指令 |
3dstats |
调出 3D Statistics窗口
3dstats.EnableGfxZoneStats |
调出 3D Gfx Zone Statistics窗口
Adjacencies.Rebuild |
Rebuild all adjacencies
Application.ChangeResolution |
Browser.OpenURL [<url>] |
Camera.Debug |
Camera.Load |
Camera.Save |
Checksum.Log |
CrashReporter.DeleteCrashData |
CrashReporter.SimulateCrash |
Debug.Achievements.Lock [<key>] |
Debug.Achievements.ResetAll |
Debug.Achievements.ToggleDebug [<value>] |
Debug.Achievements.Unlock [<key>] |
Debug.TextureMode [Name of debug mode] |
Enables a texture mode for debugging
Dockables.Create [Dockable name] |
Create dockable
Dockables.CreateUserLayout [Dockable layout name] |
Create a new user layout copy of current layout, with new name.
Dockables.DeleteUserLayout [Dockable layout name] |
Delete layout as user layout
Dockables.HideLayout |
Hide any shown dockable layout
Dockables.SaveUserLayout |
Save current layout to disk as user layout, optionally under a new name.
Dockables.ShowLayout [Dockable layout name] |
Show an existing (user) layout, hide current layout
Dockables.ShowManager |
Show dockable layout manager
GUI.AnimationTimeline.LogStats |
Dump stats of the GUI Animation Timeline system to the debug log.
GUI.ClearWidgets |
Clear dummy widget
GUI.CreateDockable [File name] [Widget name] [Dockable id. If doesn't exist, it will be registered] |
Create dummy dockable widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_window
GUI.CreateWidget |
Create dummy widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_window
GenerateCoastalRegionNavalExits |
Graphics.CapFramerate |
Graphics.DumpMemoryInformation |
Localization.ToggleIncludeKeyInLocOutput |
Includes the loc key in localization output
Localization.ToggleOnlyKeyInLocOutput |
Shows only the loc key in localization output
Localization.ToggleSkipDataSystemInLocOutput |
Don't run the data system at all in loc
Log.ClearAll |
Clears all logs
Log.ClearErrorLog |
Clears out the error log and resets the error count
Map.SavePNG [<map mode>] [<file name>] [<yes/no> Should render flat (optional)] |
Save a png of the map for a specific map mode. The only map mode which is known to work is "countries"
MapObjects.Debug |
Prints out map object debug information
MapObjects.GenerateGameLocators [<type>] [<filename> (optional)] |
Generates locators for the game's map objects
MapObjects.Painter.AddPosition |
Place a map object under the cursor
ModifierNode.Graph |
Open a graph view of the tick tasks
ModifierNode.List |
Open a graph view of the tick tasks
Music.PauseFactor |
Shows or sets the current pause_factor of the music system
Music.PlayTrack [<track name>] |
Plays the specified track
Music.Reset |
Resets the music system
Music.StopTrack |
Stops the currently playing track
PopsFileStorage.Sync |
Sync POP File Storage
Portrait.ClearCache |
Clears the portrait cache. Forces all portraits to refresh
Print.EventDebug |
Print event debug statistics, needs to set Debug.Events to collect statistics
RandomLog |
Toggles random logging
RandomLog.Dump [Frame count to dump, or * to dump all available frames (defaults to *)] [Target filename (defaults to random.log)] |
Dump random log data to a file.
SDL.EventLogging |
ScriptProfiling.Dump |
SplineNetwork.AppendAssets |
SplineNetwork.ClearAssets |
SplineNetwork.Database.Reload |
SplineNetwork.Graphics.AddAllSplines |
SplineNetwork.Graphics.ClearAllSplines |
SplineNetwork.SetAssetGenerationMode |
Sets mode for spline strips and anchors generation <naval/default>
SplineNetwork.ValidateSplines |
Validate the integrity of in-game spline system
Terrain.Regenerate |
Regenerates terrain bitmap
Terrain.Save |
Threading.TaskThreadCount [The number of task threads] |
Set or get the number of task threads
TickTask.Graph |
Open a graph view of the tick tasks
TickTask.List |
Open a graph view of the tick tasks
add_approval |
Adds an approval timed modifier to a given IG
add_clout |
Adds or removes clout of the IG by changing their political strength with timed modifier
add_ideology [Target interest group.] [Ideology to add.] |
Add an ideology to a given IG
add_loyalists [culture] [amount] |
Adds loyalists to culture by fraction of population
add_radicals [culture] [amount] |
Adds radicals to culture by fraction of population
add_relations |
Changes relations with country by a given value
add_war_support [country_tag] [amount] |
Alters wars support of country in ALL of their wars by amount
ai.debug [tag] |
dumps debug info for country
ai.goal [tag] [goal type] |
Checks ai goal
ai_evaluate_building [<building key> <state region key>] |
Prints AI debug data for selected state & building type.
