




注意:方便起见,本条目引用了Steam成就机制,但成就机制在其他平台上同样通用。在Steam上进入游戏的全球成就页面,可以看到按完成用户百分比排序的成就 global achievements page(想要查看更准确的数据,可访问Steam web API)。


  • 本页的描述取自游戏内官方中文成就列表,Steam(或其他平台)上的描述可能不同。
  • “注释”栏包括有关成就的具体信息和简短、有用的提示或 💭 成就考据。
  • Victoria 3一栏指示某项成就是否需要特定DLC才能完成。
  • 版本一栏表示该成就出现的初始版本,成就只能在其加入的版本及后续版本中才能获得。
  • 难度一栏显示获取该成就的难度。目前该页面使用了游戏内成就页面的难度分类,仅供参考。难度分为“简单、普通、困难、极难、未定”,分别对应英文的“Easy, Medium, Hard, Very Hard, Uncategorized”七级。未来某些成就的难度可能会随版本更新或玩家共识更改。
难度等级标识:E = 简单,M = 中等,H = 困难,VH = 极难,UC = 未定。

成就 开局条件 要求 备注 DLC Victoria 3.png 版本 难度
受教育 icon
Yes“游戏入门”目标开局 Yes 已完成该目标的最终任务。 最终任务要求玩到游戏结束,即1935年12月30日。
1.0 E
机构建制 icon
Yes 任意机构投入等级达到5
使用 尼德兰的国旗 尼德兰完成该成就最为简单,因其开局时就有1级 Dedicated Police Force 专职警察部队且可以直接切换至5级。这需要你积累足够多的 Hud bureaucracy.png 行政力,比如降低其他机构等级、取消贸易路线或建造额外的政府行政机构来轻松实现。 1.0 E
不战而屈人之兵 icon
Yes 使用 法兰西的国旗 法兰西,开局对 阿尔及利亚的国旗 阿尔及利亚发动附庸外交博弈,即便对方可能拉到土耳其的国旗 土耳其支持,也大概率会让步。 1.0 E
穷困潦倒的芸芸众生 icon
Yes 是大规模移民目标 💭出自纽约自由女神像下篆刻的诗句:

Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

1.0 E
革命者 icon
Yes Play as Japan, reform government, let Intelligentsia in, and push for Presidential Republic. Shogunate would be very upset and launch a revolution. When revolution begins, there will be a diplomatic play at the top right of your screen, in which you can switch country to play as revolutionary (only in open moves phase). Shogunate is way stronger than Intelligentsia, you can easily crush them and get the achievement. 1.0 E
维多利亚世纪 icon
Time.png 日期晚于 1935.12.30 💭维多利亚时代,一般认为从1837年6月20日维多利亚女皇登基开始,至1901年1月22日女皇去世结束。1936年是Paradox另一款游戏《钢铁雄心4》第一个剧本的起始时间。此外,象征着维多利亚时代辉煌成就的水晶宫于1936年11月30日意外毁于火灾。 1.0 E
朕并不觉得好笑 icon
Yes 扮演 大不列颠的国旗 大不列颠 在驱逐外交官之前,保证法国对你至少有50的关系,因为该成就要求驱逐外交官后也需保持至少20的关系


💭此处的"We"为"Royal We",作为君主自称应翻译为“朕”。相传一位侍从官在温莎城堡晚餐时讲了一个低俗的故事,女王听后严肃地说:“朕并没有被逗乐”。在《文明6》中被宣战时,维多利亚女皇也会说这句话。

1.0 E
英式无政府主义 icon
Yes 扮演 大不列颠的国旗 大不列颠 💭性手枪Sex Pistols乐队拥有同名歌曲。 1.0 M
巴巴里再临 icon
Yes 扮演 阿尔及利亚的国旗 阿尔及利亚
  • Yes 扮演 阿尔及利亚的国旗 阿尔及利亚
  • Yes Owns the entire state of Algiers
  • Yes Has country rank higher than or equal to a Major Power
💭巴巴里海盗,16至19世纪活跃在西地中海乃至大西洋的北非海盗,得名于北非的柏柏尔人。 1.0 M
美好年代 icon
Yes 扮演 法兰西的国旗 法兰西
  • Yes 扮演 法兰西的国旗 法兰西
  • Yes 拥有世界上最高的GDP
  • Yes 拥有世界上最高的创新力

