
Lisester讨论 | 贡献2023年12月10日 (日) 10:11的版本 →‎控制台指令表
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维多利亚3的控制台指令需要在debug模式(默认禁用)中键入,且无法在铁人模式中使用。控制台窗口通过Shift+2、ALT+2+1、Shift+3、§~^°²`(根据键盘不同而异)唤起,QWERTY键盘下则是`。以上方法如若不行,Shift + Alt + C或可作备用快捷键。按上下方向键可以在先前执行过的命令中尽心选择,多数已启用的命令可以通过再次输入来关闭,但偶尔需要保存并重新载入以保证正常执行。


调试模式debug mode为正常的游戏进程提供了一系列场外帮助工具,包括:

  • 控制台(仅接受控制台指令)
  • 调试菜单(包括GUI编辑器,脚本资源管理器以及其他内容)
  • Debug Info
  • Ctrl + 点击可以切换控制权到该国家
  • 文件监听系统,可以自动将已变更的文件再次读入缓存,包括模组内容。


调试模式可以在进入游戏前,通过启动器设置来启用,同时也可以在游戏中唤起,通过模组还可以实现正常模式与调试模式的切换。 通过控制台也能够开关这一模式,但关闭后除非再次手动启用,否则将一直保持在自动关闭状态,模组也不能改变这一设置。



这里有一系列模组,Free Console Access.




  1. 页面切换到右侧的游戏设置
  2. 向下滚动,寻找Open game in Debug Mode选项并勾选启动



  1. 右击游戏,点开属性菜单
  2. 在通用-启动选项中添加-debug_mode语句
  3. 开启游戏



  1. 在Victoria3游戏目录中找到“binaries”文件夹
  2. 右击victoria3.exe 并创建快捷方式
  3. 右击快捷方式,选择属性
  4. 在目标一栏最末端填入 -debug_mode 语句(语句应如"...\victoria3.exe" -debug_mode
  5. 以快捷方式启动游戏


