
第1行: 第1行:
|国旗 = RUS absolute monarchy
|国旗 = RUS absolute monarchy
第11行: 第11行:

Russia is a {{iconify|Great Power}} located on the fringes of the European continent. Russia is a long-time [[File:Diplomacy rivalry.png|24px|Rival|link=Diplomacy]] Rival of the neighboring {{flag|Turkey|Ottoman Empire}}, fighting over control of the Black Sea and the Caucasus. Russia spans the length of Siberia, making it one of the largest countries in the world, although internally disconnected. Russia is still in many ways a [[File:Attitude loyal.png|24px|Serfdom|link=Power structure laws]] feudal society, with serfs working the land of the elite aristocracy.
俄罗斯是孤悬欧陆边陲的 {{iconify|Great Power}} 列强,邻接长期 [[File:Diplomacy rivalry.png|24px|Rival|link=Diplomacy]] 宿敌 {{flag|Turkey|Ottoman Empire}} 奥斯曼帝国,与其争夺黑海和高加索长达数个世纪。横跨广袤的西伯利亚,使俄罗斯成为了世界上面积最大的国家,但整个国家内部并非完全连接。俄罗斯在很大程度上仍是一个 [[File:Attitude loyal.png|24px|Serfdom|link=Power structure laws]] 农奴制国家,农奴在精英贵族的土地上工作。

The potential of Russia is as vast as the country itself, but if that potential will ever be used to its full advantage, by a ruling elite that holds onto the past, is anyone's guess.

== 历史背景 ==
== 历史背景 ==
第28行: 第28行:
1831年,尼古拉镇压了{{word|波兰十一月起义|Powstanie listopadowe}}, 法国、英国和奥地利曾试图干涉事态发展但未有成行,而俄罗斯国内喉舌利用波兰起义来统合俄罗斯民族,声称俄罗斯负有挽救波兰和世界的神圣使命。波兰后来被惩罚是失去了自身留存的独特政治和司法权限,代之对当地学校和显贵门堂进行俄罗斯化。在尼古拉一世统治时期,农奴获得了从事商业,和从一个地主的属地迁徙到另一个地主属地的自由。农奴比例降到了35%。
1831年,尼古拉镇压了{{word|波兰十一月起义|Powstanie listopadowe}}, 法国、英国和奥地利曾试图干涉事态发展但未有成行,而俄罗斯国内喉舌利用波兰起义来统合俄罗斯民族,声称俄罗斯负有挽救波兰和世界的神圣使命。波兰后来被惩罚是失去了自身留存的独特政治和司法权限,代之对当地学校和显贵门堂进行俄罗斯化。在尼古拉一世统治时期,农奴获得了从事商业,和从一个地主的属地迁徙到另一个地主属地的自由。农奴比例降到了35%。

