





法兰西是位于西欧的 Great power.png 列强。与 比利时的国旗 比利时普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士西班牙的国旗 西班牙瑞士的国旗 瑞士撒丁-皮埃蒙特的国旗 撒丁-皮埃蒙特尼德兰的国旗 尼德兰的联统国 卢森堡的国旗 卢森堡相邻。 法兰西的殖民地、条约港和未整合领地在美洲与 大不列颠的国旗 大不列颠尼德兰的国旗 尼德兰巴西的国旗 巴西等国相邻,在北非与 没有结果贝伊以及 没有结果埃米尔的领地共享边界;在西非,File:FTR.png 富塔托洛阿散蒂的国旗 阿散蒂及丛林中的松散部族是法兰西的邻邦,本地治里被印度的 东印度公司的国旗 东印度公司包围。


中文的“法国”是“法兰西国”之简称,“法兰西”最早源于拉丁文中的“Francia”,意指“法兰克人之国”。在汉字文化圈中,法国的常用汉字表记有“法兰西”和“佛兰西”两种形式。汉语和越南语中使用用“法兰西”fǎ lán xī/Pháp Lan Tây,简称“法国”fǎ guó/Pháp quốc,而日语和朝鲜语中则沿用“佛兰西”仏蘭西/불란서,简称“佛国”仏国/불국


旧制度L'Ancien Régime

法兰西王国Royaume de France在十字军东征运动中扮演了重要的角色,近两百年间,东征的法兰西骑士源源不断,是十字军的主力之一——无论对垒的十字军是否属于法国所派,阿拉伯人皆称之为“法兰克人”。经历百年战争与宗教战争后,1589年,纳瓦拉国王恩里克继承法国王位,称亨利四世,开启波旁王朝的统治。之后,法国分别赢得了三十年战争、西班牙战争,国力于路易十四统治期间达至巅峰,成为无可争议的第一强权。路易十四把大贵族集中在凡尔赛宫居住,将整个法国的官僚机构集中于他的周围,人治不可挑战。路易十四统治期间的法国,不仅是欧洲第一的人口大国,更是当时世界的陆海双料霸权,在欧洲政治、经济和文化上的地位举足轻重。法语成为欧洲上层社会首崇的语言,在外交、科学和文学上皆为最为通用之语言。法国在美洲、非洲和亚洲都拥有殖民地,称为法兰西第一殖民帝国。宗教方面,路易十四撕毁《南特敕令》,囚禁上千名雨格诺派信徒,维护天主教支配地位。


大革命La Révolution

路易十六以大量资金支持美国独立,为寻求解决财政问题,于1789年5月召开三级会议,但会议很快陷入僵局。第三等级平民的代表对于自身权利不满,自行组织国民议会,公开反对王权权威。数日内局势紧张,巴黎陷入暴动,7月14日,愤怒的示威者攻占了法国王权的象征巴士底狱,法国大革命La Révolution française就此爆发。8月26日《人权宣言》颁布,这是法国大革命的纲领性文件,据此法国确立基本的人权。宣言强调“自由、财产、安全和反抗压迫是天赋不可剥夺的人权”,肯定言论自由以及司法公正。它呼吁废止王室与贵族的特权,主张人人生而自由平等的权利。1791年6月20日路易十六出逃,打破了民众对于君主立宪的幻想,尽管路易十六随后同意签署新宪法实行君主立宪,多数民众自此开始倾向废除君主制、建立共和。而废除君主或是削弱王权的尝试遭到欧洲其他国家的反对,奥地利和普鲁士国王发表过《皮尔尼茨宣言》警告革命者不要进一步侵犯路易十六的权力。1792年4月20日法国对奥地利宣战,法国大革命战争爆发。战争期间法国国内暴乱接连不断,8月10日民众攻占杜伊勒里宫,拘禁国王、王后,九月屠杀随后发生。9月22日,法兰西第一共和国Première République成立。1793年,路易十六被判叛国,被送上断头台。

