



地域State Regions是世界的一部分,與某些固定的省份集合相對應。地域通常等同於地區。在某些情況下,兩個或以上的國家各自在同一地域中持有一個地區,地域變成分屬地區。








  • 地區修正:這代表了對整個地域的經濟、基礎設施和/或人口有影響的各種地理特徵。
  • 宣稱:這代表一個地域被一個目前不擁有該地域的國家主張,該國被廣泛認為有正當理由且應當擁有該地區。通常這是由於該地曾屬於該國。對某地有宣稱時可以使用歸還地區戰爭目標,產生的惡名低於征服地區戰爭目標。
  • 文化本土:每一種文化都有一個或者多個本土地區(也許沒有,比如猶太人),該文化中的大多數人認為這是他們的自然家園。這不考慮該文化以外的任何人的觀點(例如,瑞典人在俄羅斯人認為哪些地域是他們的本土的問題上沒有任何發言權,反之亦然)。這對執行同化以及成立國家來說十分重要。


A State status split state.png split state is a subdivision of a state region, where two or more countries each own a portion of the state region. Split states divide up limited resources, such as lumber, mining, and arable land, based on their share of provinces from the state region. The specific formula is as follows:[1]

[math]\displaystyle{ Share = \dfrac{regular_n+(5 \cdot prime_n)}{regular_t+(5 \cdot prime_t)} }[/math]

Additional explanation

Specifically, the number of regular and "prime" provinces in the split state (sub n) divided by the number of regular and prime provinces in the state region (sub t); impassable provinces are not counted at all. Additionally, sea-based resources or buildings – fishing, whaling, ports and naval bases – are not available to a split state which does not contain at least one coastal province, but the fishing and whaling resources are still divided out to the split state, reducing their availability to other split states.

Split states can be created during gameplay in three ways: treaty ports, colonization, or certain effects – including revolutions, releasing certain countries, or events.


Split states are typically named by their owner's adjective plus the state region name, e.g. Bavarian Rhineland; a split state which controls more than half of the state region is given the state region name, and a split state owned by a one-state country is typically given the country's name. If a country only owns a single hub province in a state, its portion of the state typically takes that province's name.


Each state region has a certain amount of Arable land.png arable land and resources. This limits how many and which agriculture and resource industry (rural) buildings a state can support. As noted above, arable land and resources are divided among split states proportionally. In addition to resources present from the start of the game, certain resources (Goods gold.png gold, Goods rubber.png rubber, and Goods oil.png oil) may be discovered during gameplay, unlocked by certain technologies. State regions always indicate if there are File:State status resources.png discoverable resources present, even before the unlocking technologies have been researched.






Each state region belongs to a strategic region, a larger geographic area that is the basis for interests and HQs. There are 53 strategic regions, each containing between 5 and 20 state regions with an average of around 11 state regions per strategic region.


In addition to ownership, there are a number of conditions that apply to a state and affect the local population and economy.


Incorporation time
State status homelands.png Cultural Homeland Time.png Time
Primary culture 2 years
Shared heritage trait 5 years
Shared other trait 10 years
No shared traits 20 years


  • 已整合地區:指該地區已經作為一個政治單元完全融入國家。該地區消耗完整的行政力,支付政府要求的所有形式的稅收,並從所有國家機構中受益。
  • 未整合地區:指該地區由國家擁有,但只接受輕度的管理,例如邊境地區。未整合地區不消耗任何行政力,但僅支付特定種類的稅收(例如消費稅),不會從國家機構中受益,同時會受到基礎設施減益。
  • 殖民地地區:指該地區被認為是海外殖民地。運行方式類似於一個未整合地區,但會以較低的基礎設施為代價獲得更多的移民。


Unincorporated states can be incorporated by spending the total Bureaucracy bureaucracy that is required to administer the state. The benefits of incorporation are phased in over the incorporation process, which takes between 2 to 20 years depending on cultural homelands present in the state. It is not possible to unincorporate a state, except by losing ownership of it to another country then recapturing it or having the state revolt. Additionally, a country automatically gains a claim if it loses an incorporated state due to a diplomatic play or war.

Unincorporated states have State status infrastructure.png −25% infrastructure and Military battalions.png −50% conscriptable battalions; pops in unincorporated states receive −15% starting wages and have −50% political strength and −33% expected standard of living. These effects remain in full until the state is completely incorporated.

基礎設施 & 市場接入度


Infrastructure determines the market access of a state. Unless a state is isolated – not able to access the market capital at all – it's market access is primarily a percentage based on infrastructure and infrastructure usage. States which are not connected to the market capital by land – that is, overseas – also require convoys and shipping lanes for their market access; a lack of which can reduce the market access even with sufficient infrastructure. Infrastructure is gained mainly from Building railway.png railways; however, there are other sources and several modifiers which increase or decrease infrastructure as well.

Market access reflects how connected the state is with the rest of the market. Low market access means the state's economy operates more "independently" and prices of goods in the state may differ greatly from the wider market. There are no "local markets", such that overseas states cannot support each other unless they can access the market capital.


Incorporated states require sufficient taxation capacity in order to effectively collect taxes from the pops living in the state. Taxation capacity primarily comes from Building government administration.png government administration buildings. If taxation capacity is insufficient for the population of the state, pops in that state are only taxed a percentage of the full tax rate set for the country and keep the remainder. This is in contrast with tax waste which taxes the full amount then discards the waste proportion.


Each country has a State status capital.png capital state, where the seat of government is. The capital state has Hud money.png +25% taxation capacity and gives +25% political strength to pops living there. Occupying an enemy country's capital state is one way to force their capitulation during war, and certain war goals require occupying the capital state.

While not at war or involved in a diplomatic play, the capital state can be changed to any other incorporated state once every 5 years. Moving the capital adds a decaying −10% penalty to Bureaucracy bureaucracy, Hud authority.png authority, and Hud influence.png influence.


Each market owner has a File:State status market capital.png market capital, which is used for determining market access and isolated states. The market capital adds +25% State status infrastructure.png infrastructure to its state. While not at war or involved in a diplomatic play, the market capital can be changed to any other incorporated state once every 5 years. Moving the market capital adds a decaying −10% penalty to throughput for all buildings.


File:State status turmoil.png Turmoil amount Tax Waste Migration Attraction State status construction.png Construction efficiency
Moderate (25%) +25% −50% −50%
High (50%) +50% −75% −75%
Extreme (75%) +100% −100% −100%

A state where a large percentage of the population are Political radical.png radical experiences turmoil in increasing severity. A state with turmoil suffers penalties in the form of increased tax waste and reduced construction efficiency and migration attraction. Turmoil applies by thresholds, with each level requiring that percentage or more of the state's population to be radical.

These penalties can be reduced by investing into the Institution police.png Law Enforcement institution or by enacting the Decree violent suppression.png Violent Suppression decree.

Each level of law enforcement decreases the effects of turmoil by 15% (20% with Law local police.png Local Police) in incorporated states. This effect scales up with the progression of incorporation when incorporating a state. Violent suppression decreases the effects by 50%, but also increases the mortality of the state by 2% per point of turmoil.


States that are occupied during war or damaged by events gain File:State status devastation.png devastation. Each point of devastation adds −1% State status infrastructure.png infrastructure and State status construction.png construction efficiency, −2% migration attraction, and +2% pop mortality.

Devastation disappears naturally over time by −0.1 devastation per day (−36.5 per year). There is no way to change the rate of removing devastation, neither for good or bad.


Events and journal entries can apply various modifiers to a state, providing various bonuses or maluses either temporarily or permanently.




  1. Discovered/reverse-engineered by gawquon of the unofficial converters team