== Events ==
== 成立与释放 ==
{{main|Russian events}}
如果俄罗斯不存在,可由任意控制首都(英格里亚)地区和其它四个俄罗斯文化本土地区的国家[[可释放国家|释放]]。它也可以由任意俄罗斯主流文化国家<ref>当前版本仅有 {{flag|Don Cossack Host}}</ref>控制31块俄罗斯本土地区中的23块时成立。
== 日志与决议 ==
{{box wrapper}}
{{journal entry
|version = 1.5
|collapse = yes
|entry_id = je_trans_siberian_railway
|icon_type = industry
|entry_name = The Trans-Siberian Railway
|entry_reason = Siberia is rich in resources but poor in infrastructure. We must build a great railway that will traverse the vast distance between Moscow and the Pacific!
|trigger = * 已研究 {{iconify|Railways|invention|铁路}}
|visible =
* 拥有 莫斯科
* 拥有东西伯利亚和西西伯利亚区域中 80% 的地区
|complete = * 莫斯科、特维尔、加利奇、彼尔姆、乌拉尔、托博尔斯克、托木斯克、伊尔库茨克、外贝加尔,以及鄂霍茨克或外东北拥有铁路建筑
|on_complete = * 触发 ''The Trans-Siberian Railway'' 事件
|version = 1.5
|collapse = yes
|event_id = major_railways.1
|icon_type = industry
|event_name = The Trans-Siberian Railway
|event_text = "An extensive railway line now connects Moscow to Okhotsk/Outer Manchuria. The riches of Siberia are ours for the taking!"
|flavor_text = "This is a triumph for the Russian nation. Russian trains shall carry Russian coal, Russian sulfur, and Russian iron across the vast expanse of Eurasia!"
|triggered by = * 完成日志条目 ''The Trans-Siberian Railway''
|options =
{{option|default=yes|option_text=Mine, boys!
* Every owned state in East Siberia and West Siberia with a railway gains ''Siberian Mining''
** {{green|+200%}} 移民吸引力
** {{green|+25%}} 煤矿建筑吞吐量
** {{green|+25%}} 铁矿建筑吞吐量
** {{green|+25%}} 硫矿建筑吞吐量
{{option|option_text=All aboard!
* Every owned state in East Siberia and West Siberia with a railway gains ''Siberian Infrastructure''
** {{green|+25%}} 铁路建筑吞吐量
** {{green|+200%}} 移民吸引力
{{end box wrapper}}
{{box wrapper}}
{{journal entry
|version = 1.5
|collapse = yes
|entry_id = je_the_eastern_border
|icon_type = military
|entry_name = The Ruler of the East
|entry_reason = Our ambitions of becoming a Pacific naval power, and our colonial agenda in Central Asia, require that we resolve our long-standing border disputes with Great Qing in a manner favorable to Russia.
|visible =
* Is {{flag|Russia}}
* Is not a subject
|trigger =
* 已研究 {{iconify|Nationalism|invention}}
* Does not fully own Outer Manchuria, Ili, Tomsk, and Kirghizia
|on_add= * Add claims to Outer Manchuria, Ili, Tomsk and Kirghizia
|complete =
* Fully owns Outer Manchuria, Ili, and Tomsk
* Fully owns or has subject who fully owns Kirghizia
|on_complete = * Trigger event ''The Ruler of the East''
{{entry button|button_name=Treaty of Beijing|button_text=The territory of Outer Manchuria is effectively isolated from the rest of China, and ripe for settlement. We could arrange a treaty to secure the territory by capitalizing on China's weakness.
* Does not fully own Outer Manchuria
* Hasn't taken this decision before
* China fully owns Outer Manchuria and it is not its capital
* China is not recognized and not a player
* China does not have a truce with Russia
* China is not the subject of another country
* China is either at war with another country or owes Russia an obligation
* Russia is a Great Power
* If Russia does not have an obligation from China or is not the overlord of China, create an incident in China with {{red|10}} Infamy
* Trigger event ''The Beijing Treaty''
{{entry button|button_name=The Chuguchak Protocol|button_text=The acquisition of additional territories in Central Asia is a priority of the Russian government. With China in turmoil, an opportunity exists to expand into contested regions.
* Does not fully own Tomsk, Ili and Kirghizia
* Russia or a Russian subject fully owns Semireche and Akmolinsk
* Hasn't taken this decision before
* China owns any of Tomsk, Ili, and Kirghizia
* China is not recognized and not a player
* China does not have a truce with Russia
* China is not the subject of another country
* China is either at war with another country or owes Russia an obligation
* Russia is a Great Power
* If Russia does not have an obligation from China or is not the overlord of China, create an incident in China with {{red|10}} Infamy
* Trigger event ''The Chuguchak Protocol''
|version = 1.5
|collapse = yes
|event_id = russo_chinese.1
|icon_type = scales
|event_name = The Beijing Treaty
|event_text = "With our present leverage over the Chinese government, we have proposed a treaty to draw a formal border in Manchuria, formally transferring Outer Manchuria to Russia."