新生的共和国面临内忧外患——欧洲列强不断施加压力,国内反革命暴乱不断。9月,罗伯斯庇尔建立专政统治,称为雅各宾专政,同时国内“蓝党”Bleus(革命派)与“白党”Blancs(保王派)冲突不断。经过一系列战争后,第一次反法同盟和国内的反革命暴动都被挫败,共和国得以存活,有的法军甚至攻入国外,在邻国建立一系列“姊妹共和”(例如内莱茵共和国)。热月政变终结了罗伯斯庇尔的专政,但热月党人的统治并不持久。1799年英国组成第二次反法同盟进攻法兰西共和国,军方逐渐控制法国政局。1799年,拿破仑·波拿巴等人发动雾月政变,推翻热月党人的督政府,拿破仑随后成为了新政府的“第一执政”并于1802年击败第二次反法同盟。1804年,拿破仑称帝,建立法兰西第一帝国Premier Empire,1805年他又自立为意大利国王。拿破仑的军事和政治行动引发前后12年的拿破仑战争,改写欧洲的政治地图,在全世界传播法国的理念和改革,包括米制、拿破仑法典和人权的观念。最终,法军折戟俄国,并遭第六次反法同盟击败。波旁王朝Maison de Bourbon于1814年复辟,1815年短暂的百日复辟Cent-Jours插曲也随着滑铁卢而告终。

复辟的波旁王朝被1830年的七月革命推翻,七月王朝Monarchie de Juillet建立。路易-菲利普一世没有被加冕为“法国国王”,而是登基为“法国人的国王”。在它之前,波旁复辟在1814年至1830年间建立了被称为“保守的”君主制度,七月王朝被称为“自由的”,它的国王不得不放弃以君权神授说为基础的君主专制制度(绝对专制制度)。1831年1月底,路易-菲利普在回答加亚克市议会发给他的祝词时,给新政权的理想下了定义:“我们将试图持衡于中道,既免于平民权力的过分,又免于国王权力的滥用。”






Event industry.png 生产科技 Event military.png 军事科技 Event portrait.png 社会科技
  • Invention prospecting.png 勘探
  • Invention steelworking.png 炼钢
  • Invention distillation.png 蒸馏
  • Invention lathe.png 车床
  • Invention drydocks.png 干船坞
  • Invention paddle steamer.png 明轮蒸汽船
  • Invention army reserves.png 陆军预备役
  • Invention napoleonic warfare.png 拿破仑战术
  • Invention law enforcement.png 执法
  • Invention stock exchanges.png 证券交易所
  • Invention banking.png 银行业
  • Invention colonization.png 殖民
  • Invention medical degrees.png 医学学位
  • Invention dialectics.png 辩证法
  • Invention romanticism.png 浪漫主义


France is a constitutional monarchy, with King Louis-Philippe d'Orléans supporting the IG industrialists.png Industrialists.

Starting Laws
权力结构 经济 人权
治理原则 Law monarchy.png 君主制 经济体制 Law interventionism.png 经济干预 言论自由 Law censorship.png 出版物审查
权力分配 Law wealth voting.png 财产投票 贸易政策 Law protectionism.png 贸易保护 劳动者权益 Law no workers rights.png 无劳动者权利
公民权 Law cultural exclusion.png 文化排斥 赋税 Law per capita taxation.png 人均税制 儿童权利 Law child labor allowed.png 允许童工
教会与国家 Law freedom of conscience.png 信仰自由 土地改革 Law tenant farmers.png 佃农 女性权利 Law women own property.png 有产妇女
官僚体制 Law appointed bureaucrats.png 任命官僚制 殖民机构 Law colonial resettlement.png 殖民安置 社会福利 Law poor laws.png 济贫法
军队类型 Law professional army.png 职业军队 警察机构 Law dedicated police.png 专职警察部队 移民制度 Law no migration controls.png 无移民控制
国内安全 Law national guard.png 国民警卫队 教育体制 Law public schools.png 公立学校 奴隶制 Law slavery banned.png 禁止蓄奴
卫生系统 Law no health system.png 无卫生系统
类型 等级
Institution colonization.png 殖民事务 1
Institution social security.png 社会保障 1
Institution schools.png 教育 2
Institution police.png 执法 1
Institution home affairs.png 内务 1


Political in government.png In government, the IG landowners.png Landowners lead the Party conservatism.png Resistance Party and are joined by the IG armed forces.png Armed Forces and IG devout.png Catholic Church, while the Industrialists lead the Party liberal.png Republican Party with no other members. Political in opposition.png In opposition, the IG industrialists.png Industrialists are being IG suppress.png suppressed and lead the Party radical.png Republican Union, joined by the IG rural folk.png Rural Folk. The IG petty bourgeoisie.png Petite Bourgeoisie and IG trade unions.png Trade Unions are Political marginalized.png marginalized.


