




  • 市場內移民是兩個在同一市場的地區之間的人群的流動。人權法律決定了誰可以在市場裏移民,自由人(無移民控制)、非受歧視人群(移民控制)或者不可移民(關閉邊境)。根據兩個省份的當地基礎設施和市場接入度等因素,每周能夠移民的人數不盡相同。
  • 大規模移民是一種機制,它模擬了19世紀大量人口遷移到美國、巴西和澳大利亞等地的情況。當某一文化經歷 State status turmoil.png 動亂時,大規模移民就會發生,這是出現大量 Political radical.png激進人口的結果。


哪種人群從某個地區遷入或遷出,取決於每個地區的移民吸引力(Migration attraction)



因素 影響因子
每點平均生活水平 +2
最大 +30
最大 +30
最大 −50
地區沒有人群 +100

此外,很多地區特質和其他修正也會影響移民吸引力,一般為上表各數值之和的乘數。例如,青草運動法令可以通過花費 Hud authority.png權威力為該地額外 +50%移民吸引力。

對於市場內移民,若當前地區某個人群在當地受歧視,且在目標地區接納度更高,則移民吸引力會針對該人群 +50%;此外,若目標地區是對應文化的文化本土,移民吸引力會額外 +20%



法律 有效移民身份
Law no migration controls.png 無移民控制 任意接納度
Law migration controls.png 移民控制 至少60接納度
Law closed borders.png 關閉邊境

土地改革法律會影響 Pop peasants.png 自給農是否可以移民:

法律 Pop peasants.png 自給農移民
Law serfdom.png 農奴制
Law tenant farmers.png 佃農 僅限大規模移民
其他法律 任意移民



遊戲中絕大多數移民行為是市場內移民(Intra-market Migration),即人群在同一市場的不同地區間遷移。要使人口在市場內移民,必須滿足幾個閾值。其影響因素包括目標地區中存在的文化社區、人群的「移民傾向」,以及來源地區和目標地區中的文化歧視程度和移民法律。


Status Score Migration
Violent Hostility 0-19 100
Cultural Erasure 20-39 100
Open Prejudice 40-59 50
Second-class Citizen 60-79 20
Full Acceptance 80-100 0

人群的移民傾向(Migration Desire)決定了人群移民的可能性有多大。該因素隨人群的工作滿意度升高而降低,隨歧視的嚴重程度增長。因此,滿意度較高的人群不太願意移民,但接納度較低的人群更有可能選擇移民到接納度更高的地區。


In order for a pop to migrate within a market, the target state must have a matching cultural community. Cultural communities are present in each state that contains one or more pops of that culture. Additionally, each month, a new cultural community can appear in any state as long as that culture is present in the market. If a state has no pops of a given culture, that cultural community disappears after three weeks.[1]

The chance for a new cultural community to appear in a state has the following factors. This chance is calculated individually for each culture present in the market. If a state has 50 or more devastation, 60 or more turmoil, or is isolated, it cannot gain a new cultural community. The maximum chance is 4% for each culture for each state.

Cultural community chance factors
Condition Factor
Base Template:00.1%
State has a Building port.png Port building +0.1%
State has a Building trade center.png Trade Center building +0.1%
State is coastal +0.1%
State has more than 20 unused Arable land.png arable land +0.1%
State has a "river river " state trait +0.1%
State has Template:Decree decree +0.5%
State is a State status colony.png colony +0.5%
Condition Factor
State is State status capital.png capital ×1.1
Culture is a primary culture ×2.5
Has any of:
  • Good Soils Good Soils
  • Natural Harbors Natural Harbors
  • London Docklands London Docklands
  • New York Harbor New York Harbor
  • Halifax Harbor Halifax Harbor
  • Newark Harbor Newark Harbor
State has Template:Decree decree ×0.5
State has 20 or more File:State status devastation.png devastation ×0.5
State has 30 or more State status turmoil.png turmoil ×0.5
State has 10% or more Pop unemployed.png unemployment ×0.5
Country is at war ×0.5
State may join a revolution or secession ×0.5
State has a Goods shortage.png shortage ×0.8
×(Market access as decimal)
State is a File:State status slave state.png slave state
Culture does not share a heritage with any primary culture
State has Malaria Malaria
Country has not researched Invention quinine.png Quinine
State has Severe Malaria Severe Malaria
Country has not researched Invention malaria prevention.png Malaria Prevention
Culture has Violent Hostility Violent Hostility status in country ×0.1
Culture has Cultural Erasure Cultural Erasure status in country ×0.3
Culture has Open Prejudice Open Prejudice status in country ×0.5
Culture has Second-class Citizen Second-Class Citizen status in country ×0.7
State has 5 or more cultural communities ×0.5
State has 10 or more cultural communities ×0.3
State has 15 or more cultural communities ×0.1

When a new cultural community first appears, it adds a −30 local acceptance penalty to its culture. This penalty decays each month by +0.25.

