

维多利亚3的控制台指令需要在debug模式(默认禁用)中键入,且无法在铁人模式中使用。控制台窗口通过Shift+2、ALT+2+1、Shift+3、§~^°²`(根据键盘不同而异)唤起,QWERTY键盘下则是`。以上方法如若不行,Shift + Alt + C或可作备用快捷键。按上下方向键可以在先前执行过的命令中尽心选择,多数已启用的命令可以通过再次输入来关闭,但偶尔需要保存并重新载入以保证正常执行。


调试模式debug mode为正常的游戏进程提供了一系列场外帮助工具,包括:

  • 控制台(仅接受控制台指令)
  • 调试菜单(包括GUI编辑器,脚本资源管理器以及其他内容)
  • Debug Info
  • Ctrl + 点击可以切换控制权到该国家
  • 文件监听系统,可以自动将已变更的文件再次读入缓存,包括模组内容。


调试模式可以在进入游戏前,通过启动器设置来启用,同时也可以在游戏中唤起,通过模组还可以实现正常模式与调试模式的切换。 通过控制台也能够开关这一模式,但关闭后除非再次手动启用,否则将一直保持在自动关闭状态,模组也不能改变这一设置。



这里有一系列模组,Free Console Access.




  1. 页面切换到右侧的游戏设置
  2. 向下滚动,寻找Open game in Debug Mode选项并勾选启动



  1. 右击游戏,点开属性菜单
  2. 在通用-启动选项中添加-debug_mode语句
  3. 开启游戏



  1. 在Victoria3游戏目录中找到“binaries”文件夹
  2. 右击victoria3.exe 并创建快捷方式
  3. 右击快捷方式,选择属性
  4. 在目标一栏最末端填入 -debug_mode 语句(语句应如"...\victoria3.exe" -debug_mode
  5. 以快捷方式启动游戏