姓名 职责 利益集团 意识形态 特质
路易-菲利普·德·奥尔良Louis-Philippe d'Orléans Role ruler.png 统治者 IG industrialists.png 实业家 Ideology leader orléanist.png 奥尔良派 Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
Trait tactful.png 圆滑
费迪南·菲利普·德·奥尔良Ferdinand Philippe d'Orléans Role heir.png 继承人 IG armed forces.png 军队 Ideology leader orléanist.png 奥尔良派 Trait popular commander.png 受欢迎的指挥官
Trait wrathful.png Wrathful
Trait expensive tastes.png Expensive Tastes
维克多·德·布罗意Victor de Broglie Role politician.png 政治家 IG landowners.png 地主 Ideology leader orléanist.png 奥尔良派 Trait experienced political operator.png 有经验的政治运作者
Trait tactful.png 圆滑
阿道夫·梯也尔Adolphe Thiers Role politician.png 政治家 IG intelligensia.png 知识分子 Ideology leader reformer.png 改良主义者 Trait experienced political operator.png 有经验的政治运作者
Trait charismatic.png 魅力四射
马蒂厄·德·拉德罗姆Mathieu de la Drôme Role politician.png 政治家 IG rural folk.png 乡村民众 Ideology leader radical.png 激进主义者 Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
Trait innovative.png 创新精神
让-弗朗索瓦·莫卡尔Jean-François Mocquard Role politician.png 政治家 IG petty bourgeoisie.png 小市民 Ideology leader bonapartist.png 波拿巴派 Trait experienced diplomat.png 有经验的外交家
Trait meticulous.png 谨小慎微
让-德-迪厄·苏尔特Jean-de-Dieu Soult Role politician.png 政治家 IG armed forces.png 军队 Ideology leader moderate.png 温和主义者 Trait experienced defensive strategist.png 有经验的防守策划师
Trait reckless.png 鲁莽
Trait pillager.png 掠夺者
雅克·拉菲特Jacques Laffitte Role politician.png 政治家 IG industrialists.png 实业家 Ideology leader reformer.png 改良主义者 Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
Trait reckless.png 鲁莽
弗朗索瓦-勒内·德·夏多布里昂François-René de Chateaubriand Role politician.png 政治家 IG devout.png 天主教会 Ideology leader legitimist.png 正统派 Trait romantic.png 浪漫
Trait inspirational orator.png 鼓舞人心的演说家
Trait pious.png 虔诚
夏尔·傅里叶Charles Fourier Role politician.png 政治家 IG trade unions.png 工会 Ideology leader radical.png 激进主义者 Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
Trait bigoted.png 偏执
姓名 类型 利益集团 意识形态 特质 军衔 总部区域
Honoré Charles Reille Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait supply requisitions expert.png Supply Requisitions Expert
Trait brave.png Brave
0 Commander rank 5 Field Marshal Occitania
Guillaume Dode de la Brunerie Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait innovative.png Innovative
Trait trench rat.png Trench Rat
0 Commander rank 3 Lieutenant General France
Thomas Bugeaud Role general.png General IG rural folk.png Rural Folk Ideology leader orléanist.png Orléanist Trait supply requisitions expert.png Supply Requisitions Expert
Trait ambitious.png Ambitious, Trait cruel.png Cruel
0 Commander rank 1 Brigadier General Rhine
Bertrand Clauzel Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait offensive planner.png Offensive Planner
Trait wrathful.png Wrathful
0 Commander rank 1 Brigadier General North Africa
Guy-Victor Duperré Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander
Trait dockyard organizer.png Dockyard Organizer
0 Commander rank 3 Vice Admiral France
Charles Baudin Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander
Trait diplomat.png Diplomat
Trait tactful.png Tactful
0 Commander rank 3 Vice Admiral Occitania


France is 0  rivaled by Great Britain and is owed an File:Obligation.png obligation from 希腊的国旗 希腊. 没有结果 is a Diplomacy protectorate.png protectorate of France.

