
JAP tokugawa.png






日本 是一個 File:Unrecognized major power.png unrecognized major power 在東亞。是一個島國, 日本僅直接與阿伊努茅希利的國旗 阿伊努茅希利接壤,這是一個處在北海道上的分散政權。


1600年,德川家康贏得關原合戰関ヶ原合戦,結束日本戰國時代,使日本進入了德川幕府時代。儘管日本天皇仍是名義上的共主,實際上是由幕府將軍決國定策。同時,因鎖國令的推行,日本的絕大多數地方不能與外界溝通,僅與 中國的國旗 中國大韓的國旗 大韓阿伊努茅希利的國旗 阿伊努茅希利尼德蘭的國旗 尼德蘭等少數國家保持貿易關係。

鎖國令結束於 美利堅的國旗 美利堅海軍準將馬休·佩里Matthew Perry率領炮艦駛入江戶灣(今東京灣)逼迫日本簽訂通商合約的「黑船來航」事件。此後不久,幕府將軍的權力隨着1868年明治維新結束,明治天皇睦仁重掌權力,帶動日本進入了迅速發展的時期。




Event scales.png The [Ruler Name] Restoration

The Shogunate has fallen from power, and Emperor [Ruler Name] has restored the political primacy of the monarchy. This momentous occasion marks the end of centuries of Shogunate rule in Japan, and heralds a new era of modernization and reform. The Emperor must choose his political allies carefully.
The former Shogun bows with respect and shame as he hands over his residence and seat of power, the mighty Edo Castle, to the restored Emperor. Renovations are set to begin at once; the old castle to be replaced by a glorious Imperial Palace. Though the exterior will appear much the same as the former imperial residence in Kyoto, the Emperor plans to combine Japan's rich decorative traditions with strange Western fashions. A metaphor, perhaps, for the future shape of Japan.

  • Journal Entry Completion: Honorable Restoration

  • Creates new Emperor and Heir characters depending on year
  • Activates Journal Entry: The [Ruler Name] Restoration

Event button.png
Event button.png

For both options
  • Kanto becomes the capital
  • IG landowners.png Shogunate are renamed to Landowners
  • If less than 70% of incorporated states have:
    • A railway and five levels or more of Urban Center
  • Then activate Journal Entry Restoration: Industrialize Japan
  • If any of the following are true:
    • Serfdom is enacted
    • IG armed forces.png Samurai are powerful or in government
    • Has not researched Napoleonic Warfare
    • Any Barracks is using Irregular Infantry, Infantry Focus, or Cannon Artillery
  • Then activate Journal Entry Restoration: Retire the Samurai
  • Else trigger event The Fall of the Samurai
  • If Japan is unrecognized or has Isolationism enacted:
  • Then activate Journal Entry Restoration: End Sakoku

Event scales.png A Renewed Japan

A reformed army, an open and recognized country, a new society. Japan stands as an equal among the powers of the world, and will perhaps begin to pursue imperial ambitions of her own.
"By the blessing of heaven we sit upon the sacred throne on which our ancestors reigned from time immemorial. The civilization and institutions of Japan are so different from those of other countries that we cannot expect to reach the declared end at once. It is our purpose to select from the various institutions prevailing among enlightened nations such as are best suited to our present conditions, and adapt them in gradual reforms and improvements of our policy and customs so as to be upon equality with them."

  • Journal Entry Completion: The [Ruler Name] Restoration

Event button.png
Event button.png
Event button.png

Event military.png The Fall of the Samurai

Japan has succeeded in reforming the armed forces and putting an end to the backwards system of feudalism. The Samurai warrior caste seemingly no longer have a place within our modernizing society.
The Shogun commanded the loyalty of the Daimyo, who in turn relied on their Samurai to help them enforce their rule over the enserfed peasantry. This was the basis of Japanese feudalism — now a relic of the past. There are those still loyal to Samurai ideals, the codes and virtues known as Bushido, and that legacy will surely endure. But the Samurai have fallen, and we will not see their like again.