ai_evaluate_interest [<strategic region key>] |
Prints AI debug data for selected strategic region declared interest.
ai_evaluate_production_method [<building key> <pm key> <state region key>] |
Prints AI debug data for selected production method in state for building type.
ai_evaluate_trade_route [<goods key> <country tag>] |
Prints AI debug data for selected goods & country trade partner.
annex [<country tag/id>] |
Annexes a country
annex_all |
Annexes all other countries
audio.cpu_info |
Shows current cpu usage
audio.list_events |
List audio event
audio.play_event [audio event] |
Play audio event
callstack |
Print the callstack
change_law |
changestatepop [state_id] [pop_type / all] [factor] |
Changes the pop size of the given pop type ( can be 'all' ) by at most the given factor. Will be capped by max employment for each pop.
check_pollution_level [state region tag] |
Print out pollution for specified state region
check_save |
Checks that saving and loading is consistent
clearlines |
Clear lines
clearspawnedentities |
Clears entities spawned with spawnentity command
coa_preview_window |
Open the Coat of Arms Preview Window
compound_nodeeditor |
Compound Node Editor
conquerall [country tag] |
Set all enemy provinces under our control.
crash |
Cause the application to crash
create_ai [self/all/tag] |
Creates AI for country or countries
create_building_history |
Creates a game-history compliant .txt file of all buildings in the world / state ID as well as their PM / subsidy configurations.
create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id] |
Creates a country
create_political_movement [<law type key>] |
Creates a political movement
create_pop_history |
Creates a dump in debug.log with a complete pop history
create_state_region_data |
Creates a game-database compliant .txt file of all state regions in the world and their provinces/resources
cthulhu |
data_types_explorer |
Opens the data types explorer dockable
data_wrappers_stats [Filter] |
Prints statistics about data wrappers
date [date in format yyyy.mm.dd.hh] |
Changes current date
debug [arguments] |
Various debugging actions. Possible arguments:
- ai
- allmoney
- alwaysdiplo
- alwaysreform
- alwaysupgradecolony
- artisanchange
- assert
- cb_use
- color
- demotiondesc
- eco
- focusai
- fow
- influence
- info
- lines
- market
- minzoom
- pops
- profile
- promotiondesc
- render
- textures
- tooltips
- wireframe
- yesmen
debug_lens_option |
toggles the cheat mode debug_lens_option
debug_mode |
Toggles debug mode
debugcharacters |
Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all characters.
debugcountrybudgets |
Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all countries and their budgets.
debugemployment |
Creates and appends a comma-delimited logfile with debug info regarding employment in the specified state ID.
debugmarkets |
Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all goods and markets.
debugpopconsumption |
Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all pops' consumption
debugpopwealth |
Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile of the current wealth status of all pops.
debugstates |
Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all states.
debugterrainweights |
Prints out the number of
debugtheaters |
Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all theaters.
deiron |
Disables Ironman mode
disable_ai [all/tag] |
Disables AI
disable_pop_growth |
toggles the cheat mode disable_pop_growth
disable_retooling |
toggles the cheat mode disable_retooling
drawcmdsviewer |
Draw Cmds Viewer
dump_data_types |
dumps the registered data types
dump_ref_lookup_memory_report |
enable_ai [all/tag] |
Enables AI
entity_editor |
Entity Editor Dockable
escalate [<amount>] |
Adds escalation to player diplomatic plays.
event [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>] |
Executes an event
explorer |
Shows an object explorer window
exportbuildings |
Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with all building type info
fastbuild |
toggles the cheat mode fastbuild
fastenact |
toggles the cheat mode fastenact
fasthire |
toggles the cheat mode fasthire
fastinstitutions |
toggles the cheat mode fastinstitutions
fastinterests |
toggles the cheat mode fastinterests
fastmobilize |
toggles the cheat mode fastmobilize
fastresearch |
toggles the cheat mode fastresearch
fastrevolution |
toggles the cheat mode fastrevolution
fastsecession |
toggles the cheat mode fastsecession
fasttravels |
toggles the cheat mode fasttravels
find_unemployed |
Find and report all unemployed pops with an optional cutoff
fix_state_regions |
Fix state regions.
force_oos |
Make this client go out of sync in multiplayer
generate_province_center_objects |
generates a file with meshes in the center of each province
gfx.reloadtexture |
Reload textures
gfx.skin |
select active gfx skin
gfx.texture_limit |
Set texture video memory limit in megabytes
gui_animation_editor |
GUI Animation Timeline Dockable
gui_editor |
Spawns gui editor
help [command name] |
Print out all console commands or a specific command description.
