
AUS absolute monarchy.png





"Let others wage wars, but you, happy Austria, shall marry." - Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor (1415 - 1493)

奧地利是位於中歐的 Great power.png 列強。A large multicultural Empire and the single largest country in the German speaking area, Austria is likely to compete with their northern rival 普魯士的國旗 普魯士 to form 德意志的國旗 德意志 through war or diplomacy.

Austria can gain Hungarian as a primary culture through the journal entry The Matter of Hungary. With Hungarian as a primary culture, Austria is called Austria-Hungary.




得益於多瑙河流域的平緩地形,奧地利、匈牙利和斯洛文尼亞的很多地區在基礎設施方面擁有地區修正。克羅地亞和達爾馬提亞擁有名為「紅土」Terra Rossa的地區修正,提高了該地的農業產出。


Austria's primary culture is South German and its initial Citizenship law is National Supremacy, so the list of discriminated cultures is very long, and very soon there will be many angry minorities in Austria. If Austria manages to make Hungarian a non-discriminated culture, they can potentially form Austria-Hungary and add Hungarian as an accepted culture permanently.

Austria's state religion is Catholicism, and it has the Freedom of Conscious law, so other Christian religions are not discriminated.



Event industry.png 生產科技 Event military.png 軍事科技 Event portrait.png 社會科技
  • Invention prospecting.png 勘探
  • Invention steelworking.png 煉鋼
  • Invention atmospheric engine.png 大氣式蒸汽機
  • Invention distillation.png 蒸餾
  • Invention lathe.png 車床
  • Invention drydocks.png 干船塢
  • Invention paddle steamer.png 明輪蒸汽船
  • Invention army reserves.png 陸軍預備役
  • Invention napoleonic warfare.png 拿破崙戰術


Austria's initial government is an Absolute Monarchy based on the Monarchy and Autocracy laws. The initial ruler, Ferdinand von Habsburg supports the IG landowners.png Austrian Aristocracy.

Starting Laws
權力結構 經濟 人權
治理原則 Law monarchy.png 君主制 經濟體制 Law interventionism.png 經濟干預 言論自由 Law censorship.png 出版物審查
權力分配 Law autocracy.png 獨裁制 貿易政策 Law mercantilism.png 重商主義 勞動者權益 File:Law serfdom abolished.png 廢除農奴制
公民權 Law national supremacy.png 種族隔離 賦稅 Law per capita taxation.png 人均稅制 兒童權利 Law child labor allowed.png 允許童工
教會與國家 Law freedom of conscience.png 信仰自由 殖民機構 Law no colonial affairs.png 無殖民事務 女性權利 File:Law propertied women.png 有產婦女
官僚體制 Law hereditary bureaucrats.png 世襲官僚制 警察機構 Law local police force.png 地方警察部隊 社會福利 Law no social security.png 無社會保障
軍隊類型 Law professional army.png 職業軍隊 教育體制 Law public schools.png 公立學校 移民制度 Law migration controls.png 移民控制
國內安全 Law no home affairs.png 無內務機構 衛生系統 Law no health system.png 無衛生系統 奴隸制 Law slavery banned.png 禁止蓄奴
類型 等級
Institution schools.png 教育 1
Institution police.png 執法 2


Austria begins with the IG landowners.png Austrian Aristocracy in government.

The Austrian Aristocracy start with the Ideology caudillismo.png Austrian Hegemonists ideology, making them strongly opposed to more open Citizenship laws. This can over time create problems with cultural secessions.


Starting Statistics
Statistic Starting value
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 23.3M
Population.png Population 34.7M
Literacy.png Literacy 31.6%
SOL.png Standard of Living SOL struggling.png Struggling (9.6)


Austria has the Law professional army.png Professional Army law.

Austria begins with 202 regular battalions and 128 conscript battalions available; all battalions use the same set of production methods: Method line infantry.png Line Infantry, Method mobile artillery.png Mobile Artillery, File:Method cavalry scouts.png Cavalry Scouts, File:Method standardized infantry.png Standardized Infantry, and Method wound dressing.png Wound Dressing.

Austria starts with 10 flotillas, all using the base production methods: Method man o war.png Man O' War, File:Method escort frigates.png Escort Frigates, Method commerce raiders.png Commerce Raiders, and Method naval traditions.png Naval Traditions.


Strategy 以下內容為諸多玩家中的一員所給出的,關於奧地利的策略建議。請注意,由於遊戲的動態機制,這些內容對其他玩家而言可能會以不同的方式展開。

Austria will have to decide early on if it should focus on Germany or its multicultural empire. Taking the fight with Prussia might take away the resources to make sure the Hungarians and others remain loyal to the Habsburgs. If Austria however forms Germany, they will automatically be the extremely powerful Greater Germany.

First construction choices

There are multiple things which need considerations regarding Austrias economy. There is more peasants than you can possibly use in all parts of the empire. First and foremost, Austria starts with 28 construction which is woefully insufficient for an empire of this size. Building Building logging camp.png logging camps to sustain them and quickly afterwards more Building tooling workshops.png Tooling Workshops to upgrade the PM's is needed.

More Building paper mills.png Paper Mills and government administrations are also an early priority. There are very few places in the Austrian Empire, which does not have insufficient taxation capacity, which should be adressed. For the same reason Invention central archives.png Central Archives is a good choice for the first technology. Being able to scale up the Institution police.png police force institution is not a bad byproduct either.


Since Austria has so many states, one can really specialize each of them. Agriculture should of course be placed in Croatia and Dalmatia, due to the Terra Rossa State trait. The states of Hungary and Transdanubia are good choices for heavy industry early, because of the Danube (german: Donau) river. They could also specialise in Building food industries.png Food Industries, since they start with a few levels of those. The polish states has an abundance of Goods coal.png coal, which is a good early specialisation for these areas.


At the beginning of the game, the Prussian Zollverein is seemingly at the surface tightly knit together, but it is actually standing on clay feet. Prussia's eastern and western states are connected through the sovereign nations of 巴伐利亞的國旗 巴伐利亞 and 黑森-卡塞爾的國旗 黑森-卡塞爾. If they both leave the Prussian market, all of Prussia's arms factories and many of their steel mills will become isolated, and neither country starts with good relations with Prussia. If Austria simply improves relations, they should be able to convince them to change markets, leaving the Prussian economy in shambles.

This possibility ends when Prussia eventually gets control over 漢諾威的國旗 漢諾威.


Honestly, Austria does not stricly need to expand. There is plenty of land already. But there is plenty of room to expand. Puppeting 瑞士的國旗 瑞士 or 羅馬的國旗 羅馬.

黑山的國旗 黑山 (both the independent state and the Ottoman part) is a good choice due to the Terra Rossa state trait. Fully annexing Krakow should be done at some point. It is worth it to wait with those two, since they will construct some valuable buildings. They should be annexed, once they start hitting the infrastructure limit.

The Ottoman Balkans and their protectorates 瓦拉幾亞的國旗 瓦拉幾亞 and 摩爾達維亞的國旗 摩爾達維亞 are worth going after. Especially Moldavia, as they will immediately be a fully State status incorporated.png incorporated state. Alternatively 保加利亞的國旗 保加利亞 and 波斯尼亞-黑塞哥維那的國旗 波斯尼亞-黑塞哥維那 can be released and added to the Austrian Market. And finally Prussian Silesia is very valuable due to the Upper Silesia Coalfield state trait and the large population (and the achievement of course).


Habsburg Resurgence icon
Habsburg Resurgence
Starting as Austria, own Silesia and Prussia must be Minor Power or lower rank