France has Active interest.png active interests in France, Occitania, Rhine, North Africa, Italy, Gran Colombia, Caribbean, Zanj, and South India. It has Declared interest.png declared interests in England, Iberia, North Germany, South Germany, The Baltic, Nile, Dixie, Mexico, and Senegal. France has one additional declared interest available at the start of the game.


数据 初始值 排名
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 28.4M 5
Population.png 人口 34.5M 5
Literacy.png 识字率 39.4% 23
SOL.png 生活水平 SOL struggling.png 挣扎 (9.1) 187


Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Whaling
Île-de-France 0 36px French 30
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
4 Site of The Eiffel Tower
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Brittany 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 15
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Burgundy 0 36px French 90
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 33
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Champagne 0 36px French 80
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 21
State trait good soils.png 30px
Franche-Comté 0 36px French 90
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 20
French Low Countries 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
3 100 6
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait resources ore.png 30px
Lorraine 0 36px French 55
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
17 60 45 40
Maine-Anjou 0 36px French 112
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 30
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Normandy 0 36px French 90
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
8 30 13 5
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Orléanais-Berry 0 36px French 70
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
State trait good soils.png 30px
Picardy 0 36px French 60
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
4 1
State trait good soils.png 30px
Poitou-Saintonge 0 36px French 60
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
5 6
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods fish.png
Aquitaine 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
14 60 11
Auvergne-Limousin 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
8 56 15
Guyenne 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
Languedoc 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
6 8
Provence 0 36px
0 36px
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
7 12
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
State trait natural harbors.png 30px
    • +10.0% Shipyards building Throughput
    • +2 Port Max Level, +10 Naval Base Max Level
Rhône 0 36px French
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
14 100 36 36
State trait river.png 30px
    • +15 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
State trait resources ore.png 30px
Other European/North Africa
Name Type Homelands Region Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Goods oil.png
Alsace-Lorraine 0 36px French
South German
Rhine 60
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
17 60 60
State trait river.png 30px
    • +20 State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
State trait resources ore.png 30px
Corsica 0 36px Corsican Italy 10 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 7 6
Algiers 0 36px
0 36px
North Africa 82
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
6 10 7 8
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait mountain.png 30px
    • −15% State status construction.png State Construction Efficiency
    • −15% State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Constantine 0 36px
0 36px
North Africa 99
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
6 55 19 18 4 (5)
State trait resources ore.png 30px
State trait mountain.png 30px
    • −15% State status construction.png State Construction Efficiency
    • −15% State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Oran 0 36px
0 36px
North Africa 53
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
3 12 5
State trait mountain.png 30px
    • −15% State status construction.png State Construction Efficiency
    • −15% State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
Overseas colonies
Name Type Homelands Region Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods iron.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Whaling Goods gold.png Goods rubber.png Goods oil.png
West Indies 0 36px
0 36px
Caribbean 30
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
8 (20)
Guyanana 0 36px
0 36px
Gran Colombia 30
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
11 6 (12) (8) (5)
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
    • +25% Building Goods hardwood.png Hardwood output
    • −33% State status infrastructure.png Infrastructure
    • −33% State status construction.png State Construction Efficiency
Ivory Coast 0 36px
0 36px
0 36px
Senegal 50
  • Building millet farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
14 5 (22) (5)
State trait malaria.png 30px
    • −90% Colony Growth Speed in non-Homeland States
    • +15% Mortality in non-Homeland States
Senegal 0 36px
0 36px
0 36px
Senegal 60
  • Building millet farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
30 40 6 (16)
State trait malaria.png 30px
    • −90% Colony Growth Speed in non-Homeland States
    • +15% Mortality in non-Homeland States
Madras 0 36px
0 36px
0 36px
South India 375
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building coffee plantation.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
20 36 18
State trait river.png 30px
State trait natural harbors.png 30px
    • +10.0% Shipyards building Throughput
    • +2 Port Max Level, +10 Naval Base Max Level
Indian Ocean Territory 0 36px
0 36px
Zanj 15
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building banana plantation.png 30px
  • Building sugar plantation.png 30px
6 5




France starts with the Law professional army.png Professional Army law.