|flavor_text = "The articles of this treaty will come into force from the day they are exchanged by the representatives of one and the other state, and must be performed for all eternity sacredly and inviolably."
|triggered by = * ''Ruler of the East'' journal button
|immediate = * Create a truce between Russia and Great Qing for 5 years
|options =
{{option|default=yes|option_text=Open the territories to greater settlement.
* If Great Qing owes Russia an obligation, they no longer do
* Outer Manchuria is transferred to Russia
** Outer Manchuria gains ''The Settlement of Manchuria'' for 10 years
*** {{green|+50%}} 移民吸引力
{{option|option_text=There must be no delay in the expansion of our ports.
* If Great Qing owes Russia an obligation, they no longer do
* Outer Manchuria is transferred to Russia
** Outer Manchuria gains ''The Settlement of Manchuria'' for 10 years
*** {{green|+25%}} 移民吸引力
*** {{green|+25%}} Port Throughput
*** {{green|+10%}} State Construction efficiency
|version = 1.5
|collapse = yes
|event_id = russo_chinese.2
|icon_type = scales
|event_name = The Chuguchak Protocol
|event_text = We have begun to negotiate with representatives of Great Qing, in order to define a border between our nations in the West. There is much opportunity for territorial gains in the Central Asian region.
|flavor_text = It is our imperative to ensure that the lands of the Kyrgyz and Kazakhs, those loyal subjects of Russia, are united under a nation which is capable of providing security from the present state of banditry and petty theft within the region.
|triggered by = * ''Ruler of the East'' journal button
|immediate = * Create a truce between Russia and Great Qing for 5 years
|options =
{{option|trigger=always|default=yes|option_text=Tomsk and Ili will be sufficient.
* If Great Qing owes Russia an obligation, they no longer do
* Tomsk is transferred to Russia
* Ili is transferred to Russia
{{option|trigger=Russia has a State in Kirghizia|option_text=The territory of Kirghizia is also a necessary acquisition.
* If Great Qing owes Russia an obligation, they no longer do
* Tomsk is transferred to Russia
* Ili is transferred to Russia
* Kirghizia is transferred to Russia
{{option|trigger=A Russian Subject has Kyrgyz as a primary culture|option_text=Kokand territory will be made whole under our protectorate.
* If Great Qing owes Russia an obligation, they no longer do
* Tomsk is transferred to Russia
* Ili is transferred to Russia
* Kirghizia is transferred to a random Russian subject with Kyrgyz as a primary culture
|version = 1.5
|collapse = yes
|event_id = russo_chinese.3
|icon_type = scales
|event_name = The Ruler of the East
|event_text = "By securing Outer Manchuria, the dream of Russia naval dominion over the Pacific has come closer to reality. The city of Vladivostok will become our new primary port in the East."
|flavor_text = "This port can be considered the best of all. It reminds many of Olga, but only smaller than it, warmer and more pleasant. However, there are the same oaks all around, and the same picturesque mountains. In the lowlands the rivers murmur; there are many springs on the banks. Our post set up the other day, with its white tents, looks good in a group of oak trees that have not yet been cut down and have only just been cleared."
|triggered by = * Completing journal entry ''The Ruler of the East''
|options =
{{option|default=yes|option_text=Rebase the Siberian flotillas, with all due haste.
* If Outer Manchuria does not have a Naval Base, immediately create a Level 2 Naval Base
* Outer Manchuria gains ''The Ruler of the East'' permanently
*** {{green|+2}} Maximum Level Naval Base
*** {{green|+15%}} Naval Base Throughput
*** '''+5%''' Armed Forces political strength
* Russia gains ''Pacific Power Projection'' for 5 years
** {{green|+10%}} Prestige from Naval Power Projection
{{option|option_text=The port of Vladivostok shall be the finest in our nation.
* If Outer Manchuria does not have a Port, immediately create a Level 2 Port
* Outer Manchuria gains ''The Ruler of the East'' permanently
*** {{green|+2}} Maximum Level Port
*** {{green|+15%}} Port Throughput
*** '''+5%''' Industrialists political strength
* {{green|2%}} of the {{icon|upper strata|3=1}} in Outer Manchuria become more {{icon|loyalist|3=1}}
{{end box wrapper}}

