


波斯是位于中东地区 Unrecognized regional power.png 未受认可的区域政权。西邻 土耳其的国旗 土耳其,北部与 俄罗斯的国旗 俄罗斯File:TRC.png 土库曼接壤,没有结果没有结果莫克兰的国旗 莫克兰坐落其东。在南方的波斯湾海岸,与 阿曼的国旗 阿曼特鲁西尔诸国的国旗 特鲁西尔诸国在北岸的领土相连。




Event map.png 东部边疆

自从马努切赫尔时代以来,我们东部的广袤土地,包括曾经繁华的城市如梅尔夫赫拉特,一直是 波斯的国旗 波斯呼罗珊的一部分。尽管这些土地因时间的流逝和强大统治者的压迫而被夺走,但这种情况不能再继续下去了。




Event portrait.png 日出之地

随着波斯的东部边界完全恢复,[统治者姓名] [统治者头衔]见证了一个重大历史错误的最终纠正。


Event waving flag.png 呼罗珊的明珠



Event military.png 图兰祸害

长久以来,我们北方的土库曼部落一直肆无忌惮地袭扰我们的土地,而不用担心被报复。为了纠正这一不公,[统治者姓名] [统治者头衔]宣布开始一场伟大的北方平定战役。


Event portrait.png 伟大之城梅尔夫




如果波斯不复存在,任何控制其首都伊拉克阿杰米及其他三个核心州的国家都可以释放波斯。波斯的核心州是与波斯文化相匹配的本土地区State status homelands.png homelands。


Persia starts with about half of the era 1 technologies researched.

Event industry.png Production technology Event military.png Military technology Event portrait.png Society technology
  • Invention prospecting.png Prospecting
  • Invention steelworking.png Steelworking
  • Invention distillation.png Distillation
  • Invention drydocks.png Drydocks
  • Invention admiralty.png Admiralty
  • Invention military drill.png Military Drill
  • Invention artillery.png Artillery
  • Invention law enforcement.png Law Enforcement
  • Invention international trade.png International Trade
  • Invention centralization.png Centralization
  • Invention international relations.png International Relations
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy


波斯是个 Shahdom,其国王Mohammad Shah Qajar属于 IG landowners.png利益集团。

权力结构 经济 人权
治理原则 Law monarchy.png 君主制 经济体制 Law traditionalism.png 传统主义 言论自由 Law censorship.png 出版物审查
权利分配 Law autocracy.png 独裁制 贸易原则 Law mercantilism.png 重商主义 劳动者权利 Law no workers rights.png 无劳动者权利
公民权 Law national supremacy.png 民族至上 税制 Law land based taxation.png 土地税制 儿童权利 Law child labor allowed.png 允许童工
教会与国家 File:Law 国教.png 国教 土地改革 Law tenant farmers.png 佃农 妇女权利 Law legal guardianship.png 法定监护
官僚体制 Law appointed bureaucrats.png 任命官僚制 殖民政策 Law no colonial affairs.png 无殖民事务 社会福利 Law no social security.png 无社会保障
军队体制 Law professional army.png 职业军队 警察制度 Law local police force.png 地方警察部队 移民制度 Law migration controls.png 移民控制
国内安全 Law no home affairs.png 无内务机构 教育体制 Law religious schools.png 教会学校 奴隶制度 Law slave trade.png 奴隶贸易
卫生系统 Law no health system.png 无卫生系统
机构 等级
Institution schools.png 1
Institution police.png 1


波斯开始时 Political in government.png in government 政府由 IG landowners.png 地主和 IG devout.png 什叶派乌里玛执政。 IG armed forces.png 军队和 IG intelligensia.png 知识分子 Political in opposition.png in opposition 在野,同时 IG rural folk.png 乡村民众、 IG petty bourgeoisie.png 小市民、 IG industrialists.png 实业家和 IG trade unions.png 工会属于 Political marginalized.png marginalized 边缘利益集团。


