
夜血凉辰讨论 | 贡献2022年11月6日 (日) 12:03的版本 (同上)
Trade goods in the French market.

Fundamentally, a unit of goods represent a quantity of a certain type of natural resource, manufactured good or intangible service and come attached with a price tag. This price varies both in base (a single unit of tanks is pricier than a single unit of fabric) and in actual market value, as the prices of goods change depending on supply and demand. The manufacturing of goods (by pops in buildings) is how the vast majority of the wealth in Victoria 3 is created.



  • Market staple goods.png日用品是人群生活所需的日常用品,例如用于吃的食物,用于家中供暖的木材,以及用来穿的衣物等。 Staple goods tend to be purchased in vast quantities by poor and middle class pops, with richer pops generally avoid them in favor of their luxury variants.
  • Market luxury goods.png Luxury goods are the things that pops do not necessarily need but definitely want, such as fine foods, luxury drinks like tea and coffee, or fine clothes made from Chinese silk. Luxuries tend to be more profitable to produce than staple goods, but depend on having a customer base with money -- a poor factory worker isn't going to be buying a whole lot of mahogany cabinets.
  • Market industrial goods.png Industrial goods are goods such as iron, coal, rubber and lead whose main purpose is often to be converted into other, more profitable goods. Securing a steady supply of vital Industrial goods is crucial to industrialization and growing the GDP of the country.
  • Market military goods.png Military goods are goods such as small arms, ammunition and warships that are used by military buildings to arm and supply the armies and navies of the 19th century nations. The more technologically advanced the army or navy, the more complex and expensive military goods they will need.

Of those, staple and luxury goods are mainly consumed by pops, while industrial and military goods are mainly consumed by buildings. That said, there are no hard rules here -- buildings may end up using luxury goods while pops may chose to purchase industrial goods if (when and where) it makes sense for them to do so.



Market staple goods.png 商品 Hud money.png基础价格 贸易数量 Prestige factor 商船需求倍数 Consumption tax cost
Goods clothes.png 衣物 30 15 4 0.5 300
Goods electricity.png 电力 30 No 5 No 200
Goods fabric.png 织物 20 20 3 0.25 300
Goods fish.png 鱼类 20 20 3 0.25 300
Goods furniture.png 家具 30 15 4 0.5 300
Goods grain.png 谷物 20 20 3 0.25 500
Goods groceries.png 加工食品 30 15 4 0.5 300
Goods paper.png 纸张 30 15 4 0.5 200
Goods services.png 服务 30 No 3 No 200
Goods transportation.png 运力 30 No 4 No 200
Goods wood.png 木材 20 20 3 0.25 300


Market luxury goods.png 商品 Hud money.png基础价格 贸易数量 Prestige factor 商船需求倍数 Consumption tax cost Obsession chance
Goods automobiles.png 汽车 100 8 10 1 1
Goods coffee.png 咖啡 50 1 4 0.75 1.5
Goods fine art.png 艺术品 200 5 15 1 1
Goods fruit.png 水果 30 15 4 0.75 200 1
Goods gold.png 黄金 100 No 5 1
Goods liquor.png 烈酒 30 15 4 0.75 2
Goods luxury clothes.png 高档衣物 60 1 10 0.75 1
Goods luxury furniture.png 高档家具 60 1 10 0.75 1
Goods meat.png 30 15 4 0.75 200 1
Goods opium.png 鸦片 50 1 4 0.75 2
Goods porcelain.png 瓷器 70 1 5 0.75 1
Goods radios.png 无线电 80 1 10 1 1
Goods sugar.png 30 15 4 0.75 1.5
Goods tea.png 茶叶 50 1 4 0.75 1.5
Goods telephones.png 电话机 70 1 10 1 1
Goods tobacco.png 烟草 40 1 4 0.75 2
Goods wine.png 葡萄酒 50 1 5 0.75 2


Market industrial goods.png 商品 Hud money.png基础价格 贸易数量 Prestige factor 商船需求倍数 Consumption tax cost
Goods clippers.png 帆船 60 7 5 0.25
Goods coal.png 煤炭 30 15 5 0.75 200
Goods dye.png 燃料 40 1 5 1
Goods locomotives.png 发动机 60 8 10 2
Goods explosives.png 炸药 50 8 10 1.5
Goods fertilizer.png 肥料 30 15 5 1
Goods glass.png 玻璃 40 1 5 1
Goods hardwood.png 硬木 40 1 5 1
Goods iron.png 40 1 5 1
Goods lead.png 40 1 5 1
Goods oil.png 40 1 5 1 200
Goods rubber.png 橡胶 40 1 5 1
Goods silk.png 丝绸 40 1 5 1
Goods steamers.png 蒸汽船 70 7 5 0.25
Goods steel.png 50 1 5 1
Goods sulfur.png 硫磺 50 1 5 1
Goods tools.png 工具 40 1 5 1


Market military goods.png 商品 Hud money.png基础价格 贸易数量 Prestige factor 商船需求倍数
Goods aeroplanes.png 飞机 80 6 10 2
Goods ammunition.png 弹药 50 1 5 1
Goods artillery.png 火炮 70 7 5 1.5
Goods ironclads.png 铁甲舰 80 5 10 0.5
Goods man o wars.png 风帆战舰 70 5 5 0.5
Goods small arms.png 轻武器 60 1 5 1
Goods tanks.png 坦克 80 6 10 2


  1. To update page content see reference files in folder Victoria 3\game\common/goods:
    1. To update base good modifiers see reference file 00_goods.txt.
  2. To update flavor text see reference files in folder Victoria 3\game\localization/english:
    1. For laws flavor text see reference file goods_l_english.yml.