为了使成就可用,需要关闭所有已启用的模组,并且在启动器选项中移除 -debug_mode。在启动游戏之后,应确保校验码正确,该信息可在主菜单右下角寻得




指令 描述
3dstats 调出 3D Statistics窗口
3dstats.EnableGfxZoneStats 调出 3D Gfx Zone Statistics窗口
Adjacencies.Rebuild 重建所有邻接关系
Application.ChangeResolution 通过控制台改变分辨率
Browser.OpenURL [<url>] 打开指定链接
Camera.Debug 打印镜头的调试信息
Camera.Load 载入镜头信息
Camera.Save 保存镜头信息
Checksum.Log 将校验码存入游戏日志
CrashReporter.DeleteCrashData 删除X天以前的游戏崩溃信息
CrashReporter.SimulateCrash 模拟游戏崩溃(会导致游戏退出)
Debug.Achievements.Lock [<key>] 根据键值重新锁定某一成就
Debug.Achievements.ResetAll 重新锁定所有成就
Debug.Achievements.ToggleDebug [<value>] 以调试模式打开成就系统
Debug.Achievements.Unlock [<key>] 根据键值解锁某一成就
Debug.TextureMode [Name of debug mode] 启用纹理调试模式
Dockables.Create [Dockable name] 创建可停靠
Dockables.CreateUserLayout [Dockable layout name] 使用新名称创建当前布局的新用户布局副本
Dockables.DeleteUserLayout [Dockable layout name] 删除布局作为用户布局
Dockables.HideLayout 隐藏任何显示的可停靠布局
Dockables.SaveUserLayout 将当前布局作为用户布局保存到磁盘,也可以使用新名称
Dockables.ShowLayout [Dockable layout name] 显示现有(用户)布局,隐藏当前布局
Dockables.ShowManager 显示可停靠布局管理器
GUI.AnimationTimeline.LogStats 将 GUI 动画时间轴系统的统计信息转储到调试日志中
GUI.ClearWidgets 清除虚拟小部件
GUI.CreateDockable [File name] [Widget name] [Dockable id. If doesn't exist, it will be registered] 创建虚拟可停靠小部件。如果参数为 0,则文件名将为 gui/test_gui.gui,小部件名称将为 test_window
GUI.CreateWidget 创建虚拟小部件。如果参数为 0,则文件名将为 gui/test_gui.gui,小部件名称将为 test_window
Localization.ToggleIncludeKeyInLocOutput 在本地化输出中包含 loc 键
Localization.ToggleOnlyKeyInLocOutput 在本地化输出中仅显示 loc 键
Localization.ToggleSkipDataSystemInLocOutput 根本不在 loc 中运行数据系统
Log.ClearAll 清除所有日志
Log.ClearErrorLog 清楚错误日志并清零错误计数
Map.SavePNG [<map mode>] [<file name>] [<yes/no> Should render flat (optional)] 为特定地图模式保存地图的 png 唯一已知有效的地图模式是“国家”
MapObjects.Debug 打印出地图对象调试信息
MapObjects.GenerateGameLocators [<type>] [<filename> (optional)] 为游戏的地图对象生成定位器
MapObjects.Painter.AddPosition 将地图对象放在光标下方
ModifierNode.Graph 打开即时报价任务的图形视图
ModifierNode.List 打开即时报价任务的图形视图
Music.PauseFactor 显示或设置音乐系统的当前pause_factor
Music.PlayTrack [<track name>] 播放特定音轨
Music.Reset 重置音乐系统
Music.StopTrack 停播当前音轨
PopsFileStorage.Sync 同步 POP 文件存储
Portrait.ClearCache 清除肖像缓存,强制刷新所有肖像
Print.EventDebug 打印事件调试统计信息,需要设置 Debug.Events 来收集统计信息
RandomLog 切换随机日志记录
RandomLog.Dump [Frame count to dump, or * to dump all available frames (defaults to *)] [Target filename (defaults to random.log)] 将随机日志数据转储到文件中
SplineNetwork.SetAssetGenerationMode Sets mode for spline strips and anchors generation <naval/default>
SplineNetwork.ValidateSplines Validate the integrity of in-game spline system
Terrain.Regenerate 重新生成地形位图
Threading.TaskThreadCount [The number of task threads] Set or get the number of task threads
TickTask.Graph Open a graph view of the tick tasks
TickTask.List Open a graph view of the tick tasks
add_approval Adds an approval timed modifier to a given IG
add_clout Adds or removes clout of the IG by changing their political strength with timed modifier
add_ideology [Target interest group.] [Ideology to add.] Add an ideology to a given IG
add_loyalists [culture] [amount] 按人口比例添加该文化的效忠派
add_radicals [culture] [amount] 按人口比例添加该文化的激进派
add_relations 以特定值改变与某国关系
add_war_support [country_tag] [amount] Alters wars support of country in ALL of their wars by amount
ai.debug [tag] dumps debug info for country
ai.goal [tag] [goal type] Checks ai goal
ai_evaluate_building [<building key> <state region key>] Prints AI debug data for selected state & building type.
ai_evaluate_interest [<strategic region key>] Prints AI debug data for selected strategic region declared interest.
ai_evaluate_production_method [<building key> <pm key> <state region key>] Prints AI debug data for selected production method in state for building type.
ai_evaluate_trade_route [<goods key> <country tag>] Prints AI debug data for selected goods & country trade partner.
annex [<country tag/id>] 吞并国家
annex_all 吞并所有国家
audio.cpu_info Shows current cpu usage
audio.list_events List audio event
audio.play_event [audio event] Play audio event
callstack Print the callstack
change_law 改变到某一法律
changestatepop [state_id] [pop_type / all] [factor] Changes the pop size of the given pop type ( can be 'all' ) by at most the given factor. Will be capped by max employment for each pop.
check_pollution_level [state region tag] Print out pollution for specified state region