为了使成就可用,需要关闭所有已启用的模组,并且在启动器选项中移除 -debug_mode。在启动游戏之后,应确保校验码正确,该信息可在主菜单右下角寻得




指令 描述
3dstats 调出 3D Statistics窗口
3dstats.EnableGfxZoneStats 调出 3D Gfx Zone Statistics窗口
Adjacencies.Rebuild Rebuild all adjacencies
Application.ChangeResolution 通过控制台改变分辨率
Browser.OpenURL [<url>] 打开指定链接
Camera.Debug 打印镜头的调试信息
Camera.Load 载入镜头信息
Camera.Save 保存镜头信息
Checksum.Log 将校验码存入游戏日志
CrashReporter.DeleteCrashData 删除X天以前的游戏崩溃信息
CrashReporter.SimulateCrash 模拟游戏崩溃(会导致游戏退出)
Debug.Achievements.Lock [<key>] 根据键值重新锁定某一成就
Debug.Achievements.ResetAll 重新锁定所有成就
Debug.Achievements.ToggleDebug [<value>] 以调试模式打开成就系统
Debug.Achievements.Unlock [<key>] 根据键值解锁某一成就
Debug.TextureMode [Name of debug mode] 启用纹理调试模式
Dockables.Create [Dockable name] Create dockable
Dockables.CreateUserLayout [Dockable layout name] Create a new user layout copy of current layout, with new name.
Dockables.DeleteUserLayout [Dockable layout name] Delete layout as user layout
Dockables.HideLayout Hide any shown dockable layout
Dockables.SaveUserLayout Save current layout to disk as user layout, optionally under a new name.
Dockables.ShowLayout [Dockable layout name] Show an existing (user) layout, hide current layout
Dockables.ShowManager Show dockable layout manager
GUI.AnimationTimeline.LogStats Dump stats of the GUI Animation Timeline system to the debug log.
GUI.ClearWidgets Clear dummy widget
GUI.CreateDockable [File name] [Widget name] [Dockable id. If doesn't exist, it will be registered] Create dummy dockable widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_window
GUI.CreateWidget Create dummy widget. With 0 arguments the file name will be gui/test_gui.gui, and the widget name will be test_window
Localization.ToggleIncludeKeyInLocOutput Includes the loc key in localization output
Localization.ToggleOnlyKeyInLocOutput Shows only the loc key in localization output
Localization.ToggleSkipDataSystemInLocOutput Don't run the data system at all in loc
Log.ClearAll 清除所有日志
Log.ClearErrorLog 清楚错误日志并清零错误计数
Map.SavePNG [<map mode>] [<file name>] [<yes/no> Should render flat (optional)] Save a png of the map for a specific map mode. The only map mode which is known to work is "countries"
MapObjects.Debug Prints out map object debug information
MapObjects.GenerateGameLocators [<type>] [<filename> (optional)] Generates locators for the game's map objects
MapObjects.Painter.AddPosition Place a map object under the cursor
ModifierNode.Graph Open a graph view of the tick tasks
ModifierNode.List Open a graph view of the tick tasks
Music.PauseFactor Shows or sets the current pause_factor of the music system
Music.PlayTrack [<track name>] 播放特定音轨
Music.Reset 重置音乐系统
Music.StopTrack 停播当前音轨
PopsFileStorage.Sync Sync POP File Storage
Portrait.ClearCache Clears the portrait cache. Forces all portraits to refresh
Print.EventDebug Print event debug statistics, needs to set Debug.Events to collect statistics
RandomLog Toggles random logging
RandomLog.Dump [Frame count to dump, or * to dump all available frames (defaults to *)] [Target filename (defaults to random.log)] Dump random log data to a file.
SplineNetwork.SetAssetGenerationMode Sets mode for spline strips and anchors generation <naval/default>
SplineNetwork.ValidateSplines Validate the integrity of in-game spline system
Terrain.Regenerate 重新生成地形位图
Threading.TaskThreadCount [The number of task threads] Set or get the number of task threads
TickTask.Graph Open a graph view of the tick tasks
TickTask.List Open a graph view of the tick tasks
add_approval Adds an approval timed modifier to a given IG
add_clout Adds or removes clout of the IG by changing their political strength with timed modifier
add_ideology [Target interest group.] [Ideology to add.] Add an ideology to a given IG
add_loyalists [culture] [amount] 按人口比例添加该文化的效忠派
add_radicals [culture] [amount] 按人口比例添加该文化的激进派
add_relations 以特定值改变与某国关系
add_war_support [country_tag] [amount] Alters wars support of country in ALL of their wars by amount
ai.debug [tag] dumps debug info for country
ai.goal [tag] [goal type] Checks ai goal
ai_evaluate_building [<building key> <state region key>] Prints AI debug data for selected state & building type.
ai_evaluate_interest [<strategic region key>] Prints AI debug data for selected strategic region declared interest.
ai_evaluate_production_method [<building key> <pm key> <state region key>] Prints AI debug data for selected production method in state for building type.
ai_evaluate_trade_route [<goods key> <country tag>] Prints AI debug data for selected goods & country trade partner.
annex [<country tag/id>] 吞并国家
annex_all 吞并所有国家
audio.cpu_info Shows current cpu usage
audio.list_events List audio event
audio.play_event [audio event] Play audio event
callstack Print the callstack
change_law 改变到某一法律
changestatepop [state_id] [pop_type / all] [factor] Changes the pop size of the given pop type ( can be 'all' ) by at most the given factor. Will be capped by max employment for each pop.
check_pollution_level [state region tag] Print out pollution for specified state region
check_save Checks that saving and loading is consistent
clearlines Clear lines
clearspawnedentities Clears entities spawned with spawnentity command
coa_preview_window Open the Coat of Arms Preview Window
compound_nodeeditor Compound Node Editor
conquerall [country tag] Set all enemy provinces under our control.
crash 触发崩溃报告
create_ai [self/all/tag] Creates AI for country or countries
create_building_history Creates a game-history compliant .txt file of all buildings in the world / state ID as well as their PM / subsidy configurations.
create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id] Creates a country
create_political_movement [<law type key>] Creates a political movement
create_pop_history Creates a dump in debug.log with a complete pop history
create_state_region_data Creates a game-database compliant .txt file of all state regions in the world and their provinces/resources
cthulhu ?
data_types_explorer Opens the data types explorer dockable
data_wrappers_stats [Filter] Prints statistics about data wrappers
date [date in format yyyy.mm.dd.hh] Changes current date
debug [arguments] Various debugging actions. Possible arguments:
  • ai
  • allmoney
  • alwaysdiplo
  • alwaysreform
  • alwaysupgradecolony
  • artisanchange
  • assert
  • cb_use
  • color
  • demotiondesc
  • eco
  • focusai
  • fow
  • influence
  • info
  • lines
  • market
  • minzoom
  • pops
  • profile
  • promotiondesc
  • render
  • textures
  • tooltips
  • wireframe
  • yesmen
debug_lens_option toggles the cheat mode debug_lens_option
debug_mode Toggles debug mode
debugcharacters Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all characters.
