
第8行: 第8行:
| 位阶 = 帝国
| 位阶 = 帝国
| 类型 = 殖民国家}}
| 类型 = 殖民国家}}
 “''Brazil is in a period of upheaval following the abdication of Emperor Pedro I, which left the country in the rule of regents. Will Brazil manage to overcome these obstacles and emerge as a great power?.''”
 “'' 巴西在皇帝佩德罗一世退位留权给摄政后经历了动荡期。巴西能成功客服这些障碍晋升列强吗?''”

'''巴西'''是位于南美的 {{iconify|Major Power}} 主要政权 。It is the largest and most powerful country in its region, taking up most of the eastern half of South America. It does however have many problems. First and foremost, it has two ongoing civil wars when the game starts on January 1st, 1836 – against {{flag|Grão-Pará}} and the {{flag|Piratini|Riograndense Republic}}. After reconquering its revolters, Brazil borders all countries in South America with the exception of {{flag|Chile}} and {{flag|Ecuador}}, though the {{flag|Peru}}vian states are inaccessible.
'''巴西'''是位于南美的 {{iconify|Major Power|| 主要政权}}。作为地区面积最广实力最强的国家,巴西占有整个南美东部,但仍然问题繁多。最紧迫的问题莫过于游戏开局时正在进行的两场内战——对抗 {{flag|Grão-Pará}} {{flag|Piratini| 里奥格兰德共和国}} 。在解决叛乱分子之后,巴西将与南美除 {{flag|Chile}} {{flag|Ecuador}} 之外的所有国家接壤,但与 {{flag|Peru}} 的疆界位于雨林深处,无法通行。

== Historical Background ==
== 历史背景 ==
Brazil was originally a colony of Portugal, founded in the 1500s. At the end of 1807, when France and Spain invaded Portugal, the royal court was transferred from Lisbon to Rio de Janeiro. At the end of the Peninsular War, Brazil was elevated from a colony of Portugal to a kingdom in its own right, in personal union under the Portuguese monarchy. In 1820, a revolution in Portugal forced the royal court to return to Lisbon and further tried to revert Brazil to the status of a colony.

In 1822, Brazil declared independence, with Pedro I as emperor, finally winning recognition from Portugal in 1825. Emperor Pedro was beset by crises both within Brazil and in Portugal, where his daughter was queen. These crises led him to abdicate in 1831, leaving his five-year-old son as Emperor Pedro II. During Pedro II's regency, Brazil faced several revolts and rebellions, some of which last several years. Although Pedro was declared as reaching majority in 1840, the next three decades still held more struggle and conflict for Brazil. Still, the empire was able to develop its infrastructure and introduce liberal laws, culminating with the abolition of slavery in 1888. However, shortly after this, the military – led by republican ideals – executed a coup deposing Emperor Pedro II, who did not resist, in favor of a republic.
1822 年9月,在巴西人民要求和葡萄牙议会施压的双重影响下,佩德罗在圣保罗拔剑宣誓'''“不独立,毋宁死!”(Independência ou Morte!)''',正式宣告了巴西独立,同年加冕为巴西皇帝,称佩德罗一世。1825年,葡萄牙承认巴西独立。1826年,葡萄牙若昂六世去世,按照继承法应当由佩德罗继承王位,但葡萄牙议会不能接受一位同时拥有巴西和葡萄牙两国头衔的君主,因此佩德罗将葡萄牙王位让给长女[[葡萄牙#历史角色|玛利亚·德·布拉干萨]]。佩德罗一世对内主张中央集权,镇压共和运动,对外为获得独立而亲近英国,导致英国工业品和资本的大量流入,英国舰队甚至有权在巴西商船上搜查奴隶。1825-1828年,巴西在与阿根廷争夺乌拉圭的战争中损失巨大,被迫承认乌拉圭独立。再加上王室的混乱关系和对葡萄牙旧贵族的维护,使得佩德罗丧尽民心,不得不于1831年出走葡萄牙,将帝位让位给5岁的儿子佩德罗二世。