check_save Checks that saving and loading is consistent
clearlines Clear lines
clearspawnedentities Clears entities spawned with spawnentity command
coa_preview_window Open the Coat of Arms Preview Window
compound_nodeeditor Compound Node Editor
conquerall [country tag] Set all enemy provinces under our control.
crash 触发崩溃报告
create_ai [self/all/tag] Creates AI for country or countries
create_building_history Creates a game-history compliant .txt file of all buildings in the world / state ID as well as their PM / subsidy configurations.
create_country [country definition] [country type] [culture] [state id] Creates a country
create_political_movement [<law type key>] Creates a political movement
create_pop_history Creates a dump in debug.log with a complete pop history
create_state_region_data Creates a game-database compliant .txt file of all state regions in the world and their provinces/resources
cthulhu ?
data_types_explorer Opens the data types explorer dockable
data_wrappers_stats [Filter] Prints statistics about data wrappers
date [date in format yyyy.mm.dd.hh] Changes current date
debug [arguments] Various debugging actions. Possible arguments:
  • ai
  • allmoney
  • alwaysdiplo
  • alwaysreform
  • alwaysupgradecolony
  • artisanchange
  • assert
  • cb_use
  • color
  • demotiondesc
  • eco
  • focusai
  • fow
  • influence
  • info
  • lines
  • market
  • minzoom
  • pops
  • profile
  • promotiondesc
  • render
  • textures
  • tooltips
  • wireframe
  • yesmen
debug_lens_option toggles the cheat mode debug_lens_option
debug_mode Toggles debug mode
debugcharacters Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all characters.
debugcountrybudgets Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all countries and their budgets.
debugemployment Creates and appends a comma-delimited logfile with debug info regarding employment in the specified state ID.
debugmarkets Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all goods and markets.
debugpopconsumption Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all pops' consumption
debugpopwealth Creates a semi-colon delimited logfile of the current wealth status of all pops.
debugstates Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all states.
debugterrainweights Prints out the number of
debugtheaters Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with debug info regarding all theaters.
deiron Disables Ironman mode
disable_ai [all/tag] 关闭AI
disable_pop_growth toggles the cheat mode disable_pop_growth
disable_retooling toggles the cheat mode disable_retooling
drawcmdsviewer Draw Cmds Viewer
dump_data_types dumps the registered data types
enable_ai [all/tag] 启用AI
entity_editor Entity Editor Dockable
escalate [<amount>] Adds escalation to player diplomatic plays.
event [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>] 执行特定事件
explorer Shows an object explorer window
exportbuildings Write a semi-colon delimited logfile with all building type info
fastbuild 快速建造
fastenact 一天通过立法
fasthire 建筑一天招满人(受人口和资质限制)
fastinstitutions 一天升级一级机构
fastinterests 一天宣告利益
fastmobilize 快速动员
fastresearch 快速研究科技
fastrevolution 快速革命
fastsecession 快速分离主义
fasttravels 快速移动
find_unemployed Find and report all unemployed pops with an optional cutoff
fix_state_regions Fix state regions.
force_oos Make this client go out of sync in multiplayer
generate_province_center_objects generates a file with meshes in the center of each province
gfx.reloadtexture Reload textures
gfx.skin select active gfx skin
gfx.texture_limit Set texture video memory limit in megabytes
gui_animation_editor GUI Animation Timeline Dockable
gui_editor Spawns gui editor
help [command name] 显示所有控制台指令或特定指令描述
hq_show_id toggles the cheat mode hq_show_id
ignore_government_support toggles the cheat mode ignore_government_support
invalidate_character [character id] Invalidate the modifier on the character with the specified ID
invalidate_country [country id] Invalidate the modifier on the country with the specified ID
invalidate_ig [interest group id] Invalidate the modifier on the interest group with the specified ID
invalidate_state [state id] Invalidate the modifier on the state with the specified ID
