
Flag KOR joseon.png






大韩在游戏开始时被称为“朝鲜”。是位于东亚的 Unrecognized regional power.png 未受认可的区域政权。其首都位于京畿道汉城市,作为 中国的国旗 中国Diplomacy tributary.png 朝贡国,与 西藏的国旗 西藏兰芳的国旗 兰芳 同在 中国的国旗 中国 的贸易市场中。


If Korea ceases to exist, it can be released by any country that controls its capital, Gyeonggi. Its core states are the Korean State status homelands.png homelands.

Scripted content

With DLC Sphere of Influence.png, Korea has journal entries and events related to the Donghak movement as well as a decision to proclaim the Empire of Korea.


Proclaim the Empire of Korea

Korea is surrounded by the realms of two Emperors. In order to safeguard our sovereignty, we must elevate ourselves to become their equal.
  • Is 大韩的国旗 大韩
  • Has researched Invention nationalism.png Nationalism
  • Is independent
  • Has enacted Law monarchy.png Monarchy

  • Country renamed to Empire of Korea
  • Triggers event The Gwangmu Era


Event industry.png Production technology Event military.png Military technology Event portrait.png Society technology
  • Invention sericulture.png Sericulture
  • Invention prospecting.png Prospecting
  • Invention steelworking.png Steelworking
  • Invention distillation.png Distillation
  • Invention drydocks.png Drydocks
  • Invention admiralty.png Admiralty
  • Invention military drill.png Military Drill
  • Invention artillery.png Artillery
  • Invention law enforcement.png Law Enforcement
  • Invention international trade.png International Trade
  • Invention centralization.png Centralization
  • Invention international relations.png International Relations
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy


Korea is an Absolute Monarchy, with King Hwan Yi supporting the IG landowners.png 两班官员.

Starting Laws
Power Structure Economy Human Rights
Governance Principles Law monarchy.png Monarchy Economic System Law traditionalism.png Traditionalism Free Speech Law censorship.png Censorship
Distribution of Power Law autocracy.png Autocracy Trade Policy Law isolationism.png Isolationism Labor Rights Law no workers rights.png No Workers' Rights
Citizenship Law cultural exclusion.png Cultural Exclusion Taxation Law land based taxation.png Land-Based Taxation Children's Rights Law child labor allowed.png Child Labor Allowed
Church and State Law state religion.png State Religion Land Reform Law serfdom.png Serfdom Rights of Women Law legal guardianship.png Legal Guardianship
Bureaucracy Law appointed bureaucrats.png Appointed Bureaucrats Colonization Law no colonial affairs.png No Colonial Affairs Welfare Law no social security.png No Social Security
Army Model Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies Policing Law no police.png No Police Migration Law no migration controls.png No Migration Controls
Internal Security Law no home affairs.png No Home Affairs Education System Law no schools.png No Schools Slavery Law slavery banned.png Slavery Banned
Health System Law no health system.png No Health System

Interest groups

Korea begins with the IG landowners.png 两班官员 Political in government.png in government. The IG devout.png Confucian Scholars, IG armed forces.png 军队, and IG intelligensia.png 知识分子 are Political in opposition.png in opposition, while the IG rural folk.png, IG industrialists.png 实业家, IG trade unions.png, and IG petty bourgeoisie.png 小市民 are Political marginalized.png marginalized.

Historical characters

Note: Names are given in European style, with family name second, to match in-game localization.
Name[1] Type Interest Group Ideology Traits
李烉 Role ruler.png 统治者 IG landowners.png 两班官员 Ideology leader traditionalist.png 传统主义者 Trait child.png 孩童
Trait sickly.png 多病
李昪 Role heir.png 继承人 IG landowners.png 两班官员 Ideology leader traditionalist.png 传统主义者 Trait child.png 孩童
Trait sickly.png 多病
李相璜 Role politician.png 政治家 IG landowners.png 两班官员 Ideology leader traditionalist.png 传统主义者 Trait meticulous.png 谨小慎微
Trait experienced political operator.png 有经验的政治运作者
金正喜 Role politician.png 政治家 IG intelligensia.png 知识分子 Ideology leader reformer.png 改良主义者 Trait meticulous.png 谨小慎微
Trait romantic.png 浪漫
Trait diplomat.png 外交家
赵寅永 Role politician.png 政治家 IG armed forces.png 军队 Ideology leader traditionalist.png 传统主义者 Trait expert political operator.png 政治运作专家
Trait cruel.png 残暴
林尚沃 Role politician.png 政治家 IG petty bourgeoisie.png 小市民 Ideology leader reformer.png 改良主义者 Trait charismatic.png 魅力四射
Trait romantic.png 浪漫
Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
Trait diplomat.png 外交家
Generals and Admirals
Name[1] Role Interest Group Ideology Traits Rank HQ Region
南宫檍 Role general.png General IG landowners.png 两班官员 Ideology leader royalist.png 保皇主义者 0 Commander rank 1 陆军准将 满洲
Historical Character Templates
Name[1] Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Conditions
DLC Sphere of Influence.png Myongbok Yi Role heir.png 继承人 IG industrialists.png 实业家 Ideology leader jingoist.png Jingoist Trait political operator.png Political Operator, Trait erudite.png Erudite
  • Date after 1855.1.1
  • Byeon Yi is ruler
DLC Sphere of Influence.png Ja-young Min Role politician.png 政治家 IG industrialists.png 实业家 Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait experienced political operator.png Experienced Political Operator, Trait reserved.png Reserved
  • Date is after 1873.1.1
  • Myongbok Yi is ruler
DLC Sphere of Influence.png Je-u Choe Role agitator.png Agitator IG rural folk.png Ideology leader land reformer.png Land Reformer Trait inspirational orator.png Inspirational Orator, Trait pious.png Pious Date between 1855.1.1 and 1880.1.1


Starting Statistics
Statistic Starting value
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 3.53M
Population.png Population 16.20M
Literacy.png Literacy 8.8%
Standard of living.png Standard of Living SOL struggling.png Struggling (7.9)


Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Whaling
main state=Gyeonggi info=Capital cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,whaling multiColumn=no


main state=Yangho info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,whaling multiColumn=no


main state=Yangseo info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,whaling multiColumn=no


main state=Yeongnam info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,whaling multiColumn=no


main state=Gwanbuk info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,whaling multiColumn=no


Industry and resources


Korea starts with a small number of Building glassworks.png Glassworks, and a single Building shipyards.png Shipyards and Building iron mine.png Iron Mine. Agriculture is slightly more developed with a number of Building tobacco plantation.png Tobacco Plantations and Building rice farm.png Rice Farms.


Korea has access to a decent amount of Goods coal.png, Goods iron.png, Goods lead.png, and Goods sulfur.png. Korea can also grow Goods silk.png and Goods tobacco.png.


The following companies are associated with Korea or its starting states.


Korea has the Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies law.

Korea begins with 30 Military battalions.png Battalions and may raise up to 115 Military conscripts.png Conscripts. All Barracks use Method no organized training.png No Organized Training. The battalions compose a single army.

Army name Battalions Generals HQ region
1st Korean Army 30 Irregular Infantry Ok Namgung Manchuria

Korea has no Military flotillas.png flotillas at the start of the game.

Strategies and guides

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