== 成立 ==
佩德罗二世在位时期,巴西经历了多次起义和叛乱。三十年代中叶,南里奥格兰德省共和派起义,史称[[#日志与决议|破衫汉战争]],北方大帕拉省爆发了卡巴纳吉起义。1840年佩德罗二世亲政,逐步摆脱葡萄牙贵族对政治的影响。他思想开明,执政期间大力发展经济,建设基础设施,保护民族工业,接纳新兴科技。政治上在自由派和保守党的斗争中调停,并积极采纳进步主义的法律,受到巴西各界的肯定,获得了'''“宽宏大量”(O Magnânimo)'''的美誉。1888年,巴西的奴隶制度正式废除。但愤怒的种植园主和军方不满皇帝政策的自由主义倾向,同共和派一道发动了政变推翻了佩德罗二世的统治,建立共和国。
== 成立 与释放 ==
[[File:Brazil formation required states.png|alt=Map of Brazil's core states|thumb|right|14 of the 18 core states are needed in order to form Brazil]]
[[File:Brazil formation required states.png|alt=Map of Brazil's core states|thumb|right| 要成立巴西,需要控制18块核心地区中的14块]]
If Brazil ceases to exist, it can be [[formable countries|formed]] by {{flag|Angola Janga}} or {{flag|Minas Gerais}} if they control 14 of Brazil's core states, which are the {{iconify|homelands|state status}} of the Brazilian culture. Brazil is also [[releasable countries|releasable]] by any country which controls its capital, Rio de Janeiro.
若巴西不存在,可由 {{flag|Angola Janga}} {{flag|Minas Gerais}} 在控制巴西 {{iconify|homelands|state status|文化本土}} 的14块核心地区后[[可成立国家|成立]],也可以由任意控制其首都里约热内卢的国家[[ 可释放国家| 释放]]

== 日志与决议 ==
== 日志与决议 ==
第27行: 第29行:
|icon_type = bicorne_hat
|icon_type = bicorne_hat
|entry_name=Ragamuffin War
|entry_name= 破衫汉战争
|entry_reason=Rebels in Rio Grande do Sul are demanding independence, and are willing to pay for it with the blood of their soldiers.
|entry_reason= 南里奥格兰德的叛军要求独立,并且愿意为此付出士兵的鲜血。
|visible=*Is {{flag|Brazil}}
|visible=* 国家是 {{flag|Brazil}}
|added_by=*Game start
|added_by=* 游戏开局
*Is at peace
* 国家处于和平
*{{flag|Piratini|Riograndense Republic}} does not exist
*{{flag|Piratini|Riograndense Republic}} 不存在
*{{flag|Grão-Pará}} does not exist
*{{flag|Grão-Pará}} 不存在
*Is at peace
* 国家处于和平
* 至少一项:
**{{flag|Piratini|Riograndense Republic}} exists
** {{flag|Piratini|Riograndense Republic}} 存在
**{{flag|Grão-Pará}} exists
** {{flag|Grão-Pará}} 存在
|on_fail=*Triggers event ''Victorious Ragamuffins''
|on_fail=* 触发 '' 胜利的破衫汉'' 事件
* '''宽宏大量的君主'''日志条目的进度条减少 '''1'''

== 科技 ==
== 科技 ==
Brazil begins with most era 1 technologies researched.

{| class="wikitable plainlist"
{| class="wikitable plainlist"
! [[File:Event industry.png|24px|link=Production technology]] Production technology !! [[File:Event military.png|24px|link=Military technology]] Military technology !! [[File:Event portrait.png|24px|link=Society technology]] Society technology
! [[File:Event industry.png|24px|link=Production technology]] 生产科技 !! [[File:Event military.png|24px|link=Military technology]] 军事科技 !! [[File:Event portrait.png|24px|link=Society technology]] 社会科技
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
|- style="vertical-align: top;"
* {{iconify|Prospecting|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Prospecting|Invention|勘探}}
* {{iconify|Steelworking|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Steelworking|Invention|炼钢}}
* {{iconify|Distillation|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Distillation|Invention|蒸馏}}
* {{iconify|Cotton Gin|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Cotton Gin|Invention|轧棉机}}
* {{iconify|Drydocks|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Drydocks|Invention|干船坞}}
* {{iconify|Admiralty|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Admiralty|Invention|海军部}}
* {{iconify|Army Reserves|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Army Reserves|Invention|陆军预备役}}
* {{iconify|Artillery|Invention|link=Artillery tech}}
* {{iconify|Artillery|Invention| 火炮}}
* {{iconify|Law Enforcement|Invention|link=Law Enforcement tech}}
* {{iconify|Law Enforcement|Invention| 执法}}
* {{iconify|Currency Standards|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Currency Standards|Invention|货币本位制}}
* {{iconify|Colonization|Invention|link=Colonization tech}}
* {{iconify|Colonization|Invention| 殖民}}
* {{iconify|Democracy|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Democracy|Invention|民主}}
* {{iconify|Medical Degrees|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Medical Degrees|Invention|医学学位}}
* {{iconify|Romanticism|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Romanticism|Invention|浪漫主义}}
* {{iconify|Empiricism|Invention}}
* {{iconify|Empiricism|Invention|经验主义}}

