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(Katty von Keksburg移动页面Beginner's guide新手指南

2022年10月30日 (日) 16:40的版本

As a beginner, it is recommended to pick a country in Europe because the better economy making it easier to industrialize.

Recommended countries

Sweden: it is in Europe's corner making it more forgiving while also having a good economy and literacy.

Belgium which is a tiny nation in western Europe that borders Prussia, Luxembourg, France, and the Netherlands is a good starter nation for learning how to play. it has only one natural enemy the Netherlands which can be overcome by diplomacy with the UK. With this nation, the player can learn the economy and management with not too much difficulty since it has not had many provinces. and a lot about diplomacy which will be important to avoid being swallowed by Prussia and France. and can even watch with a privileged seat the brutal fight between Prussia and France.

Try to get people into employment. Pops that are unemployed will not contribute to the economy, Unemployed pops wont have the benefits of producing stuff or consuming them. This makes them not contributing to the economy while creating unrest and using Welfare payments. On top of that unemployed pops can prevent other pops from leaving buildings when their work conditions are bad, which can cause additional unrest & economic trouble. Pops in subsistence farms are not great either, but they tend to be able to support themselves enough to not cause a lot of problems. When you get the chance later it is beneficial to use up arable land to reduce the size of the subsistence economy.

Sort of a Guide


  • The production of Trade goods is how the vast majority of the wealth in Victoria 3 is created. Wealth is not just money, but a developed country inhabited by an industrious and happy populace.
    • Goods are produced in Buildings
      • Buildings are build by the player per state. They cost State status construction.png which is provided by all Construction Sector-"Buildings" in the country. The construction also costs money. The upkeep also costs money.
    • Production requires raw materials (a certain group of goods like e.g. Wood, Hardwood, Iron, Steels, Coal, Tools, etc.)
    • Buildings require Infrastructure (to achieve a high "market access")
    • Production requires workers maybe even skilled (i.e. educated) workers
    • Production creates jobs, and pays wages to the employees. That income allows people to consume those goods they need or desire.


Your currently enacted Laws are very important.

E.g. as Russia starting in 1836.1.1, the Education System policy is set to "No education". You want to change this ASAP to any of the alternatives: Religious Schools, Private Schools or Public Schools. But you cant, as you do not meet the requirements! Your current Labour Rights policy (or law) is set to "Serfdom", that excludes both "Religious Schools" and "Public Schools". Additionaly you current Church and State-policy "State religion" excludes "Private Schools" again and additionaly exludes "Private Schools". To change Labour Rights policy from "Serfdom" to "Serfdom Abolished", the new policy needs support from the government. The more the better. You need to reform your government and include an interest group with an endorsment or a strong endorsement of "Serfdom Abolished". You might want to remove "interest groups" with endorsement of "Serfdom" from government (and move them into the opposition). But this new government might have legitimacy problems!

Diplomatic Plays

Diplomatic plays are access by clicking the diplomatic lens at the bottom of the screen. Under diplomatic plays are a variety of options such as conquer state, establish dominion, treaty port, etc.

When undergoing a diplomatic play, it will begin a countdown broken up into three stages (Opening Moves, Escalation, Preparation for War).

For nearly all diplomatic plays you will incur some infamy, it is key to check what you infamy level is in your country page before undergoing large diplomatic plays so you can stay under 100 infamy points. Going over may have some serious consequences in the international community!

Additionally, any country with an interest in the region of your diplomatic play can take a side. Notably, any rivals of your country in the area are highly likely to join the opposing side. There are multiple strategies to place yourself in the best chance for success in a diplomatic play:

  1. Engage in plays in regions your allies also have interests. Just like your enemies allies are likely to side with them, your allies are more likely to join and sway to your side during escalation phases.
  2. Engage in plays when your rival is already either in a play or at war. Both players and AI are much less likely to have the resources to intervene or even notice if they are currently tied up in more important affairs
  3. Be prepared to give in order to get. Any non swayed power can be offered a war goal to take your side. This is impacted both by how much they like you and how desirable the war goal is. Adding additional war goals also pauses the escalation timer. This gives time for the opposing side to respond, likely adding rivals of your new supporter!

Initial Steps

"Before you try building trains and guns, why not feed your pops." - Paul Depre, QA Manager at Paradox Games

The best place to start generating wealth for your nation is by focusing on the need of your own market.

Your pops will always be there through the game and always need to be fed, clothed, and entertained. As such meeting their demands and the demand of your local industry is key to having a solid foundation for which to expand your operations and trade to foreign markets.