
第47行: 第47行:
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Starting Laws
|+ 开局法律
! colspan="2" | Power Structure
! colspan="2" | 权力结构
! colspan="2" | Economy
! colspan="2" | 经济
! colspan="2" | Human Rights
! colspan="2" | 人权
! Governance Principles
! 治理原则
| {{iconify|Presidential Republic|Law}}
| {{iconify|Presidential Republic|Law|总统共和制}}
! Economic System
! 经济体制
| {{iconify|Agrarianism|Law}}
| {{iconify|Agrarianism|Law|农本主义}}
! Free Speech
! 言论自由
| {{iconify|Censorship|Law}}
| {{iconify|Censorship|Law|出版物审查}}
! Distribution of Power
! 权力分配
| {{iconify|Oligarchy|Law}}
| {{iconify|Oligarchy|Law|寡头制}}
! Trade Policy
! 贸易政策
| {{iconify|Mercantilism|Law}}
| {{iconify|Mercantilism|Law|重商主义}}
! Labor Rights
! 劳动者权益
| {{iconify|No Workers' Rights|Law}}
| {{iconify|no workers rights|Law|无劳动者权利}}
! Citizenship
! 公民权
| {{iconify|Racial Segregation|Law}}
| {{iconify|Racial Segregation|Law|种族隔离}}
! Taxation
! 赋税
| {{iconify|Land-Based Taxation|Law}}
| {{iconify|Land-Based Taxation|Law|土地税制}}
! Children's Rights
! 儿童权利
| {{iconify|Child Labor Allowed|Law}}
| {{iconify|Child Labor Allowed|Law|允许童工}}
! Church and State
! 教会与国家
| {{iconify|Total Separation|Law}}
| {{iconify|Total Separation|Law|完全分离}}
! Land Reform
! 土地改革
| {{iconify|Serfdom|Law}}
| {{iconify|Serfdom|Law|农奴制}}
! Rights of Women
! 女性权利
| {{iconify|Legal Guardianship|Law}}
| {{iconify|Legal Guardianship|Law|法定监护}}
! Bureaucracy
! 官僚体制
| {{iconify|Appointed Bureaucrats|Law}}
| {{iconify|Appointed Bureaucrats|Law|任命官僚制}}
! Colonization
! 殖民机构
| {{iconify|Colonial Exploitation|Law}}
| {{iconify|Colonial Exploitation|Law|殖民剥削}}
! Welfare
! 社会福利
| {{iconify|No Social Security|Law}}
| {{iconify|No Social Security|Law|无社会保障}}
! Army Model
! 军队类型
| {{iconify|Peasant Levies|Law}}
| {{iconify|Peasant Levies|Law|征召农兵}}
! Policing
! 警察机构
| {{iconify|No Police|Law}}
| {{iconify|No Police|Law|无警察}}
! Migration
! 移民制度
| {{iconify|Migration Controls|Law}}
| {{iconify|Migration Controls|Law|移民控制}}
! Internal Security
! 国内安全
| {{iconify|No Home Affairs|Law}}
| {{iconify|No Home Affairs|Law|无内务机构}}
! Education System
! 教育体制
| {{iconify|No Schools|Law}}
| {{iconify|No Schools|Law|无学校}}
! Slavery
! 奴隶制
| {{iconify|Debt Slavery|Law}}
| {{iconify|Debt Slavery|Law|债务奴隶制}}
| colspan=2 |
! Health System
| {{iconify|No Health System|Law}}
! 卫生系统
| colspan=2 |
| {{iconify|No Health System|Law|无卫生系统}}

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+ Starting Institutions
|+ 开局机构
! Institution !! Level
! 机构 !! 机构等级
| {{icon|Colonial Affairs}} Colonial Affairs || 1
| {{icon|Colonial Affairs}} '''殖民事务''' || 1

2023年8月10日 (四) 11:41的版本






荷属东印度是位于东南亚的 Minor power.png 次要政权,它是 尼德兰的国旗 尼德兰Diplomacy dominion.png 自治领,但也同时是多个印度尼西亚地区小国的宗主国。





Event industry.png 生产科技 Event military.png 军事科技 Event portrait.png 社会科技
  • Invention distillation.png 蒸馏
  • Invention prospecting.png 勘探
  • Invention steelworking.png 炼钢
  • Invention lathe.png 车床
  • Invention drydocks.png 干船坞
  • Invention paddle steamer.png 明轮蒸汽船
  • Invention army reserves.png 陆军预备役
  • Invention napoleonic warfare.png 拿破仑战术
  • Invention law enforcement.png 执法
  • Invention stock exchanges.png 证券交易所
  • Invention banking.png 银行业
  • Invention colonization.png 殖民
  • Invention mass communication.png 大众传播
  • Invention medical degrees.png 医学学位
  • Invention empiricism.png 经验主义
  • Invention romanticism.png 浪漫主义


