

2023年2月16日 (四) 16:07的版本

Dlc top curly.png
维多利亚 3
DLC Sphere of Influence.png 势力范围
DLC Colossus of the South.png 南方巨像
DLC Voice of the People.png 人民之声
DLC Victoria 3.png 基础版本

Developer diaries are articles, sometimes accompanied by videos, published by Paradox to describe the game design in detail.

Post-release patches

All developer diaries about the post-release patches, patch 1.1 (aka Earl Grey) and patch 1.2 (aka Hot Cinnamon Spice).

Patch 1.2 (...)
No. Title and Link Description Date
74 UX Improvements Overview of various user experience (UX) improvements in patch 1.2 2023-02-09
73 Open Beta and Update 1.2 overview Open Beta for patch 1.2, feature overview and anticipated 1.2 release date 2023-02-01
72 Economic Law Changes in 1.2 Overview of changes to Economic Laws coming in 1.2 2023-01-26
71 Autonomous Investment Introduction of autonomous investment – private (AI) construction from investment pool funds – and other changes to the investment pool. 2023-01-19
70 Feature Game Jam (part 2) Continuation of "Feature Game Jam"; overview of experiments with graphical map changes based on gameplay, government quick-select options (already included in 1.1.2), museums and archaeological expeditions, and tech tree interface and interaction improvements. 2022-12-15
69 Feature Game Jam (part 1) Introduction of "Feature Game Jam", game feature experiments by developers on personal development time; overview of experiments with warfare system, map interaction effects, and resource depletion and discovery 2022-12-08
Patch 1.1 (Earl Grey)
No. Title and Link Description Date
Patch 1.1.2 is now LIVE! Patch notes 2022-12-14
Patch 1.1.1 is now LIVE! Patch notes 2022-12-08
68 Patch 1.1 Changelog (part 4) Announcing release date and patch notes for patch 1.1 2022-12-01
67 Patch 1.1 (part 3) Overview of changes to morale, government and military wages, and change to legitimacy from size penalty to incoherence penalty 2022-11-24
66 Patch 1.1 (part 2) Overview of changes to oil distribution and new rubber plantation production method 2022-11-17
65 Patch 1.1 (part 1) Overview of changes to Pop UI, government legitimacy, and Church and State and Citizenship laws 2022-11-10

Base game

All developer diaries about Victoria III (the base game).

No. Title and Link Description Date
Patch notes for 1.0.6 Patch notes 2022-11-14
64 Post-Release Plans Overview of major areas targeted for improvements in the near term 2022-11-03
Patch notes for 1.0.4 Patch notes 2022-11-02
63 Audio Overview of game audio, including soundtrack, event, UI, ambient, and audio profile settings 2022-10-19
62 QA on Victoria 3 Overview of quality assurance team and process 2022-10-12
61 Data Visualization Updates to user interface, discussion of color coding 2022-10-05
60 Modding Overview of built-in modding tools and walkthrough of example mod creation 2022-09-28
59 AI Overview of AI design philosophy, AI strategy system, AI spending variables, AI diplomatic play variables, and AI game settings 2022-09-21
58 Interest Revisions An expansion of the interest mechanic described in dev diary 19, especially the relation between naval power and interests. 2022-09-14
57 The Journey So Far An overview of the game mechanics and the player experience, as well as the process by which we arrived at the current version of the game. 2022-08-31
56 Cultures and Religions On how taboos and obsessions work and the interplay between cultures, religions and discrimination 2022-08-24
55 Achievements A presentation of 45 out of the 50 achievements present in the game at release as well as game rules such as modding or iron man. 2022-08-17
54 Trade Revisions The second dev diary on the topic of trade, specifically how trade routes between two markets have been revorked. 2022-08-10
53 Characters How the different characters can affect politics, warfare and economy as politicians, generals and leaders. 2022-08-03
52 Player Objectives The various different optional player objectives and how they work. 2022-06-29
51 Tutorial A presentation of the in-game tutorial and how it is tied to the main part of the game. 2022-06-22
50 Living Map How the visual aspects of the maps including buildings, cities and roads will change based on how the game world develops. 2022-06-15
49 Graphic Overview The considerations in presenting information through the graphics. 2022-06-08
48 Unification The decisions, mechanics and diplomacy of forming ordinary and major unification 2022-05-24
47 Conversion and Assimilation How pops change religion and culture over time based on the laws of the country 2022-05-18
46 Political Parties How interest groups can work together in political parties 2022-05-11
45 Elections How elections start, are run and finish as well as how the following government is formed 2022-05-04
44 Battles A look at how each individual battle in wars play out 2022-04-27
43 The American Civil War The journal entries, events etc related to slavery and the civil war in USA 2022-04-20
42 Cultural Secessions How minority cultures might take up arms for independence 2022-04-13
41 Revolutions How the population might rise in armed uprisings and civil wars 2022-04-06
40 Opium Wars The journal entries, events etc related to opium concumpsion and the related diplomatic and political effects of the chinese opium crisis 2022-03-30
39 Shipping Lanes The purpose and mechanics of ports, trade routes, shipping and convoys 2022-03-23
38 Trade Routes & Tariffs The mechanics of trade, trade laws, treaty ports, and more. 2022-03-16
37 Market Expansion Expansion of markets and the mechanics of Customs Unions. 2022-03-09
36 Construction The construction industry, construction capacity, and the mechanics of building in Victoria III. 2022-03-02
35 Decisions & Expeditions A look at decisions as well as the mechanics behind expeditions. 2022-02-23
34 Canals & Monuments A look at the unique buildings of Monuments and Canals. 2022-02-16
33 Decentralized Nations A deep dive into the non-playable decentralized nations. 2022-02-09
32 Colonization The mechanics and gameplay of colonization. 2022-02-02
31 Journal Entries Journal entries, events, and the content delivery system. 2022-01-26
30 User Interface Overview An overview of the 2D art and the User Interface of Victoria III. 2022-01-19
29 User Experience A deep dive into the user experience including nested tooltips, charts, tutorials, and accessibility. 2022-01-12
28 Flags A look at flags and the dynamic flag generation. 2021-12-15
27 Technology The new technology system. 2021-12-08
26 Peace Deals Bilateral peace deals and how to negotiate an end to wars. 2021-12-01
25 The Cost of War The cost of warfare and how Victoria III models the long-lasting effects of conflict. 2021-11-24
24 Navies and Admirals Navies and their strategic importance. 2021-11-17
23 Fronts and Generals The core mechanics of land warfare: Fronts, Generals, Battalions, and Mobilization. 2021-11-10
22 The Concept of War A discussion on the design pillars of Warfare in Victoria III. 2021-11-03
21 Diplomatic Plays A first look into Diplomatic Plays, the signature diplomatic feature in Victoria III. 2021-10-27
20 Diplomatic Actions The types of diplomatic actions that a country can undertake and the various different diplomatic pacts possible including vassals. 2021-10-20
19 Relations and Infamy National relations, infamy, and strategic interests. 2021-10-13
18 Rank & Prestige National rankings and the mechanic of prestige. 2021-10-07
17 Migration Intra-market and mass migration, and how migrants are attracted. 2021-09-30
16 States A deeper dive into States, the main political and geographical unit in Victoria III. 2021-09-23
15 Slavery The representation of slavery in Victoria III. 2021-09-16
14 Political Movements Political movements and how Pops make demands to the government. 2021-09-09
13 Standard of Living The standard of living system, wealth, Pop needs, and consumption. 2021-09-02
12 Treasury National income, expenses, gold reserves, and debt. 2021-08-26
11 Employment and Qualifications Pop professions, how and why Pops change professions. 2021-08-19
10 Infrastructure A brief overview of state infrastructure and market access. 2021-08-12
9 National Markets An introduction to the National Market system. 2021-08-05
8 Institutions Institutions, bureaucracy, and government services. 2021-07-29
7 Laws The categories of laws and an overview of legal reform. 2021-07-22
6 Interest Groups Interest groups and how they form the core of Victoria III's political gameplay. 2021-07-01
5 Production Methods The production methods mechanic and how it ties into buildings. 2021-06-24
4 Goods Explaining goods and how they interact with the world of Victoria III. 2021-06-17
3 Buildings A first look at buildings. 2021-06-10
2 Capacities Explaining capacities, the four main "currencies" of Victoria III. 2021-06-03
1 Pops An overview of population mechanics. 2021-05-27
0 The Vision The vision for Victoria III. 2021-05-21