💭Belle Époque,是指从19世纪末开始,法国因技术进步和经济发展而带来的短暂繁荣与幸福的时光。成就图标是对当时海报与明信片风格的模仿。

1.0 M
十亿大关 icon
Yes 国内生产总值至少达到 £1,000,000,000 1.0 M
背刺鬼才 icon
Yes 扮演可成立 意大利的国旗 意大利的国家
  • Yes 扮演 意大利的国旗 意大利
  • Yes Has 2 or more allies on the opposing side of a Diplomatic Play
  • No Did not start and is not the target of the aforementioned Diplomatic Play
  • Having more than one ally requires the Multilateral Alliances society technology.
  • You cannot oppose the initiator or target of a play if they are your ally. You need to be allies with two countries that are secondary participants of the play on the same side, then join the other side.
  • You can form the alliances after joining the play. Being on the same side of a play gives a +1000 bonus to attitude, setting it to Genial, allowing you to easily make alliances with other members of your side of the play, as long as you have +80 (Friendly) relations or +50 (Amicable) relations and much larger power projection score. Build a large navy to get diplomatic interests over the entire world, so you can participate in all diplomatic plays. Raise relations with every minor country in the game to +50 and to +80 with the Great Powers. Watch every diplomatic play for the opportunity to make two alliances with secondary participants on one side.


1.0 M
照料者 icon
Yes“平等社会”目标开局 Yes 已完成该目标的最终任务。 最终任务要求玩到游戏结束,即1935年12月30日。 1.0 M
要行动不要空话! icon
Yes Has Rights of Women law: Law womens suffrage.png Women's Suffrage You need to discover Political Agitation society technology in order for leaders to have Feminist ideology. Otherwise, you will not have any party's support in passing the Law womens suffrage.png Women's Suffrage law.

💭19世纪末20世纪初诞生了提倡扩大女性选举权利的社会运动,在英国发展成了妇女社会运动联盟Women's Social and Political Union(WSPU),成就标题是该联盟的活动口号,广泛使用在各种标语上。

1.0 M
开明独裁 icon
  • Yes Has Distribution of Power law: Law autocracy.png Autocracy
  • Yes Every owned state has Urban Center building that has "Electric Streetlights" method of production
  • Note that every state you own needs to have Urban Center building in order to gain this achievement.

  • Easily done, as you just need to have the "Electric Streetlights" method of production turned on, not that you need electricity to actual power it. Beeline straight for Electrical Generation, and turn the method of production on all urban centers as an autocracy.
1.0 M
第一次飞行 icon
Yes Was the first to have researched technology: Military Aviation 1.0 M
去西部吧,年轻人 icon
Yes 扮演 美利坚的国旗 美利坚
  • Yes 扮演 美利坚的国旗 美利坚
  • Yes Owns the entire state of California
  • Yes Owns the entire state of Oregon
  • Yes Owns the entire state of Washingtion
  • Yes California has a population larger than or equal to 250,000
  • Yes Oregon has a population larger than or equal to 250,000
  • Yes Washington has a population larger than or equal to 250,000
💭成就名为美国西进运动时期的口号,相传起源于《纽约论坛报》New York Tribune创始人霍勒斯·格里利发表的一篇社论。 1.0 M
霸主 icon
Yes“霸主”目标开局 Yes 已完成该目标的最终任务。 最终任务要求玩到游戏结束,即1935年12月30日。