权力结构 经济 人权
治理原则 Law presidential republic.png 总统共和制 经济体制 Law agrarianism.png 农本主义 言论自由 Law censorship.png 出版物审查
权力分配 Law oligarchy.png 寡头制 贸易政策 Law mercantilism.png 重商主义 劳动者权益 Law no workers rights.png 无劳动者权利
公民权 Law racial segregation.png 种族隔离 赋税 Law land based taxation.png 土地税制 儿童权利 Law child labor allowed.png 允许童工
教会与国家 Law total separation.png 完全分离 土地改革 Law serfdom.png 农奴制 女性权利 Law legal guardianship.png 法定监护
官僚体制 Law appointed bureaucrats.png 任命官僚制 殖民机构 Law colonial exploitation.png 殖民剥削 社会福利 Law no social security.png 无社会保障
军队类型 Law peasant levies.png 征召农兵 警察机构 Law no police.png 无警察 移民制度 Law migration controls.png 移民控制
国内安全 Law no home affairs.png 无内务机构 教育体制 Law no schools.png 无学校 奴隶制 Law debt slavery.png 债务奴隶制
卫生系统 Law no health system.png 无卫生系统

机构 机构等级
Institution colonization.png 殖民事务 1


Dutch East Indies starts with the IG landowners.png Landowners and IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Political in government.png in government. The IG rural folk.png Rural Folk are Political in opposition.png in opposition. The remaining interest groups are all Political marginalized.png marginalized.


Dutch East Indies is a Diplomacy dominion.png dominion of the 尼德兰的国旗 尼德兰. In turn, the Dutch East Indies has several Diplomacy puppet.png puppets: 没有结果, 没有结果, 没有结果, 没有结果, 没有结果, 没有结果, and 没有结果.

Dutch East Indies is colonizing Celebes, where it has a File:State status claim.png claim.


Starting Statistics
Statistic Starting value
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 6.1M
Population.png Population 9.5M
Literacy.png Literacy 17.0%
Standard of living.png Standard of Living SOL struggling.png Struggling (8.1)


Dutch East Indies has the Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies law.

Dutch East Indies begins with 37 regular Military battalions.png battalions and 61 conscript battalions available; the regular battalions all use the same set of production methods: Method line infantry.png Line Infantry, Method mobile artillery.png Mobile Artillery, File:Method cavalry scouts.png Cavalry Scouts, File:Method standardized infantry.png Standardized Infantry, and Method wound dressing.png Wound Dressing. The conscript battalions use the same methods except with File:Method infantry focus.png Infantry Focus instead of Mobile Artillery.

Dutch East Indies starts with no Military flotillas.png flotillas.


Strategy 以下内容为诸多玩家中的一员所给出的,关于荷属东印度的策略建议。请注意,由于游戏的动态机制,这些内容对其他玩家而言可能会以不同的方式展开。

Starting Situation

The Dutch East Indies aren't particularly strong, but can easily be positioned to dominate Southeast Asia. Their overlord, the Netherlands, are relatively weak when compared to the other colonial nations (such as France or the United Kingdom), but are still strong enough to be useful against the Southeast Asian minors. Its economic development isn't horrid, but has significant room for improvement.

Grand Strategy

The Dutch East Indies start out with an assortment of puppets and nearby uncolonized lands. It's in the players' best interest to colonize the rest of Southeast Asia itself if possible to deny potential hostile powers a foothold. Annexing its puppets will also help consolidate its disorganized starting situation. After that, it can target the independent Southeast Asian minors around it.

The Dutch East Indies has great port access and the ability to create goods that the European majors often struggle with (such as Dye), so there is enormous profit potential from trade and exports. The player can then use these revenues to boost whatever they see fit. Investing in the Dutch East India company navy would be a good call, given the archipelago nature of the region.

A major choice for the player to make is whether or not to cut loose from the Dutch. The Dutch are too small and weak to have any sort of parity with the other European powers, so the player may not have a choice in this matter. It's not unheard of for the Netherlands to be conquered by the other European powers. If the Dutch get declared on by a major power, it may not be advisable to attempt to assist them, as the player may not be strong enough to tip the scales.

Whether the player is independent or not, the player may try to push into islands of Oceania (such as Hawaii) or into the Southeast Asian mainland later on in the game. It is probably best to avoid provoking the British colonies in India and Australia unless they go independent, but most other nations should be relatively easy conquests as long as the player can keep the European majors out.

Internal Politics

Similar in nature to the East India Company, the Dutch East Indies official religion and primary ethnicity do not align with the land that it is on. Uprisings and radicalism are a significant threat.

Other than that, its starting Laws are relatively decent. The player should not have too much trouble getting the laws they want.


The primary diplomatic threats in the early game are usually the British and French. Prussia and Austria are usually content with battering each other for the German minors, and Russia is usually content with its internal issues and Central Asia. If the player can keep the British and French out of their affairs, consolidating most of Southeast Asia should be easy. China may attempt to intervene, but their military (while enormous) is usually so far behind technologically as to not be a major threat.


The Dutch East Indies starts as the strongest nation in the a weak area, and that gives a lot of potential for consolidation and conquest. The player will be able to consistently produce in-demand trade goods throughout the game to pad their economy. If the player is able to consolidate their position, they will be a nation that has good technology, a good population, and a good military when their neighbors might have none of those.


The Dutch East Indies may have trouble with radicalism from discrimination until it can loosen up its tolerance laws (i.e. passing Multiculturalism). Where Multiculturalism might be a law to pass to bring in more immigrants for the European nations, it can be a bare necessity for the Dutch East Indies for internal stability. Gobbling up all those weak nations gives high Infamy when compared to the immediate wealth boost of conquered, and its overlord is arguably impotent against the rest of Europe.
