloc action will properly update ports and markets


Patch 1.7.7 was released on 2024-10-31[7] with checksum e2e5.


  • Added new game rule to enable or disable fantastical/supernatural content. If this game rule is enabled, there is now a new character with some new events that can make an appearance during the real life months of October and November.

And as a bit of information: You can change game rules mid-game by clicking switch country then changing the game rules in the select screen!
