
Katty von Keksburg讨论 | 贡献2023年9月20日 (三) 13:42的版本




从马斯到梅梅尔,从埃施到贝尔特。德意志,德意志高于一切,高于世间所有万物。Von der Maas bis an die Memel, Von der Etsch bis an den Belt. Deutchland, Deutchland, über alles, Über alles im der Welt.
——《德意志之歌》Das Deutchlandlied

Germany is a formable nation in central Europe. It can be formed by any country with North German or South German as a primary culture.


File:Germany formation required states.png
20 of the 31 core states are needed in order to form Germany

Germany can be formed by any country with North German or South German as a primary culture that controls at least 20 of the North and South German State status homelands.png Homelands after either researching Invention pan nationalism.png Pan-nationalism or completing the journal entry German National Identity. However, as Germany is a major unification, it is possible to form Germany without holding these states directly. Typically, 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 are the leading candidates to form Germany.

Once a Great power.png Great Power with North or South German as its primary culture has researched Invention pan nationalism.png Pan-nationalism or completed the journal entry German National Identity, it can become a unification candidate, if there are no such great powers, then Major power.png Major Powers are eligible instead. Other countries can choose to support any of the unification candidates, and while there is more than one candidate, each candidate can use the File:Wargoal unify germany.png German Leadership diplomatic play to force other candidates to withdraw their candidacy. Once there is only one unification candidate, it can form Germany if they have sufficient support to control 20 of the 31 German core states. Alternatively, the candidate can use the File:Wargoal unify germany.png Unify Germany wargoal to annex all German countries which do not support its candidacy at a high cost of infamy.

If Germany is formed by a Religion catholic.png Catholic country, its state religion remains Catholic, instead of becoming the default Religion protestant.png Protestant.


Germany uses the State status homelands.png homelands of North and South German as its core states. These comprise the entirety of the North Germany and South Germany strategic regions – except East and West Switzerland, most of the Rhine strategic region – not including the Benelux or Franche-Comté, and the 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士n held parts of the Poland strategic region, as well as South Tyrol in Italy, Slovenia in The Balkans, and Transdanubia in Danubia.


There are a number of events and journal entries related to the formation of Germany.


Event waving flag.png The Schleswig-Holstein Question

The Schleswig-Holstein Question is currently occupying the thoughts and energies of the German nationalists. In order for Germany to progress towards national unification, the German people of Holstein must first be liberated from their Danish overlords.
  • Only while active

Activation conditions:
  • Primary culture is North German or South German
  • No country has completed this journal entry

  • If is 荷尔斯泰因的国旗 荷尔斯泰因
    • Is not a subject
  • Otherwise, either:
    • 荷尔斯泰因的国旗 荷尔斯泰因 is a subject of this country
    • Both:
      • This country owns a state in Schleswig-Holstein
      • No country without North German or South German primary culture owns a state in Schleswig-Holstein
  • Gain: Resolved the Schleswig-Holstein Question, +25% prestige, for 10 years

  • Another country has completed this journal entry

Event waving flag.png German National Identity

The ideas of nationalism are spreading like wildfire among the German people. Once these ideals have reached a critical mass of followers in the disparate states of the German Confederation, there is bound to be a push for national unification.
  • Primary culture is North German or South German

Activation conditions:
  • Any country has completed the journal entry The Schleswig-Holstein Question

  • 75% of countries with North German or South German primary culture have researched Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • Trigger event: German National Identity

Event waving flag.png North German Confederation

The age of nationalism is upon us, and the German people seek unification. We must strive to be the foremost power in northern Germany, so that the people look to us as champions of the cause.
  • Only while active


Event German National Identity


  • Has researched Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • Is a unification candidate for 德意志的国旗 德意志
  • No other country is a unification candidate for Germany
  • Triggers event: German Leadership

On Monthly
  • Trigger event The Iron Chancellor

Event waving flag.png South German Federation

The age of nationalism is upon us, and the German people seek unification. We must strive to be the foremost power in southern Germany, so that the people look to us as champions of the cause.
  • Only while active


Event German National Identity


  • Has researched Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • Is a unification candidate for 德意志的国旗 德意志
  • No other country is a unification candidate for Germany
  • Triggers event: German Leadership

Event waving flag.png German Federation

The time has come to make a decisive push for German unification. As one of the foremost German states, it is our duty to bring about this goal.
  • Completed either North German Confederation or South German Federation journal entry

Activation conditions:
  • Is at least a Major power.png major power
  • Has researched Invention pan nationalism.png Pan-nationalism
  • Is independent

完成条件: 完成时效果:
  • Triggers event: German Unification

  • Has Hungarian as a primary culture

Event waving flag.png German Leadership

With [Country] now seen as the sole realistic option for German Unification, many North/South German states have opted to join our banner. Hopes are high that this will soon lead to a federation of all the Germanies.
From the scattered fiefdoms of the Holy Roman Empire to the chaos of Napoleon's wake, Germany has never truly been united. What the [country adjective] state has achieved today is a step towards the impossible and the inevitable.