Name[1] Type Interest Group Ideology Traits
Mohammad Shah Qajar Role ruler.png Ruler IG landowners.png Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait imperious.png Imperious
Naser al-Din Shah Qajar Role heir.png Heir IG landowners.png Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait child.png Child
Mirza Aqasi Iravani Role politician.png Politician IG landowners.png Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait reckless.png Reckless
Historical Character Templates
Name[1] Culture Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Conditions
Reza Pahlavi Mazanderani
  • Either:
    • Role general.png General
    • Role politician.png Politician
IG armed forces.png Ideology leader authoritarian.png Authoritarian Trait ambitious.png Ambitious, Trait direct.png Direct, Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander
  • Date after 1915 (for commander)
  • Date after 1919 (for politician)
  • IG armed forces.png are not marginalized (for politician)
DLC Sphere of Influence.png Mirza Kuchik Khan Persian
  • Either:
    • Role politician.png Politician
    • DLC Voice of the People.pngRole agitator.png Agitator
IG rural folk.png Ideology leader communist.png Communist Trait imposing.png Imposing, Trait pious.png Pious, Trait firebrand.png Firebrand
  • Date after 1909
  • IG rural folk.png are not marginalized (for politician)
  • Neither IG armed forces.png Armed Forces nor IG rural folk.png are marginalized (for agitator)
DLC Voice of the People.pngDLC Sphere of Influence.png Sattar Khan Persian Role agitator.png Agitator IG petty bourgeoisie.png Ideology leader radical.png Radical Trait brave.png Brave, Trait pious.png Pious, Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander
  • Date after 1905
  • None of IG petty bourgeoisie.png, IG intelligensia.png, or IG rural folk.png are marginalized


波斯开局时拥有 没有结果 作为 Diplomacy vassal.png 附庸国 。

波斯同时拥有 (IG landowners.png) 地主支持的 Pro-country lobby 支持 俄罗斯的国旗 俄罗斯 和 (IG intelligensia.png) 知识分子支持的 Anti-country lobby 反对 俄罗斯的国旗 俄罗斯 的政治游说团,并拥有俄罗斯的高加索亚美尼亚、巴库、伊丽莎韦特波尔以及 没有结果 的赫拉特地区的宣称。


Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 2.7M
Population.png 人口 6.6M
Literacy.png 识字率 20.4%
Standard of living.png 生活水平 SOL struggling.png 挣扎 (8.8)


Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Goods oil.png
main state=Irak-i-Ajami info=Capital cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Fars info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Hormuz info=Incorporated,Split state cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Isfahan info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Kerman info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Khorasan info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Luristan info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Mazandaran info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Persian Kurdistan info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Semnan info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Tabriz info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Urmia info=Incorporated cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Bampur info=claims cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Herat info=claims cores=no region=no resources=logging,coal,iron,lead,sulfur,fishing,oil multiColumn=yes


Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods oil.png
main state=Armenia info=claims cores=no region=no resources=logging,iron,lead,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Baku info=claims cores=no region=no resources=logging,iron,lead,oil multiColumn=yes


main state=Elizavetpol info=claims cores=no region=no resources=logging,iron,lead,oil multiColumn=no




名字 关联建筑 加成 解锁要求
波斯烟草公司 Building tobacco plantation.png 烟草种植园
  • +20% 科技 扩散
  • −2 IG rural folk.png 支持度
  • 在波斯地区拥有4个或更多拥有5级或更高烟草种植园的地区。
  • 已经研究 Invention corporate charters.png 公司章程

名字 关联建筑 加成 解锁要求
波斯烟草公司 Building tobacco plantation.png 烟草种植园
  • +20% 科技 扩散
  • −2 IG rural folk.png 支持度
  • 在波斯地区拥有4个或更多拥有5级或更高烟草种植园的地区。
  • 已经研究 Invention corporate charters.png 公司章程