debugcountrybudgets Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all countries and their budgets.
debugemployment Creates and appends a comma-delimited logfile with debug info regarding employment in the specified state ID.
debugmarkets Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all goods and markets.
debugpopconsumption Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all pops' consumption
debugpopwealth Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile of the current wealth status of all pops.
debugstates Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all states.
debugterrainweights Prints out the number of
debugtheaters Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all theaters.
deiron Disables Ironman mode
disable_ai [all/tag] 关闭AI
disable_pop_growth toggles the cheat mode disable_pop_growth
disable_retooling toggles the cheat mode disable_retooling
drawcmdsviewer Draw Cmds Viewer
dump_data_types dumps the registered data types
enable_ai [all/tag] 启用AI
entity_editor Entity Editor Dockable
escalate [<amount>] Adds escalation to player diplomatic plays.
event [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>] 执行特定事件
explorer Shows an object explorer window
exportbuildings Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with all building type info
fastbuild 快速建造
fastenact 一天通过立法
fasthire 建筑一天招满人(受人口和资质限制)
fastinstitutions 一天升级一级机构
fastinterests 一天宣告利益
fastmobilize 快速动员
fastresearch 快速研究科技
fastrevolution 快速革命
fastsecession 快速分离主义
fasttravels 快速移动
find_unemployed Find and report all unemployed pops with an optional cutoff
fix_state_regions Fix state regions.
force_oos Make this client go out of sync in multiplayer
generate_province_center_objects generates a file with meshes in the center of each province
gfx.reloadtexture Reload textures
gfx.skin select active gfx skin
gfx.texture_limit Set texture video memory limit in megabytes
gui_animation_editor GUI Animation Timeline Dockable
gui_editor Spawns gui editor
help [command name] 显示所有控制台指令或特定指令描述
hq_show_id toggles the cheat mode hq_show_id
ignore_government_support toggles the cheat mode ignore_government_support
invalidate_character [character id] Invalidate the modifier on the character with the specified ID
invalidate_country [country id] Invalidate the modifier on the country with the specified ID
invalidate_ig [interest group id] Invalidate the modifier on the interest group with the specified ID
invalidate_state [state id] Invalidate the modifier on the state with the specified ID
io_stats Toggles IO Stats
io_stats.Reset Resets IO Stats
kill_character [character name] 杀死角色
log_status Log Status Dockable
log_ticktask_performance Start outputing ticktask performance data to profiling.log
log_viewer Log Viewer Dockable
map_editor Toggle map editor
mapmode [mapmode] Switches to a given mapmode
measure_frame_time ["start" or "stop" measuring] Measures avg/min/max frame time and prints the result to debug.log once stopped
memory_stats Toggles Memory Stats
memory_stats.Reset Resets Memory Stats
minidump [file path] Creates a minidump
money [amount] Adds specified amount of money
net_debuginfo Print debug info about the networking layer
net_stats Toggles Net Stats
net_stats.Reset Resets Net Stats
norevolution toggles the cheat mode norevolution
nosecession toggles the cheat mode nosecession
observe start observing the game
own [province id/state region tag] [country tag] Change the owner of specified province or state region
particleeditor Particle Node Editor
permitmarginalizedingovernment toggles the cheat mode permitmarginalizedingovernment
pops_account_disconnect_steam Disconnect Paradox account from Steam
pops_account_login [email] [password] Login to a POPS Account
pops_account_logout Login to a POPS Account
pops_account_status Show whether you are currently logged into POPS or not.
popstat Prints out amount of active pops.
portrait_editor Open the portrait editor
print_gamestate_modifiers Prints Gamestate Modifiers
province_borders [true/false] Toggles showing of province borders
pseudoLoc Enable/Disable Pseudo Localization on Text Widgets
recalc_cached_data Recalculate cached gamestate data.
release_mode Toggles release mode
reload [file name] Reloads assets
rendertype Reports what render backend is used
research 获取科技
save_game_analyzer Open the save game analyzer
screenshot Take screenshot
script_docs Prints script documentation
set_devastation_level [state region tag] [amount] Set devastation level in specified state region
set_pollution_level [state region tag] [amount] Set pollution level in specified state region
settings Spawns a settings GUI with an optional argument for an initially selected category
shader_editor Shader Editor Dockable
show_goals Show AI goals.
skip_migration toggles the cheat mode skip_migration
sleep Sleep for specified amount of milliseconds
social_addfriend [Context Index] [Account ID] Add a friend to friends list
social_debuginfo Print debug info about the social layer
social_joinroom [Context Index] [Room Name] [Nick Name] Join a chat room using the given social context
social_sendmessage [Context Index] [Room Name] [Message] Send a message to a chat room.
spawnentity [<entity name>] [<state> (optional)] Spawns specified entity at cursor position
spawnentity_at [<entity name>] [x] [y] [<state> (optional)] Spawns specified entity at xy-position
spawnline [<line name>] [<start position 'x,y,z'> (no spaces)] [<end position x,y,z> (no spaces)] Spawns specified line between 2 positions
spawnnotification [notificationtype] [<scopeindex>] Spawns notification of specified type.
swapchain.buffers Query/Set swapchain buffers
switchlanguage [language name] Reload localization files and switch language
tag [country_tag] Switch control to another country
testaipacts Test whether AI would dissolve current pacts
testevent [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>] Tests an event
testobjective [<subgoal key (optional)>] Tests objective triggered effects
texturelist Texture List
textureviewer Texture Viewer
time 显示时间
tools.skins Skin Editor
treatyport [<state region tag>] Takes treaty port in state region
tweak Spawns a tweaker GUI
update_distribution Updates garrison unit distribution in HQ of specified State ID
update_employment Transfers employees between buildings in the specified state ID.
validate_employment Print out unemployment in states.
validate_income Print out countries with income deficits.
validate_pops Ensures all pops have valid params and prints them to the error log otherwise.
version Shows current build information, put 1 as second parameter for long version
vsync Toggle main swapchains vsync
wagerate Get or Set a building's wage rate
yesmen AI将同意所有玩家发出的外交请求及影响