== Journal and decisions ==
{{main|Russian journal entries}}
When Russia researches Nationalism they can can hold of some states along the Chinese border.

== Technology ==
== Technology ==
第801行: 第989行:
<references />
<references />
{{Country navbox|Europe}}
{{Country navbox|Europe}}

2024年3月19日 (二) 12:22的版本

RUS absolute monarchy.png





俄罗斯是孤悬欧陆边陲的 Great power.png Great Power列强,邻接长期 Rival 宿敌 土耳其的国旗 土耳其奥斯曼帝国,与其争夺黑海和高加索长达数个世纪。横跨广袤的西伯利亚,使俄罗斯成为了世界上面积最大的国家,但整个国家内部并非完全连接。俄罗斯在很大程度上仍是一个 Serfdom农奴制国家,农奴在精英贵族的土地上工作。





亚历山大的欧洲政策,在1804~1812年间有过将近四次的转变:从中立和平维护者,转向反拿破仑,再转为拿破仑的盟友,到最后1812年时再成为拿破仑的敌手。1805年时其在第三次反法同盟 与英国一道对抗拿破仑,但在奥斯特利茨战役遭遇大败后他立即转换阵营,通过提尔西特条约(1807年)与拿破仑建立同盟关系并加入对方主导的大陆封锁体系。之后1807~1812年间和英国在波罗的海及巴伦支海发生系列小规模海战。由于亚历山大和拿破仑间尤其于波兰问题上持久无法达成共识,该同盟在1810年告终。在1815年最终击败拿破仑后,亚历山大被冠以“欧洲救世主”而为人所知。在维也纳会议(1814–1815)里其主导了对欧洲版图的重构, 同时会内也让他获得波兰的国王头衔。之后他也和奥地利与普鲁士间组建了神圣同盟,以对欧洲内被他视为法定基督教君主制构成不义威胁的革命活动实施镇压。他是帮助了奥地利梅特涅镇压所有的民族主义及自由主义运动。而在其主掌下的俄罗斯帝国强权化同时,其权威状况也令之无法见到其政府无法称职运转、人民间相互孤岛化及整体经济在倒退。等到亚历山大一世击败拿破仑后,他才开始有意讨论宪政改革,不过在任内仅有很少改动发生,没有实施过更持久的转变举措。

1825年俄罗斯皇帝亚历山大一世殁后无男嗣,次弟康斯坦丁大公放弃皇位继承权,由三弟尼古拉一世继任沙皇。尼古拉接掌起初,一群受过良好教育的、在拿破仑战争时期随军游历欧洲的俄罗斯军官深受自由主义影响,希望改变祖国的独裁性,于是发动了十二月党人起义Восстание декабристов。结果革命是被轻易瓦解掉,并引致尼古拉放弃自由化改革路线,转向捍卫起保守教条“专制、正教、民族”Правосла́вие, самодержа́вие, наро́дность


1831年,尼古拉镇压了波兰十一月起义Powstanie listopadowe, 法国、英国和奥地利曾试图干涉事态发展但未有成行,而俄罗斯国内喉舌利用波兰起义来统合俄罗斯民族,声称俄罗斯负有挽救波兰和世界的神圣使命。波兰后来被惩罚是失去了自身留存的独特政治和司法权限,代之对当地学校和显贵门堂进行俄罗斯化。在尼古拉一世统治时期,农奴获得了从事商业,和从一个地主的属地迁徙到另一个地主属地的自由。农奴比例降到了35%。





Event industry.png The Trans-Siberian Railway

Siberia is rich in resources but poor in infrastructure. We must build a great railway that will traverse the vast distance between Moscow and the Pacific!

Event industry.png The Trans-Siberian Railway

"An extensive railway line now connects Moscow to Okhotsk/Outer Manchuria. The riches of Siberia are ours for the taking!"


Event military.png The Ruler of the East

Our ambitions of becoming a Pacific naval power, and our colonial agenda in Central Asia, require that we resolve our long-standing border disputes with Great Qing in a manner favorable to Russia.

Event scales.png The Beijing Treaty

"With our present leverage over the Chinese government, we have proposed a treaty to draw a formal border in Manchuria, formally transferring Outer Manchuria to Russia."


Event scales.png The Chuguchak Protocol

We have begun to negotiate with representatives of Great Qing, in order to define a border between our nations in the West. There is much opportunity for territorial gains in the Central Asian region.


Event scales.png The Ruler of the East

"By securing Outer Manchuria, the dream of Russia naval dominion over the Pacific has come closer to reality. The city of Vladivostok will become our new primary port in the East."