== 政治 ==
== 政治 ==
Brazil is a Constitutional Empire, led by the underage Emperor Pedro de Bragança, who supports the {{icon|Intelligentsia|3=1}}.
巴西是一个立宪帝国,由尚未成年的佩德罗·德·布拉干萨,这位支持 {{icon|Intelligentsia|3=1}} 知识分子集团的皇帝统治。

{| class="wikitable"
|+Starting Laws
| 治理原则 = 君主制
! colspan="2" | Power Structure
| 权力分配 = 财产投票
! colspan="2" | Economy
| 公民权 = 种族隔离
! colspan="2" | Human Rights
| 国教 = 信仰自由
| 官僚体制 = 任命官僚制
! Governance Principles
| 军队类型 = 职业军队
| {{iconify|Monarchy|Law}}
| 国内安全 = 国民警卫队
! Economic System
| 经济体制 = 农本主义
| {{iconify|Agrarianism|Law}}
| 贸易政策 = 重商主义
! Free Speech
| 税赋 = 人均税制
| {{iconify|Censorship|Law}}
| 土地改革 = 佃农
| 警察机构 = 地方警察部队
! Distribution of Power
| 言论自由 = 出版物审查
| {{iconify|Wealth Voting|Law}}
| 女性权利 = 法定监护
! Trade Policy
| 移民制度 = 移民控制
| {{iconify|Mercantilism|Law}}
| 奴隶制 = 奴隶贸易
! Labor Rights
| {{iconify|No Workers' Rights|Law}}
! Citizenship
| {{iconify|Racial Segregation|Law}}
! Land reforms
| {{iconify|Tenant Farmers|Law}}
! Children's Rights
| {{iconify|Child Labor Allowed|Law}}
! Church and State
| {{iconify|Freedom of Conscience|Law}}
! Taxation
| {{iconify|Per-Capita Taxation|Law}}
! Rights of Women
| {{iconify|Legal Guardianship|Law}}
! Bureaucracy
| {{iconify|Appointed Bureaucrats|Law}}
! Colonization
| {{iconify|No Colonial Affairs|Law}}
! Welfare
| {{iconify|No Social Security|Law}}
! Army Model
| {{iconify|Professional Army|Law}}
! Policing
| {{iconify|Local Police Force|Law}}
! Migration
| {{iconify|Migration Controls|Law}}
! Internal Security
| {{iconify|National Guard|Law}}
! Education System
| {{iconify|No Schools|Law}}
! Slavery
| {{iconify|Slave Trade|Law}}
! Health System
| {{iconify|No Health System|Law}}

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
|+Starting Institutions
|+ 初始机构
! Institution !! [[File:Government building.png|24px|Investment Level|link=Vickypedia#Investment_Level]]
! 类型 !! [[File:Government building.png|24px| 机构等级|link=Vickypedia#Investment_Level]]
| {{icon|Home Affairs|3=1}} || align=center | 1
| {{icon|Home Affairs}} '''内务''' || align=center | 1
| {{icon|Law Enforcement|3=1}} || align=center | 1
| {{icon|Law Enforcement}} '''执法''' || align=center | 1

=== Interest groups ===
=== 利益集团 ===
The {{icon|Intelligentsia|3=1}} are the sole interest group {{iconify|in government|political}}. Of the interest groups {{iconify|in opposition|political}}, the {{icon|Rural Folk|3=1}} are unaffiliated with any party, the {{icon|Landowners|3=1}} and {{icon|Armed Forces|3=1}} are members of the {{icon|conservative party}} Moderate Party, while the {{icon|devout}} Catholic Church, {{icon|Industrialists|3=1}}, and {{icon|Petite Bourgeoisie|3=1}} make up the {{icon|liberal party}} Exalted Liberal Party. The {{icon|Trade Unions|3=1}} are {{iconify|marginalized|political}}.
The {{icon|Intelligentsia|3=1}} are the sole interest group {{iconify|in government|political}}. Of the interest groups {{iconify|in opposition|political}}, the {{icon|Rural Folk|3=1}} are unaffiliated with any party, the {{icon|Landowners|3=1}} and {{icon|Armed Forces|3=1}} are members of the {{icon|conservative party}} Moderate Party, while the {{icon|devout}} Catholic Church, {{icon|Industrialists|3=1}}, and {{icon|Petite Bourgeoisie|3=1}} make up the {{icon|liberal party}} Exalted Liberal Party. The {{icon|Trade Unions|3=1}} are {{iconify|marginalized|political}}.