Completion of journal entry: South German Federation or ''North German Confederation


  • Set variable on country: je_german_confederate_unifier
  • All countries with same primary culture below Great power.png great power rank:
    • If AI and either supporting this country as unification candidate for Germany or in its customs union
      • Annexed by this country
    • Otherwise receive event: Confederation with [German unifier]

Event button.png
The statesmen responsible are national heroes.
This is the default option
  • The leaders of each interest group in government gain:
    • German Unifier, +50 popularity, for 10 years
Event button.png
The world will know of our achievement.
  • Gain German Unifier, +5% prestige and Hud influence.png +10% influence, for 5 years

With either option, for countries of Kingdom or Principality Tier:

Event waving flag.png Confederation with [German unifier]

With [German unifier] now seen as the sole realistic option for German Unification, many minor German states have opted to join their banner. Should we give up our independence for the sake of greater German unity?
"By joining this confederation with [German unifier], we may be surrendering [country adjective] sovereignty, but by doing so, we help to secure German sovereignty. The spirit of the times is undeniable; the German people desire unity, and the [German Unifier adjective] seems set to be the ones to make it happen. To oppose the coming together of the German people would be utter folly."


Event German Leadership



Event trigger.png可用条件:

  • Independent or a subject of [German unifier]
Event button.png
For Germany!
  • [German unifier] annexes this country

Event trigger.png总是可用:

Event button.png
Our sovereignty is inviolable.
This is the default option
  • Gain +5% radicals from all North German and South German pops
  • Lose −50 relations with [German unifier]
  • [German unifier] gains claims on all owned states


Event portrait.png The Iron Chancellor

A nobleman named Otto von Bismarck has risen to a prominent position among the [country adjective] Junkers. Advocating for German national unity and political pragmatism, he offers his services to the state.
"I shall soon be compelled to undertake the conduct of the [country adjective] Government. My first care will be to reorganize the army, with or without the help of the Landtag. As soon as the army shall have been brought into such a condition as to inspire respect, I shall seize the first best pretext to declare war against Austria, dissolve the German Diet, subdue the minor States, and give national unity to Germany under [country adjective] leadership."


Journal entry pulse North German Confederation

  • No country has received this event
  • IG landowners.png Landowners are powerful and in government
  • Is a unification candidate for 德意志的国旗 德意志
  • Has researched Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • Date is between 1846 and 1898

  • Create the character Otto von Bismarck leading the IG landowners.png Landowners

Event button.png
Appoint Bismarck as Chancellor.
This is the default option
  • Otto von Bismarck gains Bismarck Favored, +75 popularity
  • Gain Triumph of Realpolitik, +20% infamy decay, for five years
Event button.png
Realpolitik is not the right policy.
  • Otto von Bismarck gains Bismarck Disfavored, −50 popularity
  • Gain Realpolitik Condemned, +50% damage relations speed, for five years

Event portrait.png German Unification

The tireless efforts of statesmen and soldiers has been rewarded; Germany is united into a single state.
Through blood and iron, through diplomacy and guile, Germany is united. It is a day of triumph and of reflection. However the future unfolds, the German state will surely play a leading role in deciding the fate of mankind.


Journal entry German Unification completion


Event button.png
All hail the [ruler title].
This is the default option
  • The ruler gains, German Unifier, +50 popularity and Hud authority.png +15% authority
Event button.png
This is a victory for the German people.
  • Gain +10% loyalists from all North German and South German pops

With either option, gain claims on all historical German states

Event waving flag.png German National Identity

Event trigger.png The below description is one of several available for this event.

The ideals of Nationalism and National Unification have gained many supporters throughout the German Confederation. They look to the more powerful German powers such as ourselves in the hope that we will champion the cause of German unity on the greater European stage.
"The German Confederation? The Confederation is a joke, a relic of a bygone era, a foreign imposition! For the German people to prosper and assume our rightful place in Europe, we must have a true German Nation!"