Russia starts the game with almost all Era 1 techs, lacking only the techs of: Invention lathe.png Lathe, Invention paddle steamer.png Paddle Steamer, File:Invention stock exchange.png Stock Exchange, Invention banking.png Banking, Invention mass communication.png Mass Communication, and Invention empiricism.png Empiricism.

Event industry.png Production technology Event military.png Military technology Event portrait.png Society technology
  • Invention prospecting.png Prospecting
  • Invention steelworking.png Steelworking
  • Invention distillation.png Distillation
  • Invention cotton gin.png Cotton Gin
  • Invention drydocks.png Drydocks
  • Invention admiralty.png Admiralty
  • Invention army reserves.png Army Reserves
  • Invention napoleonic warfare.png Napoleonic Warfare
  • Invention law enforcement.png Law Enforcement
  • Invention currency standards.png Currency Standards
  • Invention colonization.png Colonization
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • Invention medical degrees.png Medical Degrees
  • Invention romanticism.png Romanticism


Russia is a Tsardom Tsardom, based on the Law monarchy.png Monarchy and Law autocracy.png Autocracy laws. The Primary Culture Primary Culture of Russia is Russian, with Ukrainian and Byelorussian being Accepted Culture Accepted Cultures, due to Russia's Law national supremacy.png National Supremacy law. Russia is a deeply religious country, having the Law state religion.png State Religion law enforce Religion orthodox.png Orthodoxy as Russia's primary religion.

Starting Laws
Power Structure Economy Human Rights
Governance Principles Law monarchy.png Monarchy Economic System Law traditionalism.png Traditionalism Free Speech Law censorship.png Censorship
Distribution of Power Law autocracy.png Autocracy Trade Policy Law mercantilism.png Mercantilism Labor Rights Law serfdom.png Serfdom
Citizenship Law national supremacy.png National Supremacy Taxation Law land based taxation.png Land-Based Taxation Children's Rights Law child labor allowed.png Child Labor Allowed
Church and State Law state religion.png State Religion Colonization Law no colonial affairs.png No Colonial Affairs Rights of Women Law legal guardianship.png Legal Guardianship
Bureaucracy Law hereditary bureaucrats.png Hereditary Bureaucrats Policing Law no police.png No Police Welfare Law no social security.png No Social Security
Army Model Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies Education System Law no schools.png No Schools Migration Law no migration controls.png No Migration Controls
Internal Security Law no home affairs.png No Home Affairs Health System Law no health system.png No Health System Slavery Law slavery banned.png Slavery Banned

Interest groups

Russia starts with the IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Political in government.png in government. The IG devout.png Orthodox Church is the 2nd most powerful interest group and have the unique Ideology russian patriarch.png Russian Orthodox Patriarchy Ideology, which makes them support Authoritarian forces of government as well as Serfdom. The IG intelligensia.png Intelligentsia start the game IG suppress.png Suppressed, giving them −40% Interest Group Attraction.