The Intelligentsia have the {{iconify|Constitutionalist|ideology}} ideology instead of {{iconify|Republican|ideology}}, meaning they won't support a republic over a monarchy.
The Intelligentsia have the {{iconify|Constitutionalist|ideology}} ideology instead of {{iconify|Republican|ideology}}, meaning they won't support a republic over a monarchy.

=== Historical characters ===
=== 历史角色 ===
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: left;" | Politicians
|+ style="white-space: nowrap; text-align: left;" | Politicians

2023年12月9日 (六) 13:21的版本


巴西是位于南美的 Major power.png 主要政权。作为地区面积最广实力最强的国家,巴西占有整个南美东部,但仍然问题繁多。最紧迫的问题莫过于游戏开局时正在进行的两场内战——对抗 没有结果皮拉蒂尼的国旗 皮拉蒂尼。在解决叛乱分子之后,巴西将与南美除 智利的国旗 智利厄瓜多尔的国旗 厄瓜多尔之外的所有国家接壤,但与 秘鲁的国旗 秘鲁的疆界位于雨林深处,无法通行。



1822年9月,在巴西人民要求和葡萄牙议会施压的双重影响下,佩德罗在圣保罗拔剑宣誓“不独立,毋宁死!”(Independência ou Morte!),正式宣告了巴西独立,同年加冕为巴西皇帝,称佩德罗一世。1825年,葡萄牙承认巴西独立。1826年,葡萄牙若昂六世去世,按照继承法应当由佩德罗继承王位,但葡萄牙议会不能接受一位同时拥有巴西和葡萄牙两国头衔的君主,因此佩德罗将葡萄牙王位让给长女玛利亚·德·布拉干萨。佩德罗一世对内主张中央集权,镇压共和运动,对外为获得独立而亲近英国,导致英国工业品和资本的大量流入,英国舰队甚至有权在巴西商船上搜查奴隶。1825-1828年,巴西在与阿根廷争夺乌拉圭的战争中损失巨大,被迫承认乌拉圭独立。再加上王室的混乱关系和对葡萄牙旧贵族的维护,使得佩德罗丧尽民心,不得不于1831年出走葡萄牙,将帝位让位给5岁的儿子佩德罗二世。

佩德罗二世在位时期,巴西经历了多次起义和叛乱。三十年代中叶,南里奥格兰德省共和派起义,史称破衫汉战争,北方大帕拉省爆发了卡巴纳吉起义。1840年佩德罗二世亲政,逐步摆脱葡萄牙贵族对政治的影响。他思想开明,执政期间大力发展经济,建设基础设施,保护民族工业,接纳新兴科技。政治上在自由派和保守党的斗争中调停,并积极采纳进步主义的法律,受到巴西各界的肯定,获得了“宽宏大量”(O Magnânimo)的美誉。1888年,巴西的奴隶制度正式废除。但愤怒的种植园主和军方不满皇帝政策的自由主义倾向,同共和派一道发动了政变推翻了佩德罗二世的统治,建立共和国。


Map of Brazil's core states

若巴西不存在,可由 安哥拉然加的国旗 安哥拉然加没有结果在控制巴西 State status homelands.png 文化本土的14块核心地区后成立,也可以由任意控制其首都里约热内卢的国家释放


Event bicorne hat.png 破衫汉战争




Event industry.png 生产科技 Event military.png 军事科技 Event portrait.png 社会科技
  • Invention prospecting.png 勘探
  • Invention steelworking.png 炼钢
  • Invention distillation.png 蒸馏
  • Invention cotton gin.png 轧棉机
  • Invention drydocks.png 干船坞
  • Invention admiralty.png 海军部
  • Invention army reserves.png 陆军预备役
  • Invention artillery.png 火炮
  • Invention law enforcement.png 执法
  • Invention currency standards.png 货币本位制
  • Invention colonization.png 殖民
  • Invention democracy.png 民主
  • Invention medical degrees.png 医学学位
  • Invention romanticism.png 浪漫主义
  • Invention empiricism.png 经验主义