1.0 M
我是斯堪的纳维亚人 icon
Yes 以可成立 斯堪的纳维亚的国旗 斯堪的纳维亚的国家开局
Yes 扮演 斯堪的纳维亚的国旗 斯堪的纳维亚 Easiest to do as 瑞典的国旗 瑞典, since you only need 3 more states and researched Pan-nationalism society technology in order to form 斯堪的纳维亚的国旗 斯堪的纳维亚. You should be able to easily overcome 丹麦的国旗 丹麦 and take the required states. 1.0 M
儿童,不是矿工 icon
Yes 扮演 兰芳的国旗 兰芳
  • Yes 扮演 兰芳的国旗 兰芳
  • Yes Owns the entire state of East Borneo
  • Yes Owns the entire state of North Borneo
  • Yes Owns the entire state of West Borneo
  • Yes Has Children's Rights law: Law compulsory primary school.png Compulsory Primary School
💭成就名出自电影《惊爆银河系》,为原电影台词的反说。[2] 1.0 M
我有衅得 icon
Yes 扮演 东印度公司的国旗 东印度公司
  • Yes 扮演 东印度公司的国旗 东印度公司
  • Yes Owns the entire state of Sindh
  • Yes Owns the entire state of Punjab
Easily completable within the first 5 years. Declare war on the 旁遮普的国旗 旁遮普 and call 大不列颠的国旗 大不列颠 in for Punjab. Declare war on 信德的国旗 信德, and beat them in a war. 法兰西的国旗 法兰西 may join the conflict, but they won't be able to get to the frontlines in time to make a difference 1.0 M
该死的坦克 icon
Yes 扮演 芬兰的国旗 芬兰
  • Goods tanks.png Tanks require Mobile Armor military technology which is one of the final technologies you can unlock in the "military" tab, so be prepared for a long campaign.
  • Being independent is not a requirement for this achievement, so you can stay as a Russian puppet, since it grants you protection.
1.0 M
扫盲运动 icon
Yes Literacy.png Literacy rate is less than 20% Yes Literacy.png Literacy rate is equal to 100%
  • Maximum education institution (+50% education access), the social mobility decree (+25%), and 13 standard of living (+26%, 2% per 1 wealth) is enough to hit 100% education access. Due to the need to use the social mobility decree, this should only be attempted in small or single state countries where the decree can be used in every state through the entire game. Necessary technologies are Empiricism and Dialectics for +1 level of education institution each, and Human Rights to pass the Compulsory Primary School law for the final 2 levels.
  • The Trade Unions are the only interest group that endorses Compulsory Primary School (unless another group's leader gains the Reformer trait), while the Industrialists oppose it, so plan on pushing for Census or Universal Suffrage to give laborers the political strength to boost the Trade Union's clout, and reduce the Industrialist's clout.
  • Near impossible through normal, unplanned play, due to pop splitting sometimes creating new pops with low, even base literacy. All forms of pop splitting due to conversion, assimilation, migration, and employment should be avoided. Thus a strategy of closed borders (preventing migration) and cultural-religious homogeneity (to avoid pop splitting due to conversion and assimilation) should be employed. Serbia is a good starting country for this, as it is homogeneous, with closed borders, and no slave trade, thus no diversity (and split pops) will ever be introduced. Due to new building employment (including production method changes) splitting pops, once your initial economy has been built and you are pushing for 100% literacy, new buildings, and production methods that change pop composition, should be avoided, only expanding existing ones to meet new demand. Use Interventionism subsidies to keep buildings from losing employment of a pop completely, in event of an economic meltdown, as a completely new pop may be far behind in literacy.
1.0 M
复兴运动 icon
Yes Playing as a nation that can form 意大利的国旗 意大利
Yes 扮演 意大利的国旗 意大利 Easiest to do as 撒丁-皮埃蒙特的国旗 撒丁-皮埃蒙特 or 两西西里的国旗 两西西里. Can be combined with the "Broken Promises" achievement. 1.0 M
农奴向前冲 icon
Yes Has Labor Rights law: Law serfdom.png Serfdom Yes Has Labor Rights law: Law workers protections.png Workers' Protections You need to discover Human Rights society technology to unlock the law