Journal entry German National Identity completion


Event button.png
Momentous times are ahead of us.
This is the default option
  • If North German primary culture, activate North German Confederation journal entry
  • If South German primary culture, activate South German Federation journal entry


Germany can "inherit" historical character templates from other German countries, as long as those countries do not exist and Germany owns the appropriate states.

Historical Character Templates
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Conditions
Wilhelm von Tegetthoff Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait expert naval commander.png Expert Naval Commander, Trait direct.png Direct, Trait innovative.png Innovative
  • Date between 1854.1.1 and 1880.1.1
  • Owns state Austria and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 does not exist
Archduke Friedrich von Habsburg-Lothringen Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait naval commander.png Naval Commander, Trait brave.png Brave, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous
  • Date between 1840.1.1 and 1870.1.1
  • Owns state Austria and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 does not exist
  • Has enacted Law monarchy.png Monarchy
Alfred von Windisch-Grätz Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait cautious.png Cautious
  • Date between 1836.1.1 and 1850.1.1
  • Owns state Austria and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 does not exist
Franz Conrad von Hötzendorf Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait offensive planner.png Offensive Planner, Trait arrogant.png Arrogant, Trait reckless.png Reckless
  • Date between 1876.1.1 and 1925.1.1
  • Owns state Austria and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 does not exist
Svetozar Boroević Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait expert defensive strategist.png Expert Defensive Strategist, Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander
  • Date between 1896.1.1 and 1927.1.1
  • Owns state Croatia and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 does not exist
Ludwig von Benedek Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait offensive planner.png Offensive Planner, Trait stalwart defender.png Stalwart Defender, Trait traditionalist commander.png Traditionalist Commander
  • Date between 1896.1.1 and 1927.1.1
  • Owns state Styria and 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 does not exist
Ludwig von der Tann Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait surveyor.png Surveyor
  • Date between 1848.1.1 and 1880.1.1
  • Owns state Bavaria and 巴伐利亚的国旗 巴伐利亚 does not exist
Alfred von Tirpitz Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader ethno nationalist.png Ethno-Nationalist Trait ambitious.png Ambitious, Trait dockyard organizer.png Dockyard Organizer, Trait convoy raider.png Convoy Raider
  • Date between 1875.1.1 and 1920.1.1
  • Owns state Brandenburg and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Maximillian von Spee Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced convoy raider.png Experienced Convoy Raider, Trait brave.png Brave
  • Date between 1900.1.1 and 1926.1.1
  • Owns state Rhineland and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Helmuth von Moltke Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait reserved.png Reserved, Trait supply requisitions expert.png Supply Requisitions Expert
  • Date between 1880.1.1 and 1920.1.1
  • Owns state Mecklenburg and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Albrecht von Roon Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait supply requisitions expert.png Supply Requisitions Expert
  • Date between 1836.1.1 and 1879.1.1
  • Owns state Pomerania and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Prince Friedrich Karl von Hohenzollern Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait surveyor.png Surveyor
  • Date between 1851.1.1 and 1890.1.1
  • Owns state Pomerania and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
  • Has enacted Law monarchy.png Monarchy
August Karl von Goeben Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait persistent.png Persistent
  • Date between 1848.1.1 and 1880.1.1
  • Owns state Pomerania and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Paul von Hindenburg Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait expert defensive strategist.png Expert Defensive Strategist, Trait persistent.png Persistent
  • Date between 1885.1.1 and 1936.1.1
  • Owns state Posen and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Erich Ludendorff Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader ethno nationalist.png Ethno-Nationalist Trait expert offensive planner.png Expert Offensive Planner, Trait supply requisitions expert.png Supply Requisitions Expert, Trait surveyor.png Surveyor
  • Date between 1894.1.1 and 1936.1.1
  • Owns state Posen and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
Max von Hausen Role general.png General IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait pillager.png Pillager, Trait cruel.png Cruel, Trait surveyor.png Surveyor
  • Date between 1875.1.1 and 1920.1.1
  • Owns state Saxony and 萨克森的国旗 萨克森 does not exist
Otto von Bismarck Role politician.png Politician IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced political operator.png Experienced Political Operator, Trait masterful diplomat.png Masterful Diplomat, Trait direct.png Direct
  • Date between 1847.1.1 and 1884.1.1
  • Owns state Brandenburg and 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist
  • IG landowners.png Landowners are not marginalized


三呼万岁 icon
自我即一切,抱歉 icon