巴西是一个立宪帝国,由尚未成年的佩德罗·德·布拉干萨,这位支持 IG intelligensia.png知识分子集团的皇帝统治。

权力结构 经济 人权
治理原则 Law monarchy.png 君主制 经济体制 Law agrarianism.png 农本主义 言论自由 Law censorship.png 出版物审查
权力分配 Law wealth voting.png 财产投票 贸易政策 Law mercantilism.png 重商主义 劳动者权益 Law no workers rights.png 无劳动者权利
公民权 Law racial segregation.png 种族隔离 赋税 Law land based taxation.png 土地税制 儿童权利 Law child labor allowed.png 允许童工
教会与国家 Law state religion.png 国教 土地改革 Law tenant farmers.png 佃农 女性权利 Law no womens rights.png 法定监护
官僚体制 Law appointed bureaucrats.png 任命官僚制 殖民机构 Law no colonial affairs.png 无殖民事务 社会福利 Law no social security.png 无社会保障
军队类型 Law professional army.png 职业军队 警察机构 Law local police.png 地方警察部队 移民制度 Law migration controls.png 移民控制
国内安全 Law national guard.png 国民警卫队 教育体制 Law no schools.png 无学校 奴隶制 Law slave trade.png 奴隶贸易
卫生系统 Law no health system.png 无卫生系统
类型 机构等级
Institution home affairs.png 内务 1
Institution police.png 执法 1


The IG intelligensia.png are the sole interest group Political in government.png in government. Of the interest groups Political in opposition.png in opposition, the IG rural folk.png are unaffiliated with any party, the IG landowners.png and IG armed forces.png are members of the Party conservatism.png Moderate Party, while the IG devout.png Catholic Church, IG industrialists.png, and IG petty bourgeoisie.png make up the Party liberal.png Exalted Liberal Party. The IG trade unions.png are Political marginalized.png marginalized.

The Intelligentsia have the Ideology constitutionalist.png Constitutionalist ideology instead of Ideology republican.png Republican, meaning they won't support a republic over a monarchy.


Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits
Pedro de Bragança Role ruler.png Ruler IG intelligensia.png Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait child.png Child
Diogo Antônio Feijó Role politician.png Politician IG intelligensia.png Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait reserved.png Reserved
Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos Role politician.png Politician IG petty bourgeoisie.png Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait expert political operator.png Expert Political Operator
Martim Francisco Ribeiro de Andrada Role politician.png Politician IG industrialists.png Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait persistent.png Persistent, Trait erudite.png Erudite
Januário da Cunha Barbosa Role politician.png Politician IG devout.png Catholic Church Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait inspirational orator.png Inspirational Orator, Trait tactful.png Tactful
Nicolau Pereira de Campos Vergueiro Role politician.png Politician IG rural folk.png Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait imperious.png Imperious
Aureliano de Sousa e Oliveira Coutinho Role politician.png Politician IG landowners.png Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait charismatic.png Charismatic, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous
João Paulo dos Santos Barretto Role politician.png Politician IG armed forces.png Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait tactful.png Tactful
DLC Voice of the People.png Francisco Sabino Role agitator.png Agitator IG intelligensia.png Ideology leader radical.png Radical Trait inspirational orator.png Inspirational Orator
Generals and Admirals
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Rank HQ Region
Pedro de Alcântara Bellegarde Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random 0 Commander rank 1 Brigadier General Brazil
Pierre Labatut Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait arrogant.png Arrogant, Trait woodland combat expert.png Woodland Combat Expert 0 Commander rank 1 Brigadier General Brazil
John Grenfell Role admiral.png Admiral Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander, Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait scarred.png Scarred 0 Commander rank 1 Commodore Brazil
Historical Character Templates
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Conditions
DLC Colossus of the South.png Isabel de Bragança Role heir.png Heir IG intelligensia.png Ideology leader abolitionist.png Abolitionist Trait reserved.png Reserved, Trait tactful.png Tactful By event after 1849
DLC Colossus of the South.png Getúlio Vargas Role politician.png Politician IG petty bourgeoisie.png Ideology leader authoritarian.png Authoritarian Trait erudite.png Erudite, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait ambitious.png Ambitious By event after 1909
DLC Colossus of the South.png Benjamin Constant Role politician.png Politician IG armed forces.png Ideology leader positivist.png Positivist Trait engineer.png Engineer, Trait erudite.png Erudite
  • Date between 1875 and 1890
  • IG armed forces.png is not marginalized
DLC Colossus of the South.png Ruy Barbosa Role politician.png Politician IG intelligensia.png Ideology leader abolitionist.png Abolitionist Trait direct.png Direct, Trait persistent.png Persistent, Trait erudite.png Erudite
  • Date between 1881 and 1923
  • IG intelligensia.png is not marginalized
DLC Colossus of the South.png Prudente de Morais Barros Role politician.png Politician IG landowners.png Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait experienced political operator.png Experienced Political Operator, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous
  • Date between 1873 and 1900
  • IG landowners.png are not marginalized
DLC Colossus of the South.png Quintino Bocaiúva Role politician.png Politician IG petty bourgeoisie.png Ideology leader republican.png Republican Trait direct.png Direct, Trait literary.png Literary
  • Date between 1860 and 1912
  • IG petty bourgeoisie.png is not marginalized
DLC Voice of the People.png José do Patrocínio Role agitator.png Agitator
  • One of:
    • IG intelligensia.png
    • IG rural folk.png
Ideology leader abolitionist.png Abolitionist Trait literary.png Literary, Trait persistent.png Persistent, Trait demagogue.png Demagogue
  • Date between 1874.1.1 and 1893.1.1
  • Does not have law Law slavery banned.png Slavery Banned
  • Either IG intelligensia.png or IG rural folk.png are not Political marginalized.png marginalized
Joaquim José Inácio Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait brave.png Brave, Trait pious.png Pious, Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander Date between 1836.1.1 and 1870.1.1
Joaquim Marques Lisboa Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait brave.png Brave, Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander, Trait dockyard organizer.png Dockyard Organizer Date between 1847.1.1 and 1870.1.1
Luís Alves de Lima e Silva Role general.png General IG landowners.png Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait surveyor.png Surveyor, Trait charismatic.png Charismatic Date between 1836.1.1 and 1870.1.1