  • Either:
    • Event A Renewed Japan
    • Journal Entry Completion: Restoration: Retire the Samurai

Event button.png
Event button.png

For both options
  • IG armed forces.png Samurai are renamed to Armed Forces
  • IG armed forces.png Armed Forces lose Ideology bakufu.png Bakufu ideology




Event scales.png 光榮恢復


Is 日本的國旗 日本

Activation conditions:
  • IG landowners.png Shogunate are not part of the government

  • For 10 years (120 months)
    • IG landowners.png Shogunate are not powerful
    • IG landowners.png Shogunate are not part of the government
    • Japan does not have insurrectionary interest groups
    • Japan is at peace
    • Japan owns all of Kanto
  • Triggers the event The [Ruler Name] Restoration

Event scales.png The [Ruler Name] Restoration

  • Only while active

  • Event: The [Ruler Name] Restoration

  • Complete 3 Restoration Journal Entries
  • Triggers the event A Renewed Japan

Event industry.png 維新:日本工業化

  • Only while active

  • Event: The [Ruler Name] Restoration

  • 70% of incorporated states have a railway and five levels or more of Urban Center
  • Advances The [Ruler Name] Restoration journal entry

Event military.png 恢復:讓武士退役

  • Only while active

  • Event: The [Ruler Name] Restoration

  • All of the following are true:
    • Law serfdom.png Serfdom is not enacted
    • IG armed forces.png Samurai are not powerful or in government
    • Has researched Invention napoleonic warfare.png Napoleonic Warfare
    • No Barracks is using Method irregular infantry.png Irregular Infantry, Method no artillery.png No Artillery, or Method cannon artillery.png Cannon Artillery
  • Trigger event The Fall of the Samurai
  • Advances The [Ruler Name] Restoration journal entry

Event trade.png 修復:結束Sakoku

  • Only while active

  • Event: The [Ruler Name] Restoration

  • Law isolationism.png Isolationism is not enacted
  • Law traditionalism.png Traditionalism is not enacted
  • Law closed borders.png Closed Borders is not enacted
  • Is independent
  • Advances The [Ruler Name] Restoration journal entry

日本擁有一個決議以來將它的主流宗教從 Religion mahayana.png Mahayana 改至 Religion shinto.png Shinto




Event industry.png Production technology Event military.png Military technology Event portrait.png Society technology
  • Invention prospecting.png Prospecting
  • Invention steelworking.png Steelworking
  • Invention distillation.png Distillation
  • Invention drydocks.png Drydocks
  • Invention admiralty.png Admiralty
  • Invention military drill.png Military Drill
  • Invention artillery.png Artillery
  • Invention law enforcement.png Law Enforcement
  • Invention international trade.png International Trade
  • Invention centralization.png Centralization
  • Invention colonization.png Colonization
  • Invention democracy.png Democracy
  • Invention academia.png Academia


日本幕府在開局時實質為一個專制君主國。由 IG landowners.png 幕府和 IG armed forces.png 武士執政,且征夷大將軍德川家成為武士利益集團。

Starting Laws
Power Structure Economy Human Rights
Governance Principles Law monarchy.png Monarchy Economic System Law traditionalism.png Traditionalism Free Speech Law censorship.png Censorship
Distribution of Power Law autocracy.png Autocracy Trade Policy Law isolationism.png Isolationism Labor Rights Law serfdom.png Serfdom
Citizenship Law national supremacy.png National Supremacy Taxation Law land based taxation.png Land-Based Taxation Children's Rights Law child labor allowed.png Child Labor Allowed
Church and State Law freedom of conscience.png Freedom of Conscience Colonization Law no colonial affairs.png No Colonial Affairs Rights of Women Law legal guardianship.png Legal Guardianship
Bureaucracy Law hereditary bureaucrats.png Hereditary Bureaucrats Policing Law local police force.png Local Police Force Welfare Law no social security.png No Social Security
Army Model Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies Education System Law no schools.png No Schools Migration Law closed borders.png Closed Borders
Internal Security Law no home affairs.png No Home Affairs Health System Law no health system.png No Health System Slavery Law slavery banned.png Slavery Banned
Starting Institutions
Institution Level
Institution police.png Law Enforcement 1


日本幕府一開始有 IG landowners.png 幕府和 IG armed forces.png 武士 Political in government.png in government. IG devout.png 大乘佛教僧侶, IG rural folk.png 鄉村民眾和 IG intelligensia.png 知識分子都 Political in opposition.png in opposition. IG petty bourgeoisie.png 小市民階級, IG industrialists.png 實業家,和 IG trade unions.png 工會都是 Political marginalized.png marginalized.

IG armed forces.png 武士除了擁有常規意識形態以外,還額外擁有 Ideology bakufu.png Bakufu 意識形態,且 IG devout.png 大乘佛教僧侶擁有 Ideology buddhist moralist.png Buddhist Moralist 意識形態以來替換 Ideology moralist.png Moralist ideology.