io_stats Toggles IO Stats
io_stats.Reset Resets IO Stats
kill_character [character name] 杀死角色
log_status Log Status Dockable
log_ticktask_performance Start outputing ticktask performance data to profiling.log
log_viewer Log Viewer Dockable
map_editor Toggle map editor
mapmode [mapmode] Switches to a given mapmode
measure_frame_time ["start" or "stop" measuring] Measures avg/min/max frame time and prints the result to debug.log once stopped
memory_stats Toggles Memory Stats
memory_stats.Reset Resets Memory Stats
minidump [file path] Creates a minidump
money [amount] Adds specified amount of money
net_debuginfo Print debug info about the networking layer
net_stats Toggles Net Stats
net_stats.Reset Resets Net Stats
norevolution toggles the cheat mode norevolution
nosecession toggles the cheat mode nosecession
observe start observing the game
own [province id/state region tag] [country tag] Change the owner of specified province or state region
particleeditor Particle Node Editor
permitmarginalizedingovernment toggles the cheat mode permitmarginalizedingovernment
pops_account_disconnect_steam Disconnect Paradox account from Steam
pops_account_login [email] [password] Login to a POPS Account
pops_account_logout Login to a POPS Account
pops_account_status Show whether you are currently logged into POPS or not.
popstat Prints out amount of active pops.
portrait_editor Open the portrait editor
print_gamestate_modifiers Prints Gamestate Modifiers
province_borders [true/false] Toggles showing of province borders
pseudoLoc Enable/Disable Pseudo Localization on Text Widgets
recalc_cached_data Recalculate cached gamestate data.
release_mode Toggles release mode
reload [file name] Reloads assets
rendertype Reports what render backend is used
research 获取科技
save_game_analyzer Open the save game analyzer
screenshot Take screenshot
script_docs Prints script documentation
set_devastation_level [state region tag] [amount] Set devastation level in specified state region
set_pollution_level [state region tag] [amount] Set pollution level in specified state region
settings Spawns a settings GUI with an optional argument for an initially selected category
shader_editor Shader Editor Dockable
show_goals Show AI goals.
skip_migration toggles the cheat mode skip_migration
sleep Sleep for specified amount of milliseconds
social_addfriend [Context Index] [Account ID] Add a friend to friends list
social_debuginfo Print debug info about the social layer
social_joinroom [Context Index] [Room Name] [Nick Name] Join a chat room using the given social context
social_sendmessage [Context Index] [Room Name] [Message] Send a message to a chat room.
spawnentity [<entity name>] [<state> (optional)] Spawns specified entity at cursor position
spawnentity_at [<entity name>] [x] [y] [<state> (optional)] Spawns specified entity at xy-position
spawnline [<line name>] [<start position 'x,y,z'> (no spaces)] [<end position x,y,z> (no spaces)] Spawns specified line between 2 positions
spawnnotification [notificationtype] [<scopeindex>] Spawns notification of specified type.
swapchain.buffers Query/Set swapchain buffers
switchlanguage [language name] Reload localization files and switch language
tag [country_tag] Switch control to another country
testaipacts Test whether AI would dissolve current pacts
testevent [event name] [<country_tag/province_id>] Tests an event
testobjective [<subgoal key (optional)>] Tests objective triggered effects
texturelist Texture List
textureviewer Texture Viewer
time 显示时间
tools.skins Skin Editor
treatyport [<state region tag>] Takes treaty port in state region
tweak Spawns a tweaker GUI
update_distribution Updates garrison unit distribution in HQ of specified State ID
update_employment Transfers employees between buildings in the specified state ID.
validate_employment Print out unemployment in states.
validate_income Print out countries with income deficits.
validate_pops Ensures all pops have valid params and prints them to the error log otherwise.
version Shows current build information, put 1 as second parameter for long version
vsync Toggle main swapchains vsync
wagerate Get or Set a building's wage rate
yesmen AI将同意所有玩家发出的外交请求及影响