Target and size

In order for a state to be selected for immigration, it must have at least 25% higher migration attraction than the average in the entire market. Similarly, for a state to be selected for emigration, it must have at least 25% lower migration attraction than the average in the entire market. Finally, all eligible states with at least 75% of the migration attraction of the most attractive state receive some immigration. Pops do not migrate if their current state and target state are within 5 points of migration attraction.

Once it is determined that one or more pops will migrate, the number of individuals that migrate is 5 times the difference in migration attraction plus 1 more per point per 100K population in a state. For any given pop, at least 5% of that pop must migrate or no part of the pop does.

Each week a state that experiences migration can have no more than [math]\displaystyle{ 500 + (5 * \text{Infrastructure}) }[/math] individuals migrate in or out of the state. Additionally, no more than 0.5% of a state's population can emigrate per week. These limits are scaled down in states with less than 100K population to zero emigration below 20K population. Finally, 5% of the unemployment size of a state is added to its max emigration and removed its max immigration.

Depending on relative migration attraction between states in a country, the same state may receive immigrants and send out emigrants in the same week.

Power blocs

Intra-market migration can occur within power blocs that are Power bloc trade league.png 30pxs or have the principle Template:Principle or Template:Principle.

The Freedom of Movement principle also increases the amount of migration by +25% (from tier 1) and the attraction for mass migration by +50% (from tier 2).

Mass migration

A Mass Migration occurs when a culture is radical enough for pops to leave their homeland. Unlike intra-market migration, mass migrations are always between different countries and they often occur between markets, though they can occur within a market as well. Assuming Migration laws do not prevent their movement, pops of that culture migrate over a period of 12 months and the same culture cannot mass migrate from the same country again for another 48 months. A country is eligible to become the source of a mass migration if it has:

  • at least 15% State status turmoil.png turmoil in a culture whose homelands its owns
  • at least 100,000 potential emigrants

Pops that do not have a cultural homeland (such as Ashkenazi) can never mass migrate.

The chance of a mass migration starting each week for each combination of eligible culture and country is 2% times the cultural turmoil plus another 0.2% per point of average standard of living for the culture below 10 and finally plus another 1% per point of average SoL for the culture below 5. For example, a culture with 30% turmoil has a 60% chance of starting a mass migration, if the average standard of living for that culture is 4, that rises to 62.2%.


Once a country meets the origin requirements, the mass migration searches for an eligible State status mass migration.png移民目的地。 A state is eligible if:

  • it is incorporated
  • its owner has 30% or less turmoil in the migrating culture
  • it has 20 or more arable land
  • it has at least 70% market access

Each country has an attraction score which equals the average migration attraction of all its eligible states. Countries with fewer than 4 eligible states receive a penalty of 20% for each fewer state, up to 60% penalty for a country with only one eligible state. A country is semi-randomly chosen, with higher attraction scores more likely to be chosen, then a semi-random eligible state within that country is chosen as the migration target.

The culture affected by mass migration must also have at least 30 acceptance in the target country under its Citizenship laws. The culture also seeks to increase its acceptance by at least 10 from its current country, but may mass migrate for less if attraction is high enough. Increased acceptance in the target can result in up to five times as much migration, depending on the ratio of acceptance between origin and target.

Pops that mass migrate arrive either in the migration target or its neighboring states. With each neighboring state receiving approximately half as many individuals as the main target, scaled by the various factors.


即使沒有移民控制, Pop slaves.png奴隸也被永久禁止移民行為。但擁有 Law slave trade.png 奴隸貿易法律的國家即使關閉邊境也可以'進口'奴隸。引進的奴隸可以填充任意蓄奴地區中可使用奴隸的工作場所。


  1. CULTURAL_COMMUNITY_LINGER_TIME_WEEKS in Victoria 3\game\common/defines/00_defines.txt