Note: Names are given in European style, with family name second.
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits
Ienari Tokugawa Role ruler.png Ruler IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait arrogant.png Arrogant, Trait expensive tastes.png Expensive Tastes
Ieyoshi Tokugawa Role heir.png Heir IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait pious.png Pious
Heihachiro Oshio Role politician.png Politician IG devout.png Buddhist Monks Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait charismatic.png Charismatic, Trait inspirational orator.png Inspirational Orator, Trait firebrand.png Firebrand
Koan Ogata Role politician.png Politician IG intelligensia.png Intelligentsia Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait meticulous.png Meticulous
Takachika Mori Role politician.png Politician IG landowners.png Shogunate Undecided Random Trait meticulous.png Meticulous, Trait ambitious.png Ambitious
Tadakuni Mizuno Role politician.png Politician IG armed forces.png Samurai Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait arrogant.png Arrogant
Nariaki Tokugawa Role politician.png Politician IG petty bourgeoisie.png Petite Bourgeoisie Ideology leader jingoist.png Jingoist Trait imperious.png Imperious
Generals and Admirals
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Rank HQ Region
Nariaki Tokugawa Role general.png General IG petty bourgeoisie.png Petite Bourgeoisie Ideology leader jingoist.png Jingoist Trait imperious.png Imperious 0 Commander rank 2 Major General Japan
Hidetatsu Egawa Role general.png General IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader reformer.png Reformer Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait defensive strategist.png Defensive Strategist 0 Commander rank 2 Major General Japan
Yozo Torii Role general.png General IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait traditionalist commander.png Traditionalist Commander, Trait imperious.png Imperious 0 Commander rank 2 Major General Japan
Historical Character Templates
Name Type Interest Group Ideology Traits Conditions
Ninko Yamato Role ruler.png Ruler IG landowners.png Landowners Ideology leader traditionalist.png Traditionalist Trait reserved.png Reserved Completed Honorable Restoration before 1852
Komei Yamato Role heir.png Heir/Role ruler.png Ruler IG armed forces.png Samurai Undecided Random Trait reserved.png Reserved Completed Honorable Restoration before 1879
Meiji Yamato Role heir.png Heir/Role ruler.png Ruler IG industrialists.png Industrialists Undecided Random Trait innovative.png Innovative, Trait charismatic.png Charismatic Completed Honorable Restoration between 1852 and 1912
Taisho Yamato Role heir.png Heir/Role ruler.png Ruler IG industrialists.png Industrialists Undecided Random Completed Honorable Restoration between 1879 and 1928
Showa Yamato Role heir.png Heir/Role ruler.png Ruler IG armed forces.png Samurai Undecided Random Completed Honorable Restoration after 1911
Heihachiro Togo Role admiral.png Admiral IG armed forces.png Samurai Ideology leader moderate.png Moderate Trait expert naval commander.png Expert Naval Commander, Trait direct.png Direct, Trait meticulous.png Meticulous Date between 1883.2.5 and 1913.1.1
Takamori Saigo Role general.png General IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader jingoist.png Jingoist Trait offensive planner.png Offensive Planner, Trait romantic.png Romantic, Trait brave.png Brave Date between 1860.1.1 and 1880.1.1
Gentaro Kodama Role general.png General IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait experienced colonial administrator.png Experienced Colonial Administrator, Trait innovative.png Innovative Date between 1889.1.1 and 1906.1.1
Iwao Oyama Role general.png General IG landowners.png Shogunate Ideology leader royalist.png Royalist Trait experienced offensive planner.png Experienced Offensive Planner, Trait trench rat.png Trench Rat, Trait reserved.png Reserved Date between 1889.1.1 and 1906.1.1


日本僅直接與 阿伊努茅希利的國旗 阿伊努茅希利 ,北海道上的一個分散的國家。中國的國旗 中國大韓的國旗 大韓 隔着日本海,但與日本沒有起始關係。

日本有薩哈林島和北海道的 State status claims.png claims 。作為 俄羅斯的國旗 俄羅斯 也對庫頁島有主權要求,這很可能是兩國之間緊張局勢的根源。 日本在遊戲開始時有一個未申報的利息。


Japan begins with a large Gdp.png GDP, although well below average for its population size.