France starts with 187 regular Military battalions.png battalions and 195 conscript battalions available; all battalions except five in Corsica and two in Algiers use the same production methods: Method skirmish infantry.png , Method mobile artillery.png Mobile Artillery, File:Method cavalry scouts.png Cavalry Scouts, File:Method standardized infantry.png Standardized Infantry, and Method wound dressing.png Wound Dressing. The five battalions in Corsica use Method line infantry.png Line Infantry instead, and the two in Algiers use Method irregular infantry.png Irregular Infantry and Method cannon artillery.png Cannon Artillery instead.

France starts with 80 Military flotillas.png flotillas, all using the same production methods: Method man o war.png Man O' War, File:Method escort frigates.png Escort Frigates, Method commerce raiders.png Commerce Raiders, and Method power of the purse.png Power of the Purse.





意识形态 姓名 利益集团 特质 文化 活跃年代 注释
Ideology leader orléanist.png 奥尔良主义者 路易-菲利普·德·奥尔良Louis-Philippe d'Orléans IG industrialists.png 实业家 Trait tactful.png 圆滑 法兰西 1850之前 路易-菲利普一世,法兰西开局君主
菲利普·德·奥尔良Philippe d'Orléans IG armed forces.png军队 Trait offensive planner.png 进攻策划师 法兰西 1850-1893 菲利普亲王,巴黎伯爵
菲利普·德·奥尔良Philippe d'Orléans IG armed forces.png军队 Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
Trait persistent.png 执着
Trait explorer.png 探险家
法兰西 1870-1893(王储)
让·德·奥尔良Jean d'Orléans IG armed forces.png军队 法兰西 1894-1925(王储)
Ideology leader legitimist.png 正统派 路易·德·波旁Louis de Bourbon IG armed forces.png军队 Trait offensive planner.png 进攻策划师
Trait bigoted.png 偏执
法兰西 1844之前 路易·安托万,昂古莱姆公爵
亨利·德·波旁Henri de Bourbon IG landowners.png地主 Trait arrogant.png 傲慢
Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
法兰西 1844年之前(王储)
让·德·波旁Jean de Bourbon IG landowners.png地主 Trait reserved.png 内敛 西班牙 1844-1882(王储)
夏尔·德·波旁Charles de Bourbon IG landowners.png地主 Trait offensive planner.png 进攻策划师
Trait ambitious.png 雄心勃勃
Trait pious.png 虔诚
西班牙 1883-1886(王储)
雅克·德·波旁Jacques de Bourbon IG armed forces.png军队 Trait surveyor.png 测量员
Trait pious.png 虔诚
西班牙 1887-1908(王储)
夏尔·德·波旁Charles de Bourbon IG armed forces.png军队 Trait stalwart defender.png 坚定防御者
Trait pious.png 虔诚
Trait meticulous.png 谨小慎微
西班牙 1909-1930(王储)
阿方索·德·波旁Alphonse de Bourbon IG armed forces.png军队 Trait arrogant.png 傲慢
Trait expensive tastes.png 昂贵嗜好
Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
西班牙 1930之后(王储) 西班牙国王阿方索十三世
Ideology leader bonapartist.png 波拿巴主义者 路易-拿破仑·波拿巴Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte IG petty bourgeoisie.png小市民 Trait ambitious.png 雄心勃勃
Trait experienced political operator.png 有经验的政治运作者
Trait demagogue.png 煽动者
法兰西 1873之前 夏尔-路易-拿破仑·波拿巴
拿破仑·波拿巴Napoleon Bonaparte IG armed forces.png军队 Trait brave.png 勇敢
Trait surveyor.png 测量员
法兰西 1873-1878 拿破仑·欧仁·路易·让·约瑟夫·波拿巴
拿破仑·波拿巴Napoleon Bonaparte IG landowners.png地主 Trait arrogant.png 傲慢
Trait political operator.png 政治运作者
法兰西 1873-1878(王储)
路易·波拿巴Louis Bonaparte IG petty bourgeoisie.png小市民 Trait brave.png 勇敢
Trait reckless.png 鲁莽
Trait mountain commander.png 山地作战专家
法兰西 1915-1925(王储)