Video diaries

Developer video diaries and developer's let's play sessions on the various expansions.

No. Title and Link Description Date
31 Victoria 3: Diplomacy with heyitscara ... 2022-10-20
30 Victoria 3: Policies and Laws Tutorial with heyitscara ... 2022-10-19
29 Victoria 3: Interest Groups Tutorial with PartyElite ... 2022-10-18
28 Victoria 3: Pop Needs Tutorial with PartyElite ... 2022-10-17
27 Victoria 3: Income and Wealth Tutorial with PartyElite ... 2022-10-16
26 Victoria 3: Trade and Markets Tutorial with CallMeEzekiel ... 2022-10-15
25 Victoria 3: Buildings and Infrastructure Tutorial with CallMeEzekiel ... 2022-10-14
24 Victoria 3: Goods and Resources Tutorial with CallMeEzekiel ... 2022-10-13
23 Victoria 3 Economics Tutorial with Paul Depre ... 2022-10-12
22 Victoria 3 - GAMEPLAY REVEAL! w/ Game Director and Lead Designer! ... 2022-08-30
21 Victoria 3 - Remastered Victoria 2 Songs Pre-Order Bonus ... 2022-08-30
20 Victoria 3 - Pre-Order Trailer ... 2022-08-30
19 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #13 July ... 2022-07-19
18 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #12 June ... 2022-06-14
17 Victoria 3 - Gameplay Trailer ... 2022-06-12
16 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #11 May ... 2022-05-10
15 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #10 April ... 2022-04-12
14 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #9 March ... 2022-03-15
13 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #8 February ... 2022-02-15
12 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #7 January ... 2022-01-18
11 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #6 December ... 2021-12-14
10 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #5 November ... 2021-11-16
9 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #4 October ... 2021-10-19
8 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #3 September ... 2021-09-14
7 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #2 August ... 2021-08-10
6 Victoria 3 - Monthly Update #1 July ... 2021-07-15
5 PDXCON Remixed - The Art of Victoria 3 ... 2021-06-09
4 PDXCON Remixed - Vickynomics ... 2021-06-07
3 PDXCON Remixed - Together for Victoria ... 2021-06-04
2 PDXCON Remixed - Welcome to Victoria ... 2021-06-02
1 Victoria 3 - Game Vision ... 2021-06-01
0 Victoria 3 - Announcement Trailer Announcement trailer to Victoria 3 played in PDXCON 2021. 2021-05-21


em:Developer diaries