hq_show_id |
toggles the cheat mode hq_show_id
ignore_government_support |
toggles the cheat mode ignore_government_support
invalidate_character [character id] |
Invalidate the modifier on the character with the specified ID
invalidate_country [country id] |
Invalidate the modifier on the country with the specified ID
invalidate_ig [interest group id] |
Invalidate the modifier on the interest group with the specified ID
invalidate_state [state id] |
Invalidate the modifier on the state with the specified ID
io_stats |
Toggles IO Stats
io_stats.Reset |
Resets IO Stats
kill_character [character name] |
kills the named character
log_status |
Log Status Dockable
log_ticktask_performance |
Start outputing ticktask performance data to profiling.log
log_viewer |
Log Viewer Dockable
map_editor |
Toggle map editor
mapmode [mapmode] |
Switches to a given mapmode
measure_frame_time ["start" or "stop" measuring] |
Measures avg/min/max frame time and prints the result to debug.log once stopped
memory_stats |
Toggles Memory Stats
memory_stats.Reset |
Resets Memory Stats
minidump [file path] |
Creates a minidump
money [amount] |
Adds specified amount of money
net_debuginfo |
Print debug info about the networking layer
net_stats |
Toggles Net Stats
net_stats.Reset |
Resets Net Stats
norevolution |
toggles the cheat mode norevolution
nosecession |
toggles the cheat mode nosecession
observe |
start observing the game
own [province id/state region tag] [country tag] |
Change the owner of specified province or state region
particleeditor |
Particle Node Editor
permitmarginalizedingovernment |
toggles the cheat mode permitmarginalizedingovernment
pops_account_disconnect_steam |
Disconnect Paradox account from Steam
pops_account_login [email] [password] |
Login to a POPS Account
pops_account_logout |
Login to a POPS Account
pops_account_status |
Show whether you are currently logged into POPS or not.
popstat |
Prints out amount of active pops.
portrait_editor |
Open the portrait editor
print_gamestate_modifiers |
Prints Gamestate Modifiers
province_borders [true/false] |
Toggles showing of province borders
pseudoLoc |
Enable/Disable Pseudo Localization on Text Widgets
recalc_cached_data |
Recalculate cached gamestate data.
release_mode |
Toggles release mode
reload [file name] |
Reloads assets
rendertype |
Reports what render backend is used
research |
Acquire technologies
save_game_analyzer |
Open the save game analyzer
screenshot |
Take screenshot
script_docs |
Prints script documentation
set_devastation_level [state region tag] [amount] |
Set devastation level in specified state region
set_pollution_level [state region tag] [amount] |
Set pollution level in specified state region
settings |
Spawns a settings GUI with an optional argument for an initially selected category
shader_debug |
shader_editor |
Shader Editor Dockable
show_goals |
Show AI goals.
skip_migration |
toggles the cheat mode skip_migration
sleep |
Sleep for specified amount of milliseconds
social_addfriend [Context Index] [Account ID] |
Add a friend to friends list
social_debuginfo |
Print debug info about the social layer
social_joinroom [Context Index] [Room Name] [Nick Name] |
Join a chat room using the given social context
social_sendmessage [Context Index] [Room Name] [Message] |
Send a message to a chat room.
spawnentity [<entity name>] [<state> (optional)] |
Spawns specified entity at cursor position
spawnentity_at [<entity name>] [x] [y] [<state> (optional)] |
Spawns specified entity at xy-position
spawnline [<line name>] [<start position 'x,y,z'> (no spaces)] [<end position x,y,z> (no spaces)] |
Spawns specified line between 2 positions
spawnnotification [notificationtype] [<scopeindex>] |
Spawns notification of specified type.
swapchain.buffers |
Query/Set swapchain buffers
switchlanguage [language name] |
Reload localization files and switch language
tag [country_tag] |
Switch control to another country
testaipacts |
Test whether AI would dissolve current pacts
testevent [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>] |
Tests an event
testobjective [<subgoal key (optional)>] |
Tests objective triggered effects
texturelist |
Texture List
textureviewer |
Texture Viewer
time |
What time is it?
tools.skins |
Skin Editor
treatyport [<state region tag>] |
Takes treaty port in state region
tweak |
Spawns a tweaker GUI
update_distribution |
Updates garrison unit distribution in HQ of specified State ID
update_employment |
Transfers employees between buildings in the specified state ID.
validate_employment |
Print out unemployment in states.
validate_hubs |
validate_income |
Print out countries with income deficits.
validate_naval_exits |
validate_pops |
Ensures all pops have valid params and prints them to the error log otherwise.
version |
Shows current build information, put 1 as second parameter for long version
vsync |
Toggle main swapchains vsync
wagerate |
Get or Set a building's wage rate
yesmen |