je_boxer_rebellion = {
icon = "gfx/interface/icons/event_icons/" is_shown_when_inactive = { exists = c:CHI THIS = c:CHI has_technology_researched = pan-nationalism country_has_primary_culture = cu:manchu country_has_primary_culture = cu:han } possible = { has_technology_researched = political_agitation any_state = { state_region = { is_homeland = cu:han }
NOT = { owner = ROOT }
} } immediate = { trigger_event = { id = boxer_rebellion_events.1 } # The Yihetuan Movement } complete = { NOT = {
any_state = { state_region = { is_homeland = cu:han } NOT = { owner = ROOT } }
} } on_complete = { trigger_event = { id = boxer_rebellion_events.2 } # The Mandate of Heaven } timeout = 1825 on_timeout = { trigger_event = { id = boxer_rebellion_events.3 } # The Qing and the Han } weight = 1000 should_be_pinned_by_default = yes