Historical characters

Name Role Interest Group Ideology Traits
Nikolai Romanov Role ruler.png Ruler IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait arrogant.png Arrogant, Trait pious.png Pious
Aleksandr Romanov Role heir.png Heir IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader market liberal.png Market Liberal Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait romantic.png Romantic
Aleksandr von Benckendorff Role politician.png Politician IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Undecided Random Trait imperious.png Imperious
Mikhail Speransky Role politician.png Politician IG intelligensia.png Intelligentsia Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait cautious.png Cautious
Sergei Uvarov Role politician.png Politician IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait meticulous.png Meticulous
Filaret Drozdov Role politician.png Politician IG devout.png Orthodox Church Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait charismatic.png Charismatic
Aleksandr Herzen Role politician.png Politician IG trade unions.png Trade Unions Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate
Yevhen Hrebinka Role politician.png Politician IG rural folk.png Rural Folk Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait romantic.png Romantic
Alexei Bobrinsky Role politician.png Politician IG industrialists.png Industrialists Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait persistent.png Persistent
Generals and Admirals
Name Role Interest Group Ideology Traits Rank HQ Region
Mikhail Vorontsov Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait direct.png Direct, Trait forest commander.png Forest Commander 0 Commander rank 5 Field Marshal Russia
Aleksandr Chernyshyov Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait brave.png Brave 0 Commander rank 5 Field Marshal Dnieper
Ivan Paskevich Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait brave.png Brave 0 Commander rank 2 Major General Poland
Matvey Khrapovitsky Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait mountain commander.png Mountain Commander 0 Commander rank 2 Major General Caucasus
Nikolay Muravyov Karsky Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait persistent.png Persistent 0 Commander rank 2 Major General Central Asia
Pavel Grabbe Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait ambitious.png Ambitious, Trait experienced artillery commander.png Experienced Artillery Commander 0 Commander rank 1 Brigadier General West Siberia
Friedrich von Berg Role general.png General Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait surveyor.png Surveyor 0 Commander rank 1 Brigadier General The Baltic
Mikhail Lazarev Role admiral.png Admiral Undecided Random Undecided Random Trait explorer.png Explorer, Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander 0 Commander rank 1 Commodore Russia
Fabian Gottlieb von Bellingshausen Role admiral.png Admiral IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait explorer.png Explorer, Trait naval commander.png Naval Commander, Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander 0 Commander rank 2 Rear Admiral The Baltic
Vasily Zavoyko Role admiral.png Admiral IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait brave.png Brave, Trait explorer.png Explorer 0 Commander rank 3 Vice Admiral Dnieper
Pyotr Ricord Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait naval commander.png Naval Commander, Trait experienced diplomat.png Experienced Diplomat, Trait tactful.png Tactful 0 Commander rank 1 Commodore East Siberia
Historical Character Templates
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Conditions
Sergei Witte Role politician.png Politician IG industrialists.png Industrialists Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait experienced political operator.png Experienced Political Operator, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait innovative.png Innovative Date between 1879.1.1 and 1915.1.1
Pyotr Chicherin Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait plains commander.png Plains Commander Date between 1836.1.1 and 1848.1.1
Franz Eduard von Tottleben Role general.png General IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait expert defensive strategist.png Expert Defensive Strategist, Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait trench rat.png Trench Rat Date between 1850.1.1 and 1884.1.1
Paul von Rennenkampf Role general.png General IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait offensive planner.png Offensive Planner, Trait reckless.png Reckless, Trait persistent.png Persistent Date between 1884.1.1 and 1920.1.1
Grand Duke Nicholas Romanov Role general.png General IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander, Trait pious.png Pious, Trait offensive planner.png Offensive Planner Date between 1884.1.1 and 1920.1.1
Aleksei Brusilov Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait expert offensive planner.png Expert Offensive Planner, Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait direct.png Direct Date between 1874.1.1 and 1920.1.1
Pyotr Wrangel Role general.png General IG landowners.png Gentry Assembly Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait expert offensive planner.png Expert Offensive Planner, Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander, Trait direct.png Direct Date between 1914.1.1 and 1936.1.1
Mikhail Skobelev Role general.png General IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader ethno nationalist.png Ethno-Nationalist Trait expert offensive planner.png Expert Offensive Planner, Trait popular commander.png Popular Commander, Trait bigoted.png Bigoted Date between 1870.1.1 and 1910.1.1
Stepan Makarov Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait explorer.png Explorer, Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander, Trait innovative.png Innovative Date between 1881.1.1 and 1918.1.1
Pavel Nakhimov Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Armed Forces Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait brave.png Brave, Trait experienced naval commander.png Experienced Naval Commander, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous Date between 1836.1.1 and 1870.1.1


Russia starts the game with a mutual Diplomacy rivalry.png Rivalry with the 土耳其的国旗 土耳其. Russia starts the game with an File:Obligation.png Obligation from 希腊的国旗 希腊.

Russia is the overlord of the three Zhuz nations of 没有结果, 没有结果 and 没有结果 in Central Asia, who are Diplomacy puppet.png Puppets. 芬兰的国旗 芬兰 is also under Russian rule through a Diplomacy personal union.png Personal Union.

