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生活水平 | 数值 |
饥饿 | 1 - 4 |
挣扎 | 5 - 9 |
贫困 | 10 - 14 |
温饱 | 15 - 19 |
安稳 | 20 - 24 |
宽裕 | 25 - 29 |
殷实 | 30 - 39 |
富有 | 40 - 49 |
奢侈 | 50 - 59 |
奢华 | 60 + |
《维多利亚3》 的所有人群都有一个在 1 到 99 之间的生活水平数值,这些数值分为不同层级的描述性类型,如右表所示。按不同标准对人群分组(如地区、职业、信仰、文化、阶层以及整个国家)时,其生活水平均为该分组的平均值。人群生活水平值均为整数,但取平均值时保留一位小数。
人群收入主要来源于工作场所,以薪水或分红的形式获得。受抚养人口同样可以获取一些收入,且 社会福利机构可以通过福利金补充其收入。当人群每周的收入超过他们每周的支出时,他们的财富会随着时间的推移而积累。反之,如果人群的支出超过其收入,财富就会下降。他们的支出有多大,取决于他们消费的内容和数量,这也取决于他们的财富。这意味着,只要人群的收入保持不变,他们所在的国家和市场的商品和服务的成本保持不变,随着时间的推移,这个人群的财富将正好朝着他们能够承受的消费水平移动。
Certain events and journal entries modify pops standard of living outside its actual wealth. Most of these modifiers are temporary and apply only to a single state or some other subset of a country's population. Rulers with the x24px trait provide −1 to the standard of living for all pops in their country.
A state's pollution level reduces its pops' standard of living, scaling up to −3 at 100% pollution impact.
The health system institution also provides flat bonuses to the standard of living depending on which establishing law is enacted.
- File:Law charity hospitals.png Charity Hospitals: +0.5 standard of living per level for the
- Private Health Insurance: +0.5 standard of living per level for the
- Public Health Insurance: +0.5 standard of living per level for all pops
Stratum | Base Expected |
5 | |
10 | |
15 |
Pops have a base expected standard of living depending on their profession's stratum, and if their current standard of living is below this, they become more radical over time.
Each pop has additional expected standard of living scaled by , which starts with a max of 5, which increases by 1 with each of the following society technologies:
- Egalitarianism (II)
- Labor Movement (II)
- Socialism (III)
- Political Agitation (IV)
- Mass Propaganda (V)
For example, a laborer pop with 20% literacy would have 6 expected standard of living at the start of the game, and a bureaucrat pop with 50% literacy would have 14 expected standard of living if Socialism (and the earlier techs) has been researched. The effect of literacy on expected standard of living is reduced by 75% if the pop works in a subsistence building.
Certain events can further modify a pop's expected standard of living, and pops in unincorporated states have a −33% modifier to their expected standard of living.
Pops gain job satisfaction by having a standard of living above their expected standard of living.
Each standard of living score has several effects on pops. From changing their consumption to modifying birth and death rates, and more.
- 主条目:需求
每个财富等级由一组需求和为满足该需求而需要花费在商品上的 "价值 "量来定义。这个 "价值 "是以商品的基础价格来定义的,例如,假设供需完全平衡,一个财富等级为14级的10,000人对标准衣物的需求可以通过购买价值87英镑的衣物来满足。如果人口居住地区对衣物的需求导致实际价格变高,他们满足这一需求的成本也会更高。因此,便宜的商品意味着更富裕、更快乐的人群。
Every time a pop increases or decreases in standard of living, a portion of it becomes more loyal or . Note that radicals and loyalists "cancel out". For example, if loyalists radicalize, they instead become neutral, and the same is true for radicals becoming loyal. A single pop cannot contain both loyalists and radicals at the same time.
These percentages can be modified by laws, institutions, characters' traits, events, and other modifiers. In the absence of positive modifiers, fluctuations in standard of living generally radicalize pops.
In addition to decreasing standard of living, pops with a standard of living below their expected level radicalize each month, at +0.2% for each level of difference between expected and current. This effect is capped once a pop reaches 15% radicalism per level of difference between expected and current standard of living.
The first two years of the game are a grace period[3] when changes to radicals and loyalists are scaled down.
Both base birth rate and mortality change with a pop's standard of living[4].
At SoL of 1 ( Starving), the population would eventually die out due to base 0.6% mortality compared to 0.45% birth rate. At SoL of 5 ( Struggling), the population would be stagnant, as both mortality and birth rate would equal 0.45%, in the absence of other modifiers such as healthcare or dangerous workplaces.
As SoL grows, mortality drops faster than birth rate, creating a positive net population growth. At SoL of 20, this net growth caps out. At SoL of 40, minimum base rates of 0.055% birth rate to 0.045% mortality are reached.
Birth rate is simply the percentage of children born to pops each year, while mortality is the percentage of pops who die. Both values start out high and decline with increasing standard of living, but birth rate declines slower than mortality, leading to a net increase in population growth with increasing standard of living. This system models that increasing standard of living tends to lead to longer life expectancy but declining birth rate. Each parameter can be modified independently by a variety of effects. For example, birth rate is reduced by .
A state's average standard of living provides its base migration attraction. Additionally, pops with a standard of living below average for their market are 1% more likely to migrate for each level below average[5].
入门 | 国家 • 维姬百科 • 新手指引 • 教程视频 • 控制台指令 • 用户界面 • 快捷键 • 建筑列表 • 地图模式 |
人口 | 人群 • 职业 • 生活水平 • 角色 |
法律 | 法律 • 机构 • 法令 • 权力结构法律 • 经济法律 • 人权法律 |
科技 | 科技 • 生产科技 • 军事科技 • 社会科技 |
经济 | 国库 • 建筑 • 生产方式 • 市场 • 殖民 • 商品 • 贸易 • 建筑列表 • 生产方式列表 • 贸易路线 • 船运线路 |
外交 | 外交 • 外交行动 • 外交博弈 • 附属国 • 国际地位 • 战争目标 |
战争与和平 | 战争总览 • 总部与将帅 • 陆战 • 海战 • 终止战争 • 兵营与海军基地 • 部队征召 |
政治 | 选举 • 政党 • 政治运动 • 革命 • 利益群体 • 意识形态 |
其他 | 地区 • 移民 • 基础设施 • 能力 • 事件 |
百科 | 模组制作 • 可下载内容(DLC) • 开发日志 • 成就 • 补丁 • 词汇表 |