Strategy 以下内容为诸多玩家中的一员所给出的,关于法兰西的策略建议。请注意,由于游戏的动态机制,这些内容对其他玩家而言可能会以不同的方式展开。

France is one of the great powers in Victoria 3 and has the potential to become a dominant force in Europe and beyond. As France, your primary goals should be to maintain your status as a great power, expand your territory, and increase your industry and technology.

Starting position

At the start of the game, France is a constitutional monarchy with a powerful military, a strong economy, and colonies in Africa and Asia. However, it faces several challenges, including political instability, potential conflicts with Germany and Britain, and a growing population that strains its resources.

Early game strategy

In the early game, your primary focus should be on solidifying your domestic situation and expanding your sphere of influence. To achieve this, you should focus on the following:

  1. Political stability: France is a constitutional monarchy with a strong republican sentiment. To maintain stability, you should ensure that your government remains democratic and responsive to the needs of the people.
  2. Diplomacy: France has a number of potential rivals, including Germany and Britain. To prevent conflicts, you should try to build alliances and maintain good relations with neighboring countries.
  3. Colonial expansion: France has several colonies in Africa and Asia, which provide valuable resources and markets for French goods. To expand your colonial holdings, you should invest in infrastructure, build up your military presence, and negotiate with other colonial powers.
  4. Industry and technology: France has a strong industrial base, but there is always room for improvement. To increase your production and efficiency, you should invest in research and development, build factories and railroads, and encourage immigration and urbanization.
Mid-game strategy

As you enter the mid-game, your focus should shift towards expanding your territory and increasing your influence in Europe and beyond. To achieve this, you should:

  1. Military expansion: France has a powerful military, but it can always be improved. To increase your military capabilities, you should invest in new technologies, build up your navy, and expand your army.
  2. Expansion in Europe: France has several potential targets for expansion in Europe, including Belgium, the Netherlands, and Italy. To expand your territory, you should consider annexing these countries through military conquest or diplomatic means.
  3. Expansion overseas: France has a significant presence in Africa and Asia, but there are still opportunities for expansion. To increase your colonial holdings, you should consider colonizing new territories or acquiring existing colonies through diplomacy or force.
  4. Industrialization: France's industrial base should be expanded further in the mid-game. To do this, you should focus on building up your infrastructure, investing in new technologies, and promoting economic growth through tax incentives and trade agreements.
Late-game strategy

As you enter the late-game, your focus should be on solidifying your position as a dominant force in Europe and beyond. To achieve this, you should:

  1. Cultural influence: France is renowned for its culture and art. To solidify your influence, you should invest in cultural institutions, promote your language and literature, and encourage immigration from other countries.
  2. Scientific research: France has a long history of scientific achievement, and you should continue this tradition in the late-game. To stay ahead of other countries, you should invest heavily in research and development, especially in the fields of industry and military technology.
  3. Expansion beyond Europe: France has the potential to become a global superpower, and you should take steps to achieve this. To expand beyond Europe, you should consider colonizing new territories, establishing naval bases in strategic locations, and building alliances with other powers.
  4. Industrial efficiency: By the late-game, your industrial base should be highly efficient, with advanced technologies and modern factories. To stay ahead of other countries, you should continue to invest

It is advantageous to prevent Prussia or Austria from forming Germany; while a Prussian-led Germany is already formidable, a "Grossdeutschland" formed by Austria is definitely a greater threat. After Hanover ends its personal union with Great Britain, consider puppeting it, although other Great Powers are almost certain to help Hanover.


美好年代 icon
Belle Époque
粉碎公社 icon
Crush the Commune
不再是六边形 icon
Hexagon No More
永无止境 icon
It Never Ends
阿勒曼尼根本不存在 icon
巴黎公社 icon
The Paris Commune