Brazil starts in two separate civil wars: against the 皮拉蒂尼的国旗 皮拉蒂尼 and 没有结果. Luckily, there are no other involved parties, and as the wars have already broken out, no outside parties can directly intervene.

Brazil has State status claims.png claims on the state of Amazonas, which is owned in part by Grão-Pará, 玻利维亚的国旗 玻利维亚, and 哥伦比亚的国旗 哥伦比亚. It has no diplomatic pacts, but 葡萄牙的国旗 葡萄牙 starts with Relations cold.png cold relations.


Starting Statistics
Statistic Starting value
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 5.1M
Population.png Population 4.0M
Literacy.png Literacy 20.1%
Standard of living.png Standard of Living SOL struggling.png Struggling (8.7)


Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods fish.png Whaling Goods gold.png Goods rubber.png Goods oil.png
Rio de Janeiro 0 36px Brazilian
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
9 9 4 7
State trait tropical climate.png 30px
Bahia 0 36px Tupinamba
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
18 15 8 3
State trait tropical climate.png 30px
State trait natural harbors.png 30px
State trait dry climate.png 30px
Ceará 0 36px Tupinamba
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
7 18 3 3
State trait dry climate.png 30px
Goiás 0 36px Tupinamba
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
16 7[1] 16
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Maranhão 0 36px Tupinamba
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
16 7 6
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Mato Grosso 0 36px
0 36px
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
29 18 26 (5)
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait good soils.png 30px
Minas Gerais 0 36px Brazilian
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
24 45 30 (10) 7 (5)
Paraná 0 36px Guarani
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building vineyard.png 30px
30 20 3 2
State trait river.png 30px
State trait good soils.png 30px
Paraíba 0 36px Brazilian
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
4 2 1
State trait tropical climate.png 30px
State trait dry climate.png 30px
Pernambuco 0 36px Brazilian
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
5 3 2
State trait tropical climate.png 30px
State trait dry climate.png 30px
Piauí 0 36px Tupinamba
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
14 36 7 4
State trait dry climate.png 30px
Rio Grande do Norte 0 36px Tupinamba
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
7 4 2
State trait tropical climate.png 30px
State trait dry climate.png 30px
Santa Catarina 0 36px Guarani
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building vineyard.png 30px
7 20 2 2
State trait good soils.png 30px
São Paulo 0 36px Brazilian
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
22 15 10 (5)
State trait river.png 30px
State trait tropical climate.png 30px
State trait good soils.png 30px
Amazonas 0 36px Amazonian 40
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
40 25 (5)
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Pará 0 36px Amazonian
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
9 78 3 22 (5)
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
State trait resources ore.png 30px
Rio Grande do Sul 0 36px Guarani
  • Building maize farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
  • Building vineyard.png 30px
11 28 30 6 2 (5)
State trait river.png 30px
State trait resources grazing.png 30px



Brazil has minimal industry, with a somewhat more developed agricultural sector, notably in Building coffee plantation.png Coffee Plantations.