💭成就名出自动画电影Surf's Up,图标模仿了影片视觉图中的主角,一只拥有拉风黄毛的企鹅的造型。

1.0 M
所罗门的使命 icon
Yes Playing as a nation that can form 埃塞俄比亚的国旗 埃塞俄比亚 Yes 扮演 埃塞俄比亚的国旗 埃塞俄比亚 1.0 M
柏林会议 icon
Yes 扮演 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士
  • Yes 扮演 德意志的国旗 德意志
  • Yes Has at least 10 unincorporated states in any of the following:
    • North Africa
    • West Africa
    • Nile Basin
    • Central Africa
    • East Africa
    • South Africa

💭成就名中指代的柏林会议Berliner Konferenz为1884年至1885年举行的旨在殖民非洲与发展贸易的国际会议。这次会议后,列强加速了瓜分非洲势力范围的进程。

1.0 M
巴黎公社 icon
Yes 扮演 法兰西的国旗 法兰西 You need to discover Central Planning society technology for Law command economy.png Command Economy and Socialism society technology for Law council republic.png Council Republic. 1.0 M
三呼万岁 icon
Yes Playing as a nation that can form 德意志的国旗 德意志
Yes 扮演 德意志的国旗 德意志 Easiest to do as 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 and combine it with the "The Berlin Conference" achievement or 奥地利的国旗 奥地利 and do it directly after finishing the achievement "Habsburg Resurgence".


1.0 M
大亨 icon
Yes“经济霸权”目标开局 Yes 已完成该目标的最终任务。 最终任务要求玩到游戏结束,即1935年12月30日。 1.0 M
人人有波旁! icon
Yes 扮演 西班牙的国旗 西班牙 Note that this achievement CANNOT be completed if you form Iberia.
  • In getting to 20 standard of living you will likely need to improve your economy by a lot, thus making you a great power, making other great powers suspicious of you, and they may attempt to embargo you, so you need to establish a strongly independent and self sufficient market
  • It is suggested that you reconquer(puppet) much of Northern South America and Mexico to secure both the raw resources and additional customers to sell to, as raw resource production does not raise standard of living that much
  • Concentrate your industrial prowess in Toledo (constantly have both road maintenance and boost manufacturing decrees on)
  • Remember that government workers are people too, and you can set their pay to the max for more standard of living


1.0 H
大大哥伦比亚 icon
  • Yes 扮演 大哥伦比亚的国旗 大哥伦比亚
  • Yes Owns all states in the Gran Colombia Strategic Region
  • Yes Owns all states in the Andes Strategic Region
  • Yes Owns all states in the La Plata Strategic Region
1.0 H
哈布斯堡复兴 icon
Yes 扮演 奥地利的国旗 奥地利
  • Yes 扮演 奥地利的国旗 奥地利
  • Yes Owns the entire state of Silesia
  • Yes 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 does not exist OR has country rank lower than Major Power
  • You can become Austria-Hungary and still earn this achievement.
    The easiest way to weaken 普鲁士的国旗 普鲁士 is by changing 巴伐利亚的国旗 巴伐利亚 and 黑森-卡塞尔的国旗 黑森-卡塞尔 into your Customs Union, effectively cutting off the Prussian economy in the Rhineland. Afterwards start chipping off Prussian power by humiliating them, changing more nations from their Custom Union into yours, taking Silesia and releasing nations from their territory like Westphalia and 但泽的国旗 但泽. Prussian AI will most likely try to conquer German minors by force, so remember to always take their side.
1.0 H
我没投给佩德罗 icon
Yes 扮演 巴西的国旗 巴西
  • Getting Law universal suffrage.png Universal Suffrage first will allow you for easier passage of further reforms. Your main opponents will be IG landowners.png Landowners and IG armed forces.png Armed forces, so you may want to start with reforms like Dedicated Police Force Dedicated Police Force to weaken their influence.