Starting Statistics
Statistic Starting value
Gdp.png GDP Hud money.png 14.6M
Population.png Population 31.0M
Literacy.png Literacy 21.4%
SOL.png Standard of Living SOL impoverished.png Impoverished (10.0)


Name Type Homelands Arable land.png Arable Land Resources State Traits
Size Uses Goods wood.png Goods coal.png Goods iron.png Goods lead.png Goods sulfur.png Goods fish.png Whaling Goods gold.png Goods oil.png
Kansai 0 36px Japanese 190
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
9 9
Chugoku 0 36px Japanese 75
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
20 24 20 12
Shikoku 0 36px Japanese 40
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
11 24 32 9
State trait natural harbors.png Seto Inland Sea
    • +10.0% Shipyards building Throughput
    • +2 Port Max Level, +10 Naval Base Max Level
Kyshu 0 36px Japanese 100
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building dye plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
72 36 40 18
Ryukyu Islands 0 36px Japanese 15
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
Chubu 0 36px Japanese 150
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
16 33 16 (30)
Kanto 0 36px Japanese 130
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
9 36 30 10 7
Tohoku 0 36px Japanese 80
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
  • Building cotton plantation.png 30px
  • Building silk plantation.png 30px
  • Building tea plantation.png 30px
  • Building tobacco plantation.png 30px
15 60 45 15 6
Hokkaido 0 36px
0 36px
0 36px
  • Building rice farm.png 30px
  • Building wheat farm.png 30px
  • Building livestock ranch.png 30px
9 36 33 36 32 10 8 (8)

Industry and resources

Japan has most of the resources required for industrialization in its starting states. This allows Japan to ignore international trade and expansion somewhat in the early part of the game.

Japan starts with a modest amount of consumer industry and a well developed agriculture sector.
Japan starts with access to all resources except Goods rubber.png Rubber. Japan can also grow several cash crops, notably Goods silk.png Silk and Goods dye.png Dye


Japan has the Law peasant levies.png Peasant Levies law.

Japan begins with 105 regular battalions and 132 conscript battalions available; all battalions use the same set of production methods: Method irregular infantry.png Irregular Infantry, Method no artillery.png No Artillery, File:Method cavalry scouts.png Cavalry Scouts, File:Method standardized infantry.png Standardized Infantry, and Method wound dressing.png Wound Dressing.

Japan starts with no flotillas. As Japan does not border any not decentralized nations, it cannot make any invasions or offensive war action at all, until a fleet has been established.


Strategy 以下內容為諸多玩家中的一員所給出的,關於日本的策略建議。請注意,由於遊戲的動態機制,這些內容對其他玩家而言可能會以不同的方式展開。









如果需要,可以在幕府利益集團的影響力大大降低,影響力低於 18% 並被踢出政府時開始光榮復辟。完成光榮的維新讓位於公明/明治維新。根據日本的遊戲方式,完成復辟可能是可選的,因為它涉及結束孤立主義。













Initial Construction

Build 3 Construction Sectors in each state or max-out building them in Kansai and Chubu and build one Naval Base in Shikoku. The building of so many Construction Sectors will make Wood and Fabric expensive and tank the economy. To remedy this, the player has two choices.

In a pacifistic or exploit-minimum run, the Player will need to build-up more Logging Camps and Cotton Plantations (as well as Iron Mines and Tool Workshops if Saw Mills and Wrought Iron Tools have been set) until Wood, Fabric, Iron and Tools become cheaper and the economy won't run a deficit. While doing this, the Player can also choose to build a few Shipyards in Shikoku, Coal Mines for Urban Centers, 3 Administration Buildings in Shikoku and 6 in Chugoku, and 2 Paper Mills each in Chugoku and Chubu.

This is a slow process as the country has to solely rely on the resources it currently has available and what is able to produce on its own. But there is an alternative.

The Optional War with the United Kingdom to Open the Market

If an Interest in Pacific Coast or Oceania was Declared, the Player may set a Diplomatic Play against a British Colony in Australia or North America. This will bring the United Kingdom into the war and will set Open Market as a War Goal against Japan. A strong navy will not be needed as the goal of this war is to Back Down from the war during the Diplomatic Phase and allow the United Kingdom to impose their terms upon Japan. After this, Japan's Trade Policy will be set to Free Trade and the country can now trade with other countries for recourses. However, the Shogunate and the Rural Folk will be greatly angered by this, making it difficult to pass laws meant to reduce the Shogunate's Clout. However, an event will also trigger which will help do just that but for a time only.