波斯拥有 Law professional army.png 职业军队 法律。

波斯开始时拥有45个 Military battalions.png 常备营 还可以征召11个 Military conscripts.png 征召营 。所有兵营和征兵中心采用 Method no organized training.png 无组织训练 。所有营队被划分为两个编队。

Armies 折叠
编队名称 营队概况 将领 文化
  • 15非正规步兵
  • 6线列步兵
  • 2加农炮
  • 3骠骑兵
穆罕默德·沙·卡贾尔 波斯
  • 14非正规步兵
  • 1线列步兵
  • 1加农炮
  • 3骠骑兵

波斯开局时没有 Military flotillas.png 海军 。


+ 来写点东西 帮助其他玩家吧!
请记得参考 编辑指南示例页面.

Fighting 阿曼的国旗 阿曼 for Kerman and 俾路支斯坦的国旗 俾路支斯坦 and 信德的国旗 信德 for Pakistan is a low-lying fruit. Conversely, trying to retake Persian lands from Russia would be much harder.

Persia has excellent resources to industrialize quickly (coal, iron, lead and sulfur). Because of these resources, Persia has an easy time building steel in many different states and can easily fund an arms industry (even with the local price changes added in the 1.5 update). Early political focus should be focused on bolstering the industrialists (despite their beginning marginal status) as the bonuses they provide will allow the player to industrialize and research even faster along with changing to better laws. Working towards landed voting and banning slavery should be the top priority of the player, though there is some RNG with getting agitators and national agenda of the parties. As you build up your industry, you will see the influence of the Shia Ulema and especially the landowners decrease, though be patient and don't pass laws too quickly.

You have two main choices for progression as Persia - joining the customs union of 俄罗斯的国旗 俄罗斯 or joining the union of another European power like 法兰西的国旗 法兰西 or especially 大不列颠的国旗 大不列颠. The former helps guarantee safety in the short term and lets you flood the Russian market with industrialised goods, which if conflict appears between you two could be a useful leverage. However, if Russia ever turns hostile, you will be left at their mercy, so the latter would be preferred. You could try your luck by yourself, but the diplomatic isolation could be concerning. Try and switch to laws like Cultural Exclusion early as most of the pops to your east will be accepted with this. Freedom of conscience should also be considered as it accepts the Sunni pops to your west.

Conquering or puppeting Central Asia, while tempting, is very heavily discouraged. Russia has territorial ambitions here and war with them right now is not a good idea. Instead, you should consider invading 旁遮普的国旗 旁遮普. As Persia, the state of Punjab has over 10 million pops, which can almost double your population in one state. Once you modernise your army to line infantry, try and annex 阿富汗的国旗 阿富汗 to gain access to Punjab as soon as you can. Getting control of 俾路支斯坦的国旗 俾路支斯坦 will also be important as Persia lacks many coastal provinces, so this will help massively. After expanding to the east, 埃及的国旗 埃及 is a good target once you have the backing of your customs union overlord or maybe the 没有结果. You could conquer all of Egypts land in Arabia in one war, and then annex the Arabian minors one by one.

Once you conquer Arabia, you can expand the army to match the Russians. If you're in their customs union, try and sway other great powers like the UK into the war, but they should lack a lot of resources without you and you should be able to beat them alone. If you are under another customs union, try and sway them and beating them should be easy. Liberate Ukraine in the peace deal to permanently weaken them and sign a defensive pact with them, and get recognision from them. If you can, use the opportunity to return Armenia and Azerbaijan and get war reparations.

After this, you should be strong enough to leave the customs union and be a great power. Maintaining good relations with at least one great power is a good idea as together Russia should be very easy to defeat in a war, and you could maybe even invade British 没有结果 or with your position at the crossroads of three continents, push further into Anatolia, Europe or Africa. By the end of the campaign, your empire can stretch from Constantinople to Delhi if you play your cards right.


伊朗之地 icon