1.0 H
创新 icon
Yes Has researched every technology 1.0 H
卢奢堡 icon
Yes 扮演 卢森堡的国旗 卢森堡
  • Entering a large market, such as France's, will allow you to specialise exclusively in the 3 needed industries without worrying too much about pop needs and/or resources, however entering you will need to become independent of the Netherlands or hope they join a large market. Acquiring another state beside Wallonia speeds things up considerably. You will have a decisive surplus of authority, so you can freely use decrees: they help a lot.
  • Having a high migration attraction is essential, so multiculturalism helps a lot.
1.0 H
昭昭墨运 icon
Yes 扮演 墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥
  • Yes 扮演 墨西哥的国旗 墨西哥
  • Yes Owns all of the following States:
  • Yes Rank is greater or equal to Great Power
  • Yes One of the following must be true:
  • 美利坚的国旗 美利坚: does not exist
  • 美利坚的国旗 美利坚: Rank is less than or equal to Major Power
The required states don't exactly match the strategic regions Great Plains and Pacific Coast

💭昭昭天命Manifest Destiny,发端于19世纪的美国政治文化标语,对该标语的信仰认为美利坚天命所归要征服美洲大陆传播其思想理念,并在之后的时代被不断赋予新的含义。

1.0 H
穆罕默德·阿里的野望 icon
Yes 扮演 埃及的国旗 埃及
  • Yes 扮演 阿拉伯的国旗 阿拉伯
  • Yes Own entire state of Eastern Thrace
💭成就图标中在地图上放置的拳击手套象征拳王阿里。 1.0 H
罂粟港 icon
  • Yes Any owned state:
    • Has Port building of at least level 8
  • Yes Exports at least 2500 units of Goods opium.png Opium
Easily completable within few years as 大不列颠的国旗 大不列颠, since you start with more than 1500 exported units of Goods opium.png Opium and only need to discover Hydraulic Cranes military technology to upgrade your port in Home Counties to level 8. 1.0 H
满天星条旗 icon
Yes 扮演 美利坚的国旗 美利坚
  • Yes 扮演 美利坚的国旗 美利坚
  • Yes Has at least 100 incorporated states
  • Yes Has Governance Principles law:Law presidential republic.png Presidential Republic
  • No Does not have Distribution of Power law:Law autocracy.png Autocracy
  • Yes Note: District of Colombia will not be counted as a state. Additionally, West Virginia will not count until after the American Civil War has occurred.
1.0 H
大博弈 icon
Yes 扮演 俄罗斯的国旗 俄罗斯 Yes Owns all states in the Central Asia Strategic Region
  • The hardest part will be fighting 中国的国旗 中国 as they control 4 states you will need for the achievement. You should be easily able to steamroll through the Central Asia minors. Afterwards declare war on 中国的国旗 中国 for the 4 remaining states, however, be careful so they do not back from the diplomatic play. During the conflict hold them off at your land border, while at the same time start a naval invasion near Beijing and you should be able to easily force them to surrender.

💭“大博弈”(the Great Game/Большая игра)为19世纪中叶到20世纪初的政治术语,特指大英帝国与俄罗斯帝国争夺中亚控制权之战略冲突。传统上认为大博弈时期约为1813年起,至1907年《英俄条约》签订时止。

1.0 H
欧洲健夫 icon
Yes 扮演 土耳其的国旗 土耳其 You need to have researched Medical Degrees, Pharmaceuticals and Antibiotics society technologies, as well as, have Private Health Insurance Private Health Insurance or Public Health Insurance Public Health Insurance enabled, in order to achieve level 5 in Institution health service.png Health system institution.


1.0 H
西域都护府 icon
Yes 扮演 中国的国旗 中国
  • Yes 扮演 中国的国旗 中国
  • Yes Has treaty ports in European Strategic regions:
1.0 H
美利坚领地 icon
Yes 扮演 印第安领地的国旗 印第安领地 1.0 VH
旁神的帝国 icon
Yes 扮演 旁遮普的国旗 旁遮普 Can NOT be completed if you form India.

💭英语单词Pun是“双关语”的意思,同时是旁遮普Punjab的缩写。成就名化用了维多利亚1的副标题阳光下的帝国An Empire Under the Sun。锡克帝国又称旁遮普帝国。

1.0 VH


  1. 开发日志#55|成就
  2. 跳转至: 2.0 2.1 详见细数维多利亚3成就里藏着的那些梗,特别鸣谢视频对本条目考据内容的补充。