The Lack of a Navy and War for Forced Recognition and Potential First Expansion with Russia

Go to war with Russia for Forced Recognition. However, it should be important to note that the Force Recognition casus belli is only available if Japan's prestige is high enough. After the start of the game, Japan's prestige will begin to decrease, and the casus belli will become unavailable by January 4th of 1937. With this in mind, the Player must declare war on Russia before then. The player may also use this war for Reparations, to have Russia revoke their claims to Sakhalin and perhaps annex Alaska.

For this war, Japan will need to have its full army so don't delete the Barracks just yet and, more importantly, to naval invade Alaska and at least establish a beach head. Luckily, Russia does not defend the Alaskan coast, so Japan does not need a strong navy to invade the state and one Flotilla from one naval base is enough. After establishing a beach head, the invading army can be ordered to return to Japan to help defend against Russia naval invasions. However, Russia is often weak in naval invading Japan, (and they will always try to land in Kansai) and can be easily pushed back. After that, it becomes a waiting game until Russia agrees to whatever terms the Player had set. If Russia takes back the occupied land in Alaska, simply naval invade again.

Do bear in mind, that every now and then or if the war is prolonged, there is a chance Russia can be successful in invading Kansai.

If the Player chooses to add more Russian states to annex such as Kamchatka, Chukotka, Okhotsk, Trans-Baikal, Yakutsk and Irkutsk, this requires the Player to first Declare Interest in Siberia during Diplomatic Play and add them to the War Goal. Parts of the targeted states will then need to be occupied during the war. This will make the war more expensive and drag on for a longer period of time as it does take time to occupy enemy territory. This puts Japan at risk of being successfully invaded by Russua. Furthermore, Japan's lack of a strong navy becomes an apparent handicap as Russia will have a small yet formidable fleet guarding the Siberian coast. The player will need to have at least 19 Flotillas to beat the Russian fleet and to allow for the naval invasion of either Kamchatka, Chukotka, Okhotsk or all maybe all three at separate times.

This leaves the Player with two solutions. The Player can choose to build Japan's navy. This process is slow as more Naval Bases and a corresponding number of Shipyards have to be built (or have Man-o-Wars be imported from other countries). But this can be done even as the war with Russia is waging but can contribute to the war's dragging on.

Another solution is to invite an ally who either borders your target or can launch a beach head that can later be joined. This is certainly both cheaper and faster than establishing a navy and once you conquered a single province you can expand on from there without the use of a navy at all. But it is way less reliable. There is no guarantee that anyone is willing to join the war, before starting the Diplomatic play, and even if they do, if they actually intend to do a naval invasion.


Prioritize research in order of: Mandatory Service, Line Infantry, Napoleonic Warfare, Army Reserves, Paddle Streamer, Cotton Gin, Lathe, Atmospheric Engine, Intensive Agriculture, Percussion Cap, General Staff, Mechanical Tools, Bessemer Process, Railways, Crystal Glass, Stock Exchange, Currency Standard and Water-Tube Boiler. With luck, the Technology Spread will make the military research run faster while finishing Cotton Gin, Lathe and Stock Exchange in the meantime.

After all those are done being researched, the Player may choose whichever remaining Tier 2 technology is best done first before proceeding to Tier 3.

Changing the Laws and Weakening the Shogunate

As mentioned before, the laws Japan starts with are backwards and empower the Shogunate interest group. Changing the laws will weaken them. With a Jingoist Shogunate part leader, prioritize passing either Colonial Resettlement or Colonial Exploitation and once put into law, immediately begin colonization of the remaining parts of Hokkaido and Sakhalin. Afterwards, pass Professional Army. Note that it is not needed during the first two wars against Russia and the United Kingdom.

With those two laws passed, it is recommended to pass either Tenant Farmers or Homesteading as the Shogunate and the Samurai interest groups will still have high approval from passing the two previous laws and successfully abolishing Serfdom will greatly diminish the Shogunate's power. However, successful or not, prioritize passing next either Dedicated Police Force, Appointed Bureaucrats and Migration Control. Then try to pass Agrarianism or Interventionism and Per-Capita Taxation when possible. Passing any Landed or Wealth Voting law can also help. There is also the choice of going from Monarchy to a Theocracy or a Republic.

Additionally, retire and avoid recruiting any general affiliated with the Shogunate. Bolster the Intelligentsia and the Industrialists if possible and keep building up the country’s industry.

