
(重定向自Patch 1.6.X
Dlc top curly.png
维多利亚 3
DLC Pivot of Empire.png 帝国之枢
DLC Sphere of Influence.png 势力范围
DLC Colossus of the South.png 南方巨像
DLC Voice of the People.png 人民之声
DLC Victoria 3.png 基础版本

Patch 1.6.X are all patches beginning with 1.6.


主条目:Patch 1.6


Patch 1.6.1 was released on 2024-03-07[1] with checksum ecc3.


  • Fixed Early game crash on Mac related to SeaNodes, blocking gameplay after a few years at the game start.


Patch 1.6.2 was released on 2024-03-14[2] with checksum ed3e.


  • Fixed CTD related to graphics and UI
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when browsing different countries' census data
  • Fixed an issue where South American cultures would spam the error log with errors, causing performance impact
  • Fixed several possible errors caused by Garibaldi
  • Fixed multiple miscellaneous script errors
  • The River of Coffee journal entry will now fail properly if Brazil joins another market.
  • Fixed bug where migration in a market would almost entirely stop if a culture in that market had no states it could migrate to (most often due to migration laws like Closed Borders)
  • Fixed the mix up of Radicals/Loyalists sort buttons in the Census Data to sort on the correct value.
  • Re-added the Ongoing Diplomatic Actions (bankroll, improve/damage relations) to the outliner based on player feedback.
  • Fixed an issue where errors in Women's Suffrage modifiers could cause massive late-game slowdowns
  • Fixed an issue where revolutions would cause error spam
  • Fixed a missed scope in the Art Noveau event
  • Fixed a bug where AI participants in Diplomatic Plays may compute the worth of its sways incorrectly
  • Fixed a case where Call In Obligation sway might not clear the obligation
  • Fixed a bug where an event script may cause error logging if Paraguay ceases to exist
  • Embargoes are now possible at poor-and-lower relations
  • Fixed a crash that could happen after starting a diplomatic play
  • Fixed a bug in commander order script causing irrelevant error log spam when recruiting commanders
  • Fixed a bug where the investment pool could tap into the treasury to cover private constructions if the country had a very long construction queue
  • Fixed a bug where military formation map markers could show the wrong number of battalions if moving around the map while the game was paused
  • Fixed a broken localization key in Japanese


  • AI will no longer disable Mobilization Options that have a cost (in Organization, Morale, etc) associated with them on a mobilized army, since in a fluctuating market this could lead to repeated toggling with disastrous results