Brazil has several states with the State trait resources lumber.png Amazon Rainforest trait, boosting Goods hardwood.png production. Combined with a very large potential for Building logging camp.png Logging Camps, wood production is really Brazil's trump card. The downside is that the Amazonan also decreases infrastructure and construction efficiency. On top of that, there are multiple states with traits increasing agricultural production. The State trait good soils.png Pampas modifier in soon-to-be-reconquered Rio Grande do Sul gives +15% agricultural throughput and so does the State trait good soils.png Pantanal in Mato Grosso, although the latter comes with a −10% infrastructure reduction.

Later, both Goods oil.png and Goods rubber.png become available in Brazil. The one glaring lack is Goods sulfur.png, which needs to be imported or a source colonized or conquered.


Brazil starts with the Law professional army.png Professional Army law.

Brazil starts with 33 Military battalions.png Battalions and can call upon 19 Conscript Battalions. All Barracks use Method no organized training.png No Organized Training. The battalions are divided into three armies.

Armies 折叠
Army name Battalions Generals HQ region
Exército do Sul
  • 8 Line Infantry
  • 5 Irregular Infantry
  • 2 Lancers
Pedro de Alcântara Bellegarde Brazil
Exército do Amazonas
  • 5 Line Infantry
  • 4 Irregular Infantry
  • 2 Lancers
Pierre Labatut Brazil
Exército Imperial Brasileiro
  • 5 Line Infantry
  • 1 Mobile Artillery
  • 1 Lancers

The Exército do Sul is stationed at the front with the 皮拉蒂尼的国旗 皮拉蒂尼, and the Exército do Amazonas is stationed at the front with 没有结果.

Brazil starts with 10 Military flotillas.png Flotillas. All Naval Bases use Method naval traditions.png Naval Traditions.

Navies 折叠
Navy name Flotillas Admirals HQ region
Armada Nacional
  • 9 Frigates
  • 1 Man-o-Wars
John Grenfell Brazil


Strategy 以下内容为诸多玩家中的一员所给出的,关于巴西的策略建议。请注意,由于游戏的动态机制,这些内容对其他玩家而言可能会以不同的方式展开。

Brazil truly has the potential to be a world power. But it is certainly not a given, when looking at Brazil's many problems.

Opening moves

The first thing to do is to win the to civil wars. It should not prove much of a problem. The two generals should be able to handle both with the standing army alone. Hold one back in defense, while you take care of the other. Afterwards, Brazil can attack either 哥伦比亚的国旗 哥伦比亚, 乌拉圭的国旗 乌拉圭, or 巴拉圭的国旗 巴拉圭.

Expansion locally

Brazil can beat any other country in South America, and unifying the entirety of South America is not out of the question. One can simply start from one end and continue from country to country. The only thing holding Brazil back is potential European or North American interference. So one should make sure to be diplomatically on the good side of France, Great Britain, and the USA.

The only resources that Brazil completely lacks, Sulphur, is luckily found in abundance in 秘鲁的国旗 秘鲁, so long term, getting access to these mines should probably be a priority.

Joining a market

The main thing holding Brazil back from long term growth is the lack of coal and initially the lack of iron and steel. Early game, it can be very beneficial to join a larger market (France and UK are the obvious once) to get a access to industrial goods. There Brazil can specialise in selling agricultural products and wood, which can be very profitable.


I didn’t vote for Pedro icon
I didn’t vote for Pedro
Starting as Brazil, change government to Republic and implement Universal Suffrage
Estado Novo icon
Estado Novo
As Brazil, make Getulio Vargas the ruler of your nation, and complete the New Republic Journal Entry
Magnanimous icon
As Brazil, complete the Magnanimous Monarch Journal Entry and preserve the monarchy


  1. Not useable as non-coastal state