The Caucasian nations of 没有结果 and the 没有结果 both have a Truce.png Truce with Russia, ending on 1 January 1841. Russia has State status claims.png Claims on both these nations.

Russia starts with an Active interest.png Active Interest in Russia, The Baltic, Poland, Danubia, Dnieper, Caucasus, Central Asia, West Sibera, East Siberia, and the Pacific Coast. Russia has Declared interest.png Declared Interests in North Germany, South Germany, Rhine, France, Italy, Balkans, Anatolia, Persia, Manchuria, and Japan.


Starting Statistics
Statistic Starting Value
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 34.5M
Population.png Population 58.8M
Literacy.png Literacy 15.4%
Standard of living.png Standard of Living SOL struggling.png Struggling (8.8)


The Baltic
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods fish.png
Ingria 0 36px Russian 40 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 5
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Latvia 0 36px Latvian 50 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 10
Lithuania 0 36px Lithuanian 60 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
13 2
Estonia 0 36px Estonian 30 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 8
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods fish.png
Moscow 0 36px Russian 120 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
34 60 30
State trait river.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Kazan 0 36px Russian
140 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
Bryansk 0 36px Russian 150 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Tver 0 36px Russian 110 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
40 48
State trait river.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Smolensk 0 36px Russian 80 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Galich 0 36px Russian 80 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Novgorod 0 36px Russian 60 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Arkhangelsk 0 36px Russian
15 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
14 5
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
East Karelia 0 36px Russian
10 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
14 33 5
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png
Mazovia 0 36px Polish 100 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
8 84
Brest 0 36px Russian
100 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Volhynia 0 36px Ukrainian 90 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 68
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Lesser Poland 0 36px Polish 80 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
13 84 60
Greater Poland 0 36px Polish 60 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 36 36
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods fish.png Goods oil.png
Kiev 0 36px Ukrainian 200 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 72
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
Kursk 0 36px Russian
170 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Orsha 0 36px Russian
120 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Luhansk 0 36px Russian
110 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
7 80 45 10
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
Cherson 0 36px Ukrainian 60 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
6 48 12
State trait good soils.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
Minsk 0 36px Russian
60 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
Crimea 0 36px Russian
40 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
4 15 12
Saratov 0 36px Russian
120 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
8 45 (60)
State trait river.png 30px
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods fish.png
Bessarabia 0 36px Romanian
50 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
6 9
Dobrudja 0 36px
0 36px
10 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
11 7
State trait river.png 30px
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods fish.png Goods oil.png
Astrakhan 0 36px Russian
80 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
State trait river.png 30px
Rostov 0 36px Russian
40 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
7 72
Kars 0 36px
0 36px
10 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
Building tea plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 5
Kuban 0 36px
0 36px
North Caucasian
80 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
Building tea plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
6 32 27 7 (30)
Greater Caucasus 0 36px Georgian 50 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building silk plantation.png 30px
Building tea plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
8 40 24 24
State trait mountain.png 30px
Dagestan 0 36px
0 36px
North Caucasian 30 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
Building tea plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
4 (30)
Azerbaijan 0 36px Armenian
25 Building rice farm.png 30px
Building cotton plantation.png 30px
Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
Building silk plantation.png 30px
Building tea plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
6 18 (60)
State trait mountain.png 30px
Armenia 0 36px Armenian
20 Building wheat farm.png 30px
Building silk plantation.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
2 27 21
Central Asia
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods oil.png
Samara 0 36px
0 36px
110 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 30 (30)
Akmolinsk 0 36px
0 36px
30 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 5 21
Semireche 0 36px
0 36px
30 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 4 28
Russian Uralsk 0 36px
0 36px
Kazakh 30 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 7 (60)
West Siberia
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods fish.png Goods oil.png
Perm 0 36px Russian
100 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
20 80 75 (60)
State trait resources lumber.png 30px
State trait mountain.png 30px
Tomsk 0 36px
0 36px
60 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
13 44 27
State trait river.png 30px
Ural 0 36px Russian
40 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
13 84 96 81
State trait mountain.png 30px
Tobolsk 0 36px Russian
40 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
14 44 (60)
State trait river.png 30px
Nenetsia 0 36px Russian
20 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 13 12 (30)
State trait cold climate.png 30px
Upper Yeniseysk 0 36px Russian
40 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 29 20 6
State trait cold climate.png 30px
Ob 0 36px Russian
20 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 11 20 13 (60)
State trait river.png 30px
State trait cold climate.png 30px
East Siberia
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Whaling Goods gold.png Goods oil.png
Irkutsk 0 36px Russian
40 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
13 80 36 (10)
Trans-Baikal 0 36px Russian
60 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
13 80 33 44 (10)
Okhotsk 0 36px Yakut 50 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 36 10
Yakutsk 0 36px Russian
30 Building rye farm.png 30px
Building livestock ranch.png 30px
23 36 (8) (5)
State trait cold climate.png 30px
Chukotka 0 36px Siberian
20 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 13 36 9 3 (4)
State trait cold climate.png 30px
Kamchatka 0 36px Siberian 20 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 13
Pacific Coast
Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods fish.png Whaling Goods gold.png
Alaska 0 36px Inuit
20 Building livestock ranch.png 30px 11 32 10 8 (12)
State trait resources fish.png 30px