The Honorable Restoration

Once the Shogunate's clout has been reduced to 18% or less, they will become Influential instead of Powerful and it is safe to remove them from the government and suppress them up until the end of the game. The Honorable Restoration should now start and will finish after ten years. However, the Restoration will pause if, for whatever reason, the Shogunate is returned to the government, becomes Powerful again or if Japan goes to war. But the extent of the Restoration remains and will resume once the war is concluded or when Shogunate is no longer in the government or loses power again. Once done, the Japanese Shogunate will be renamed as simply Japan and the Shogunate will be renamed into the Landowners.

But be aware though that trying to pass all these laws in quick succession will lead to the radicalization of the Shogunate and a possible revolution and civil war.

However, if getting the Shogunate to start a revolution is the goal, then best to have deleted all the Barracks (except for Kansai) after the war with Russia but prior to the start of the revolution. It will be much easier to defeat the Shogunate should a civil war against them breaks out. Defeating the Shogunate will instantly finish the Honorable Restoration and will also result in their Clout lowering greatly and rendering them marginalized. However, this is merely temporary as they will eventually regain their lost strength. Suppressing them will delay their return to power. Thus, within that time, the Laws that would weaken them should be passed.


Hokkaido and Sakhalin are the only two initial targets for colonization. Sakhalin has Oil as a future resource. However, Russia also has a claim on Sakhalin which could be a source of future conflict if the claim was not revoked during the Forced Recognition war with them. However, the Player can choose to forego Sakhalin entirely and leave in Russia's hands. Once Hokkaido and/or Sakhalin are done and there are no immediate further plans for colonization, the Colonial Law can be reset back to the original law to save bureaucracy. And there might be a political advantage given the interest groups' opinions.

There is of course in the future more land to colonize, such as Pacific Islands, Papua New Guinea and Africa, but they require effort, so it is a case of proper cost/benefit analysis in the concrete situation. The Pacific Islands, Papua New Quinea and some parts of Africa have the malaria malus and Quinine needs to be researched before these lands can be colonized. Senegal however does not have this malaria malus and the country of Massina has Opium. However, France, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands are also colonizing this region. France in particular will colonize faster than all the rest.

With the building of more Government Administration and the increase of bureaucracy, the Institution Level of Colonization can be increased for faster colonizing time. Be sure to build Ports in these colonial holdings and remember to incorporate them once colonization is finished. Passing the Total Separation and the Multiculturalism Laws will help reduce the risk of uprisings or secessions.

However, one of the goals of the Meiji Restoration is the industrialization of 75% of the country. Any incorporated colonized or conquered lands will be included in that.


Once Japan’s military has been built up, it may choose to expand further into Korea, Manchuria, Formosa, southern China, Hawaii, Southeast Asia, the Middle East and southern Africa. If Japan has good relations with any of those countries, then simply lower relations. Then initiate desired Diplomatic Plays.

Annexing any part of Qing will require that Japan's military be at least one technology ahead of Qing's. If the Player has researched Line Infantry, Napoleonic Warfare and Army Reservers before Qing and has an adequate navy, then that should be enough to give Japan the edge against Qing. Note that this doesn't mean the Player can easily defeat Qing. Qing still has a massive manpower pool compared to Japan. The strategy is to defend whatever land border Japan has with Qing and then naval invade and occupy parts of Beijing before setting that army into the defensive. It is also easy to occupy all of Formosa. Then wait until Qing is willing to cut its loses and agree to the Player's terms.

The Player can choose to annex all of Manchuria and Formosa which is a good source of Wood and liberate Korea for future conquest. Or the Player can choose to annex the Southern Qing states of Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou and Yunnan. These states will have less Wood compared to Manchuria but Yunnan does have an abundance in Opium.

However Qing in the game has a tendency to sign a Defensive Pact and Trade Agreement with Russia before entering into a Customes Union with them. If the Player is not quick enough, going to war with Qing will mean having to deal with Russia as well.

Southeast Asia is abundant in Gold, Rubber and Oil and countries such as Flag of Brunei Brunei, Flag of Sulu Sulu and others on the island of Borneo can often be beaten by a naval invasion of only a single flotilla. Same goes for Flag of Hawaii Hawaii in the Pacific.

In the Middle East, the Player can choose to vassalize Oman and use its east African territory as a springboard to colonize eastern Africa.

In Africa, the Senegal countries of Futa Jellon, Kaarta, Segou and Massina are options for conquests. And in South Africa, there are Zulu, Oranje and Transvaal.

But be warned, if Japan is still Isolationist or if its military is weak, this will bring either France or the United Kingdom into the war to force Japan to Open its market or for no reason at all.


Meiji Restoration icon
Meiji Restoration
Complete the Restoration Journal Entries as Japan before 1912