Industry and Resources


Russia is lacking behind in terms of industrialization, with over 71% of its population being Pop peasants.png Peasants working in Subsistence Farming Subsistence Farms, the largest Industrial Hub is the capital state of Ingria (St. Petersburg), although it doesn't exceed 5 Urbanization Urbanization.


Russia is very rich in Goods wood.png Wood, Goods iron.png Iron, Goods coal.png Coal and Goods grain.png Agricultural output, thanks to the State Traits in the Russian heartland, the Ukraine and the Siberian states.


Russia starts with the Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies law and has the second largest military in the world, only behind 中国的国旗 中国.

Russia has 286 Military battalions.png battalions and can call upon 333 conscript battalions. Battalions all use the same production methods: Method line infantry.png Line Infantry, Method mobile artillery.png Mobile Artillery, File:Method cavalry scouts.png Cavalry Scouts, File:Method standardized infantry.png Standardized Infantry, and Method wound dressing.png Wound Dressing. Production methods for conscript battalions are the same, but replace Method mobile artillery.png Mobile Artillery with File:Method infantry focus.png Infantry Focus.

Russia starts with 55 Military flotillas.png flotillas, all using the same production methods: Method man o war.png Man O' War, File:Method escort frigates.png Escort Frigates, Method commerce raiders.png Commerce Raiders, and Method naval traditions.png Naval Traditions.

Strategies and guides

Strategy 以下内容为诸多玩家中的一员所给出的,关于俄罗斯的策略建议。请注意,由于游戏的动态机制,这些内容对其他玩家而言可能会以不同的方式展开。

Initial Investments

Russia is undeveloped. Very underdeveloped. And it lacks sufficient construction sectors, so building many of these early is a must. Luckily Russia has plenty of wood producing provinces to develop. Especially those with the Russian Taiga Forrest trait, giving a bonus to logging camps. Alternating between logging camps and construction sectors will be the building queue for a very long time. Afterwards, developing sufficient tooling workshops and iron is needed for all the new logging camps.


Russia starts with insufficient taxation capacity in more or less the entire country. This is due to both hereditary bureaucrats, traditionalism and serfdom all limiting the taxation capacity. If Russia doesn't abolish those laws, one would have to bankrupt the country building administrative buildings. Unfortunately, Russia's landed elite are deeply intrenched, so this is a long hard fought battle. To help the bureaucracy, it is worth considering starting with techs that increase the base taxation capacity.

Targets of War

Russia doesn't actually need to expand. It is already an absolutely massive country with more peasants than they could possibly feed. It is however worth it to consider expanding into Central Asia (波斯的国旗 波斯 and 阿富汗的国旗 阿富汗 especially) to gain access to their profitable opium production, as it is one of the only resources not found naturally anywhere in Russia.

In Eastern Austria, there are Ukrainian POPs and they migth therefore also be a good target.


The Great Game icon
The Great Game
Starting as Russia, own the entire Central Asia region


  1. 当前版本仅有 顿河哥萨克军的国旗 顿河哥萨克军